Julius Caesar

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

"No s.h.i.t, he p.i.s.sed you off," Augustus snarled .

"Shut him up or we"ll do it our way," Leonard said with a grimace and I turned to him with a threatening look .

"Let him talk as he wishes," I said solidly and Augustus smirked . "And that"s my first rule: I don"t take orders or threats . From anyone . "

Except for your father/brain .

Except for your father/brain .

Except for your father/brain .

I clenched my fists .

Maxime smirked . "Oh? Looks like you gotta make an exception this tim-"

"Can you get the b.l.o.o.d.y point where you"re p.i.s.sed at me?" I cut him off impatiently .

Maxime shut up and looked up at me seriously . "D"accord* . For starters, you stole our doc.u.ments . And killed our père* . Our father," he then added with a thick accent .

"Yeah, that"s what I did," I said wrapping my arms in front of my chest . "What do you want?"

"Vengeance . Revenge, Alexander junior . " He said as he raised his black coat"s collar against the cold breeze .

"I beg to differ," I said raising my eyebrows . "Killing your père," I mocked . "-was our revenge . Taking our doc.u.ments back, was also only fair . "

"You didn"t only take your folder . You took the other four, Alexander Jr," he drawled and I gritted my teeth at the name he decided to a.s.sign me .

"They mean nothing to me," I told him . "And if you want them, I shall return them . "

Maxime raised his eyebrows, then laughed . "Are we here to negotiate? I don"t do bargains . " His voice hardened . "I want all the folders . All five of them . "

"You talk as if those doc.u.ments were yours," I said . "Your père stole them . And got killed for them . "

"You killed him when he was only coming to give them back!" Leonard"s voice cottoned in and I looked at him bemusedly .

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows . "Last I checked, he"d rather scream when I pulled his hair than tell me where the doc.u.ments wer-" I started and Maxime"s cool finally wore off .

"Don"t you dare . " His voice was taut and his face screwed . I smiled . "You never gave him the money . "

"You mean the ten million dollars that one of your father"s men took the day before he screamed to death? Just because he wouldn"t trust us . " I added bitterly . "We were n.o.ble . He wasn"t . He and his likes get eliminated . End of the bedtime story . So can we go?"

Maxime looked at me slightly shocked .

"Look, it looks like your "père" didn"t tell you what really happened . " I teased with a slight smirk . "So when you "unravel" the truth that your father was a sc.u.mbag, come to apologize . As for now, you should learn when to run for your life . Like in the next five to ten minutes . " I sucked in my lower lip and then smiled wickedly .

Maxime rolled his eyes .

"Impossible . He would never lie to us . " Leonard intervened as I heard his gun click .

I turned to him wearily . "Your father was a thief who happened to be a very good lawyer . He took the doc.u.ments that would sue my father and wanted to hand them to the police to take the "bad guys" out like a good lawyer . He would then bargain the doc.u.ments for money . Blackmail us . And it worked . We gave him the money," I said feeling my anger bubble inside me . Begging for release . "He never handed the doc.u.ments . Turned out that this is how he makes money and keeps a good reputation at the same time . I must say he excelled at it . b.l.o.o.d.y vermin . "

Maxime smiled . "Nice story . Especially the conclusion . I like it . Bravo!" He then laughed, tilted his head back, then looked down with no essence of emotion on his face . "I want all the folders . Julius . "

"What still thoroughly amazes me-" I continued ignoring him and his drama . "-is why haven"t you guys, continued his legacy right away? I mean, you had the b.l.o.o.d.y doc.u.ments for what? Five months? You remember them when I decide to take them back? Weird . "

"Don"t answer him," Leonard told his brother and I smirked .

"I don"t care what you think," Maxime told me, ignoring his brother . "I want my folders . "

I shuffled a bit and stared at him daringly, not uttering a word .

He then approached me so our faces were merely a few inches apart . "I want my folders . " He snarled as his cinnamony breath fanned my face .

I got closer to his face . "What you get," I panted with anger . "-is so so different than what you want . Rule two . "

"You don"t want to get on my bad side . "

"You"re not the only one with a bad side, love . " I mocked and he grimaced .

