Input Log Dates

Chapter 214

Publishedat 31st of October 2019 12:00:09 PMChapter 214

>location: B2 room .


C2: This is . . . . C2 . C2 of building block K . It has been several cycles since the main server has been on [sniff] shut down mode . Issued by the A level .

[Distant murmers and yelling as C2 sighs more . ]

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C2: I am recording this to update the Main Apartment Building when they look over the archived audio files being made . In the case of a complete expiration of this building block, I have taken it upon myself to date [cough] what has happened so-

[door slams open]

C6: f.u.c.k . OFF .
B2: You have no ground here! Now give me back that table-

C6: NO . I created the f.u.c.king server, I get to keep it .

[sounds of struggle as C6 cursed louder]

C2: What is going on here .

C6: This f.u.c.k face has been messing with my server! f.u.c.king saw them hunch over like a d.a.m.n gremlin-

B2: I was merely doing what B1 ordered me to do!

C6: As if! Now get your hands off me!

C2: Both of you cease this action imediately!

B2: Oh don"t you start f.u.c.king order me around C2 . You G.o.d d.a.m.n C-levels are always up to s.h.i.t .

[C2 huffs with the sound of B2 yelping as C2 shoves them]

C2: No . With C1 gone, I am now the main admin of the C level . A 1 to you . I am the higher resident here so you listen to me . Back . Off .

B2: [gasp] You-How dare you!

C2: Stand down NOW B2 . This is your final warning . Do not force my hand .

B2:[growls before promptly leaving]


C6: Thanks dealing with that s.h.i.t hole .

C2: Affirmitive .

[sounds of footsteps before the bed creaks]

C6: the h.e.l.l are you doing in here anyway? shouldn"t you be looking at B1"s computer?

C2: I was just giving an update in my recordings .

C6: . . . you"re still doing that?

C2: Are you not?


C6: Listen C2, I don"t . . . I don"t know what"s going on anymore . I really f.u.c.king don"t . But I think that it"s best if we don"t use these d.a.m.n recorders .

C2: What?

C6: now wait, hang on listen . I . . We can"t trust anything these days . Last I need is for the A level to be using these for . . . f.u.c.k I don"t know . Y"know what I mean right?

C2: . . . . Affrimative .

C6: Listen, it"s just for now . Until B1 and I can figure out what the f.u.c.k is goin on . I"ll call you if we get any thing new yeah?

C2: affrimative .

[door opens as footsteps fade]


>recording ends

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