Julius Caesar

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Julius"s POV .

It was cold and I was sitting on a bench at the park and staring at the ground .

I then lifted my head to stare at the setting sun, flicked a cigarette -I almost forgot was between my fingers- and rubbed the sides of my temples .

I then took a deep breath, stared more at the bright sun, looked away and exhaled loudly . I glanced at the burning tip of my cigarette and the smoke twirling from it, as I tried to explain my actions . The reason behind them . I hadn"t really thought them through, and now was the time .

Why didn"t I hesitate for a second- I asked myself . Why didn"t I hesitate when it came to helping Father when he fell? Was what he said true? Him being my brain? Was that why I found myself by his side? Because "my brain" felt sick? Got a heart attack?

Did that even make sense?

I planted my head in my hands, squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head . Everything was getting really complicated .

And where was Augustus?

I reached for my phone and watched as my finger hovered over the call b.u.t.ton . Father"s approach absolutely unnerved me and worried me about Augustus in ways I couldn"t describe .

If he didn"t return home, where did he go? Is he even still alive?

My breath hitched at the thought and I threw away the cigarette, no longer feeling like smoking . I was simply losing appet.i.te for everything in my life very quickly . I just knew I had to find him . Because it wasn"t normal . This wasn"t the Augustus I knew . He wouldn"t just disappear .

But maybe I didn"t really know him . And I needed to find someone who did .

Zig .

He was his childhood friend . He should know where I"d find him or at least help me contact him and tell him lots of things . Like how sorry I am .

I got up from the park"s bench while rolling my eyes at a kid whining about something . I speed walked and reached for a cab to the hospital .


I placed my hand on the door"s handle and turned it, nodding at a female nurse holding a clipboard . I stepped in and was. .h.i.t by the familiarity of the room . The couch in the corner, Zig"s centred bed, and the wooden chair next to it that Augustus sat on when we last visited . I could even almost imagine the blood droplets on the floor that I had to wipe with my shirt .

I then walked to his bed where Zig laid with now both his legs out of the cast . His head was popped up in antic.i.p.ation and I raised my eyebrows with a heavy sigh . He grinned at me .

"Romeo," he said smiling, showing his pointy canines and extending his left hand for a handshake . I shook it awkwardly and nodded at nothing in particular .

"h.e.l.lo, Zig," I said smiling tightly as I grabbed a wooden chair next to his bed .

I watched his hand run through his chocolate brown hair as he watched me closely .

"How are you?" I said sitting on the chair .

"I"m great . " He sounded weary and I just nodded .

"When will you be leaving, mate? You"ve been here for a while," I asked curiously . The least I could do was inquire about how badly Father injured him . Even though he was innocent .

"I got a back injury . It"s the reason why I"ve been here for long . I think I"ll leave in a week or two . " He smiled brightly and I nodded again, not really caring to know the details .

"So what brought you here? Alone?" Zig asked c.o.c.king an eyebrow and wearing a playful smile .

I pursed my lips, ignored his tone and took a deep breath . "Augustus . "

"Huh?" He blinked . "What about him?" He looked more alert now .

"When was the last time he visited?" I asked slowly, terrified of the answer .

Zig licked his lower lip and furrowed his eyebrows . "A week or so ago . Kinda weird . He used to visit almost every day . But I really haven"t-"

My breath hitched . "That"s bad . " I breathed and almost scolded myself at the emotion that laced my voice . Zig clenched his jaws, his dark eyes hardening . "And that"s why I came . "

"Should I be worried?" Zig said, using his arms as support to push himself up against the bed .

"Obviously . " My voice was strained . "I-He was angry . Sad . And then he disappeared . Doesn"t answer calls . Doesn"t return home . Doesn"t visit you-"

"Oh," Zig opened his mouth to add something, but then stopped . "Oh . " Zig looked away and sighed with a weary smile . "He must be on one of his "legendary" nights . "

"What?" My heart almost skipped a beat . Zig chuckled .

"You don"t really know Augustus, do you?" he said smiling and I looked at him curiously . "Occasionally-" he paused . "-when he"s super sad . " Zig continued sighing and locking my eyes . "-he"d just disappear . He needs a breather at times . He goes somewhere where he can be alone and cannot be found . Spend a couple of nights to deal with himself . And after a week or so, he always comes back like he"s never known sadness . He"s so pure . Augustus . "

Zig said smiling widely at the memory and I guiltily smiled too .

