Julius Caesar

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

A/N:""Psst . . . u got a bit of violence ahead of you . ""


Julius"s POV .

Absolutely intolerable and unacceptable .

Why didn"t she tell me that I"d wake up to find Ben roaming around the b.l.o.o.d.y place? Why didn"t she tell me that she"d have him over?

I thought of that as I stood in the kitchen to prepare for them some pancakes . Apparently, they had an "exam" coming up . And I had to be "oh, come on, Julius, please, be helpful" according to Sam . So instead of slapping the sense into her that "oh, darling, you misunderstood my "kind" of helpful", I forced a smile and reached for a pan .

I piled the pancakes on two plates and slid them in front of them with two "thumps" . They were sitting around a circular table in the kitchen with a big book in front of them . I dragged a chair, sat down and lit a cigarette despite the dirty look Sam gave me .

I inhaled and exhaled .

"That"s a big ring you have there," Ben commented bitterly, eyeing my fingers and I narrowed my eyes at him . So not only had he the guts to step into my territory, but he also had some to look me in the face and chit-chat .

"Focus on the exam you have . " I deadpanned, trying not to sound angry at his presence . But I probably sounded angry .

Ben smirked as he nibbled on his pancakes . Sam then looked up from the book and glanced at me . Her hair was held in a messy bun with hair strands framing her round face and narrowed eyes .

"You should have proper breakfast . You shouldn"t smoke in the morning . It"s unhealthy . " She said and I rolled my eyes .

"And you should mind your business . It helps, really . " I blurted icily .

I then looked away irritably . This shouldn"t be what stripped my mask down . But watching her and Ben, munch on pancakes I made and talk uselessly, instead of actually study, seemed to make it impossible for me to maintain my calm demeanour .

Sam sighed and looked down at her book .

I hate it when people take me for granted and decide not to respect my privacy . I let her stay with me to protect her, not so that I"d wake up every morning to find one of her ignorant a.s.sociates roaming around .

I drew in another breath and held it for a while .

Despicable, insolent female .

I tipped my head back and exhaled at the ceiling .

"You know that you can smoke in your room," Sam interjected after a short while as Ben averted his gaze away from the book to study me .

"Yes . I am quite aware, thank you . But, I can smoke here too . " I said nonchalantly as I watched her steam . I thought her staying, wouldn"t be as overbearing as it already seemed to get . And now I had to start setting her limits before it got too chaotic, that I"d be tempted to rely on other unfavourable techniques .

"I told you I was allergic to smoke . I have asthma . " She locked my eyes and I marvelled at her audacity . Had she known that she was triggering a murderer, she would"ve probably scurried to a corner and cried to death .

"Yes . You did . " I stated, raising my eyebrows, my eyes on hers .

"Well, mate, this is her health we"re talking about here . It would be-" Ben started with a scowl and I cut him off with a look that would a.s.sure any of his doubts about me being a lunatic criminal .

"What"s wrong with you?" Sam got up suddenly, looking down at me furiously .

"Nothing . " I drawled bitterly, glancing at the open book on the table . Ben averted his eyes back to the book after quietly clearing his throat .

"If you really do dislike my presence, you won"t be seeing my b.l.o.o.d.y face again!" She half-shouted frowning .

I pursed my lips and suppressed a smirk . "As it happens, I realized I really do . But I need you to lead me to the doc.u.ments or we"re both done with . " I said calmly, locking Ben"s prying eyes . He immediately looked away .

She looked at me in shock . "You were just comforting me yesterday . What happened? Are you okay?" She looked at me like I"d lost it . "Talk about mood swings!"

Ben snapped the huge book close, catching both of us off guard for a second . I gave him a dirty, questioning look, and he raised his thick eyebrows . I tilted my head threateningly and lifted a brow, making him look away .

That"s talking silently, my friends .

"Okay, I think I-I"ll go . Call me-" Ben then immediately excused himself and left the kitchen in a hurry .

When I heard the door slam shut, I got up, took a deep breath and exploded . "Who told you, you were allowed to bring friends here?" I shouted at her and her eyes widened .

"Why? Did you expect me to be your prisoner?" She asked incredulously, removing a hair strand that fell over her eyes, angrily .

"I expected that you had no friends . That"s why you"re here in the first place . You said you had no-one else to take care of you . " I stated loudly and bluntly as she winced .

"Why are you so angry about it? He"s only my study buddy . " She said weakly and I clenched my fists .

"I"m angry because until now, you"ve proved exceptionally useless . You seemed to have misjudged our situation . You"ve apparently mixed it up with a b.l.o.o.d.y slumber party!" I was beyond furious with her . She wasn"t taking what was at hand seriously enough . "No-one should know who I am . No-one should know where we are and why we"re here! No-one should know anything . And especially, a b.l.o.o.d.y, too-smart-for-his-good vermin . This is your life!"

She shut up and looked at me . "It"s only been two days . " She rolled her eyes and I fumed .

