Julius Caesar

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

"Samantha?" I breathed worriedly, clearing my throat as I glanced at the time .

It was six in the morning when she called . I rubbed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows at this unexpected call that let my mind go places .

Did she find out about Amanda? Was she feeling alright? I mean, she just had a surgery . I immediately was out of bed and reaching for my jacket and scarf thrown on the floor .

"Julius Caesar," she paused . "I think I"m setting my house on fire . " She said as matter-of-factly and my jaw along with my heart hit the floor . In relief .

"Thank G.o.d," was the thing that first came out of my mouth .

"Julius? Did you even hear me?" She sounded frantic as I processed what she actually said . It was definitely disastrous, but it could"ve been worse .

"Oh . Oh," I repeated, squeezing shut my eyes . "Hang on," I said wrapping my scarf around my neck .

"What am I gonn" she started and I interrupted .

"Give me five minutes," I said slipping on my slippers and grabbing my gun . "I"m coming . "

"Wait-" she started but I hung up on her and headed for the door .


It was actually ten minutes later that I ended in front of Samantha"s place with the cold breeze slapping my face . The door was then yanked open revealing Samantha . Her eyes were wide open and her face blackened by what I guessed was smoke .

""Thank G.o.d!" she said grabbing me inside by my arm as I closed the door behind us . "I don"t know what to do! I just opened the windows to let in some fresh air, but I thought about the neighbours and felt bad . So I closed them, but then the smoke was too much . And my fire alarm went off and I freaked out so I called you . The fire alarm wouldn"t stop so I -ugh- just used a broomstick to hit it . And I think I broke it because it made no more sound-"

"Where is the fire?" I interrupted her for the first time and she took in a deep breath .

"In the kitchen . I told you . " She said shaking her head and I stared at her bemusedly . "Anyway, I was scared the microwave was going to explode, so I got out of the kitchen and closed its door-"

"You set the microwave on fire?" I asked trying to make sense of the words gushing out of her mouth and her excessive hand movements .

"Yes," she said . "I was just heating some eggs . "

"Heating eggs . In the microwave?" I raised my eyebrows as she came to a stop in the middle of the reception .

"Exactly . "

"Did you open the microwave"s door?" I asked glancing at the living room where the broken gla.s.s of the vase was no longer littering the floor . The vase I shot when I was threatening Danielle .

Maybe someone came around to clean .

"Noo! Am I supposed to? But like how can I? It"s like- combusting," she said and I sighed .

"Alright, it"s going to be okay . Just relax, for me . " I said locking her bright, blue eyes that were slightly red .

Her nose crinkled . "So are you going to go in?" She asked cautiously pointing a hesitant index finger in the kitchen"s direction and I smiled .

"Yes, Mantha, I will," I said . "Just take a deep breath, please . "

She did what I told her and I nodded at her suppressing a grin .

"Okay, now go and open all the house"s windows to let fresh air in . Then switch-" I started instructing her, but I could see the refusal all over her face .

"And let you get in there alone?" She frowned . "No way . I"m coming with you . Maybe you"ll need me to fill some water or something-"

"Samantha . It will be okay . It"s just a small fire, blimey . " I sighed exasperatedly . She looked at me still unconvinced .

"What if you got caught on fire? Who"ll be there to put it off? Who"ll be there to save yo-" she rambled on and I shut my eyes with a soft sigh . I then smiled slightly .

"Okay, Samantha, it"s just a small fire . I solemnly swear that I will not catch the fire . Okay?" I said slowly, hoping she"d get the message .

She stopped moving, looked into my eyes and exhaled . "It"s just a small fire . " She told her panicked self and I smiled .

"Now go," I told her . "Open all the windows . " She nodded . "To let the fresh air in . Then have a warm cup of water . To help you relax . " She was starting to frown, but I got ahead of her . "Listen . If it"s the first time for you to encounter a fire . It isn"t my first time . So do what I told you . "

"I shouldn"t have cooked . " She shrugged and I nodded .

"Yes . " I approved . "This shouldn"t be the thing people do when they regain their sight . "

She smiled sheepishly before she turned on her heels and rounded a corner .