"He is really pure . It"s true," I said feeling my chest constrict with emotion . I was surprised at how my body, voice even reacted . It was like I actually cared . "Do you have any idea where I would find him though?"

"Mmm . . . well, that depends . " He drawled, his hazel eyes glistening under the room"s bright lights .

"On what?" I said importantly, leaning in .

"On the severity of the situation, which he explained fell under three categories," he said smirking . "Depressed . Confused . PMSing . "

I then suppressed a smile . That was so Augustus-like .

"So? What"s your category, my friend?" he asked a bit too casually .

I looked back at Zig"s curious face and sighed . "Conf-Depressed . " I started but immediately corrected myself .

Well, shamefully, it was the truth .

"Depressed . Hmm . That"s difficult . " He said and I almost snapped at him to get to the b.l.o.o.d.y point .

"Yes . "

"You"d find him either in the abandoned amus.e.m.e.nt park next to his place . Or on top of a mountain, which would be really unlucky for you, if you will look for him . " He said, moving his hands for emphasis .

I raised my eyebrows and thought of what he said . "Is it often that he goes on those "legendary" nights of his?"

Zig shook his head slowly . "Not at all . He usually finds me to talk to . But I"m quite surprised . He must be really sad to the extent that he couldn"t even share it with me . I mean, I thought he had gotten rid of this whole idea . "

I pursed my lips and Zig continued . "Look, I"m not gonna ask what you did to him," he said catching my drifting eyes . "But he better be fine . He"s my only best friend . " He sounded atrociously serious .

He"s my only brother . Zig- was what I thought .

I nodded silently as he studied me for a while . "He"ll be fine . " I found myself saying, looking in my hands . Zig raised an eyebrow and I sighed . "I promise . "

Zig nodded then looked away . "I"m glad you cared enough to actually stop by and ask me . Makes me actually trust you and believe your promise . "

I smirked and looked up at him .

"Thank you for helping," I said solidly, already preparing myself to leave .

"I"m helping him . Not you . " He said, blocking my train of thoughts . "Since I can"t be there for him . I"d like it if there was someone else . "

I nodded again feeling a "brick" settle on my lungs . Guilt?

"Uh- yes, thank you for that too," I said with a heavy sigh as Zig shrugged it off .

"Just tell him to call when you find him," Zig said shifting slightly in his bed .

"Sure thing," I said carelessly, getting up and heading to the door .

"Bye, Romeo," Zig said and I nodded once before getting out of the room and soon the b.l.o.o.d.y hospital .


"Go back . " I enunciated . "And maybe take a double right this time," I told the taxi driver as he exhaled with irritation .

"Are you sure you know where you"re going, sir?" He said for the hundredth time and I raised my eyebrows .

"Can you do what you"re being told without your beautiful commentary?" I snapped . "You"re getting well-paid for this . "

The taxi driver reversed for the fifth or seventh time and drove . Well, if Zig lied about this amus.e.m.e.nt park thing, I"d make sure those two legs of his got back in a cast ASAP, because I couldn"t find a b.l.o.o.d.y location on the b.l.o.o.d.y GPS for that "haunted amus.e.m.e.nt park" . So me and my taxi driver, as my pleasant company, have been roaming around randomly at almost 7 pm in the b.l.o.o.d.y evening .

I peered out of the window with a grimace . I was wasting my time looking for a person who didn"t want to be found . Yet, I wouldn"t stop looking for him .

"I"ve never heard of an amus.e.m.e.nt park over here, sir . " The driver said again and I glared at him through the rearview mirror . He looked down and shut up .

A couple of more buildings pa.s.sed us before a huge barren land showed up with a broken rollercoaster track . There were several lightless billboards, advertising a very old Mercedes model .

The taxi driver slowed down on his own before coming to a complete stop in front of some, old rusty entrance gates .

The taxi driver slowed down on his own before coming to a complete stop in front of some, old rusty entrance gates .

I took out some pounds and handed them to the driver .

"Keep the change," I muttered as I climbed out of the car, mesmerized by the view in front of me .

I heard the taxi drive away, abandoning me here with the hooting of the owls as my only soothing music . I approached the gates and raised my eyebrows when I realized that they were closed .

I was killing Zig . It was official .

I peered through the gates for any sign of life to find none, except for a pair of red converse hanging with their laces on one of the bungs of the rollercoaster track .

Now . What was that?

I scratched my head, before smirking at the gates . I climbed over them before jumping to the other side with a light thud .

