Island – End of Nightmare

Chapter 7: My G.o.d! You Look so Familiar!

Chapter 7: My G.o.d! You Look so Familiar!
>>Part 1<<

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Lai Yixin’s reaction was abnormally fast. With one rouse of the spear, he blocked that person’s pike while shouting: “Stop!”
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That person didn’t react. He retrieved his pike, withdrew behind the shield and moved to ram Lai Yixin.
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As he approached, Lai Yixin couldn’t help but be shocked. He had already absorbed monster essence and went through Bian Ti. The current him that had already absorbed qixi had reactions and speeds which already far surpa.s.sed the ordinary person, but as soon as this person moved, Lai Yixin felt that this person’s speed and strength didn’t seem to be inferior to his. Seeing the other person charge over, Lai Yixin didn’t dare to be careless. He changed the spear from blocking to attacking, rapidly thrusting towards the shield.
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As the spear and the shield came into contact, there was only an oddly loud sound of impact. The other person’s strength was no less than that of Lai Yixin. However, he was in the air after all, after this impact he couldn’t help flying backwards, but Lai Yixin was also pushed back a couple steps.
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“Can’t you understand words?” Lai Yixin’s grip felt numb, he felt secretly afraid and shouted again: “Stop!”
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From the moment that person appeared until now, only a split second had pa.s.sed. Lai Yixin who received that attack had no choice but to react, however the other people seemed to be in a daze. The first to snap out of it was Ye Weishan. She stared in concentration, then suddenly exclaimed in a loud voice: “Yixin, that’s a monster! It has monster essence.”
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Monster? Everyone was shocked and looked over closely, couldn’t help but agree with what Ye Weishan said. Even if monster essence wasn’t mentioned, that appearance really didn’t seem human.
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At this moment that person had just reach the ground. He let out a strange cry and suddenly flew forward, charging and leaving the ground at an even greater speed, the pike once again thrusting towards Lai Yixin.
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But halfway there, he suddenly twisted his body, pulling the shield back and drew himself behind the shield. Actually, Zhou and Guo from Li Sect had already simultaneously attacked him with swords. All that could be seen was two people send out two waves of sharp qixi, breaking through the empty air, at the same time slamming into that shield. ‘Pah pah’, two sounds ranged out, then that human-like monster seemed to get angry, and with a leap rushed towards Zhou Huai Yun.
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“Weishan and you guys should move back.” Lai Yixin found time to turn his head and quickly said: “This tusk monster’s strength is even greater than mine, I can’t defend everything.”
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Ye Weishan was slightly startled and turned around to urgently pull Chen Luonian and Huang Zongru while saying: “Go where the troops are.”
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“Leader Ye.” Lieutenant Wu anxiously approached and asked: “What is that?”
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“That’s a monster.” Ye Weishan’s eyes didn’t leave the battlefield and rapidly spoke: “Tell the troops to prepare, if we can’t hold it back, open fire and kill the monster.”
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“Understood.” Lieutenant Wu at once turned around to give instructions. The solders immediately picked up their firearms, but looked with dropped jaws at the battlefield, their expressions incredulous.
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And it’s no wonder they were that way. The movements of the three people and one monster on the field had already surpa.s.sed their knowledge of the human speed capacity. Even though they couldn’t see it that clearly, it was obviously way too fast.
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“Observe carefully, this is Jian Xiu Fraction’s battle tactic.” Ye Weishan’s gaze stayed fixed on the battlefield while saying in a low voice to Chen and Huang: “When they cultivate, they force the congregation type’s inner qi outward, the dispersion type’s outer qi inwards. Over time, naturally both styles can be used, so they’re attack style can be close or long range, variable, but in regards to strength, long distance is inferior to me, close range is inferior to Yixin&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Even though they’re better than me in close range combat, but their defensive strength isn’t enough so when they encounter a powerful close combat enemy they still emphasize dodging, on the other hand, if they encounter a long range opponent they’ll think of ways to get close.”

Jian Xiu is Li Sect’s cultivation style.