"I"ll give you 24 hours to have my doc.u.ments in my hands" He demanded and I raised my eyebrows . I glanced at Augustus who was looking curiously at me .

I then, with no warning, crashed my forehead into Maxime"s nose, busting it . "That"s for breaking rule one, pussboy . "

I immediately whipped out my gun and pointed it at Maxime who staggered back with a bloodied hand up his nose . That should make Leonard think twice about ever using his gun .

I glanced at him as he nervously stole glances at his brother . I immediately used this moment of his distraction to vigorously nod at Augustus who thankfully got my message and gave Leonard a surprise uppercut and disarmed him . He then held the gun to Leonard"s head with an easy smirk .

Good, he learnt a thing or two from Father .

I then locked eyes with a shocked Leonard . "Rule three . Never ever look back . Even if it was family . " I rasped with a wide smile .

My heart was dancing .

Maxime straightened up and used his coat"s sleeve to wipe his nose, thus smudging his face with blood . He then laughed .

"Alright . Trés bien*," he panted with a forced smile . "What now?" He sneered . "You gonna kill us? Like you did to père?" His left eye twitched .

"Actually," I started as thoughts storm my brain about my next step . "Actually, no . "

"No?" He raised his eyebrows and sniffed loudly .

"It would certainly be a party if I did so," I said surprising myself with a smile . "And I happen to really like those kind of parties . However," I added quickly . "-I happen to have bigger plans . And you happened to be part of them . So congratulations . You won another day to live!"

"Yay!" Augustus b.u.t.ted in sarcastically .

"Shut up," I breathed and Augustus retreated .

Maxime"s eyes glided from me to Augustus to Leonard before returning to me . "You know that we won"t stop right? That I"d rather die than-"

"Shut up," I barked at him and he smiled wickedly .

"We"ll see who"ll laugh at the end . I promise you, you"ll see," he said looking straight into my eyes .

"We will," I said raising my eyebrows . "But now, let"s deal with the beginning, love," I whispered, clutched his coat"s collar and pulled him closer to me . My gun"s muzzle was kissing his neck . He didn"t fight back . "How about a deal?"

"I"m not interested . "

"Well, let me make you," I said smiling . "How about for every "no" you say, I burn a folder? And believe me, when I say I will . And I think that it"s quite a generous offer . Four chances . What do you say? Are you in?"

Maxime looked up at me with so much hatred it actually surprised me .

"Merde! Écoutez ce qu"il a à dire* . " Leonard barged into the conversation again, his voice strangled, but his accent fluent .

Maxime didn"t glance at Leonard, but a weak light in his eyes told me that he got what he said . I didn"t really care what he said because, oh well, they were the ones at a disadvantage . Any wrong move was a lost life . No second thoughts here .

You kill or you get killed .

"Parler*! Spit it out . " Maxime said furiously .

I turned to Leonard and smiled at him . "J"adore* a convincing man . " I teased as he spat next to his shoes . I turned back to Maxime, tightening my clutch around his collar .

"You have no idea how much trouble those doc.u.ments caused me," I said remembering every life severed because of them . Including Audrey"s and my baby"s . "So I"m very very angry, pussboy . I ask something once, no repeats . So you better be focused, okay?"

Maxime"s cold eyes met mine . Void of emotion . Empty in the depths of their greyness . Scary in their ambiguity . "Okay . "

Maxime"s cold eyes met mine . Void of emotion . Empty in the depths of their greyness . Scary in their ambiguity . "Okay . "

"Firstly, why didn"t you finish off your job right after your father"s death? Why wait for almost five months?" I asked curiously and he scoffed .

"We already had something on our hands . My father"s death was a surprise . Things got really messed up with the job we were doing because of this . " He rasped with a heavy accent and a snarl . "The priority didn"t lay with your company"s doc.u.ments at that time . No one could"ve believed that Danielle would sell us . It was Father"s idea . " He said bitterly and I smiled feeling puzzle pieces fit together .