"No . Two days since you"ve been here with me . But almost half a month of you knowing what"s in it!" I yelled at her and she flinched .

"I"m trying!" She shouted, shaking .

"Well, try harder, dammit!" I locked her angry gaze, stubbing out the cigarette on my arm .

"Oh my G.o.d, what are you doing?" She looked at me horrifically .

"What?" I stopped distractedly .

"Did you just hurt yourself?!" She lowered her voice and bit back a gasp .

"Wh No!" I shook my head, preoccupied, as I absentmindedly looked at the several cigarette scars I had on my arms . I usually did this when I was really angry . Pain dulled my anger especially when it was out of control .

She shook her head at me with a grimace and walked out of the kitchen .

"Excuse me!" I furiously went after her . "Where do you think you"re possibly going?" I then clutched her hand, turning her to me .

"Let me go!" She bellowed in my face and I shook my head solidly . All I literally saw, was red at that moment .

"You are not going anywhere and you better get me answers by the end of this day," I shouted threateningly, squeezing her hand harder . She yelped in pain .

"I told you I"m trying! What the h.e.l.l?! Leave . Me . ALONE!" She squirmed helplessly before forcefully planting her free fist in my injured shoulder .

I let her go and groaned out in pain .

"Disgusting, bipolar psychopath! I don"t even know what I"ve gotten myself into!" I heard her scream to herself before slamming her room"s door behind her .

I sat on a nearby chair wheezing in pain as I squeezed my eyes shut . I slowly rocked my body as I held my arm . The agony wasn"t really new . In fact, I was shot before in my arm . By my father, when I was eighteen . And it wasn"t to torment me . It was to "teach" me what to expect if I ever got shot . He said that the pain should serve as reminder that that was what"d happen if my guards ever went down for a second . And that pain meant that I was lucky to feel it because if there wasn"t pain, there"d be death .

The creaking of a door, cut my train of thoughts as Sam stepped out . I looked down, not letting her see the tears that formed in my eyes because of the pain . I guess the pain was too strong for any anger to persist .

She then quickly approached me and knelt beside my chair, hands on the armrest . "Oh my G.o.d, I"m so sorry . " She gasped and I looked at her through the hair that fell over my eyes .

"It"s okay," I said through gritted teeth . "It"s my fault . Just do something for me . "

"Yes?" She said timidly, biting her lower lip anxiously .

"Call Augustus and ask him to come . I"ll have to go to a hospital for a change . " I instructed calmly, looking in her eyes .

She then let out a tiny yelp, distracting me . "Is that- is that blood?" She asked faintly, pointing her index finger at my cast and I nodded nicely, resisting the urge to roll my eyes .

Like female, you just punched it, what did you expect? Glitter?

"Oh my Gosh . " She muttered, getting up before entering her room and coming back out with her phone in her hand . I watched her nervously drumming her fingers on her left thigh as she waited for an answer .

As I expected, he didn"t answer .

"He"s not answering . " She said quietly and I sighed .

I got up and groaned when Sam came by my side to help me . I scooted away from her, then staggered into my room . The pain made me feel dizzy . I had lost a lot of blood already .

I then reached for my phone and dialled Augustus"s number . "Augustus," I said as soon as he answered .

"Jesus, what"s wrong with your voice?" was what he said and I shook my head from the haziness that invaded .

"I need to change my patch . I"m bleeding . " I said simply, gritting my teeth against the pain .

"Oh, s.h.i.t-" A pause . "You sound like you might"ve lost a lot of blood, mate," he said slowly with a soft sigh . "I"m coming . "

He then hung up and I shoved my phone in my pocket before sitting on my bed . I then noticed Sam standing anxiously in the doorway staring at me .

"Come in . Please . " I said and she hesitantly came in and stood next to the door, crossing her arms .

"Come in . Please . " I said and she hesitantly came in and stood next to the door, crossing her arms .

I chuckled humorlessly through the pain and patted the place next to me . "Come and sit here . " I said and she raised her eyebrows .

"I"m still not on good terms with you . You better explain what you did or you seriously won"t be seeing my face again . And trust me when I say, I do not care if I lived or died . I"ll leave . " She said solidly .

I nodded, looked down, then looked up at her and sighed . I had to do something to get her back to trust me and not fear my anger . I almost cursed my anger for terribly clouding my judgment .

"Okay . I have anger management issues . " I breathed glancing up at her . "And I know it"s not your fault . I know it"s not right to make it get the best of me and all that, but sometimes I can"t . . . help it? And what triggers me most is an invasion of privacy and you underestimating the momentousness of the situation . " I said slowly feeling the pain reduce to an acute throb .

She nodded and raised her eyebrows . "Well . You should know it"s not easy for me either . I"ve been in contact with everyone about this because I don"t trust my father . But no one knows anything about those doc.u.ments from Gorj . But that doesn"t mean I"m going to stop," she added quickly . "One of Dad"s attorneys told me yesterday that they had an "enemy" company-or whatever you call it- long back . He said he"ll look it up for me and will see if it matches what I"m saying . "

I looked at her not really focusing on what she was saying as the pain returned .

