Day 10

7:30 AM

Tower, Tony"s bedroom

You and Irin had a fantastic time last night after you and enjoyed the bath s.e.x, you and Irin continued your pa.s.sionate time in your bedroom.

You slowly open your eyes and a few blinks and look at the sky through the gla.s.s window ceiling. Then you slowly turn to your right and saw Irin"s naked body under your arm. You smile and gently felt your hand on Irin"s smooth s.e.xy curve.

"Nuuuu….." (Irin) she slowly opens her eyes, then she turns toward you. "...morning.." (Irin) she blinks a few times.

"Good morning, Irin-san." You gave a warm, bright smile. As she saw your smile, her face turns a little bit red and snuggle her head on your chest.

"....last night...…..was amazing." (Irin)

"Yes...I agree. Come, let get some breakfast."

"Mm." (Irin) She nodded and got up from the bed. Ravel her naked a.s.s to you.

Slap* you couldn"t resist slapping Irin"s s.e.xy fat a.s.s. "Kyyyyaa!...Tony…..bad boy!" (Irin) she pouts her cheeks, then she picks up her clothes on the floor and makes her way toward the bathroom while purposely sake her hips.

You giggle and look out the window. "Ahhh, another fine day!" you got and did some stretches. "Aisha, has Lennsan return?"

"Yes master, she returns last night while you were....busy. she slept with the children." (Aisha)

"I see...….give me the result on t.i.tania last night performance later. And how the repair in the Tower?"

"Fully repair." (Aisha)

"Excellent. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, you had three visiter in the living room." (Aisha)

"Got it, I will be there in a sec." you pick up your clothes and to the bathroom at the other room.

7: 45 AM

You take a shower and fully dress. You made your way to the living room. As you reach the living room, you saw two figures sitting at the table while 1 figure stands behind them. Those figures were Saria, Helen and one of the maids, which is not Linda.

("Thank G.o.dddd...") you sigh.

"Ara, Tony-san, good morning to you. Sorry for letting ourselves in." (Saria) she happily smiles at you.

"Good morning to you too, Sarisan. Ah, please don"t worry. This tower is built on your land, so of course, this also means you own this place as well. You could live here if you wish to do so."

"Ma, That sound wonderful, especially the roof garden of this tower. Sipppp* which is a lovely place for tea." (Saria) She sips her cup of tea. Then you turn toward Helen, but when you about to make eye contact with her, she quickly turns away. You can even hear "Hmph!" from her. And she was pouting so hard that she looks like a hamster cheeks full of nut and seeds.

"Umm, Helen-san? Good morning?" you smiled at her.

"...…..moring." (Helen) She sounds like a brooding child. It is clear she not happy with something. You then quickly think of all possible event that could make her mad. And you came up with one word "t.i.tania."

"Helen-san, are you angry?" you gave her a friendly tone.

"Hmph! I don"t know what are you talk about!!" (Helen) she turns away from you even more.

".....Are you mad that I made Lennsan"s t.i.tania before yours?"

"...…." (Helen) she trembling and about to turn toward you but suddenly a small figure with a rabbit doll enters the room.

"Aaa, Aunty Saria~! Uncle Helen~!" (Esta) She runs toward Saria with a big smile on her face. Seeing adorable little elf running to Saria, she quickly got from her seat to receive the Esta into her arms.

"My, my, Estchan, good morning to you." (Saria) She smiles warmly to Esta, then she lifts and carries her in her arms and sit back on her chair.

"Good morningggggggggggg~!" (Esta) She answers in a childish polite tone. Her innocent smile could warm anybody heart. Even Helen stop pouting while seeing Esta innocent smile.

"Maaaa, Estchan, did you have a sleepover here last night?" (Saria) she gently pinches Esta"s chubby cheek.

"Hehehehe, Yes! Me~….., mommy~..., aunt Irin~...…, Aven-niichan~ and Annonee-chan! ~" (Esta) she is counting her little fingers.

"Really? did Estchan had fun?" (Saria)

"Umm! First, we were exploring the tower, and it had so many rooms! Then we eat really, really yummy dinner and after that, we watch magic moving picture, It very, very interesting~!" (Esta)

"Wowwww! Sound like you had so much fun...I"m really jealous." (Helen) she smiles, but you notice she wasn"t kidding when she said she was jealous, Helen gave Esta a big smile, but her aura gave away the sense that she is deeply jealous.