"I can be very convincing," I said .

"And smart too! You should never underestimate him . " Augustus added confidently, making me involuntarily smile .

I cleared my head .

Maxime then looked up at me from under his thick eyebrows with a smirk . "You won"t get what you want . "

I ignored him . "Now, now, Max . I will give you the four folders that don"t concern me . But-" I said . "-I don"t want to see your pretty, French faces ever again . "

"Yeah? You think that it"s that easy, huh?" He scowled deeply . "I say, f.u.c.k you . "

"Is that a "no"?" I said testily, tilting my head .

Maxime growled and almost threw a punch in my face when I quickly held his forearm with a snarl .

Quick reflexes were my thing .

"Is that," I said pulling him closer to me from his forearm . "-a "no"?"

His nose flared as his eyes narrowed at me . "You will regret this . "

I smirked . "Hm, maybe," I said . "Probably not . So-" I paused, letting him go and averting my gaze to Augustus who was having the time of his life holding a gun to a person"s head . "-do we have a deal? Are you a man of your word or are you like your father?"

Maxime grunted but said nothing .

"I"m glad," I said bored . "Now where and when would you like to get the other four folders?"

Maxime glanced at Leonard whose eyebrows were furrowed with his hands above his head .

"He"s younger, isn"t he?" Maxime started, surprising me with his question . I shifted a bit, shrugged and glanced at Augustus whose eyebrows were raised .

"Be relevant please," I said rolling my eyes, but his scowl turned into an evil smirk .

"He"s your younger brother, isn"t it?"

Feeling an irrelevant lump in my throat, I smiled . "And he"s yours," I said referring to Leonard .

Maxime smiled, his eyes dark clouds, heavy with the storms they carried . "Tomorrow . Same place . Same time . Eight p . m . "

I nodded at his words . "Deal . "

Maxime b.u.t.toned his coal-black coat with a snarl . "Good . "

Seeing that there was no more to do, I nodded at Augustus who got into the car with Leo"s gun still pointed at Leo through the car"s window .

"Doesn"t mean that I"m in a car, that you can get me," I heard him tell Leonard from inside and almost smirked .

"Alright, Max," I told Maxime with a sigh . "-I guess I"ll see you tomorrow . "

Maxime tried to smile but failed . "I will . "

I got into the car, started it and immediately sped past them into the darkness of the night, ignoring Augustus"s blabber that followed .


Alexander"s POV .

I sat on the huge gold armchair, in Augustus"s room with a cup half-filled with some good Scotch in one hand and a fuming cigar in the other hand . I rested my leg on the tiny coffee table in front of it, kicking the almost full ashtray from on top of it . It fell with a thud on the ground as the cigarette ash it held littered the impeccably clean carpet .

I sat on the huge gold armchair, in Augustus"s room with a cup half-filled with some good Scotch in one hand and a fuming cigar in the other hand . I rested my leg on the tiny coffee table in front of it, kicking the almost full ashtray from on top of it . It fell with a thud on the ground as the cigarette ash it held littered the impeccably clean carpet .

I brought the cigar to my lips with shaky hands daring myself to drag more of it, to drag away my life for good . But what can a poor, tiny cigar do to Alexander Black?

That"s right . Nothing .

I remembered the doctor"s warnings and scoffed . I shouldn"t smoke, drink or stress myself at all . He said it as if it"d kill me .

So here I was, sitting, doing the opposite . Daring it to kill me .

I c.o.c.ked my head to the left to stare at Augustus"s empty bed in defeat, not knowing when he"d return . But what would he return for? Me?

I brought the cup to my lips and sipped before smacking my lips and licking them .

Then there was Julius . His lost, soulless eyes . His haunting loneliness . Why was he always like this? Cold, empty . He was so empty . Apathetic and feelingless . Made me very sick .

I closed my eyes for a few minutes before the room"s door was swung open .

It was probably America . To come and tell me that someone called or something .

I opened my eyes and looked at the door . I blinked once . Twice . Shook my head slightly . Smirked . I could swear I saw Augustus standing in the doorway in yellow shorts, a tuxedo jacket, jade green scarf and red converse .