"Romeo?" She called and I looked at her through my headache . "Didn"t you say it was a break? I know I"m no doctor, but I"m quite sure breaks don"t bleed . " She said and I shut my eyes .

"They do at times," I said with difficulty, looking at the floor .

They actually do if it"s because of a bullet . I know, I was an exceptional liar .

She shrugged . "Anyway, if me not telling you that Ben is coming angered you, I"ll tell you next-"

"No . If you want to meet with any of your frien-" I said biting on my tongue in pain .

"They"re not my friends . "

"Whoever . Do it outside . Do it in a safe, secluded place . Like a library or something . "

She gave a small, unconvinced nod . "You know? If it weren"t for the fact that I actually harmed you, I would"ve been down for another fight," she said and I suppressed a smirk . "I mean, you don"t even know me when it comes to fightin-"

"Okay . Sam . Go open the door . "


The doorbell rang and she looked at me, eyes-wide-open before she rushed to get the door . I just knew the sound of a Mustang"s engine when it parked .

I was no superhuman .

Augustus then came in with Sam behind with the widest possible smile . "Holy blueberries mate, what happened?" He said animatedly, his electric-blue eyes shocked .

Well if I told him Sam punched me, that wouldn"t be, you know, good .

"I stumbled out of the tub," I said quickly and looked at Sam who looked confused .

"No . I punc-" she started .

"That"s what happened . " I persisted and Sam shut up .

Augustus then chuckled and I watched Sam watch him as many thoughts swarmed in my head . Thoughts like- that was how Audrey looked at me . I shook my head as a smile threatened to spill over my lips .

"Okay . Lemme take you to the hospital . But-uh- are you going like this?" He said, pointing at my sweatpants and white shirt .

"Yes . Why? Is there a problem?" I said, glancing at him . He wore a charcoal grey shirt, topped by a long, bright-blue coat and an azure scarf .

It hit me that Augustus really cared about his appearance, unlike me . And like my father . Yes, Father liked a man who took care of his appearance .

"Never mind Romeo . I"m taking you, anyway . " He approached me, helping me up . I was unbelievably unsteady .

"Wait!" Sam said . "I"m coming with you guys . "

"Wait, wh" Augustus said, but I interrupted him .

"She"s worried . Let her come . " I glanced at Sam and he sighed . And I realized that it was "seeing Audrey" in the way that Sam looked at Augustus, what made me react this way .

"Whatever . We"ll wait in the car . " Augustus said, not even glancing at her .

We left .


"We"ve been waiting for fifteen whole minutes down here . In the b.l.o.o.d.y car . I think you lost all your blood . Let"s just leave her!" Augustus said irritably for the hundredth time .

"Wait," I replied miraculously solidly as I felt the world spin around me .

"Wait," I replied miraculously solidly as I felt the world spin around me .

After a few more minutes, we heard the back seat door open . We both whipped our heads toward her .

"Oh my G.o.d . You guys look so much alike from here . Anyone would think you"re both brothers or something . " She smiled, her wavy, dark hair settling on her shoulders gracefully . We both then looked back ahead of us not saying anything .

Augustus started the car and we left .


"I say let him stay for a while . " The doctor above me told Augustus as Sam stared at my old b.l.o.o.d.y patch in horror . "He"s very weak . He lost a lot of blood . "

I turned my head to Augustus who was nodding at the doctor"s words . I was apparently on a large comfy bed with a brand-new patch .

I weakly reached out for Augustus"s hand and he immediately looked down at me . I shook my head . He smiled slightly then looked back at the doctor distractedly . I felt too weak to even talk . I looked back at Sam who was now talking to the doctor too . Feeling myself constantly zone out, I decided to shut my eyes before forcing them open again .

"No-" I said weakly .

"Romeo, I think you should do what the doctor says . A day won"t hurt . " Augustus was telling me softly as I turned my head to look back at Sam .

"I think the same too . And don"t worry, I"ll call you if something ever happ-"

"That"s the problem-" I said tiredly . "You won"t have time to call-" Definitely not if someone abducted her .

She looked at me worriedly and I closed my eyes .

"We gave you something to help you relax and you"ll be sleeping in a while . " The doctor was smiling at me for some reason .

"Goodness, it was just a girl"s punch-" I said with effort as my eyelids drooped .

"We"ll be back before you know it," Augustus said with a sigh and I grasped his wrist with all power I could muster .

He looked down at me . "Take care of her for me . Just until I wake up . "

I let him go and he looked confused . He then glanced at Sam who was staring at me in horror .

"Okay, Sam . Let"s go . " Augustus said almost forcefully, cleared his throat and left the room . Sam and the doctor followed .

I slept .


I woke up in the middle of the night and I actually felt good . The throbbing in my arm had been reduced to almost nothing . So I sat up enjoying my renewed strength and st.u.r.diness . I reached for my phone and dialled Sam"s number .

