Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 217

Publishedat 12th of August 2019 05:01:50 PMChapter 217

My name is Paula .

It is the name I gave myself and I really like it .

My real name?

It doesn’t matter .

I am Paula .

A woman who lived in the backstreet .

Living in the backstreet of the city was hard .

There are only a few fun memories .

Most of the fun memories are related to Marcos .

Marcos is a boy I met with age similar to mine .

However, he is my senpai when it comes to life in the backstreet .

He’s my husband now .

Just thinking of not being able to meet him makes me shiver .

The turning point of my and Marcos’ life is meeting Fushu-sama .

Because we heard rumors about her kidnapping children, we thought that we were done for that time .

However, I find temporary solace with the people they gathered .

One of them is Jack, a leader in the backstreet .

Marcos can be relied on but Jack is more reliable .

If he didn’t fall in love with Morte, I would have made him mine .

Fushu-sama gathers us to talk about migrating .

It is possible to obtain a house of your own .

But that’s too good to be true .

I never thought that they’ll treat us like stupid fools .

However, can a great person of Korin religion lie?

I’m anxious . As for everyone else… . yeah, they’re anxious too .

Good .

However, we still agreed to Fushu-sama’s suggestion .

We couldn’t go against it since the proposal is too attractive .

The most attractive thing is that we will be taught of various things first before migrating .

Moreover, it’s for free .

We will be taught on how to read and write characters, calculate, and etiquette .

Even if the migration is a lie, what we learn is already ours .

If I can calculate, it will be easy for me to find a place to work in .

Moreover, if I can read and write characters, I can also expect to receive wage .

As for etiquette… . though I don’t think I need it, it is not uncommon to be cut by down by a n.o.ble after committing rudeness .

If I learn it, there won’t be any loss .

Though it was hard and busy, it was a fulfilling half year .

The story about migration is true .

There was a place called Village One, a little away from Big Tree Village, where we got our house and we were given jobs .

There was enough food too .

And all for it just for the hope of us being permanent residents .

Though the surrounding environment is scary, we are well protected .

If you compare this place to the backstreet, this is heaven .

For the jobs we were given with… .

We’re completely useless .

However, we were neither scolded nor kicked out .

Village chief… . ah, village chief is the village chief of Big Tree Village .

TN: just like everyone else, she thought Hiraku’s name is village chief .

There is no village chief in Village One, only a person who is called caretaker .

Village chief told us that he wants us to find the job suitable for us so there’s no hurry .

Thank you village chief .

Everyone else has the same reaction as me, we nodded with all our might .

We will do our best for village chief .

And we gradually got used to living in the village .

Farming, paper making, oil squeezing, sugar squeezing, salt making .

Little by little, we increased the things we can do .

When we were entrusted with pigs, I was a little worried if we can raise them properly but everyone did their best .

Maa, the men were a little too emotional… .

Right right .

The men .

When we first came to Village One, we can’t enter the forest but now, we can .

Jack even defeated a fanged rabbit alone .

He’s really amazing .

Marcos is working hard but it’s still impossible for him .

Don’t overdo it .

Don’t imitate something dangerous .

Look, even Kricky says you must be careful .

Kricky is one of the dogs called inferno wolf who protects the village… . . it is not a wolf .

I named it .

I was scared at first but I know that it’s defending the village and even bringing the prey it hunted from the forest here .

I wanted to thank it but I realized I don’t know its name .

When I asked village chief, he pointed at a group of inferno wolves .

Yup, it is impossible to name them all .

In that case, I’ll name it .

Village chief permitted me to do so and Kricky was pleased .

Kricky sometimes goes to other villages so I can’t see it but when it comes to Village One, it comes to say h.e.l.lo .

We have that kind of relationship with the inferno wolves .

Marcos doesn’t go against what it says… . but how about listening more to your wife?

A year has pa.s.sed since we migrated .

Winter is cold but we prepared enough firewood so we’re okay .