I took in my surroundings as I tightened my leather jacket around myself . There was a Ferris wheel that tipped dangerously as it hung on its remaining support . The rollercoaster that welcomed me from outside had a single car that looked like a dragon"s mouth on top of one low loop . And so many other dilapidated rides with their seats stripped off and with rats holing their way into and out of them .

Suddenly I heard a flutter, making me turn to find none other than an old newspaper, drifting on the ground due to the harsh, cold breeze that infiltrated through my hair .

Which reminded me that I really needed a haircut . Quite irrelevant . Still .

I sighed, pushing back the hair that covered my eyes, then glanced at the roller coaster"s car with curiosity . There was a big chance that this was his home sweet home .

I carefully made my way to the rollercoaster, then clambered over the rusty bungs with caution . I even imagined that a car would come from behind me and crash into me .

Well . Zig said it was a "haunted" park .

I climbed up the loop and when I was standing precariously over the only car, my heart beat fast . But I was disappointed to find no one .

I sighed sadly .

"Boo!" Augustus"s face came from the opposite end of the car startling me terribly .

Was he hiding behind the car all that time?

Augustus"s laughter broke my string of thoughts as I stared at him for a long time . His messy hair, twinkling, electric blue eyes, pale skin, b.u.t.ton nose and dark red lips that curled into a foolish grin . My jade green scarf fluttered against his neck, hugging it . I stared at how odd he looked in a black tuxedo jacket, with a red shirt beneath and yellow shorts .

"I scared you didn"t I? Didn"t I? Didn"t I?" He repeated as he awkwardly climbed into the car .

"You know that you"re a b.l.o.o.d.y k.n.o.b, right?" was the first thing I managed to breathe as relief spilt over me .

"Come on in, mate . " He said with a huge smile, ignoring my snide comment . "You"re welcome in my modest home . " He waved his hand exaggeratedly at the car .

I looked at him curiously before getting into the car myself .

"Are you -uh- sure this thing will not collapse under our weights?" I said examining it .

It was a hollow, carved metal thing . No seats . But there was a box of granola bars .

Augustus caught me staring at it and smiled . "Want one?" he said reaching for the box and grabbing two bars .

"Oh no, thank you," I said staring at the two street lights that dimly illuminated this whole place . The impact of a granola bar in my face snapped me out of my "observation" mode to look at Augustus who was still grinning .

"Rule one: don"t deny anything I give you . I rarely have visitors and when I do, they have to be well served before they go . " He said, his face looking serious for a second before it broke into a smile again .

"I"m not a visitor . I"m your-" I stopped to squint at his expectant face and bright eyes . "-your brother . "

Augustus looked into my eyes, opened his granola bar and took a huge bite .

"So? That shut you up?" I asked, clenching my jaws and he smirked .

"No . Not really . I"m still kinda thinking of what I should tell you . " His voice was m.u.f.fled as granola pieces flew from his mouth .

"Uh-huh," I said with a small smile before opening my granola bar myself . "It"s completely messed up, don"t you think?"

Augustus pursed his lips to suppress a smile . "It is . Yeah . "

Silence then settled between us, only interrupted by the rustle of Augustus"s granola bar"s plastic package . It was incredibly awkward .

"Uh-" I tried, catching my brother"s attention . I cringed . "-those are really good bars . What are they called again?" I said awkwardly and Augustus chuckled .

"You suck at apologies, Julio," Augustus said with a soft sigh and a small smile . I pursed my lips . "I mean, who doesn"t know what they are?"

"You suck at apologies, Julio," Augustus said with a soft sigh and a small smile . I pursed my lips . "I mean, who doesn"t know what they are?"

I ignored his comment and smiled slightly . "So . . . that"s your castle?"

That was when I realized my urgent need to just shut up .

"Yeah," he said banging the metal car with his left fist . "And I sing "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" every day . Except for, I don"t have my Elsa, of course . "

"What?" I said not understanding what he said . "It didn"t snow yet, mate . "

Augustus looked at me with shock . "You didn"t understand my reference? I mean, if I told you, you"re the Elsa to my Anna, you won"t understand?"

"I seriously cannot interpret what you"re saying," I said with amus.e.m.e.nt .

"It"s Frozen!" He almost bellowed as echoes of his voice surrounded us .

"What"s frozen? Gustus, you"re worrying me . " I said checking him out . He smiled, shaking his head .

"You haven"t watched the movie," he said defeated and I raised my eyebrows .

"Oh," I smiled suddenly . "So all those are movie references," I said with realization .