And now I started hallucinating . Exemplary .

I closed my eyes, looked away and then looked back at the doorway to find him staring at me with parted lips . I laughed at the stupidity of the situation .

"Shoo! Shoo!" I mumbled under my breath as Augustus"s figure approached me with caution .

"Dad?" He breathed, kneeling next to the armchair I was planted on .

"Alright, this isn"t funny," I whispered to myself, shaking my head and looking at the gla.s.s of Scotch as if two eyes, a nose, and two lips popped out from it .

"Are you drunk?" The figure asked and I scoffed, daring to steal a glance at his messy hair, chapped lips and glistening ocean eyes .

"If you define drunk as hallucinating my own son talking to me, after he presumably left, then, yeah . Certainly . " The words tumbled from my lips with a slight slur .

He laughed . "You aren"t hallucinating," he said stressing on "hallucinating" like it sounded weird .

"Well, why not? Maybe it"s a side effect of Scotch and cigars after a heart attack," I said rolling my eyes .

"You had a heart attack?" He asked with shock . I looked away, shook my head, looked back at him to find concern in his eyes . I faltered and looked into his eyes feeling weak and vulnerable .

"I did not," I said raising my index finger in front of me . "My heart did though . That"s not the same . "

Augustus shook his head with a smile . "Yep . You"re drunk . "

"Alright, you can go, shoo! Shoo!" I said to myself and almost laughed at the absurdity of my situation .

"I"m real I swear!" His figure got to its feet .

"Then why the h.e.l.l are you dressed like a clown?!" I said furrowing my eyebrows . "This isn"t how Augustus would dress . It doesn"t make sense . "

"So, that"s the way you can tell I"m real, huh?" He chuckled, his eyes surprisingly alive .

I sighed heavily and then smiled . "So you"re real . Okay . " I lowered my feet from the coffee table and got on my feet with a sway . I held onto the armchair for support and looked at Augustus .

"I almost died because of you . " The words gushed out of my mouth as I pointed my index finger at him, while still holding the cup of Scotch .

Augustus"s shoulders slumped a bit . "Yeah . I can see . You"re also -uh- killing yourse-" he started, waving a hand at me .

I clenched my jaws, swayed a bit more before a clap of anger clouded my senses . I threw the gla.s.s of Scotch at the wall behind Augustus . Gla.s.s pieces scattered as Scotch stained the wall .

"DAMMIT, AUGUSTUS! DAMMIT!" I found myself shouting when Augustus shook his head with his hands outstretched in front of him as if it"ll calm me down .

"DAMMIT, AUGUSTUS! DAMMIT!" I found myself shouting when Augustus shook his head with his hands outstretched in front of him as if it"ll calm me down .


"That won"t kill me!" I barked . "Not a cup or a whole bottle of Scotch! Not a b.l.o.o.d.y cigar!"

Augustus winced . "Calm do-"

"You know what"ll kill me, Augustus?" I said calmly, licking my lips . "But you know! You know, don"t you? Don"t you?!"

Augustus frowned slightly . "Dad, ple"

"You left me!" I thundered . "You left me and you didn"t tell me!"

"I forgot! I"m sorry!" He said, removing the jade green scarf that hugged his neck .

"You forgot?!" I said as my brain made a full stop . "Is ththat an excuse?"

"No, Dad, it isn"t, dammit!" He said irritably . "I"m used to living alone! I don"t expect anyone to look after me! I didn"t remember you!"

He didn"t remember me? I froze at his words as Julius"s words came stabbing my back . My heart .

I hope he loves you the same . That was what he said .

I stumbled back and collapsed in the armchair . Augustus groaned .

"That"s not what I meant," he said shrugging lightly . "I mean, I"m used to lon-"

"It"s okay, son . You don"t need to explain your actions . " I said looking away from him as my eyes watered .

"Come on, Dad! Don"t make a big deal out of it!" He said . "Look at me! I"m right here!"