She didn"t pick up, so I glanced at the time . It was almost two in the morning . Of course, she was asleep . Everyone probably was, as well . I threw the phone on the hospital"s bed irritably .

I glanced outside the gla.s.s doors randomly and noticed a man stepping stealthily in the corridor . With suspicion overriding my senses, I sat up alertly and squinted . My heart gave a huge jump when I saw Ledger"s figure illuminated weakly in the dim-lit corridors . He was one of Father"s men . One of Father"s men whom I always "collaborated" with .

He got closer, but instead of looking into the room, he was stupidly looking for something behind him . I quickly got up from the bed and crouched next to it as I watched him get closer . When he was close enough, I immediately went under the bed .

I heard the door open quietly, followed by slow and steady footsteps .

"Where is she dammit?" I heard another voice that wasn"t Ledger"s but recognized it as William"s- and, no, that one detested me . I clenched my jaws as I frantically thought of a strategy . And that strategy involved using the fact that they expected Sam against them .

"I don"t know . Maybe she"s taking a p.i.s.s or something . " Ledger replied back loudly and I shook my head smirking . He was always that loud, no matter how dangerous the situation could get .

"Lower your voice, d.i.c.khead," William whispered back angrily .

"What if it"s a false alarm?" Ledger asked .

"Of course, not, idiot . The room has her b.l.o.o.d.y full name! Sam Ricardo Merde!" William replied smugly .

"There could be many Sam Ricardos . " Ledger retaliated .

"What"s the b.l.o.o.d.y chance? Besides, if we couldn"t find her in her apartment, she must be somewhere . Like a hospital . "

"But the boss said that she might be with, Julius," Ledger said and my heart jumped at my name .

"Oh, Julius . Him too! Boss is a bit far-fetched . How can he expect us to have both of them?" William complained and I smirked .

Heavy silence then managed to press down on my ears . And so I decided I needed to attack . Smoothly and smartly- obviously .

I watched William"s feet getting closer to the bed and decided that it was now or never .
Heavy silence then managed to press down on my ears . And so I decided I needed to attack . Smoothly and smartly- obviously .

I watched William"s feet getting closer to the bed and decided that it was now or never .

"When"s coming from the b.l.o.o.d.y washroo-" He was pacing closer to the bed, but I pulled his leg with so much force that he fell on his face, hitting his head on the edge of the bed"s bedside table .

I think he lost consciousness .

I immediately reached for the gun in his back pocket and got up from under the bed, pointing the gun at a shocked Ledger . Ledger had his gun out too, but his hands were shaking . So was the gun .

"J-Julius?" He muttered and I smirked, tilting my head to the left a bit .

"h.e.l.lo . Ledgeboy . " I breathed, approaching him with the gun in front of me . I snapped my eyes at him and grinned . I noticed sweat beads roll down his forehead as he exhaled through his mouth .

Ledgeboy- the one who usually-scratch that- always helped me . The one who was supposed to be loyal to me before my father . The one I trusted a bit . In performing Father"s "dirty jobs" . We had a similar strategy and the same weakness . Guilt . He was the one I never really expected to raise a gun in my face . Well, I guess, Father could be rather convincing . Or Leger could be one disloyal son of a b.i.t.c.h .

Ledger stepped back and tripped on William"s outstretched leg . He fell on the floor on William"s leg which must have undoubtedly broken as I pointed William"s gun down on him .

"I"m surprised you"re still holding your gun and pointing it at me, Ledger," I said no longer using his nickname . I think I was actually disappointed too . I mean, I did him a lot of favours before . I helped his family to move out of town to escape my father"s wrath when Ledger messed up big time .

Well, I guess no one really remembers the good others do .

Ledger"s lips parted as he shook his head . "I expected t-the gir-" he said, but I cut him off .

"You"re still holding that gun and pointing it at me . Ledger . " I repeated, pressing on each word .

Ledger"s face screwed up as he uttered a whimper . He then lowered his gun and planted it next to him .

"Good boy . " I cooed, raising my eyebrows .

"Please, don"t kill me . " He said frightened, raising his hands to the side of his head . "Pleas-"

"Don"t you trust me?" I said, feigning shock as he breathed heavily . "I mean, I used to protect your back . Remember?"

A single tear tumbled down his cheek . "I do, Julius . I"m sorry . I did-didn"t know . "

I nodded no longer keen on hiding my disappointment . "I"m sorry too-"

"Please, Julius . Don"t k-kill m-"

"I won"t . " I snapped sharply . "I tend to be loyal-" I was angry as I watched him slowly lower his hands . "But I can"t be naive . I can"t be reckless . It"s a legacy, you know . "

I looked at Ledger who was shaking his head .

"I just have to make sure you"ll never able to follow me again . Especially, if you"re no longer following me to protect me . Like before . " I added bitterly, lowering my gun to his right leg and quickly shooting it with closed eyes .

Luckily the gun had a silencer .

Ledger groaned loudly and held his leg with both his hands . His teary eyes found mine and I grimaced at him in raw rage . I kicked his gun away from him and locked his eyes .