"Took you long enough! I mean, blyme, didn"t know that Dad works with stupid people . " He said and I almost laughed .

"Well, that"s all he got . " I shrugged, smiling weakly .

Awkward silence .

"You"re -uh- wearing yellow shorts?" I broke the silence again and hoped I would just die .

"Yeah, they"re yellow . " He said looking down at his shorts awkwardly .

"Yeah," I said . "You"re not -um- cold?" I added and he winced .

"Uh- not really-"

"I mean I can give you my jacket-" I started and Augustus laughed, shaking his head .

"Nah, mate . You know, I don"t really feel . . . cold . " He said slowly and I nodded .

"Just a thought-"

"I realized . " He said suppressing a smile . "And it"s a really stupid thought . Really, Julio . So I recommend you to try apologizing silently," Augustus said with a grin and I raised my eyebrows .

"How can I do that?" I asked incredulously .

"You"ll manage . " He said with a wink .

I creased my eyebrows and gave it a thought as Augustus stared at me . Waiting .

He then got up and I followed suit . He raised his eyebrows at me and I sighed quietly . He was about to jump out of the car when I pulled him from my scarf, turned him to me and hugged him .

For a -uh- considerably long time considering the fact that I never hugged anyone for a while .

"I"m sorry, brother . " I breathed before pulling back .

Augustus looked at me and I was surprised to find tears glistening in his eyes .

"You should be," he said .

"Yeah," I said feeling a heavy burden get off my chest . "So why the -uh- tears?" My heart was taking off at the emotion his eyes carried .

He chuckled . "You know," he shrugged . "I"m the emotional one . "

"Right . Almost forgot that . " I said pushing back some hair that fell over my eyes due to a breeze .

"So? What"s next?" Augustus said with a genuine smile before blinking a couple of times .

"We evacuate this haunted, cold place," I replied immediately as I looked around me .

"It"s not that bad," Augustus said defensively .

"Yeah, sure . Can we leave now?" I said and Augustus nodded .
"It"s not that bad," Augustus said defensively .

"Yeah, sure . Can we leave now?" I said and Augustus nodded .

"Right, lemme get my shoes," he said and I gave him a look that translated to "seriously, mate" . "Well . " He held up an index finger . "Lemme explain myself before you permanently judge me . "

I chuckled and he continued . "So, one day I was sleeping . And when I woke up . Oh my G.o.d, Julio, I was disgusted out of my wits . A bird p.o.o.ped on my shoes . My red converse . I mean, I get a headache when I imagine the white splotches that decorated it . And -oh my life- you don"t know what I had to go through to actually scrub them clean . I didn"t have latex gloves, so -bear me for one more second, Julio- I had to do it with my hands . But you know," he stopped to smile dazzlingly . "-when I was done . It was worth the effort!"

"Interesting," I said bemusedly .

"Well, you might think that that"s stupid . But I was raised that my appearance is a number one priority," he said with impossible pride .

"Right . That"s why you"re wearing a tuxedo jacket on yellow shorts . I mean, I"m dressed more decently," I teased and his eyebrows furrowed .

"Well as it happens, I came here to mourn not to show off my unexceptionable fashion talents . " He smirked and I chuckled as he left to get his shoes .

I stared at his back and felt my heart beat faster . I truly missed him .

I got out of the car, leaving the granola box and made my way to the bottom . I stood there waiting for him .

After a few minutes, he jumped by my side with his undeniably clean, red shoes .

"So do we have to catch a taxi?" I asked and he shook his head .

"Nope . I have my Porsche . I parked it in an invisible place . " He whispered this and I raised my eyebrows .

"Lead the way then," I said .

When we were finally in front of the car, Augustus threw me the keys .

I caught them when the sound of the clicking of a gun caught my attention . I turned to find someone holding a gun to Augustus"s head .

I stared at Augustus"s shocked face as I instinctively reached for my gun .

"Don"t even try or he shoots . " A voice said with a heavy accent and I turned to find a guy with dark, soft hair, moon- grey eyes and bushy eyebrows walk towards me .

I was not expecting this .

"Let me guess," I said glancing at the guy in front of me who wore a dark smile . "Leonard?"

"Wrong answer, mon amour*," he said and I raised my eyebrows .

"Well if it isn"t Tweedledum, it"s obviously Tweedledee . " I scowled with disgust . "Maxime . "

He pursed his lips and smiled . "J"aime* a man with a good memory . "

"You"re French?" Augustus"s shaky voice broke the silence that settled around us . "I mean . Ew?"

