Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 216

Publishedat 12th of August 2019 05:01:50 PMChapter 216

My name is Ifrus .

A n.o.ble born from a minor n.o.ble house of the demon king’s kingdom .

Since my elder brother will inherit our house, I have to work for my own bread .

Fortunately, with my ability as a civil officer, I was hired by the demon king’s kingdom .

I’ve continuously served for 40 years .

During those times, I married and had a son too .

My son will be twenty this year .

My son is unlike me and can utilize powerful magical power so he is expected to be a general of the demon king’s kingdom .

I’m thankful for that .

However, until a while ago, my son has been dissatisfied about the current system of the demon king’s kingdom . Though he’s hiding it, he became some sort of activist .

I was worried about it and wonder if I have to report about it to the demon king but suddenly, he turns his back from doing such things .

What has happened?

It might be good since he started to smile brighter than before .

Perhaps his relationship with the baker’s daughter, who he has been courting, has progressed?

I’m happy if that is the case .

At any rate, it was good that he stopped his suspicious activity .

Now, back to my story .

About five years ago, I have been appointed as the governor of Shashaato City .

Shashaato City is under the direct control of the demon king’s kingdom and is one of the most commercialized areas of the kingdom .

Recent developments are also amazing .

When I was appointed as the representative of such a city, I was both half happy and half anxious about holding this important position .

I don’t want to fail .

I want to live in a safe environment .

I always wanted my life to continue like this .

That is my goal .

If I have trouble making a decision, I’ll follow my predecessor .

If possible, I don’t want to have a hand in anything that has never happened before .

But if something like that happens, I’ll ask the castle .

Though I might look deplorable, I don’t want all responsibility to fall on me .

I never thought of getting promoted .

My job is moderately safe and of course, my income is moderately okay too but I’m not greedy .

I fully know my ability .

I know I’m not suitable for being the governor of Shashaato City .

This att.i.tude of mine might have been good .

Because up to this very day, there was really no problem .

Tell me why?

Right now, Leg-sama, one of the four heavenly kings of the demon king’s kingdom, is before me .

Leg-sama is in charge of finance .


In regards to money, I’ve never done anything illegal .

Did one of my subordinates do something by chance?

Please forgive me .

I know that my management ability is lacking .

But subordinates of my… . .

What have you done?

I don’t think anyone of them is in trouble with money… .

「Are you alright?」

「Y-yes . 」

No no

Rather than thinking about bad things, let’s hear what happened first .

I’ll act accordingly after that .

The next day .

Before me is one of the four heavenly kings of the demon king’s kingdom, General Glatts .


Just why?

Is it related to that?

Will war finally spread to Shashaato City?

I must gather soldiers quickly .

No, I must secure an evacuation route first .

Shashaato City has become more crowded with the recent developments .

Though evacuation takes time, there are a number of ships .

We’ll somehow manage .

「Are you alright?」

「Ah, y-yes . There are about 20 ships that can immediately leave . How much time do we have?」


After General Glatts, it was Randan-sama .

Randan-sama is in charge of domestic affairs of the demon king’s kingdom, in short, my boss .

I can count the number of words he had told me so far .

Our last conversation was… .

When the time he watched the martial arts tournament of Shashaato City .


「duty, hardwork」

That ended in two seconds .

I remember it .

No, I’m not angry .

I’m grateful that we never had some troublesome conversation .

But why is Randan-sama here?

No way, dismissal?

There must be something else!

Leg-sama, General Glatts, and Randan-sama have come . Count Chrome, the last of the four heavenly kings, might come too .

I don’t think that I have failed in dealing with the three previous people but I don’t think I have succeeded too .

Everything happened all of a sudden .

He might not come but it is better to be prepared .

It might be a vain effort so it is hard for me to order my subordinates to do it for me .

I clean the room myself .

The table… . maybe it is good if it is somewhere over there .

There’s no dust on the curtain .

I’m grateful for the daily work of the maids .

It was good that I have prepared .

Because right now, demon king-sama is in front of me .

No, he’s not really in front of me since I’m crawling down .

So, he’s over my head?



Just why?

Up to this day, I have never seen him face to face .


I may raise my head?

No no, let me be this way .

You want to hear my answer face to face?

A direct conversation?

Impossible, impossible, impossible .

I’m tired .

I became really tired these last few days .

I might have aged in a dash .