Business time .

"When the nurse or doctor comes, you tell her that the two of you were fighting . And that you"re a forgiving soul and thus you won"t press any charges . Clear?"

Ledger nodded with a groan .

"Oh . " I started with a small, sly smile . "And I"m not done with you, yet . You happen to owe me a lot . "

I placed both my and William"s guns in the back of my pants, s.n.a.t.c.hed my phone from the bed and clicked on a pager that"d bring a nurse to the room . She"d be surprised to see two patients instead of one .

Ha .

I then left immediately, with Ledger"s frightened face the last thing to see . However, a haunting thought nauseated me .

Father was on the move and if we weren"t careful, we"d definitely have to pay the consequences .


A/N: A bit of action here . A bit long . . . What do you think? Any theories? ;)

Lots of love and appreciation :DA/N:Psst . u got a bit of violence ahead of you . *** Juliuss POV . Absolutely intolerable and unacceptable . Why didnt she tell me that Id wake up to find Ben roaming around the b.l.o.o.d.y place? Why didnt she tell me that shed have him over? I thought of that as I stood in the kitchen to prepare for them some pancakes . Apparently, they had an exam coming up . And I had to be oh, come on, Julius, please, be helpful according to Sam . So instead of slapping the sense into her that oh, darling, you misunderstood my kind of helpful, I forced a smile and reached for a pan . I piled the pancakes on two plates and slid them in front of them with two thumps . They were sitting around a circular table in the kitchen with a big book in front of them . I dragged a chair, sat down and lit a cigarette despite the dirty look Sam gave me . I inhaled and exhaled . Thats a big ring you have there, Ben commented bitterly, eyeing my fingers and I narrowed my eyes at him . So not only had he the guts to step into my territory, but he also had some to look me in the face and chit-chat . Focus on the exam you have . I deadpanned, trying not to sound angry at his presence . But I probably sounded angry . Ben smirked as he nibbled on his pancakes . Sam then looked up from the book and glanced at me . Her hair was held in a messy bun with hair strands framing her round face and narrowed eyes . You should have proper breakfast . You shouldnt smoke in the morning . Its unhealthy . She said and I rolled my eyes . And you should mind your business . It helps, really . I blurted icily . I then looked away irritably . This shouldnt be what stripped my mask down . But watching her and Ben, munch on pancakes I made and talk uselessly, instead of actually study, seemed to make it impossible for me to maintain my calm demeanour . Sam sighed and looked down at her book . I hate it when people take me for granted and decide not to respect my privacy . I let her stay with me to protect her, not so that Id wake up every morning to find one of her ignorant a.s.sociates roaming around . I drew in another breath and held it for a while . Despicable, insolent female . I tipped my head back and exhaled at the ceiling . You know that you can smoke in your room, Sam interjected after a short while as Ben averted his gaze away from the book to study me . Yes . I am quite aware, thank you . But, I can smoke here too . I said nonchalantly as I watched her steam . I thought her staying, wouldnt be as overbearing as it already seemed to get . And now I had to start setting her limits before it got too chaotic, that Id be tempted to rely on other unfavourable techniques . I told you I was allergic to smoke . I have asthma . She locked my eyes and I marvelled at her audacity . Had she known that she was triggering a murderer, she wouldve probably scurried to a corner and cried to death . Yes . You did . I stated, raising my eyebrows, my eyes on hers . Well, mate, this is her health were talking about here . It would be- Ben started with a scowl and I cut him off with a look that would a.s.sure any of his doubts about me being a lunatic criminal . Whats wrong with you? Sam got up suddenly, looking down at me furiously . Nothing . I drawled bitterly, glancing at the open book on the table . Ben averted his eyes back to the book after quietly clearing his throat . If you really do dislike my presence, you wont be seeing my b.l.o.o.d.y face again! She half-shouted frowning . I pursed my lips and suppressed a smirk . As it happens, I realized I really do . But I need you to lead me to the doc.u.ments or were both done with . I said calmly, locking Bens prying eyes . He immediately looked away . She looked at me in shock . You were just comforting me yesterday . What happened? Are you okay? She looked at me like Id lost it . Talk about mood swings! Ben snapped the huge book close, catching both of us off guard for a second . I gave him a dirty, questioning look, and he raised his thick eyebrows . I tilted my head threateningly and lifted a brow, making him look away . Thats talking silently, my friends . Okay, I think I-Ill go . Call me- Ben then immediately excused himself and left the kitchen in a hurry . When I heard the door slam shut, I got up, took a deep breath and exploded . Who told you, you were allowed to bring friends here? I shouted at her and her eyes widened . Why? Did you expect me to be your prisoner? She asked incredulously, removing a hair strand that fell over her eyes, angrily . I expected that you had no friends . Thats why youre here in the first place . You said you had no-one else to take care of you . I stated loudly and bluntly as she winced . Why are you so angry about it? Hes only my study buddy . She said weakly and I clenched my fists . Im angry because until now, youve