I turned to find the other guy -Leonard- push the gun harder to my brother"s head, shutting him up . I glared sharply at Leonard, then looked back in front of me .

"D"accord*," Maxime said with a lopsided smile . "-let"s start by saying-" He paused, glanced at Leonard, then looked back at me with a scowl . "-you really p.i.s.sed me off . "


Your Tiny Translator:

Mon amour: My love

J"aime: I love

D"accord: Okay

A/N: Alright, this was ALL google translation lol . So if anyone who knows French notices some mistake or you know . . . if it just doesn"t make sense, PLEASE tell me :)

Let"s welcome those antagonists who you"ll love/hate ;)

Oh and by now, you know all the characters in this book .

*whispers* you"ll probably hate them for what they"ll do

All the love ♡Juliuss POV . It was cold and I was sitting on a bench at the park and staring at the ground . I then lifted my head to stare at the setting sun, flicked a cigarette -I almost forgot was between my fingers- and rubbed the sides of my temples . I then took a deep breath, stared more at the bright sun, looked away and exhaled loudly . I glanced at the burning tip of my cigarette and the smoke twirling from it, as I tried to explain my actions . The reason behind them . I hadnt really thought them through, and now was the time . Why didnt I hesitate for a second- I asked myself . Why didnt I hesitate when it came to helping Father when he fell? Was what he said true? Him being my brain? Was that why I found myself by his side? Because my brain felt sick? Got a heart attack? Did that even make sense? I planted my head in my hands, squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head . Everything was getting really complicated . And where was Augustus? I reached for my phone and watched as my finger hovered over the call b.u.t.ton . Fathers approach absolutely unnerved me and worried me about Augustus in ways I couldnt describe . If he didnt return home, where did he go? Is he even still alive? My breath hitched at the thought and I threw away the cigarette, no longer feeling like smoking . I was simply losing appet.i.te for everything in my life very quickly . I just knew I had to find him . Because it wasnt normal . This wasnt the Augustus I knew . He wouldnt just disappear . But maybe I didnt really know him . And I needed to find someone who did . Zig . He was his childhood friend . He should know where Id find him or at least help me contact him and tell him lots of things . Like how sorry I am . I got up from the parks bench while rolling my eyes at a kid whining about something . I speed walked and reached for a cab to the hospital . --- I placed my hand on the doors handle and turned it, nodding at a female nurse holding a clipboard . I stepped in and was. .h.i.t by the familiarity of the room . The couch in the corner, Zigs centred bed, and the wooden chair next to it that Augustus sat on when we last visited . I could even almost imagine the blood droplets on the floor that I had to wipe with my shirt . I then walked to his bed where Zig laid with now both his legs out of the cast . His head was popped up in antic.i.p.ation and I raised my eyebrows with a heavy sigh . He grinned at me . Romeo, he said smiling, showing his pointy canines and extending his left hand for a handshake . I shook it awkwardly and nodded at nothing in particular . h.e.l.lo, Zig, I said smiling tightly as I grabbed a wooden chair next to his bed . I watched his hand run through his chocolate brown hair as he watched me closely . How are you? I said sitting on the chair . Im great . He sounded weary and I just nodded . When will you be leaving, mate? Youve been here for a while, I asked curiously . The least I could do was inquire about how badly Father injured him . Even though he was innocent . I got a back injury . Its the reason why Ive been here for long . I think Ill leave in a week or two . He smiled brightly and I nodded again, not really caring to know the details . So what brought you here? Alone? Zig asked c.o.c.king an eyebrow and wearing a playful smile . I pursed my lips, ignored his tone and took a deep breath . Augustus . Huh? He blinked . What about him? He looked more alert now . When was the last time he visited? I asked slowly, terrified of the answer . Zig licked his lower lip and furrowed his eyebrows . A week or so ago . Kinda weird . He used to visit almost every day . But I really havent- My breath hitched . Thats bad . I breathed and almost scolded myself at the emotion that laced my voice . Zig clenched his jaws, his dark eyes hardening . And thats why I came . Should I be worried? Zig said, using his arms as support to push himself up against the bed . Obviously . My voice was strained . I-He was angry . Sad . And then he disappeared . Doesnt answer calls . Doesnt return home . Doesnt visit you- Oh, Zig opened his mouth to add something, but then stopped . Oh . Zig looked away and sighed with a weary smile . He must be on one of his legendary nights . What? My heart almost skipped a beat . Zig chuckled . You