I then headed to the kitchen and opened the door . As I suspected there was plenty of smoke that started diffusing into the reception . I rushed inside anyway and swung open the huge kitchen"s window to let it out .

When the air cleared a bit and I was no longer coughing, I looked at the microwave"s plug . I sighed and pulled it out quickly .

I glanced inside the microwave to find flames dancing inside and smoke squeezing its way out of the door .

Amazing .

"Should I get you a cup of water?" Samantha"s voice came, startling me . I turned to her and for the first time, I let my eyes study her .

She wore plain, navy blue pyjamas and her jet black hair was pulled in a neat ponytail . I dared smile .

"So, is that a "yes"?" she asked and I looked up at her face . Her glinting eyes, pink nose tip and her lips-

"Your bottom lip is bleeding . " I found myself telling her with widened eyes .

She looked taken aback by my statement before she raised her index finger and pressed it to her lip . And I had to close my eyes because -oh G.o.d- how can she look absolutely lovely doing this?

She then sucked in her lower lip before releasing it, making it pinker than ever .

"Is it fine now?" She frowned slightly and I had to shake my head subtly to rid it of all the things I could be doing to her . All the things that would make her mine and mine forever . The kind of things that ignited my core and made me want to-

"It"s fine . " My voice came stronger than I intended, so I cleared my throat .

"So? Water?" She smiled innocently .

"No," I told her and myself . "No" for so many things I was fantasizing about at that same moment . Things I wanted to feel and taste . Things so forbidden that might poison both of us .

"So, what are we going to do? Should I make an emergency call?" She asked and I shook my head .

"No need . " I turned around and faced the microwave . "We"ll just have to wait until the fire exhausts itself . "

I felt Samantha shuffle behind me before I felt her hand clutch my arm . And I almost jerked away from the fire her touch generated that even reached under my belt .

I cursed under my breath .

"Okay then . I will order something . For both us . " She said and I -so distracted by my arousal- nodded .

"What do you want to eat?" She asked with a pleasant smile .

"You have the honour . " I told her and she chuckled .

"Alright . I"ll surprise you . " She then let go of me as my mind went to places at her last sentence .

I loved those surprises .

My mouth watered and my breath fastened as I watched her hips sway away from me . Almost in slow motion . I was a hungry predator . I even had to tap my feet to slow the blood rushing to my brain . I wasn"t thinking clearly .

l.u.s.t and I didn"t do well together . One had to win . But it couldn"t be l.u.s.t . Not yet .

"Wait!" I called out and Samantha stopped to face me with her lips parted in antic.i.p.ation . "I"ll -uh- have my brother bring the food . I wanted you to meet him anyway . "

"You have a brother?" She asked surprised .

"I"m full of surprises . " I winked and she raised her eyebrows bemusedly .

"He"s more than welcome . " She said sweetly and I grinned nervously . She then left the kitchen .

I immediately reached for my phone and called Augustus . It rang almost indefinitely before he picked up .

"Alright . So this is my first night of good quality sleep on my super soft bed after five nights in a haunted amus.e.m.e.nt park . And you have the guts to wake me up at six thirty in the b.l.o.o.d.y morning? Julius Caesar Alexander Bl" He ranted groggily and I smirked .

"It is an emergency," I muttered as I heard him shift around . Maybe get out of bed, or snuggle deeper under the covers .

"Does it involve those deeply disturbing French f.u.c.ks?" He said with a yawn and I chuckled .

"Worse . "

"Worse?" he said with a sigh and a pause . "Do you wanna ditch some girl who caught feelings?"

I chuckled at this . "Actually . " I can"t believe I"m telling him this . "The opposite . "

It took Augustus a few moments to think before he burst into laughter .

"What?" I said embarra.s.sedly as I heard him catch his breath .

"Julio . Mate . You have an "I-Will-f.u.c.k-The-Duck-If-You-Don"t-Come" crisis . " He said with impossible prosperity and I actually smiled at the ridiculousness of this .

"How did you know?" I almost gasped bemusedly .

"You"re talking to Augusto, mate . You might be older than me . But in the ladies business, I"m much much older . By like decades or something . So-" He started and I shook my head .