proved exceptionally useless . You seemed to have misjudged our situation . Youve apparently mixed it up with a b.l.o.o.d.y slumber party! I was beyond furious with her . She wasnt taking what was at hand seriously enough . No-one should know who I am . No-one should know where we are and why were here! No-one should know anything . And especially, a b.l.o.o.d.y, too-smart-for-his-good vermin . This is your life! She shut up and looked at me . Its only been two days . She rolled her eyes and I fumed . No . Two days since youve been here with me . But almost half a month of you knowing whats in it! I yelled at her and she flinched . Im trying! She shouted, shaking . Well, try harder, dammit! I locked her angry gaze, stubbing out the cigarette on my arm . Oh my G.o.d, what are you doing? She looked at me horrifically . What? I stopped distractedly . Did you just hurt yourself?! She lowered her voice and bit back a gasp . Wh No! I shook my head, preoccupied, as I absentmindedly looked at the several cigarette scars I had on my arms . I usually did this when I was really angry . Pain dulled my anger especially when it was out of control . She shook her head at me with a grimace and walked out of the kitchen . Excuse me! I furiously went after her . Where do you think youre possibly going? I then clutched her hand, turning her to me . Let me go! She bellowed in my face and I shook my head solidly . All I literally saw, was red at that moment . You are not going anywhere and you better get me answers by the end of this day, I shouted threateningly, squeezing her hand harder . She yelped in pain . I told you Im trying! What the h.e.l.l?! Leave . Me . ALONE! She squirmed helplessly before forcefully planting her free fist in my injured shoulder . I let her go and groaned out in pain . Disgusting, bipolar psychopath! I dont even know what Ive gotten myself into! I heard her scream to herself before slamming her rooms door behind her . I sat on a nearby chair wheezing in pain as I squeezed my eyes shut . I slowly rocked my body as I held my arm . The agony wasnt really new . In fact, I was shot before in my arm . By my father, when I was eighteen . And it wasnt to torment me . It was to teach me what to expect if I ever got shot . He said that the pain should serve as reminder that that was whatd happen if my guards ever went down for a second . And that pain meant that I was lucky to feel it because if there wasnt pain, thered be death . The creaking of a door, cut my train of thoughts as Sam stepped out . I looked down, not letting her see the tears that formed in my eyes because of the pain . I guess the pain was too strong for any anger to persist . She then quickly approached me and knelt beside my chair, hands on the armrest . Oh my G.o.d, Im so sorry . She gasped and I looked at her through the hair that fell over my eyes . Its okay, I said through gritted teeth . Its my fault . Just do something for me . Yes? She said timidly, biting her lower lip anxiously . Call Augustus and ask him to come . Ill have to go to a hospital for a change . I instructed calmly, looking in her eyes . She then let out a tiny yelp, distracting me . Is that- is that blood? She asked faintly, pointing her index finger at my cast and I nodded nicely, resisting the urge to roll my eyes . Like female, you just punched it, what did you expect? Glitter? Oh my Gosh . She muttered, getting up before entering her room and coming back out with her phone in her hand . I watched her nervously drumming her fingers on her left thigh as she waited for an answer . As I expected, he didnt answer . Hes not answering . She said quietly and I sighed . I got up and groaned when Sam came by my side to help me . I scooted away from her, then staggered into my room . The pain made me feel dizzy . I had lost a lot of blood already . I then reached for my phone and dialled Augustuss number . Augustus, I said as soon as he answered . Jesus, whats wrong with your voice? was what he said and I shook my head from the haziness that invaded . I need to change my patch . Im bleeding . I said simply, gritting my teeth against the pain . Oh, s.h.i.t- A pause . You sound like you mightve lost a lot of blood, mate, he said slowly with a soft sigh . Im coming . He then hung up and I shoved my phone in my pocket before sitting on my bed . I then noticed Sam standing anxiously in the doorway staring at me . Come in . Please . I said and she hesitantly came in and stood next to the door, crossing her arms . I chuckled humorlessly through the pain and patted the place next to me . Come and sit here . I said and she raised her eyebrows . Im still not on good terms with you . You better explain what you did or you seriously wont be seeing my face again . And trust me when I say, I do not care if I lived or died . Ill leave . She said solidly . I nodded, looked down, then looked up at her and sighed . I had to do something to get her back to trust me and not fear my anger . I almost cursed my anger for terribly clouding my judgment . Okay . I have anger management issues . I breathed glancing up at her . And I know its not your fault . I know its not right to make it get the best of me and all that, but sometimes I cant . help it? And what triggers me most is an invasion of privacy and you underestimating the momentousness of the situation . I said slowly feeling the pain reduce to an acute throb . She nodded and raised her eyebrows . Well . You should know its not easy for me either . Ive been in contact with everyone about this because I dont trust my father . But no one knows anything about those doc.u.ments from Gorj . But that doesnt mean Im going to stop, she added