dont really know Augustus, do you? he said smiling and I looked at him curiously . Occasionally- he paused . -when hes super sad . Zig continued sighing and locking my eyes . -hed just disappear . He needs a breather at times . He goes somewhere where he can be alone and cannot be found . Spend a couple of nights to deal with himself . And after a week or so, he always comes back like hes never known sadness . Hes so pure . Augustus . Zig said smiling widely at the memory and I guiltily smiled too . He is really pure . Its true, I said feeling my chest constrict with emotion . I was surprised at how my body, voice even reacted . It was like I actually cared . Do you have any idea where I would find him though? Mmm . well, that depends . He drawled, his hazel eyes glistening under the rooms bright lights . On what? I said importantly, leaning in . On the severity of the situation, which he explained fell under three categories, he said smirking . Depressed . Confused . PMSing . I then suppressed a smile . That was so Augustus-like . So? Whats your category, my friend? he asked a bit too casually . I looked back at Zigs curious face and sighed . Conf-Depressed . I started but immediately corrected myself . Well, shamefully, it was the truth . Depressed . Hmm . Thats difficult . He said and I almost snapped at him to get to the b.l.o.o.d.y point . Yes . Youd find him either in the abandoned amus.e.m.e.nt park next to his place . Or on top of a mountain, which would be really unlucky for you, if you will look for him . He said, moving his hands for emphasis . I raised my eyebrows and thought of what he said . Is it often that he goes on those legendary nights of his? Zig shook his head slowly . Not at all . He usually finds me to talk to . But Im quite surprised . He must be really sad to the extent that he couldnt even share it with me . I mean, I thought he had gotten rid of this whole idea . I pursed my lips and Zig continued . Look, Im not gonna ask what you did to him, he said catching my drifting eyes . But he better be fine . Hes my only best friend . He sounded atrociously serious . Hes my only brother . Zig- was what I thought . I nodded silently as he studied me for a while . h.e.l.l be fine . I found myself saying, looking in my hands . Zig raised an eyebrow and I sighed . I promise . Zig nodded then looked away . Im glad you cared enough to actually stop by and ask me . Makes me actually trust you and believe your promise . I smirked and looked up at him . Thank you for helping, I said solidly, already preparing myself to leave . Im helping him . Not you . He said, blocking my train of thoughts . Since I cant be there for him . Id like it if there was someone else . I nodded again feeling a brick settle on my lungs . Guilt? Uh- yes, thank you for that too, I said with a heavy sigh as Zig shrugged it off . Just tell him to call when you find him, Zig said shifting slightly in his bed . Sure thing, I said carelessly, getting up and heading to the door . Bye, Romeo, Zig said and I nodded once before getting out of the room and soon the b.l.o.o.d.y hospital . --- Go back . I enunciated . And maybe take a double right this time, I told the taxi driver as he exhaled with irritation . Are you sure you know where youre going, sir? He said for the hundredth time and I raised my eyebrows . Can you do what youre being told without your beautiful commentary? I snapped . Youre getting well-paid for this . The taxi driver reversed for the fifth or seventh time and drove . Well, if Zig lied about this amus.e.m.e.nt park thing, Id make sure those two legs of his got back in a cast ASAP, because I couldnt find a b.l.o.o.d.y location on the b.l.o.o.d.y GPS for that haunted amus.e.m.e.nt park . So me and my taxi driver, as my pleasant company, have been roaming around randomly at almost 7 pm in the b.l.o.o.d.y evening . I peered out of the window with a grimace . I was wasting my time looking for a person who didnt want to be found . Yet, I wouldnt stop looking for him . Ive never heard of an amus.e.m.e.nt park over here, sir . The driver said again and I glared at him through the rearview mirror . He looked down and shut up . A couple of more buildings pa.s.sed us before a huge barren land showed up with a broken rollercoaster track . There were several lightless billboards, advertising a very old Mercedes model . The taxi driver slowed down on his own before coming to a complete stop in front of some, old rusty entrance gates . I took out some pounds and handed them to the driver . Keep the change, I muttered as I climbed out of the car, mesmerized by the view in front of me . I heard the taxi drive away, abandoning me here with the hooting of the owls as my only soothing music . I approached the gates and raised my eyebrows when I realized that they were closed . I was killing Zig . It was official . I peered through the gates for any sign of life to find none, except for a pair of red converse hanging with their laces on one of the bungs of the rollercoaster track . Now . What was that? I