Then you notice that Saria was making an expression she wants to retort Helen not to be jealous of 20 years old child, well in human years would be two years old. After that Esta begins to tell all event to happen yesterday inducing pizza and the movie, which made Helen jealously even worst, Saria then kicks Helen"s leg under the table with her expression, said: "stop it!"

"un? Aunty Saria? What wrong…? (Esta) she confusingly c.o.c.k her.

"Oh! it Nothing, it sounds like you had so much fun." (Saria) She rubs her little head. Suddenly you heard footsteps coming to the living room.

"Esta!? Esta!? Esta? There you are. Oh good morning, your majesty." (Lenna) she enters the living room.

"Ara, good morning to you too, Lenna." (Saria)

"HMPH!" (Helen) She becomes moodier than before when she saw Lenna. But when saw how Helen react, she grins little, which confirm your suspicion that why is Helen unhappy today. And it seems Lenna is the culprit. Lenna then walks toward Esta who is sitting now Saria lap.

"Esta, have brush your teeth yet?" (Lenna) There seem to a strict tone in her voice. Esta pause without looking at Lenna then she sake her head.

"Sigh.....sweetie were you hungry? Is that you come here without brus.h.i.+ng your teeth?"(Lenna) She squats down to Esta"s eyes level. Esta looked into her mother eyes and gave a hesitating nod.

"It ok sweetie, just make sure you brush after you got off your bed, ok?" (Lenna) she gave her daughter a warm smile.

"umm, yes, mommy." (Esta) she nodded again when she noticed that her mother is not angry at her.

"That my girl. Now, why don"t you go wake up Aven-sama and Annsama and brush your teeth, after that, I"ll make the pizza you love." (Lenna) She gently pads her little head. When Esta head the word pizza, her eyes filled with excitement.

"Really!? Yayyyyy~!! Then I go wake up, Aven-nii-chan and Annnee-chan!"(Esta) she quickly jumps down from Saria"s lap.

"Ah, if that the case then, Estchan can you please take Marina here to Aven and Anna?" (Saria) she turns toward the maid who stands beside her.

"As you wish your majesty." (Marina) She does an elegant bow. Then walk toward Esta. "Estsama would kindly escort me to the prince and princess?" (Marina) she gave Esta a big smile.

"Mmh! Leave it to me! I know every room here!"(Esta) she pads her chest proudly, which made everyone giggle from how adorable she is, then Esta grabs Marina"s hand and exits the living room.

"Why don"t you two sit down and have tea."(Saria) You and Lenna look at each other and sit down. You and Lenna then help your self with the tea.

"Look like someone still sulking. Sipppppp*"(Lenna) she smiles and drink her tea.

"Hmph! Len-chan is a big p.o.o.pie head that why!"(Helen) she is facing away from you and Lenna.

"Hey, if you haven"t been skipping work you might actually get the armour before me." (Lenna)

"That because you supposed to help me!" (Helen) she finally turns around toward you and Lenna, with her cheeks still pout like a blowfish.

"If I did help you"ll leave everything to me, and you just disappear, which I have to do everything! So no thank you!" (Lenna)

"Uuuuuugggggg, but you don"t have to be a jerk to show off your new suit!"(Helen)

"I was trying to teach you a lesson if you have done your work properly; you might even get the armour before me." (Lenna)

"Uuuggggggg, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!! Sariaaaaaa, Len-chan is mean to me!!! (Helen) She jumps toward Saria"s chest, crying but at the same, and she was actually fonding Saria"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She slightly gazes back at Lenna making a face saying: "you will never have these because its mine!" she was trying to make Lenna jealous. But Lenna just raises her arm and show Helen her crimson bracelet.

"Len-chan is big fat p.o.o.pie head jerk!!"(Helen) she then buries her face against Saria chest.

"Sigh… what actually happened last night?" (Saria) turn toward Lenna while comforting Helen.

"Well...….." (Lenna)

Day 9

11: 43 PM

Fortress of Falenas

"THAT IT! I"M DONE! MY BACK HURT AND IT"S BORING AS h.e.l.l!!" (Helen) she stood up from the desk with a large amount of doc.u.ment.

"But your majesty, Queen Sarisama specifically order me not to let you leave this fortress no matter.

"I know! I"ll be back, just need a quick break." (Helen) She walks out of her office.

Helen was strolling on the wall of the fortress look at the bright moon and star s.h.i.+ning across the sky. Then suddenly, her warrior instinct kicks in, warning her of incoming danger. Helen then slowly and calmly reach her dragger on her waist. And quickly she swings the dragger toward the figure behind her.