Chen Luonian listened to Ye Weishan’s narration as he watched the battle. Sure enough, Zhou and Guo were currently circling the monster. They seemed to be using inner qi and outer qisimultaneously to increase their speed, rapidly moving and surrounding, continuously sending out sword qi to attack from a distance and occasionally quickly closing in to give a sword slash before dodging back again, not engaging in direct battle with the opponent.
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The monster blocked while madly pursuing. After several broken pursuits, the monster seemed to have sense that something wasn’t right and stopped pursuing everywhere and focused on chasing Guo Jia Nian. Like this, Guo Jia Nian had a more and more difficult time, after several close dodges the monster’s pike finally caught up to Guo Jia Nian’s sword, his body being hit with this huge amount of force was sent flying backwards.
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And Lai Yixin had already rushed up. Once he got close, his spear flew forward, speedily stabbing towards the monster while continuously shifting. Though his shifting speed was not greater than that of the monster, and inferior to Zhou and Guo, but his spear strength was formidable so the opponent for a time also couldn’t enter his spear range. But also because his speed was the slowest, the monster’s attack focus shifted once again onto Lai Yixin allowing Zhou and Gou to finally release a breath of relief and to continue their approach and retreat strategy of attack.
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Outside the area, Ye Weishan, seeing this couldn’t help but grumble. She pointed her dagger towards the field but didn’t dare to rashly make a move. After all, right now the three were really close to the monster and their movements were really fast, she was not coordinated with the two from the Li Sect so it was really hard to find the right timing to intervene.
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At this time, since there was Lai Yixin to oppose the enemy, Zhou and Guo’s offensive started flowing again. The two rapidly attacked from close up and far away, continuously bothering the monster from the back. Like this they intertwined unceasingly. The monster had to, on one hand block Lai Yixin’s powerful spear, on the other hand had to deal with the two’s ceaseless attacks. As they continued to fight, he suddenly let out a strange roar and an amount of monster essence imploded from within his body out to protect his body. The short pike and long shield simultaneously slashed towards Lai Yixin, in the wake of that he unceasingly roared while commencing one strike after another at Lai Yixin irrationally.
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Now he completely ignored Zhou and Gou’s long range outer qi attacks until they approached him to stab, then he would suddenly raise his shield and knocked them far out of the way.
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And the two had no way of competing with the opponent’s strength, after a few times they didn’t dare to approach anymore. Though they were aware that their long range attacks were ineffective, but the two didn’t dare to stop and could only continue firing sword qi with all their power.
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As for Lai Yixin who kept receiving the entire blunt of the monster’s attacks, he became paler and paler. He already knew that his strength was inferior to the opponent and was relying on his spear techniques to skillfully fight, shifting while dispersing the opponent’s strength, but no matter how much he shifted, he still had to protect the direction Ye Weishan and the rest were at. Naturally, he continuously bore quite an amount of pressure, but right now there was no other way so Lai Yixin could only clench his teeth and endure.
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At this moment the sound of air being broken through sounded out, qi arrows shot out one after another and headed straight towards the monster, hitting the monster to the point that it cried out continuously in pain and had to lift the shield to protect its body.
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It turned out that because Zhou and Guo had retreated, Ye Weishan no longer felt hesitation and immediately linked with the dagger, condensing outer qi and forming it into arrows which shot out and drew an arc in the air, bombarding the monster from all sides.
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This qi arrow’s strength was not small, the tusk monster could not afford to ignore Ye Weishan’s attacks and could only ward them off with the shield. However, Ye Weishan’s strength and speed were great, with a right twist, a left point, the wrist only made a slight movement but the resulting shot of qixi attacked a completely different location. If the tusk monster blocked the east he couldn’t deal with the west, suddenly many cracks appeared on his body.
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The monster cried out repeatedly in pain, immediately shifting his attention to Ye Weishan. He suddenly struck out fiercely, wanting to push Lai Yixin out of the way to get revenge on Ye Weishan’ but Lai Yixin also understood that if he moved out of the way, the moment the monster got close Ye Weishan was done for, so, unable to deflect the approaching force, he could only stand firm and receive the opponent’s attack.
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Ye Weishan, upon discovering that even she could only cause small wounds, her expression turned more and more grave. She increased her attack speed while thinking ‘oh no’.

’oh no’ as in c.r.a.p we’re doomed. I really wanted to just put c.r.a.p but it really didn’t suit Weishan. In Chinese, the saying for like c.r.a.p kinda translates to messy cake and it’s informal but not as slang as ‘c.r.a.p’. And I didn’t want to put ‘oh shoot’ because of the unnecessary pun.

And though those soldiers took out firearms and aimed, they didn’t dare to shoot because Lai Yixin and the opponent were too close, it would be troublesome if he accidentally got injured. So everyone aimed and aimed, but didn’t dare to press the trigger.
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As for Zhou and Guo, the two had already retreated with ugly expressions to the outer side. Right now, the monster was using his entire strength to attack Lai Yixin, the protective monster essence had already been attacked to sheds by Ye Weishan so the two people’s attacks were suddenly effective again. Immediately they coordinated with Ye Weishan, continuously shooting out sword qi. Even if they could only cause a small wound, it was still something nevertheless.
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But Lai Yixin was not made of iron. Though the tusk monster was covered with wounds and had blood all over him, his power actually continued to increase until finally, under a ma.s.sive attack, Lai Yixin staggered, his internal qixi flowed backwards and a mouthful of blood sprayed out as he flew backwards, flipping and tumbling onto the ground.
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“Yixin!” Ye Weishan was greatly shocked and couldn’t help crying out.
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“My G.o.d, isn’t it time to run!” As Chen Luonian saw the tusk monster charge over, his brain broke down again and his body automatically moved in front of Ye Weishan to shield her.
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At this time, the soldiers didn’t wait for orders and all started firing, concentrating their attack on the monster but the monster didn’t pay attention at all and had already flashed in front of Chen Luonian, with a jab of the pike, thrusted into Chen Luonian’s chest with one swing tossed him to the shield, then moving the long shield, sliced towards Ye Weishan’s head.
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Ye Weishan saw Chen Luonian suddenly move up in front of her, then suddenly fly upwards, following that a large sheet of blood sprayed down and the monster was already right in front of her. She was stupefied for a moment, then with a shriek, all the qixi enveloping her body rushed forth in one huge burst.
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This direct shove actually pushed the monster back several meters. At the same time, the troops shot out rocket artillery and bullets, but this weapons seemed unable to penetrate the monster essence enveloping the monster. Though it continued to push him back, it seemed unable to cause any damage.
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A period of time pa.s.sed and the firing gradually stopped. Amidst the gunpowder the monster showed a delighted smile. An ominous glint flashed in his eyes and he started walking towards Ye Weishan again.
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In that burst just now, Ye Weishan’s outer qi had been mostly depleted. Right now, all that was left was that her physique was a bit better than ordinary people and she didn’t have any attack power. Watching the monster approach, Ye Weishan’s heart turned cold, she could only close her eyes and wait for death.
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Even though they had a bit of dispute, they couldn’t stand to the side and watch this girl die in front of them. Zhou Huai Yun and Guo Jia Nian from the Li Sect moved protectively in front of Ye Weishan at the same time, brandishing their swords like their lives depended on it.
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But the monster didn’t care about those two at all and took a step forward. With a right stab of the pike and a left wave of the shield the two were instantly knocked flying back. Just as he was going to deal with the deathly pale faced Ye Weishan, a rock suddenly hit the monster’s head.

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