From time to time, patrol coming from Big Tree Village and other villages come so we’re not worried about food .

Of course, we’re not just staying in our house to play .

We made a lot of small items from bamboo .

I can boast the baskets I made .

It is light and strong .

I also worked hard on the design .

The best things we made are presented to village chief in Big Tree Village .

After planting seeds at the beginning of the year, we continue to live our daily lives . Soon, it will be summer .

Right right .

Have you ever seen a castle floating in the sky?

It’s really amazing .

For such a big thing to fly .

I’m surprised when with what village chief said about the castle .

He said that you will be able to know the season with the location of the castle .

It will make a full rotation from Big Tree Village in a year . It was at north during winter and west during spring .

It is so close to the south now which means summer is near .

At that time, village chief spoke to Village One’s migrants .

「Shashaato City… . is it?」

I have never heard of it .

However, it seems to be a big commercial city in the demon king’s kingdom and it is also a port .

The fish we eat are purchased there .

Heh .

According to village chief, he was invited to open up as shop in Shashaato City .

Village chief wants to take over but everybody says he can’t leave .

Therefore, he wants to hear from us .

It is probably because we can read and write, calculate, and knows etiquette .

I never had a chance to show it but now I have .

And Fushu-sama .

Thank you very much .

Since village chief is the one requesting it, I’ll do it with the best of my effort!

Need to leave Village One for a while?

I do not mind .

Marcos is fine with it too .

Before we do, the others are already raising their hands .

Everyone feels the same .

I won’t lose .

There is no way for us to go in a large group so it will only be a couple .

Jack wanted to go too but he was automatically removed from the candidates because he’s the leader of Village One’s migrants .

Nine remaining groups .

I wished for the G.o.ddess of luck to smile at me .

Thank you, G.o.ddess of luck .

If this shop is successful, I will likely receive a reward medal and I’ll use it to make a statue of you .

Now .

Since we have to move to Shashaato City, we prepared our stuff… .

We don’t have much stuff .

I told Kricky that we’ll go away for a while… .

We said goodbye to the rest of the people in Village One .

It’s okay .

I and Marcos will move to Big Tree Village first .

We studied there for a month in order to prepare for the opening .

Village chief teaches us directly despite his busy schedule .

I’ll do my best .

The shop that village chief wants to open is a restaurant .

A shop that only has one dish, nothing else complicated .

Since it has come to this, then the food that will be sold is the most important point .

Can I even make it?

It was okay .

After we migrated to Village One, we made that dish once a week .

Indeed .

As expected of village chief .

That dish will surely get popular .



Then, what are we going to learn now?

How to hire people?

Customer service?


Tax computation?

…… .

My head is full and I find it hard to remember it all .

As for Marcos… . . yeah, hang in there .

Ah, we went to the castle in the sky via a balloon while we were studying because village chief recommended us to do some recreational work .

No, we didn’t play .

But it was fun .

It was my first time flying in the sky and it feels good… .

Though it is slightly cold .

I’ll wear thick clothes next time .

After a month of studying, we left for Shashaato City .

An important person from the demon king’s kingdom will teleport us using magic .

I knew that village chief is amazing but this is way too amazing .

Village chief’s shop .

I will absolutely make it a success!

Marcos feels the same .

He has a good smile .

As expected of my husband .

「Ano, village chief? This is?」

「The shop’s capital . It is embarra.s.sing since its not much . 」

「You said that … . . but」

First of all, thank you for trusting us with this much money .

Next of all… . .

The bag of gold coin, Marcos can’t even lift it .

Are the prices in Shashaato City much higher than expected?

In addition, a large amount of crops are prepared on a cart .

They are ingredients for the shop but… . .

Can we even cook them all?

No no no .

I shouldn’t show weakness .

Let’s cook everything .

The dish is curry .

Fufufu .

There’s no one that can’t be captivated by that dish .

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