"Alright, alright . Just come . I"ll -uh- send you the location . Oh and bring breakfast with you . " I said as he yawned .

"Breakfast?" He groaned and I smiled . "What would you like to eat?"

"Surprise me," I told him bored .

"Okay, okay, just keep it in until I make my delightful arrival . " I could hear him smile .

"Yeah sure . "

"I mean I wouldn"t like to come and find you f.u.c.king the poor girl in the kitchen . On the floor . With broken dishes and mo" He started monotone and I groaned at the thought .

"I"m making it worse right? Ah, I"m such a great brother . My speciality . " He laughed and I squeezed shut my eyes to stop imagining what he said .

"You are ridiculous," I said with effort and he snorted .

"We are in 2018, mate . Is that supposed to insult me?" He said with an air of authority .

"I"m sending you the location . Do not be late . And be decen-" He hung up on me and I raised my eyebrows .

I glanced at the microwave to find no more fire . I opened its door with a sigh and glanced at the black clumps that were supposedly eggs .

I managed to throw them away and clean the microwave . I looked up at the ceiling where the broken fire sensor hung uselessly . I might"ve as well fixed that .

I made it out of the kitchen and headed to the living room . Samantha wasn"t there . I sat on the couch that faced the door and tapped my feet impatiently .

"How do I look?" Her voice came from behind me and I instinctively turned to find her coming down the stairs in a breathtakingly simple, knee-length peach dress and a navy blue cardigan .

That was it . She was trying to kill me- was what I thought .

I grabbed a pillow from next to me and pressed it to my laps .

And I had to be wearing sweatpants .

"Amazing," I breathed before she finally made her way down . She sat next to me and her arms rubbed against mine . I had to hold my breath and recite the elements of the periodic table .

Hydrogen . Helium . Lithium . Beryllium . What"s next? Oh, carbon? No, no, boron . Carbon .

"Thanks! Just wanted to make sure I impress your brother . " She blushed and I smiled .

"You don"t have to . You just have to impress me . " I said looking anywhere, but her eyes .

"You don"t have to . You just have to impress me . " I said looking anywhere, but her eyes .

"So . Who"s older?" She asked as I watched her slender fingers flex . She then caught them back in a small fist . I noticed that she wasn"t wearing any nail polish .

"I am . "

She smiled and nodded . She then cleared her throat quietly before very awkward silence settled between us .

I just kept glaring at the pillow nested in my laps . I was actually angry . It was a nuisance . A distraction .

"The fire," Samantha breathed after a few minutes, snapping me out of my inner battle . "Is it out? Yet?"

I dared glance at her and noticed how nervous she actually was . That oddly satisfied me .

"Yes . You just have to -uh- get someone to fix that fire alarm . " I pointed at the ceiling . "Or I can drop by some other time to do it . " I shrugged and she nodded, pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear .

"Yeah . " She smiled shyly and my heart did a back flip . I loved that smile on her .

"So," I said, cleared my throat, manned up and looked in her eyes . "-how are you?"

She chuckled a bit . "Never been better . " Her eyes fluttered and I wondered how great G.o.d must be to have been able to create such a beautiful thing .

"You," I said breathlessly and she looked at me with renewed interest . But I stopped not knowing what to say because there were so many things I wanted to tell her . I wanted to tell her what I was thinking . I wanted her to know me . I wanted to tell her that I wished there could be no barriers between us . Especially a barrier like who I was .

"I like how you smell," I ended up gawking awkwardly as she crinkled her nose .

"Alright . We are both awful at this . " She waved a hand in front of her and I chuckled, my heart warming up at the giddy smile she was wearing .

"Totally . " I grinned and pinned the pillow harder in my laps .

Get down . Again . Where was I? Nitrogen . Oxygen .

"So get straight to the point . " She continued with a smirk and I raised my eyebrows playfully .

She was basically asking me to ask her out . Maybe .

"Maybe we can hang out?" I cringed as she pursed her lips .

"Maybe . "

"No- I- No . I mean we shoul- need to hang out . Go out . On a date . " I almost whispered the last part as she narrowed her eyes on me .

"Why are you nervous about asking me out now? You weren"t before . " She said with a smirk . I stared at her, opened my mouth and closed it again . I resorted to chuckling lightly .