"I"m not," I said with a slight shrug . "I"m not making a big deal out of it . " I breathed . "And you? You really are not here . "

"I thought we got over this," he sighed . "You"re not halluc-"

"You are not here," I mumbled to myself as I forced myself up, walked across the room past Augustus and eventually out of the door .

I got into my room and locked the door . Feeling beside myself with anger, depression and fear, I headed to my king size bed that was draped in translucent, crimson drapes . I sat on it and looked at my rough hands .

The black and sapphire jewelled rings . I guess I never told you what they meant . The black represented Julius and me because dark brown and dark green would be black . And sapphire? It was for Augustus .

I took them off and stared at the red markings they left behind . It had been decades since I first started wearing them .

I carefully placed them on the bedside table, laid on my back, switched off the lights and slept .


Your tiny translator:

Pere: Father

Tres Bien: Very Good

Parler: Speak

Merde! Écoutez ce qu"il a à dire : s.h.i.t! Listen to what he has to say!


A/N: Thoughts?

All love ♡No s.h.i.t, he p.i.s.sed you off, Augustus snarled . Shut him up or well do it our way, Leonard said with a grimace and I turned to him with a threatening look . Let him talk as he wishes, I said solidly and Augustus smirked . And thats my first rule: I dont take orders or threats . From anyone . Except for your father/brain . Except for your father/brain . Except for your father/brain . I clenched my fists . Maxime smirked . Oh? Looks like you gotta make an exception this tim- Can you get the b.l.o.o.d.y point where youre p.i.s.sed at me? I cut him off impatiently . Maxime shut up and looked up at me seriously . Daccord* . For starters, you stole our doc.u.ments . And killed our père* . Our father, he then added with a thick accent . Yeah, thats what I did, I said wrapping my arms in front of my chest . What do you want? Vengeance . Revenge, Alexander junior . He said as he raised his black coats collar against the cold breeze . I beg to differ, I said raising my eyebrows . Killing your père, I mocked . -was our revenge . Taking our doc.u.ments back, was also only fair . You didnt only take your folder . You took the other four, Alexander Jr, he drawled and I gritted my teeth at the name he decided to a.s.sign me . They mean nothing to me, I told him . And if you want them, I shall return them . Maxime raised his eyebrows, then laughed . Are we here to negotiate? I dont do bargains . His voice hardened . I want all the folders . All five of them . You talk as if those doc.u.ments were yours, I said . Your père stole them . And got killed for them . You killed him when he was only coming to give them back! Leonards voice cottoned in and I looked at him bemusedly . Really? I raised my eyebrows . Last I checked, hed rather scream when I pulled his hair than tell me where the doc.u.ments wer- I started and Maximes cool finally wore off . Dont you dare . His voice was taut and his face screwed . I smiled . You never gave him the money . You mean the ten million dollars that one of your fathers men took the day before he screamed to death? Just because he wouldnt trust us . I added bitterly . We were n.o.ble . He wasnt . He and his likes get eliminated . End of the bedtime story . So can we go? Maxime looked at me slightly shocked . Look, it looks like your père didnt tell you what really happened . I teased with a slight smirk . So when you unravel the truth that your father was a sc.u.mbag, come to apologize . As for now, you should learn when to run for your life . Like in the next five to ten minutes . I sucked in my lower lip and then smiled wickedly . Maxime rolled his eyes . Impossible . He would never lie to us . Leonard intervened as I heard his gun click . I turned to him wearily . Your father was a thief who happened to be a very good lawyer . He took the doc.u.ments that would sue my father and wanted to hand them to the police to take the bad guys out like a good lawyer . He would then bargain the doc.u.ments for money . Blackmail us . And it worked . We gave him the money, I said feeling my anger bubble inside me . Begging for release . He never handed the doc.u.ments . Turned out that this is how he makes money and keeps a good reputation at the same time . I must say he excelled at it . b.l.o.o.d.y vermin . Maxime smiled . Nice story . Especially the conclusion . I like it . Bravo! He then laughed, tilted his head back, then looked down with no essence