Helen"s dagger stop by two red finger gauntlet. "Wha?!" (Helen) Her eyes were wide from shock. She saw a red armour figure with glowing green light eyes and wings. In Helen"s mind, she thought "that is the coolest armour she ever sees," after Tony"s armour of course.

"Tony-kun?..." (Helen) but then she realises that Tony"s appearance is not this feminine. And she came with one conclusion.


The Helmet of red armour folding itself back and reveal Lenna"s face.

"Yo, Helen…..What do you think? My personal armour suit, Crimson t.i.tania. Cool right?" (Lenna) She gave Helen the most satisfied smile she ever has given.

Helen stood with her jaw drop, and then…


Back at present.

"And then she throws a tantrum by rolling around on the ground like a spoiled child." (Lenna)

"W wait! That not how it happens!" (Helen) She retorts. Lenna then presses the b.u.t.ton on her crimson bracelet. A recording hologram pops up and shows exactly what Lenna said.

"NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR!" (Helen video clip) She was rolling around like a child. Kick her legs and swing her arms all over the place.

"WWWWWWAAAAAAAAA!! LEN-CHAN, I HATE YOU!!! WAAAAAAA!!" (Helen) she dives back into Saria chest again.

"Sigh....Helen, you know this your own fault, right?" (Saria) Helen then breaks off Saria"s chest, and she looks at her in the eyes with a disbelieving look.

"Schan as well!? Waaaaaaaaaaaa!! You"re all traitor!!"(Helen) this time dive into your chest. "Tony-kun, Saria and Len-chan are mean to me."(Helen) she is giving you a teary puppy dog eyes. "Tony-kun...I"ll be very happy if you make me an armour right." She is circling her finger on your chest. "If you make armour stronger and cooler than Len-chan, fufufufu," she then presses her big soft breast against you. "I"ll give s-p-e-c-i-l attention just for you."(Helen)

You were panicking. You don"t know which to choose, the dark side or the light side. If you agree with Helen, her reward might be nice, but you lose point with Saria and Lenna. Then you come with an answer. Why not both.

"Helen-san I think it would be best if you finish your work first." You gave her a bitter smile.

"Tony-kun as well!? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you"re all p.o.o.pie head!!" (Helen) she then runs out off the living room while crying.

"Tony, you did the right thing. We can"t just keep letting her do what she wants."(Lenna)

"I agree. We can"t spoil her too much. Sipppp*"(Saria) she sips her tea. After 5min later, an unexpected turn of an event just happen. Helen came back into the living room.

"You all are right. I should have finished my work; it was selfish of me for acting like that. I"m sorry."(Helen) Saria and Lenna froze on the spot as if they saw a ghost.

".....I"m sorry I didn"t catch that, say that again?"(Lenna) she put her cup of tea on the table and turn her body toward Helen.

" I said, I"m sorry for acting like a spoiled child."(Helen) suddenly Lenna charges at Helen and pins her against the wall while putting a knife on her throat.

"...…Ok, just who are you? Really?"(Lenna) she looks at Helen right in the eyes.

"You know the answer already.... Kiss*"(Helen) she extended her lips towards Lenna without fear of knife on her throat. Both of there lips touch and Lenna quick breakaway.

"...….. Yea, this is definitely a real Helen."(Lenna) she put the knife away and sit back on the chair.

"What? I was reflecting on my acton that strange to you?"(Helen)

"Yes"(Lenna and Saria) they answer at the same time.

"Sigh..... you don"t believe in me at all, do you?"(Helen)

"No"(Lenna and Sara)

"Fine! Just you all wait. I"ll continue on all my work and finish it today, well after breakfast, of course."(Helen) She came back, and wink at you sat the sit on her chair and acting as nothing has ever happened. Everyone just drank tea as normal.

The reason Helen act this way because you send a message to her at 5 minutes earlier. Which is: "Helen-san, your armour will be ready today, I just need to ask you some question of your combat preferences. So I"ll call you later after this."

Helen is sitting comfortably and drinking her tea.

"So, Tony-San, is the Academy complete yet? "(Saria) She turns towards you.

"Ah, yes let me check... yes, everything is complete, I just need two days for complete checking and testing.

"Excellent, we had been gathering all kind of teachers and professors, and they would like to see the Academy."(Saria)

"Gladly, we could give them a tour and inspect the academy at the same time."

