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Chapter 213

Publishedat 31st of October 2019 12:00:12 PMChapter 213

>location: B1 room, waste room

[distant sounds and murmers]

B1: I see . . . So that"s what"s happened .

C2: . . . yeah .

B2: makes me glad that we dispose of everyone with the mold right away . [sighs] To think it could get that bad .

B1: And what about /that/ one?


C3: She"s . . . She"s okay . Almost lost her but C6 did what she could .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntB1: What?

[C6 stammers]

C6: I just-I just didn"t want to deal with more bodies . We"ve lost so much in our numbers . So I just removed what I could . For now they"re playing f.u.c.king pa.s.sive . I think they won"t do much . I think [sniffs] at least .

C4: Hey . . . Hey . . .

B2: But the mold is still /in/ their system ain"t it? We can"t take chances .

C2: on the contrary, I believe that the situation at hand is what we are to do with the A level . Not some delusional resident .

B2: There"s still some risk C2 . Just having a contaminated here could spread the mold further .

C4: C3 . . . ? Hey . . . ?

C6: I told you I got rid of that s.h.i.t . Can we please get back to the matter at hand here?

B2: well no! Cause clearly we got someone who can jeprodise everything we are building so far!

C6: oh f.u.c.k off B2!

B1: [groans] Both of you lay off! We can"t be at each other"s throats!

C4: . . . C3 . . .

C3: what is it C4?

C4: need to . . . I need . . Waste . . . ?

C3: ah c.r.a.p . okay hold on .

[footsteps bound closer]

[door opens]

C3: [normally] Take your time kid, we"re gonna be here a while .

[door closes and light panting can be heard]

[footsteps leave]

C3: [distantly] Listen, she"s okay! She"s fine . You guys can see, she"s not even /herself/ anymore .

[sounds of shuffling as C4 rummage about]

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C3: I don"t know what that molded did to her but it"s more than enough to make her not a threat .

B2: but what if the mold grows more? They may not look like it but they"re still infected .

C3: Then I"ll dispose of her .


B1: Look, as the highest ranking resident here . I think we best set this aside . We"ve have a plan to deal with it so I believe the matter is delt with .

[slight dings]

C6: it"s D1 .

B1: perfect timing . Come here C2, let"s see what they say-

C4: [Loudly as the recorder is grabbed] Found you .

[several loud bangs]

>recording forced stopped .

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