quickly . One of Dads attorneys told me yesterday that they had an enemy company-or whatever you call it- long back . He said h.e.l.l look it up for me and will see if it matches what Im saying . I looked at her not really focusing on what she was saying as the pain returned . Romeo? She called and I looked at her through my headache . Didnt you say it was a break? I know Im no doctor, but Im quite sure breaks dont bleed . She said and I shut my eyes . They do at times, I said with difficulty, looking at the floor . They actually do if its because of a bullet . I know, I was an exceptional liar . She shrugged . Anyway, if me not telling you that Ben is coming angered you, Ill tell you next- No . If you want to meet with any of your frien- I said biting on my tongue in pain . Theyre not my friends . Whoever . Do it outside . Do it in a safe, secluded place . Like a library or something . She gave a small, unconvinced nod . You know? If it werent for the fact that I actually harmed you, I wouldve been down for another fight, she said and I suppressed a smirk . I mean, you dont even know me when it comes to fightin- Okay . Sam . Go open the door . Wh? The doorbell rang and she looked at me, eyes-wide-open before she rushed to get the door . I just knew the sound of a Mustangs engine when it parked . I was no superhuman . Augustus then came in with Sam behind with the widest possible smile . Holy blueberries mate, what happened? He said animatedly, his electric-blue eyes shocked . Well if I told him Sam punched me, that wouldnt be, you know, good . I stumbled out of the tub, I said quickly and looked at Sam who looked confused . No . I punc- she started . Thats what happened . I persisted and Sam shut up . Augustus then chuckled and I watched Sam watch him as many thoughts swarmed in my head . Thoughts like- that was how Audrey looked at me . I shook my head as a smile threatened to spill over my lips . Okay . Lemme take you to the hospital . But-uh- are you going like this? He said, pointing at my sweatpants and white shirt . Yes . Why? Is there a problem? I said, glancing at him . He wore a charcoal grey shirt, topped by a long, bright-blue coat and an azure scarf . It hit me that Augustus really cared about his appearance, unlike me . And like my father . Yes, Father liked a man who took care of his appearance . Never mind Romeo . Im taking you, anyway . He approached me, helping me up . I was unbelievably unsteady . Wait! Sam said . Im coming with you guys . Wait, wh Augustus said, but I interrupted him . Shes worried . Let her come . I glanced at Sam and he sighed . And I realized that it was seeing Audrey in the way that Sam looked at Augustus, what made me react this way . Whatever . Well wait in the car . Augustus said, not even glancing at her . We left . --- Weve been waiting for fifteen whole minutes down here . In the b.l.o.o.d.y car . I think you lost all your blood . Lets just leave her! Augustus said irritably for the hundredth time . Wait, I replied miraculously solidly as I felt the world spin around me . After a few more minutes, we heard the back seat door open . We both whipped our heads toward her . Oh my G.o.d . You guys look so much alike from here . Anyone would think youre both brothers or something . She smiled, her wavy, dark hair settling on her shoulders gracefully . We both then looked back ahead of us not saying anything . Augustus started the car and we left . --- I say let him stay for a while . The doctor above me told Augustus as Sam stared at my old b.l.o.o.d.y patch in horror . Hes very weak . He lost a lot of blood . I turned my head to Augustus who was nodding at the doctors words . I was apparently on a large comfy bed with a brand-new patch . I weakly reached out for Augustuss hand and he immediately looked down at me . I shook my head . He smiled slightly then looked back at the doctor distractedly . I felt too weak to even talk . I looked back at Sam who was now talking to the doctor too . Feeling myself constantly zone out, I decided to shut my eyes before forcing them open again . No- I said weakly . Romeo, I think you should do what the doctor says . A day wont hurt . Augustus was telling me softly as I turned my head to look back at Sam . I think the same too . And dont worry, Ill call you if something ever happ- Thats the problem- I said tiredly . You wont have time to call- Definitely not if someone abducted her . She looked at me worriedly and I closed my eyes . We gave you something to help you relax and youll be sleeping in a while . The doctor was smiling at me for some reason . Goodness, it was just a girls punch- I said with effort as my eyelids drooped . Well be back before you know it, Augustus said with a sigh and I grasped his wrist with all power I could muster . He looked down at me . Take care of her for me . Just until I wake up . I let him go and he looked confused . He then glanced at Sam who was staring at me in horror . Okay, Sam . Lets go . Augustus said almost forcefully, cleared his throat and left the room . Sam and the doctor followed . I slept . --- I woke up in the middle of the night and I actually felt good . The throbbing in my arm had been reduced to almost nothing . So I sat up enjoying my renewed strength and st.u.r.diness . I reached for my phone and dialled Sams number . She didnt pick up, so I glanced at the time . It was almost two in the morning . Of course, she was asleep . Everyone probably was, as well . I threw the phone on the hospitals bed irritably . I glanced outside the gla.s.s doors randomly and noticed a man stepping stealthily in the corridor . With suspicion overriding my senses, I sat up alertly and squinted . My