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Chapter 215

Publishedat 31st of October 2019 12:00:08 PMChapter 215

>location: B2 hallway

[door creeks open]

C3: [underbreath] what is up with these doors . . .

[light footsteps]

C3: [quietly] C2 . . . ? C2 .


[Door opens]

C2: yes C3?

C3: I need to talk to you . . .
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[door closes]

C2: What is it .

C3: i just . . . Have you seen my recorder? I swear I brought it up with me . I just-man I don"t know . I don"t want to get in trouble you hear? So like have you um have you seen it? I checked the bags and the supplies and like there isn"t much I found of it so like-

C2: C3 stand down . You"re rambling again .

C3: I uh . . [gulps] right . . . Sorry just on edge . f.u.c.k sorry .

C2: It"s alright C3 . Now, your recorder?

C3: oh yeah right . . . f.u.c.k . I don"t know where it is C2 . You don"t think the main building will care right?

C2: . . . I can"t be certain about my answer about that .


C3: what do you think will happen to us?

C2: I"m not . . . too certain of that either . . .


C2: I can"t atest for the B level, but C6 knows what they"re doing . The best we have avalible is them and their server . For now, we will see what they"ll do . Trust in their abilities to get us out of here .

C3: I hope to f.u.c.k that she"ll be able to . . .

>recording end @@

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