scratched my head, before smirking at the gates . I climbed over them before jumping to the other side with a light thud . I took in my surroundings as I tightened my leather jacket around myself . There was a Ferris wheel that tipped dangerously as it hung on its remaining support . The rollercoaster that welcomed me from outside had a single car that looked like a dragons mouth on top of one low loop . And so many other dilapidated rides with their seats stripped off and with rats holing their way into and out of them . Suddenly I heard a flutter, making me turn to find none other than an old newspaper, drifting on the ground due to the harsh, cold breeze that infiltrated through my hair . Which reminded me that I really needed a haircut . Quite irrelevant . Still . I sighed, pushing back the hair that covered my eyes, then glanced at the roller coasters car with curiosity . There was a big chance that this was his home sweet home . I carefully made my way to the rollercoaster, then clambered over the rusty bungs with caution . I even imagined that a car would come from behind me and crash into me . Well . Zig said it was a haunted park . I climbed up the loop and when I was standing precariously over the only car, my heart beat fast . But I was disappointed to find no one . I sighed sadly . Boo! Augustuss face came from the opposite end of the car startling me terribly . Was he hiding behind the car all that time? Augustuss laughter broke my string of thoughts as I stared at him for a long time . His messy hair, twinkling, electric blue eyes, pale skin, b.u.t.ton nose and dark red lips that curled into a foolish grin . My jade green scarf fluttered against his neck, hugging it . I stared at how odd he looked in a black tuxedo jacket, with a red shirt beneath and yellow shorts . I scared you didnt I? Didnt I? Didnt I? He repeated as he awkwardly climbed into the car . You know that youre a b.l.o.o.d.y k.n.o.b, right? was the first thing I managed to breathe as relief spilt over me . Come on in, mate . He said with a huge smile, ignoring my snide comment . Youre welcome in my modest home . He waved his hand exaggeratedly at the car . I looked at him curiously before getting into the car myself . Are you -uh- sure this thing will not collapse under our weights? I said examining it . It was a hollow, carved metal thing . No seats . But there was a box of granola bars . Augustus caught me staring at it and smiled . Want one? he said reaching for the box and grabbing two bars . Oh no, thank you, I said staring at the two street lights that dimly illuminated this whole place . The impact of a granola bar in my face snapped me out of my observation mode to look at Augustus who was still grinning . Rule one: dont deny anything I give you . I rarely have visitors and when I do, they have to be well served before they go . He said, his face looking serious for a second before it broke into a smile again . Im not a visitor . Im your- I stopped to squint at his expectant face and bright eyes . -your brother . Augustus looked into my eyes, opened his granola bar and took a huge bite . So? That shut you up? I asked, clenching my jaws and he smirked . No . Not really . Im still kinda thinking of what I should tell you . His voice was m.u.f.fled as granola pieces flew from his mouth . Uh-huh, I said with a small smile before opening my granola bar myself . Its completely messed up, dont you think? Augustus pursed his lips to suppress a smile . It is . Yeah . Silence then settled between us, only interrupted by the rustle of Augustuss granola bars plastic package . It was incredibly awkward . Uh- I tried, catching my brothers attention . I cringed . -those are really good bars . What are they called again? I said awkwardly and Augustus chuckled . You suck at apologies, Julio, Augustus said with a soft sigh and a small smile . I pursed my lips . I mean, who doesnt know what they are? I ignored his comment and smiled slightly . So . thats your castle? That was when I realized my urgent need to just shut up . Yeah, he said banging the metal car with his left fist . And I sing Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? every day . Except for, I dont have my Elsa, of course . What? I said not understanding what he said . It didnt snow yet, mate . Augustus looked at me with shock . You didnt understand my reference? I mean, if I told you, youre the Elsa to my Anna, you wont understand? I seriously cannot interpret what youre saying, I said with amus.e.m.e.nt . Its Frozen! He almost bellowed as echoes of his voice surrounded us . Whats frozen? Gustus, youre worrying me . I said checking him out . He smiled, shaking his head . You havent watched the movie, he said defeated and I raised my eyebrows . Oh, I smiled suddenly . So all those are movie references, I said with realization . Took you long enough! I mean, blyme, didnt know that Dad works with stupid people . He said and I almost laughed . Well, thats all he got . I shrugged, smiling weakly . Awkward silence . Youre -uh- wearing yellow