heart gave a huge jump when I saw Ledgers figure illuminated weakly in the dim-lit corridors . He was one of Fathers men . One of Fathers men whom I always collaborated with . He got closer, but instead of looking into the room, he was stupidly looking for something behind him . I quickly got up from the bed and crouched next to it as I watched him get closer . When he was close enough, I immediately went under the bed . I heard the door open quietly, followed by slow and steady footsteps . Where is she dammit? I heard another voice that wasnt Ledgers but recognized it as Williams- and, no, that one detested me . I clenched my jaws as I frantically thought of a strategy . And that strategy involved using the fact that they expected Sam against them . I dont know . Maybe shes taking a p.i.s.s or something . Ledger replied back loudly and I shook my head smirking . He was always that loud, no matter how dangerous the situation could get . Lower your voice, d.i.c.khead, William whispered back angrily . What if its a false alarm? Ledger asked . Of course, not, idiot . The room has her b.l.o.o.d.y full name! Sam Ricardo Merde! William replied smugly . There could be many Sam Ricardos . Ledger retaliated . Whats the b.l.o.o.d.y chance? Besides, if we couldnt find her in her apartment, she must be somewhere . Like a hospital . But the boss said that she might be with, Julius, Ledger said and my heart jumped at my name . Oh, Julius . Him too! Boss is a bit far-fetched . How can he expect us to have both of them? William complained and I smirked . Heavy silence then managed to press down on my ears . And so I decided I needed to attack . Smoothly and smartly- obviously . I watched Williams feet getting closer to the bed and decided that it was now or never . Whens coming from the b.l.o.o.d.y washroo- He was pacing closer to the bed, but I pulled his leg with so much force that he fell on his face, hitting his head on the edge of the beds bedside table . I think he lost consciousness . I immediately reached for the gun in his back pocket and got up from under the bed, pointing the gun at a shocked Ledger . Ledger had his gun out too, but his hands were shaking . So was the gun . J-Julius? He muttered and I smirked, tilting my head to the left a bit . h.e.l.lo . Ledgeboy . I breathed, approaching him with the gun in front of me . I snapped my eyes at him and grinned . I noticed sweat beads roll down his forehead as he exhaled through his mouth . Ledgeboy- the one who usually-scratch that- always helped me . The one who was supposed to be loyal to me before my father . The one I trusted a bit . In performing Fathers dirty jobs . We had a similar strategy and the same weakness . Guilt . He was the one I never really expected to raise a gun in my face . Well, I guess, Father could be rather convincing . Or Leger could be one disloyal son of a b.i.t.c.h . Ledger stepped back and tripped on Williams outstretched leg . He fell on the floor on Williams leg which must have undoubtedly broken as I pointed Williams gun down on him . Im surprised youre still holding your gun and pointing it at me, Ledger, I said no longer using his nickname . I think I was actually disappointed too . I mean, I did him a lot of favours before . I helped his family to move out of town to escape my fathers wrath when Ledger messed up big time . Well, I guess no one really remembers the good others do . Ledgers lips parted as he shook his head . I expected t-the gir- he said, but I cut him off . Youre still holding that gun and pointing it at me . Ledger . I repeated, pressing on each word . Ledgers face screwed up as he uttered a whimper . He then lowered his gun and planted it next to him . Good boy . I cooed, raising my eyebrows . Please, dont kill me . He said frightened, raising his hands to the side of his head . Pleas- Dont you trust me? I said, feigning shock as he breathed heavily . I mean, I used to protect your back . Remember? A single tear tumbled down his cheek . I do, Julius . Im sorry . I did-didnt know . I nodded no longer keen on hiding my disappointment . Im sorry too- Please, Julius . Dont k-kill m- I wont . I snapped sharply . I tend to be loyal- I was angry as I watched him slowly lower his hands . But I cant be naive . I cant be reckless . Its a legacy, you know . I looked at Ledger who was shaking his head . I just have to make sure youll never able to follow me again . Especially, if youre no longer following me to protect me . Like before . I added bitterly, lowering my gun to his right leg and quickly shooting it with closed eyes . Luckily the gun had a silencer . Ledger groaned loudly and held his leg with both his hands . His teary eyes found mine and I grimaced at him in raw rage . I kicked his gun away from him and locked his eyes . Business time . When the nurse or doctor comes, you tell her that the two of you were fighting . And that youre a forgiving soul and thus you wont press any charges . Clear? Ledger nodded with a groan . Oh . I started with a small, sly smile . And Im not done with you, yet . You happen to owe me a lot . I placed both my and Williams guns in the back of my pants, s.n.a.t.c.hed my phone from the bed and clicked on a pager thatd bring a nurse to the room . Shed be surprised to see two patients instead of one . Ha . I then left immediately, with Ledgers frightened face the last thing to see . However, a haunting thought nauseated me . Father was on the move and if we werent careful, wed definitely have to pay the consequences . *** A/N: A bit of action here . A bit long . What do you think? Any theories? ;) Lots of love and appreciation :D

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