But what can I do?

Demon king-sama, Leg-sama, General Glatts, and Randan-sama spoke with me in different ways but they asked the same thing .

「There will be guest coming to Goroun Company . Don’t be rude to the guest . 」

Who is coming?

A king of another country?

I never heard of it before .

In the first place, why would a king go here and not to the capital?

Does that mean that a prince from another country will come here incognito to play?

Ah, I see .

If that is the case, I can somewhat understand .

After all, the shadow guards will be guarding him and I’m asked to not get in the way as much as possible .

… .


What will he do?

If he’s here to play, why would there be any obstacle or inconvenience?


I went to Goroun Company .

The guest hasn’t come to them yet but they are already making a fuss .

Who’s that big shot?

The president himself is taking charge .

He promised to send me a message as soon as the guest arrives .

The only thing I’ll do is to greet him when he first came here .

After that, I don’t wanna get involved in anything .

Leg-sama has even prepared the shadow guards .

They might look like they are under my command but… . I don’t have the right to order them .

I’ll just do things I can .

Like not disturbing them .

I might look uncooperative but it is still better than pulling their legs down .

When I was about to reach the pot of tea, my door was knocked hard .

「We received a message from Goroun Company . The guest has arrived . 」

「Is that so?」

The shadow guard that Leg-sama has prepared have already disappeared .

I can’t be late .

The carriage was prepared and departed immediately to the Goroun Company .

This carriage is a gift from Goroun Company and is very comfortable to ride .

If I pick up the guest using this carriage, will he be pleased?

No no, I must not do that .

Let’s lend this carriage to him whenever he wants .

「I’m Marcos . 」

「I’m his wife, Paula . 」

The Goroun Company has two guests .

A pair of human couple .

……… .

A farmer couple?

No, no, noooo!


Look closely at the clothes of the couple .

At first glance, they look like normal clothes but once the sunlight touches them, they began to shine .

It is made of luxury fabric .

Why did they use luxury fabric to make ordinary commoners clothes?

They’re being playful?

Only an outstandingly rich person will do that .

But, didn’t they want to hide their ident.i.ties?

Then, though they introduce themselves as a married couple… . they could be a lord and his attendant .

However, they said that they are a married couple .

Let’s get along with their story .

… . .


The wife is so elegant .

Is it the opposite?

Is the wife the lady and the husband is the attendant?

No, no, no, no, no .

Remove all preconceptions!

Stop thinking!

The two in front of me are a couple .

They are guests of Goroun Company .

「I am Ifrus, Shashaato City’s governor . I welcome the couple for your visit . 」

Good .

Perfect greeting!

That time, I used my skillful art of talking to find out the purpose of the two in order to not get in their way .

Eh, Goroun Company president, why are you in front of them… . . what are you doing?

「The couple will start their business in this city . 」



Is that some sort of code?

Never heard of it .

「Though we might trouble you a number of times, we ask for your cooperation . 」

… . .

It’s useless .

I don’t understand .

「Specifically, how can I cooperate?」

If you don’t understand something, it is better to ask .

I know that the more you know, the more dangerous it is .

Even so, I asked the president of the Goroun Company, answer me!

「At one of the corners of the south commercial district, there is a place that has become a material warehouse . Isn’t that place great?」

Wonderful .

It ’s clear .

「Leave it to me, I’ll transfer everything and give that place to you . 」

「Thank you . Let’s talk about the price later . 」

He said later but he didn’t say when so it might be in many years to come .

「I agree . 」

「Michael-san, if one plans to open a shop in Shashaato City, is it normal for the governor to greet them?」

「Hahaha . It is rare . By the way, are you going to be okay in opening a shop?」

「I have discussed it with the village chief . Please leave it to us . 」

「Please do your best . Now then, it will still take time until your shop opens so you can sightsee until then . 」

「We will do some sightseeing until the day after tomorrow . We would like to prepare the store opening afterward . My apologies but, we are not familiar with this place… . . 」

「I already told my subordinate . Please use him to the fullest . It was me who ask to open up a shop here in the first place . 」

The residents of Village One, Marcos and Paula, are on a business trip to Shashaato City .

The next day .

「What is this large sum of money?」

「Payment for the land that Goroun Company bought . 」

「Eh? Areh?」

「I’m surprised too . They paid more than double the market value . Goroun Company has a lot of money . 」

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