of emotion on his face . I want all the folders . Julius . What still thoroughly amazes me- I continued ignoring him and his drama . -is why havent you guys, continued his legacy right away? I mean, you had the b.l.o.o.d.y doc.u.ments for what? Five months? You remember them when I decide to take them back? Weird . Dont answer him, Leonard told his brother and I smirked . I dont care what you think, Maxime told me, ignoring his brother . I want my folders . I shuffled a bit and stared at him daringly, not uttering a word . He then approached me so our faces were merely a few inches apart . I want my folders . He snarled as his cinnamony breath fanned my face . I got closer to his face . What you get, I panted with anger . -is so so different than what you want . Rule two . You dont want to get on my bad side . Youre not the only one with a bad side, love . I mocked and he grimaced . Ill give you 24 hours to have my doc.u.ments in my hands He demanded and I raised my eyebrows . I glanced at Augustus who was looking curiously at me . I then, with no warning, crashed my forehead into Maximes nose, busting it . Thats for breaking rule one, pussboy . I immediately whipped out my gun and pointed it at Maxime who staggered back with a bloodied hand up his nose . That should make Leonard think twice about ever using his gun . I glanced at him as he nervously stole glances at his brother . I immediately used this moment of his distraction to vigorously nod at Augustus who thankfully got my message and gave Leonard a surprise uppercut and disarmed him . He then held the gun to Leonards head with an easy smirk . Good, he learnt a thing or two from Father . I then locked eyes with a shocked Leonard . Rule three . Never ever look back . Even if it was family . I rasped with a wide smile . My heart was dancing . Maxime straightened up and used his coats sleeve to wipe his nose, thus smudging his face with blood . He then laughed . Alright . Trés bien*, he panted with a forced smile . What now? He sneered . You gonna kill us? Like you did to père? His left eye twitched . Actually, I started as thoughts storm my brain about my next step . Actually, no . No? He raised his eyebrows and sniffed loudly . It would certainly be a party if I did so, I said surprising myself with a smile . And I happen to really like those kind of parties . However, I added quickly . -I happen to have bigger plans . And you happened to be part of them . So congratulations . You won another day to live! Yay! Augustus b.u.t.ted in sarcastically . Shut up, I breathed and Augustus retreated . Maximes eyes glided from me to Augustus to Leonard before returning to me . You know that we wont stop right? That Id rather die than- Shut up, I barked at him and he smiled wickedly . Well see wholl laugh at the end . I promise you, youll see, he said looking straight into my eyes . We will, I said raising my eyebrows . But now, lets deal with the beginning, love, I whispered, clutched his coats collar and pulled him closer to me . My guns muzzle was kissing his neck . He didnt fight back . How about a deal? Im not interested . Well, let me make you, I said smiling . How about for every no you say, I burn a folder? And believe me, when I say I will . And I think that its quite a generous offer . Four chances . What do you say? Are you in? Maxime looked up at me with so much hatred it actually surprised me . Merde! Écoutez ce quil a à dire* . Leonard barged into the conversation again, his voice strangled, but his accent fluent . Maxime didnt glance at Leonard, but a weak light in his eyes told me that he got what he said . I didnt really care what he said because, oh well, they were the ones at a disadvantage . Any wrong move was a lost life . No second thoughts here . You kill or you get killed . Parler*! Spit it out . Maxime said furiously . I turned to Leonard and smiled at him . Jadore* a convincing man . I teased as he spat next to his shoes . I turned back to Maxime, tightening my clutch around his collar . You have no idea how much trouble those doc.u.ments caused me, I said remembering every life severed because of them . Including Audreys and my babys . So Im very very angry, pussboy . I ask something once, no repeats . So you better be focused, okay? Maximes cold eyes met mine . Void of emotion . Empty in the depths of their greyness . Scary in their ambiguity . Okay . Firstly, why didnt you finish off your job right after your fathers death? Why wait for almost five months? I asked curiously and he scoffed . We already had something on