Inch of Radiance

Chapter 8.2 – Rebirth

Book 1 Chapter 8.2 – Rebirth

Li Yang, inside one of the Bureau’s private chambers.

Li Yang was currently bare-chested and sitting cross-legged on the mat, slowly putting the pearl-like glistening and fragrant Essence Cleansing Dan into his mouth.

Upon receiving the Essence Cleansing Dan, he instantly felt a clear stream flowing within his body.

Li Yang’s stabilized meridians were similar to a dried up river, and the clear stream was like a pure fountain. As the clear streams flowed through his meridians that resembled dried up rivers, Li Yang’s meridians began to endlessly absorb that clear stream. Li Yang felt a significant difference as his meridians became more elastic and energetic.

As the clears streams within his body increased in number, the medicinal strength of the Essence Cleansing Dan slowly increased as well. The strength of the Essence Cleansing Dan was simply too strong, and in an instant the clear streams broke through like a dam bursting. The Essence Cleansing Dan’s strong medicinal strength immediately erupted within his body…

The clear flow’s streams suddenly became rapidly flowing rivers. Li Yang, whose meridians originally were like ditches of a dry lake, suddenly had powerful crazy and rapid streams breaking through all off Li Yang’s meridians.

The most crucial part for every mortal was – the Heart Meridian!

As for the medicine’s powerful attacking force, if there wasn’t an expert using internal energy to protect the heart meridian, then it would definitely break and cause death!

At this time, Li Yang gathered all of his internal energy and surrounded the heart meridian. Although he didn’t have much internal energy, it was still enough to protect that small heart meridian. In addition, Li Yang’s had an astounding internal energy recuperation speed, and did not worry about running out of internal energy at all! This was the result of Li Yang’s training back then when he shot out 3000 blades covered in internal energy every day.

He used a bit of pure internal energy to protect his meridians, and the rest he left up to the Essence Cleansing Dan’s medicinal effects.

Under the strong medicinal effects, upon absorbing the medicinal qualities, Li Yang’s meridians gained vitality and flexibility and increase in width. However, there was a limit to how wide his meridians could become, after all, he only absorbed the medicinal effects for a short period of time. There could not have been much activity within this short period of time, and because of that his meridians started to get damaged.

His meridians could not withstand such pressure, and so his meridians slowly began to crack open. At the same time, however, the Essence Cleansing Dan’s medicinal effects restored his meridians again. The impact of the Essence Cleansing Dan indeed causes the meridians to crack open, and then the medicinal effects would help them recover.

Crack open, recover, crack open, recover…

Meanwhile, every part of Li Yang’s body, including his muscles, bones, etc. all began to absorb the medicinal effects of the Essence Cleansing Dan. His muscles developed even more vitality,

Finally, the medicinal effects of the Essence Cleansing Dan began to ease up a bit, and much of the medicinal qualities have already been absorbed by Li Yang’s muscles and meridians. All of Li Yang’s meridians underwent a complete transformation; his originally small amount of water within a dry lake became the wide and flowing river it is now.

His stabilized meridians were Li Yang’s biggest obstacle from enhancing his strength, now, it was finally solved!

However, Li Yang did not notice that when the Essence Cleansing Dan initially entered his body, a sliver of dim crimson energy broke into his body as well. That dim red energy far surpa.s.sed his internal energy, and Li Yang could not sense its presence at all.

The dim red flowed against the current, heading directly for Li Yang’s brain!

Suddenly, the dark stone that Li Yang always carried emitted a red flash. A faint light rushed at once into Li Yang’s body, heading straight for his brain as well. At the same time, the black stone that Li Yang always carried with him turned into powder, and scattered over the floor.

“Haha…” A faint laughter rang out from the depths of Li Yang’s mind, but soon after fading away…

Li Yang suddenly opened his eyes. “Laughter?”

“It seemed like just now there was a sound that came from within my head?” Li Yang was a bit uncertain. After all, that sound was faint, and it quickly disappeared afterwards.

“Maybe it was just my imagination, however…. I feel that I have already been reborn. The problem of my meridians being stabilized seems to be solved.” Li Yang at this time suddenly realized – that he already achieved rebirth!

Li Yang began to probe his internal energy through his meridians, and felt as if they became wider and tougher. To him, it all felt slightly unreal, making him feel a bit light headed.

“Ah! My stabilized meridians have finally been fixed!” Li Yang suddenly rose from the mat he was sitting on and loudly shouted.

“AH! AHHHHHHH!” Li Yang howled towards the sky, roaring like a madman. It was as if all the things that were oppressed within his heart, all of that pressure was released at once.

He succeeded!

The problem with his meridians was finally solved!

He was even born again; now compared to normal cultivators, his meridians were far better!

The year that the ‘Dragon Fang’ Elite group’s number one expert arrived at the Security Bureau 9th Division, Li Yang was indeed one of the weakest. After being oppressed for two years, his stabilized meridians was the thing that created the huge chasm between him and the other members. Even though he practiced for fifteen hours as well as other types of cultivation every day, his energy could not surpa.s.s 80 crystals. Even the playboy Tian Lin, who was the weakest of the other members, didn’t seriously cultivate, and never exceeded the mandatory six hours of practice every day had achieved 200 crystals since he trained from when he was young!

Heavenly Net base’s lowest ranked member had three times his power level!

The main reason was because his meridians have stabilized!

Pressure, such overwhelming pressure!

Ever since Jiang Xue has entered his life, the pressure on his life has increased by a lot. If he wanted to live together with Jiang Xue, he had to enter the Security Bureau 11th Division. He was dependent upon his Flying Dagger techniques to enter, but later? You have to understand that only when the Security Bureau 9th Division failed to complete the mission would a Security Bureau 11th Division expert come in.

Once you entered the Security Bureau 11th Division, then your missions at that time would be A-rank at the lowest! With Li Yang’s under 100 crystals energy and Flying Dagger skills, maybe could succeed once or twice. However, from that point on all of your opponents would be experts exceeding 1000 crystals of power; if he even slipped up even once, then he was done for! There would be no way for him to be together with Jian Xue again.

Was Li Yang willing to part from Jiang Xue? Could he bear letting Jian Xue live alone in despair?

“Absolutely not. Once I am together with Jiang Xue, I definitely cannot die during a mission and make her suffer alone in sadness. I must improve my strength in order to survive all of the missions to come! I must do this in order to prolong the time we can spend together…” Li Yang’s eyes stared firmly and resolutely in front, as well as stopping his previous crazy howling.

Because Li Yang had a rather weak amount of energy, he felt a huge pressure towards his future with Jiang Xue!

However, with the appearance of the Essence Cleansing Dan, everything was solved!

Now, Li Yang’s meridians were even tougher and broader than Hei Yan’s, completely reformed! In the future, his cultivation will easily increase by leaps and bounds, great strength was just around the corner!

“Xue, wait for me, I will definitely increase my strength. I am prepared to live with you until all the hair on my head becomes white, whether it be A-ranked missions or higher, I will successfully complete them all without any accidents!” Li Yang said this with firm confidence! This was the confidence he felt for his future!

A dragon once trapped within the seas, once ascended to the heavens will certainly be earth-shattering and soar to the highest of the heavens! Now that Li Yang was reborn, who could possibly stop his potential?

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