Try asking a girl you like, out with an arousal . In sweatpants . I felt so self-conscious .

"That"s not true," I said frowning playfully as I took her hands in mine . "I will take you out . Just say when . You were the one who needed time . "

"Right . " She looked at our entangled hands with a small smile . "But you also know that we made a deal, right?"

"A deal?" I said not really getting what she said .

"Yeah . " She was still looking down . "You promised you"ll tell me who killed my dad . "

I let go of her hands . Remembering . She looked up .

I closed my eyes, opened them and looked in her eager, trustful eyes . I felt sick .

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I didn"t hesitate to reach for it . I opened the door to find Augustus blowing a big gum bubble with the food bags in his left hand as the wind sifted through his thick hair that looked almost white in the sun .

He looked decent in the black pants and closed red and blue checkered, crisp coat he was wearing, topped by a scarlet scarf and sungla.s.ses .

He used his free hand to lower his sungla.s.ses and peek down .

"Sweatpants and b.o.n.e.rs are a no-no . " He started .

Looks can deceive .

"You"re welcome, brother . Please come in . " I glared at him . He smirked and took off his sungla.s.ses which exposed teary blue eyes . He then walked in with one big stride .

Samantha was already standing in the middle of the living room with a wide smile . Her hands were linked in front of her .

I shut the door with my foot .

"You"re the girl we watched run in the park!" Augustus exclaimed approaching her and she raised her eyebrows . I wanted to cover my face with my hands, but I smiled instead .

Samantha then stretched her hand for a handshake . "And you"re Caesar"s brother . You look alike!"

Augustus took her hand with a grin and raised it . He then kissed it instead of shaking it as I rolled my eyes . "Augustus, if you may . "

Samantha pulled back her hand gently, a bit fl.u.s.tered, as I stood by her side . She glanced at me before looking back at my brother .

"Please," she said sweetly . "-have a seat . "

Augustus looked at me bemusedly .

"Aye, thanks . " He then thrust the bags of food in my arms and headed to the couch where he sat, legs crossed . He then extended his arms and "hugged" the couch . He then glanced around the house with a smirk .

"Wow," he breathed . "I love your house, Sammy . " He looked at her . "I appreciate good taste in interior design and clothes . "

I turned to Augustus and narrowed my eyes at him before mouthing "act decent" . He shrugged it with a grin .

"Thank you . " She looked down, then back up at him .

"Yeah . The food," I said interrupting this complimenting session .

My brother looked at me and smiled widely . "Yup, the food-" He repeated what I said as if it was a dirty word . He even winked . "-is so delicious . Good choice . Very decent even . I"m almost proud . "

I shook my head glaringly .

I shook my head glaringly .

"So let"s eat it before it goes cold . " He added eyeing me with a smirk .

"It"s already cold . Stop it and behave . " I said as I watched his eyes trail down my pants .

"Not yet . " He said and I looked back at Samantha who thankfully looked lost .

She then took a deep breath and smiled . "Okay . Where do you wanna eat?"

"At your house?" Augustus retorted with a foolish smirk .

"You"re one smart gentleman," Samantha replied and Augustus snorted .

"I"m not a gentleman . " He frowned playfully .

"Try to be one?" I intervened and he glanced at me with a smirk . He then looked back at her .

"So . Sammy," Augustus said . "-wanna help me set the food in your dining room?"

Samantha and I raised our eyebrows .

"Yeah . Sure," was what she said .

He then got up, headed to me, smiled and took the food from my hands . "I"ll be decent," was what he said .

"Let"s go . " He told Samantha and they both turned a corner .

I stared at them and sighed .

I walked into the dining room anyway a few minutes later to find them still taking the food out of the bags .

Chinese food .

Samantha stared at me, grinned and I smiled back confused . What did Augustus do?

"Take your seats please," Augustus said, unb.u.t.toning his coat to reveal a full sleeved navy blue shirt . He tossed it on an empty seat along with his scarf .

We all then sat down .

"Now say your grac-" Augustus started .

"Augustus," I warned and he chuckled .

"Let him, Caesar," Samantha said with a smile .