our hands . My fathers death was a surprise . Things got really messed up with the job we were doing because of this . He rasped with a heavy accent and a snarl . The priority didnt lay with your companys doc.u.ments at that time . No one couldve believed that Danielle would sell us . It was Fathers idea . He said bitterly and I smiled feeling puzzle pieces fit together . I can be very convincing, I said . And smart too! You should never underestimate him . Augustus added confidently, making me involuntarily smile . I cleared my head . Maxime then looked up at me from under his thick eyebrows with a smirk . You wont get what you want . I ignored him . Now, now, Max . I will give you the four folders that dont concern me . But- I said . -I dont want to see your pretty, French faces ever again . Yeah? You think that its that easy, huh? He scowled deeply . I say, f.u.c.k you . Is that a no? I said testily, tilting my head . Maxime growled and almost threw a punch in my face when I quickly held his forearm with a snarl . Quick reflexes were my thing . Is that, I said pulling him closer to me from his forearm . -a no? His nose flared as his eyes narrowed at me . You will regret this . I smirked . Hm, maybe, I said . Probably not . So- I paused, letting him go and averting my gaze to Augustus who was having the time of his life holding a gun to a persons head . -do we have a deal? Are you a man of your word or are you like your father? Maxime grunted but said nothing . Im glad, I said bored . Now where and when would you like to get the other four folders? Maxime glanced at Leonard whose eyebrows were furrowed with his hands above his head . Hes younger, isnt he? Maxime started, surprising me with his question . I shifted a bit, shrugged and glanced at Augustus whose eyebrows were raised . Be relevant please, I said rolling my eyes, but his scowl turned into an evil smirk . Hes your younger brother, isnt it? Feeling an irrelevant lump in my throat, I smiled . And hes yours, I said referring to Leonard . Maxime smiled, his eyes dark clouds, heavy with the storms they carried . Tomorrow . Same place . Same time . Eight p . m . I nodded at his words . Deal . Maxime b.u.t.toned his coal-black coat with a snarl . Good . Seeing that there was no more to do, I nodded at Augustus who got into the car with Leos gun still pointed at Leo through the cars window . Doesnt mean that Im in a car, that you can get me, I heard him tell Leonard from inside and almost smirked . Alright, Max, I told Maxime with a sigh . -I guess Ill see you tomorrow . Maxime tried to smile but failed . I will . I got into the car, started it and immediately sped past them into the darkness of the night, ignoring Augustuss blabber that followed . --- Alexanders POV . I sat on the huge gold armchair, in Augustuss room with a cup half-filled with some good Scotch in one hand and a fuming cigar in the other hand . I rested my leg on the tiny coffee table in front of it, kicking the almost full ashtray from on top of it . It fell with a thud on the ground as the cigarette ash it held littered the impeccably clean carpet . I brought the cigar to my lips with shaky hands daring myself to drag more of it, to drag away my life for good . But what can a poor, tiny cigar do to Alexander Black? Thats right . Nothing . I remembered the doctors warnings and scoffed . I shouldnt smoke, drink or stress myself at all . He said it as if itd kill me . So here I was, sitting, doing the opposite . Daring it to kill me . I c.o.c.ked my head to the left to stare at Augustuss empty bed in defeat, not knowing when hed return . But what would he return for? Me? I brought the cup to my lips and sipped before smacking my lips and licking them . Then there was Julius . His lost, soulless eyes . His haunting loneliness . Why was he always like this? Cold, empty . He was so empty . Apathetic and feelingless . Made me very sick . I closed my eyes for a few minutes before the rooms door was swung open . It was probably America . To come and tell me that someone called or something . I opened my eyes and looked at the door . I blinked once . Twice . Shook my head slightly . Smirked . I could swear I saw Augustus standing in the doorway in yellow shorts, a tuxedo jacket, jade green scarf and red converse . And now I started hallucinating . Exemplary . I closed my eyes, looked away and then looked back at the doorway to find him staring at me with parted lips . I laughed at the stupidity of the situation . Shoo! Shoo! I mumbled under my breath as Augustuss figure approached