shorts? I broke the silence again and hoped I would just die . Yeah, theyre yellow . He said looking down at his shorts awkwardly . Yeah, I said . Youre not -um- cold? I added and he winced . Uh- not really- I mean I can give you my jacket- I started and Augustus laughed, shaking his head . Nah, mate . You know, I dont really feel . cold . He said slowly and I nodded . Just a thought- I realized . He said suppressing a smile . And its a really stupid thought . Really, Julio . So I recommend you to try apologizing silently, Augustus said with a grin and I raised my eyebrows . How can I do that? I asked incredulously . Youll manage . He said with a wink . I creased my eyebrows and gave it a thought as Augustus stared at me . Waiting . He then got up and I followed suit . He raised his eyebrows at me and I sighed quietly . He was about to jump out of the car when I pulled him from my scarf, turned him to me and hugged him . For a -uh- considerably long time considering the fact that I never hugged anyone for a while . Im sorry, brother . I breathed before pulling back . Augustus looked at me and I was surprised to find tears glistening in his eyes . You should be, he said . Yeah, I said feeling a heavy burden get off my chest . So why the -uh- tears? My heart was taking off at the emotion his eyes carried . He chuckled . You know, he shrugged . Im the emotional one . Right . Almost forgot that . I said pushing back some hair that fell over my eyes due to a breeze . So? Whats next? Augustus said with a genuine smile before blinking a couple of times . We evacuate this haunted, cold place, I replied immediately as I looked around me . Its not that bad, Augustus said defensively . Yeah, sure . Can we leave now? I said and Augustus nodded . Right, lemme get my shoes, he said and I gave him a look that translated to seriously, mate . Well . He held up an index finger . Lemme explain myself before you permanently judge me . I chuckled and he continued . So, one day I was sleeping . And when I woke up . Oh my G.o.d, Julio, I was disgusted out of my wits . A bird p.o.o.ped on my shoes . My red converse . I mean, I get a headache when I imagine the white splotches that decorated it . And -oh my life- you dont know what I had to go through to actually scrub them clean . I didnt have latex gloves, so -bear me for one more second, Julio- I had to do it with my hands . But you know, he stopped to smile dazzlingly . -when I was done . It was worth the effort! Interesting, I said bemusedly . Well, you might think that thats stupid . But I was raised that my appearance is a number one priority, he said with impossible pride . Right . Thats why youre wearing a tuxedo jacket on yellow shorts . I mean, Im dressed more decently, I teased and his eyebrows furrowed . Well as it happens, I came here to mourn not to show off my unexceptionable fashion talents . He smirked and I chuckled as he left to get his shoes . I stared at his back and felt my heart beat faster . I truly missed him . I got out of the car, leaving the granola box and made my way to the bottom . I stood there waiting for him . After a few minutes, he jumped by my side with his undeniably clean, red shoes . So do we have to catch a taxi? I asked and he shook his head . Nope . I have my Porsche . I parked it in an invisible place . He whispered this and I raised my eyebrows . Lead the way then, I said . When we were finally in front of the car, Augustus threw me the keys . I caught them when the sound of the clicking of a gun caught my attention . I turned to find someone holding a gun to Augustuss head . I stared at Augustuss shocked face as I instinctively reached for my gun . Dont even try or he shoots . A voice said with a heavy accent and I turned to find a guy with dark, soft hair, moon- grey eyes and bushy eyebrows walk towards me . I was not expecting this . Let me guess, I said glancing at the guy in front of me who wore a dark smile . Leonard? Wrong answer, mon amour*, he said and I raised my eyebrows . Well if it isnt Tweedledum, its obviously Tweedledee . I scowled with disgust . Maxime . He pursed his lips and smiled . Jaime* a man with a good memory . Youre French? Augustuss shaky voice broke the silence that settled around us . I mean . Ew? I turned to find the other guy -Leonard- push the gun harder to my brothers head, shutting him up . I glared sharply at Leonard, then looked back in front of me . Daccord*, Maxime said with a lopsided smile . -lets start by saying- He paused, glanced at Leonard, then looked back at me with a scowl . -you really p.i.s.sed me off . *** Your Tiny Translator: Mon amour: My love Jaime: I love Daccord: Okay A/N: Alright, this was ALL google translation lol . So if anyone who knows French notices some mistake or you know . if it just doesnt make sense, PLEASE tell me :) Lets welcome those antagonists who youll love/hate ;) Oh and by now, you know all the characters in this book . *whispers* youll probably hate them for what theyll do All the love ♡

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