"Wonderful Idea, is it possible to start it today afternoon?"(Saria)

"Yes, certainly." You smiled at her.

"Now then I should start making the pizza before the kids get here, oi Tony, can I borrow your kitchen?"(Lenna)

"Do you need help, Lennsan?"

"it fine, I need to do this myself....where are the ingredients? (Lenna) she turns around to look at you.

"Oh….ummm, Aisha show Lennsan how the kitchen work."


"Ohhhh yes, Estchan said that this so call pizza is very tasty."(Helen) she sounds excited.

"Yes, I would love to try some. Do you mind if you could do an extra for us?"(Saria)

"Sure, just give me a few minutes."(Lenna) she is walking toward the transforming open kitchen.

"Oh! Oh! O! I want to see how the pizza being make!" (Helen) she stood up and followed Lenna.

Which just leave you and Saria at the table, then you remember something you want to ask before, but you always keep forgetting.

"Sarisan there something I would like to ask you."

"Sure, please ask away."(Saria) she smiles at you.

"Ok.... I notice that I haven"t seen the previous king and queen and other elderly of this kingdom. The oldest Elf you told me was Lindsan. And since you all live to 5000 years, where are the rest of the elderly Elves?"

"Ahhh, yes, it seems I forgot to tell you about it." (Saria) she put her cup of tea down. "You see Tony-san, us Elves have an old tradition when we reach 4000 years of age we must make our way to the Sanctuary to spending last of our 1000 years lives without interfering with an outside world." (Saria)


"Yes, Sanctuary. It is an elf paradise. a place where our elderly can relax and let go of their worldly connection before...….they enter deep sleep."(Saria) you pause for a bit, then you notice there a huge gap.

"I see.....but still you said that you were 345 years old, right? And Lindsan is 1267. So where are the Elves that are 2000 to 3000?"

"This is something that happens to my parent generation. You see Tony-san. Only the Elves that are 4000 years of age are allowed to enter Sanctuary, which is at the Mt Draco." (Saria)

"But...…the Mt Draco belong to the dragons, and they are very territorial and very aggressive. And it said that those enter the home of the dragon will perish by the might of the dragons. So how come the Sanctuary is located at in the Mt Draco?"

"....unfortunately I don"t know much about this either, I"m sorry." (Saria)

"It ok...….then, umm you say something that happens to your parent generation?"

"Yes, that right, My father, the previous Queen of the Eilven kingdom, she loves and misses her mother so much that she broke the tradition law and when to the Sanctuary. Which anger the dragon king. Then our race faces the punishment by the dragon. One, our race shall not leave the Alvian forest for 1000 years. Second, all the elves of the third generation must enter Sanctuary and never come back to the main world. Which explain why there no third-generation Elderly in this kingdom." (Saria) Then you realise that Lenna did go outside the forest last night. You then quickly look at the map on you HB. Which show you there nothing wrong, everything was normal. You sigh in relief.

"Don"t worry about that Tony-san…..sipppp* the first punishment ended 20 years ago." (Saria) she sips her tea.

"Hmm? Why is that?"

"Like I said before, Tony-san...I don"t know. The only person who knew everything here is…" (Saria) You could already guess who it is.


"That correct. Lindsan is the third generation like my parents, but she the only one who was able to return to the kingdom." (Saria)

That super ninja maid is full of mystery. If you want to know the story between the dragon and the elves, you think that you need to get closer to her, which you want to avoid her at the moment. Well, you don"t hate her, you just don"t to die right now. For now, you are thinking about how to interacting with her, but don"t go too deep, not yet anyway.

"Thank you, Sarisan. I understand better now."

"Oh you"re quite welcome…..sippp* Is there anything else?" (Saria)

"Oh right, When is Avchan coming back?"

"mmm, She should be back today...I guess I"ll check with Lindsan later." (Saria)

"Thank you so much." You then stood up. " I"ll go check on Lenna to see how she is doing."

"Tony-san one more thing…." (Saria)


"Please don"t spoil Helen too much..sippp*" (Saria)

"hahaha.....I don"t know what"re you talking about?" you gave a soft laugh while scratching your head.

"Didn"t you remember? I can see lies." (Saria) her eyes lock on to yours.

"Hahahahaha." you awkwardly laugh and back away toward the kitchen where Helen and Lenna are at.

" boys sippppp*" (Saria) she happily drink her tea.

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