me with caution . Dad? He breathed, kneeling next to the armchair I was planted on . Alright, this isnt funny, I whispered to myself, shaking my head and looking at the gla.s.s of Scotch as if two eyes, a nose, and two lips popped out from it . Are you drunk? The figure asked and I scoffed, daring to steal a glance at his messy hair, chapped lips and glistening ocean eyes . If you define drunk as hallucinating my own son talking to me, after he presumably left, then, yeah . Certainly . The words tumbled from my lips with a slight slur . He laughed . You arent hallucinating, he said stressing on hallucinating like it sounded weird . Well, why not? Maybe its a side effect of Scotch and cigars after a heart attack, I said rolling my eyes . You had a heart attack? He asked with shock . I looked away, shook my head, looked back at him to find concern in his eyes . I faltered and looked into his eyes feeling weak and vulnerable . I did not, I said raising my index finger in front of me . My heart did though . Thats not the same . Augustus shook his head with a smile . Yep . Youre drunk . Alright, you can go, shoo! Shoo! I said to myself and almost laughed at the absurdity of my situation . Im real I swear! His figure got to its feet . Then why the h.e.l.l are you dressed like a clown?! I said furrowing my eyebrows . This isnt how Augustus would dress . It doesnt make sense . So, thats the way you can tell Im real, huh? He chuckled, his eyes surprisingly alive . I sighed heavily and then smiled . So youre real . Okay . I lowered my feet from the coffee table and got on my feet with a sway . I held onto the armchair for support and looked at Augustus . I almost died because of you . The words gushed out of my mouth as I pointed my index finger at him, while still holding the cup of Scotch . Augustuss shoulders slumped a bit . Yeah . I can see . Youre also -uh- killing yourse- he started, waving a hand at me . I clenched my jaws, swayed a bit more before a clap of anger clouded my senses . I threw the gla.s.s of Scotch at the wall behind Augustus . Gla.s.s pieces scattered as Scotch stained the wall . DAMMIT, AUGUSTUS! DAMMIT! I found myself shouting when Augustus shook his head with his hands outstretched in front of him as if itll calm me down . IT ANGERED ME! That wont kill me! I barked . Not a cup or a whole bottle of Scotch! Not a b.l.o.o.d.y cigar! Augustus winced . Calm do- You know whatll kill me, Augustus? I said calmly, licking my lips . But you know! You know, dont you? Dont you?! Augustus frowned slightly . Dad, ple You left me! I thundered . You left me and you didnt tell me! I forgot! Im sorry! He said, removing the jade green scarf that hugged his neck . You forgot?! I said as my brain made a full stop . Is ththat an excuse? No, Dad, it isnt, dammit! He said irritably . Im used to living alone! I dont expect anyone to look after me! I didnt remember you! He didnt remember me? I froze at his words as Juliuss words came stabbing my back . My heart . I hope he loves you the same . That was what he said . I stumbled back and collapsed in the armchair . Augustus groaned . Thats not what I meant, he said shrugging lightly . I mean, Im used to lon- Its okay, son . You dont need to explain your actions . I said looking away from him as my eyes watered . Come on, Dad! Dont make a big deal out of it! He said . Look at me! Im right here! Im not, I said with a slight shrug . Im not making a big deal out of it . I breathed . And you? You really are not here . I thought we got over this, he sighed . Youre not halluc- You are not here, I mumbled to myself as I forced myself up, walked across the room past Augustus and eventually out of the door . I got into my room and locked the door . Feeling beside myself with anger, depression and fear, I headed to my king size bed that was draped in translucent, crimson drapes . I sat on it and looked at my rough hands . The black and sapphire jewelled rings . I guess I never told you what they meant . The black represented Julius and me because dark brown and dark green would be black . And sapphire? It was for Augustus . I took them off and stared at the red markings they left behind . It had been decades since I first started wearing them . I carefully placed them on the bedside table, laid on my back, switched off the lights and slept . *** Your tiny translator: Pere: Father Tres Bien: Very Good Parler: Speak Merde! Écoutez ce quil a à dire : s.h.i.t! Listen to what he has to say! *** A/N: Thoughts? All love ♡

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