Inch of Radiance

Chapter 9.1 – To Advance by Leaps and Bound

Book 1 Chapter 9.1 – To Advance by Leaps and Bound

“Huh? Where did my jade stone go?” Li Yang found to his surprise that the jade stone he always carried around his neck suddenly disappeared. Regarding this piece of jade stone, Li Yang had always felt amazement. On the outside, this piece of jade stone simply resembled any other ordinary stone, but there was something that was extremely special about this stone!

Even if you used a laser, there was no way of cutting apart this stone!

How could a stone that couldn’t be split apart with a laser possibly be normal? Even if it appeared to be an ordinary stone on the outside, due to its abnormal quality, Li Yang called it ‘jade’.

He did not even really know why, but Li Yang really, really liked this stone. He carried it around with him personally, and never took it off. Ever since he obtained this stone, his cultivation’s restoration speed dramatically improved, and he thought that his internal cultivation had become slightly easier as well. For someone like him who already had stabilized meridians to be able to cultivate up to the first layer in only two years, Li Yang always had a feeling that this jade stone played a big role in helping him.

Suddenly, Li Yang saw the pile of stone powder next to him. He knew that within this secret chamber, there was no way such powder could have existed in this secret chamber. Seeing that the jade stone was no longer hanging around his chest and that there was a pile of stone powder on the ground, Li Yang was convinced that the powder must have formed from the destruction of the jade stone.

“How could this jade stone that could even resist the power of a laser suddenly turn to powder?” Li Yang was slightly puzzled, but he still smiled while shaking his head. He was currently in an extremely good mood. After all, finally being reborn was something that was far more important than a special stone!

Rarely do things turn out perfectly. Since he just underwent rebirth, even though his jade stone broke, Li Yang did not get too upset. Compared to finally being reborn, a slightly special stone to him wasn’t even a big deal.

At this time, Li Yang’s upper body was completely soaked in sweat, filthy impurities, as well as threads of horrifying bloodstains. However, between all the filthy impurities and bloodstains, one could see Li Yang’s reborn skin. Now, Li Yang’s skin were glistening like that of a baby.

“After rebirth, I did not expect to have undergo such huge changes. However, it is still better if I wash myself first!” Being covered in sweat and filth was not a very comfortable feeling. Li Yang walked towards the corner of the secret chamber, pulled the cords and pressed a b.u.t.ton that was on the wall. Immediately, water was released from the overhead faucet.

This secret chamber was primarily made for Security Bureau members to either cultivate internally or undergo closed door training. Some members upon entering close door training would remain in here for several months. Whether it be eating, sleeping, showering, etc. it would all be within this secret chamber. Although this chamber could not be considered large, it was still no less than 30 square meters.

What could he do after being reformed?

Of course it was to focus on cultivating internally!

Li Yang estimated that his current cultivation speed was probably the fastest it had ever been. His training for the past day was on a whole new level compared to his training before. Originally, his plan was to cultivate his internal energy to a high level, but because of his stabilized meridians, he was forced to focus instead on combat skills. Now that he was reborn, of course he was going to once again focus on internal cultivation. After all, the most important aspect of the ‘Xiao Li Flying Dagger’ was still internal qi. The difference between a Flying Dagger infused with Houtian qi and one with Xiantian qi was simply enormous!

After washing himself, Li Yang once again began to sit with his legs crossed. He peacefully closed his eyes and entered an ethereal state before starting his internal cultivation.

The ‘Joyous Spirit Boundary’ allowed Li Yang’s mind to improve greatly, as this was apparent in his ability to immediately shift the trajectory of the Flying Dagger. By improving his mind through cultivation, this allowed Li Yang to more easily attune to the world’s spiritual essence, as well as absorbing it faster.

Although Li Yang currently only possessed the first layer of the ‘Six Pure Yang’, his recovery speed surpa.s.sed that of an ordinary warrior at the first layer by roughly 10 times. Why was this so?

This was precisely because Li Yang’s mind cultivation was high. Otherwise, even if Li Yang crazily trained his Flying dagger and squeezed out every drop of internal energy, his internal energy recovery speed would still not reach his current level.

Units after units of internal energy roared from within his dantian and spread out towards the rest of his body!

Suddenly, Li Yang became endlessly surprised. He discovered an extraordinarily great and wonderful fact. “Ah, previously, although my internal energy recovery speed was great, my meridians did not have enough capacity and could only circulate a tiny amount of internal energy. Now that my meridians have widened, wouldn’t the amount of internal energy I can work with increase as well? With my recovery speed, it wouldn’t be difficult to increase the internal energy within my meridians by ten times!

As the internal energy within his expanded meridians slowly increased, Li Yang did not stop circulating the internal energy within them, as well as continuously moving the internal energy from within his dantian into his meridians.

As minutes and seconds pa.s.sed by, Li Yang calmly continued to sit in a cross-legged position. His face contained a hint of radiance, his internal energy causing waves after waves of throbbing sounds…

Within the depths of Li Yang’s mind.

“f.u.c.king s.h.i.t, this ‘Three Great Heavenly Realms’ is completely a Devil cultivation canonical text. Exactly what kind of person was this Li Xun Huan? How come the Overlord had never mentioned this? To be able to become a Daoist through both the Way of the Emotion as well as the Way of the Flying Dagger, formidable, truly formidable! The offensive power of the Flying Dagger is even more powerful than that of the Immortal Sword! That Li Xun Huan was absolutely a talented genius. Heng, those immortal fools, saying things like cutting off the seven emotional states and the six vices. This Way of Emotion is much faster. When the Overlord’s fundamental essence of life was still within that rock, he decided to just simply help out that brat, and allowed him to absorb the world’s spiritual essence faster. However, his recovery speed was actually faster than ordinary people by ten times. When the Overlord’s help didn’t have much of an effect yet, this ‘Joyous Spirit Boundary’ allowed him to better attune to nature. It seems like it was precisely that ‘Joyous Spirit Boundary’ that played such a role. Not bad, it seems like the Overlord needs this little brat’s help in order to return to the Devil realm. Once he fully comprehended these three great boundaries, then he would have entered the way and became a Daoist. By that time, his training will surely become ‘one day a thousand miles’, progressing extremely rapidly. In addition, with the help of the Overlord, within a hundred years he would absolutely break through and seize the heavens! At that time, there might be hope for the Overlord to return to the Devil realm! Sigh, this brat is taking so long to cultivate Houtian internal qi, I guess it’s better if I help him out a bit!”

Li Yang was currently feeling a bit nervous. The internal energy flowing within his meridians at this moment was ten times that of the past. Logically speaking, reaching the second layer of the ‘Six Pure Yang’ was absolutely obtainable, however, he was extremely puzzled. Every time, he was simply missing the necessary final push, as the distance separating him from the next layer was a single sheet of paper. However, it was just this barrier that he simply couldn’t break through!

Suddenly, Li Yang felt a strong force of worldly spiritual essence breaching into his meridians, quickly transforming into internal energy, directly blending into the surrounding internal energy…


That barrier was breached at once, and the internal energy within Li Yang’s meridians immediately became a steaming humid river!

He succeeded, he finally reached the ‘Six Pure Yang’ second layer.

Li Yang stood up with a smile, and felt the throbbing internal qi within his body. The energy within his body definitely surpa.s.sed 100 crystals, obtaining a 3 digit level. The current Li Yang was already a third-rank expert!

Suddenly, on Li Yang’s face was a hint of confusion. “Where did that last burst of worldly spiritual essence come from? My normal spiritual essence absorption speed is not even a tenth of that last burst, what happened?

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