2, The Demon Lord, the Prayer, and the Newbie Evil G.o.d (B-side / A-side)

The wind was blowing.

The Drake gazed upon the land of his imprisonment.

He had long black hair and eyes red as blood. He also sported a single pearlescent horn.

The 108th Demon Lord of the Demon Realm.

Excelling in both tactics and strategy, he still couldn"t believe he"d been banished to this land in the middle of nowhere.

The outlands.

Truly, this was out in the boonies.

Covered in dense forests, there were steep cliffs just like on uninhabited islands.

The beasts are ferocious, and traces of civilization are scant.

(...to a place like this...)

He had been banished to a place like this.

Just for losing a battle.

They were defeated by Xirdish and his army who had gained power over the last few years. It was only one loss, but Drake lost everything because of that.

He fully came to understand he did not possess any luck.

The luck he needed was the divine blessing of the Evil G.o.d.

Drake had never once believed in the Evil G.o.d.

He had always held contempt for those weaklings who clung to the Evil G.o.d.

All that led to where he was now.

(I suppose I"ve now become one of those weaklings...)

Thinking about it like that, he was filled with the urge to laugh, scorning his own self.

(I wonder, what would my ideal Evil G.o.d be like?)

His ideal Evil G.o.d.

Not a G.o.d to cling to, just a G.o.d to answer a prayer.

He doesn"t have to be strong, just someone to be by Drake’s side.

It would be great if the G.o.d turned out as he imagined.

Drake closed his eyes.

He did not know how to offer a prayer to an Evil G.o.d.

He simply winged it the best he could.

(O’ Evil G.o.d, O’ Wicked Deity, My Evil G.o.d. I pray for you to be by my side…...)

At that moment, there was a loud explosion behind Drake.

When Drake looked back, there was...


“Ah, that hurt like a mother-...”

I suddenly crash-landed marvelously on my a.s.s.

This reincarnation thing is pretty violent. My memories and appearance also remain intact.

As a G.o.d, I could now make small miracles and...I have a ma.s.sive debt.

I was fine being an Evil G.o.d and all, but I didn"t have enough good deeds to "afford" a reincarnation, so I had to take out a loan.

In order live the easy life in Heaven for the rest of my days, I first have to gather some followers, pay off my loan, and acc.u.mulate enough good deeds to earn my place in heaven on top of that.

That total amounted to a whopping 560,000,000 karma. An average j.a.panese person acc.u.mulates about 270,000,00 of good karma in their lifetime, so I have to double that amount.

As for how to effectively gain that much karma, I didn"t get a chance to learn.

Anyway, as long as I can gather some believers, I"m sure it"ll all work itself out. My intuition tells me so.

Not to brag, but I"m the guy who plays RPGs and simulations without reading the manual. Of course, this isn"t a world where I can just read a manual if I hit a dead end, but it"d be nice if I could ask an older Evil G.o.d for some tips.

Suddenly after reincarnating, a bunch of messages popped up in my head like, [To use miracle ○○ will consume 200 karma], or [To effectively acc.u.mulate a lot of karma, you must defeat the Lesser Dragon in Yoedre Swamp in the outlands], and [G.o.ds have ranks; you will be starting from Bronze rank].

In order to enjoy my Evil G.o.d life, my main goal is to gather up a bunch of karma.

What, since I"m an Evil "G.o.d", I"m sure it"ll all work out somehow.

I was still sitting on my b.u.t.t pondering all that, when a terribly handsome guy looked at me and our eyes met.

TL Note: And now for the BL times right? Right?? *u*  -Solistia-  Plz no -Frost- Solistia and her BL - Creed

"......My good sir, are you our venerable Evil G.o.d?"


"......My good sir, are you our venerable Evil G.o.d?"

Drake was ashamed of himself as soon as he finished speaking.

There"s no way an Evil G.o.d would just appear like that. Perhaps he was a demon that lived nearby.

He didn"t look like he had any battle experience as he wasn"t the least bit nervous.

It"s not impossible for an Evil G.o.d to manifest in this world.

The first Great Demon Lord was bestowed a royal sceptre by an Evil G.o.d, and it"s said that there"s a lake in a great forest where the Evil G.o.d goes to relax.

Be that as it may, the Evil G.o.d in the legends had a hard and muscular body.

Certainly, there was no way this weak-looking guy was an Evil G.o.d.

(Still, now that I think about it, my ideal Evil G.o.d didn"t need to be strong...)

Even so, there was still no way this guy was an Evil G.o.d.

"Ah, yes. Nice to meet you, I"m the Evil G.o.d."

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