"Nah, I was just messing around," he said . "Thank you, though, Sammy . "

Samantha grinned . "So you"re the fun brother?"

Seeing that they were going to engage in a conversation, I opened my packet and started eating .

"Obviously," he said smugly . "But it"s okay . I still love him . "

I glanced at Augustus, shook my head subtly and smiled to myself .

"It"s amazing to have siblings," she said .

I glanced at her and wondered if she knew . She actually had three . Two half-brothers and a half-sister . If not more . Ricardo seemed to have abundant sperm .

"You"re a lone wolf, aw . " Augustus started and I scoffed quietly .

"Not really," she said . "I have my cousin . Bianca . She"s like my little sissy . "

Augustus nodded . "You live alone?"

"I live with my aunt," she said and I remembered how messed up her family was . And how I needed to tell her sometime soon .

"I live alone . " He said and I looked up curiously . He didn"t glance at me . I mean, I thought Father stayed with him .

"Alone? But aren"t you too young for that?" she said and he raised his eyebrows .

"I"m not young . I"m like twenty . I"ll be like twenty-two in less than twenty-four months," he said defensively . "Tell her, Julio!"

"Yeah . Whatever he claims," I drawled and returned to the food .

Samantha chuckled with food in her mouth .

A few minutes later of useless conversation, we were out of the dining room and inside the living room . Augustus wasn"t with us though . He went up to Bianca"s room to play on her PlayStation or something . He was very excited to leave us alone .

So, I was awkwardly sitting in front of Samantha with nothing to talk about . We were cla.s.sically, shamelessly staring at each other .

Her eyes studied me carefully and my heart might"ve jumped . I then noticed her face screw up slightly and my heart jumped again . I even looked around me for a reason behind the disturbance .

"Is that a gun?" was what she said . Staring was what I continued to do . I was actually out of words . Out of excuses .

"Self-defense . " I diverted my gaze to the couch I sat on . And it was one, very nice couch . And I remember that because I stared so much at it . At its details . The beige and orange fibres crisscrossing each other .

I remember all that .

Her face relaxed a bit before she bit her lip gently . "Can I see it?"

I looked at her nervously but blindly reached for the gun anyway . I handed it to her with a smirk .

"Is it loaded?" She asked studying the gun with her fingers .

"It is . "

I was being so stupidly vulnerable .

"I want to learn how to use it . " She said steadily, looking into my eyes . My breath hitched as I narrowed my eyes on her, waiting for an explanation . "For self-defence . "
I was being so stupidly vulnerable .

"I want to learn how to use it . " She said steadily, looking into my eyes . My breath hitched as I narrowed my eyes on her, waiting for an explanation . "For self-defence . "

And she was lying . And I remember why I knew she was lying . Her toes moved constantly in a wave-like motion and her fingers moved on their own accord .

But I shrugged it off .

"You want me to -um-" I looked at her curiously and swallowed . "-teach you?"

She looked at me with the gun cradled in both her hands between her legs . She pursed her lips, studied me more and sighed . Her shoulders slumped as she smiled hesitantly .

"I wanted to learn so that I can kill who killed daddy . But-" She stopped to look at me cautiously . "-that would only make me a murderer . And now, I don"t know what you think of me for such disgusting thou-"

"Hey-" I said catching her wandering eyes . "-I understand . It"s only natural to fe-"

She then leaned in and handed me the gun, shutting me up . I looked down at the gun and sighed . I then frowned .

"I"m sorry it had to be this way," I said solidly . "I really am . No one should deal with a killed father," I croaked, looking guiltily in her bright eyes . They were shining so bright, I looked away, my heart dying a bit . "You can"t blame yourself for wanting revenge . "

And I know . Yes . I know .

I was no better than trash . Sitting there . Knowing that I"ll break both of our hearts one day . How dare I sat there, stared in her eyes and gave her all that forbidden hope?

"But you know," I continued, clearing my throat . "-guns are interesting . "

She opened her mouth, closed it, then smirked . "They are . They"re -um- dangerous too . " She eyed my gun .

"Yeah," I said pursing my lips .

"I never saw a gun in real life . " She said with a slight shrug .

"Well," I smiled and raised my gun a bit . "-now you have . "

She nodded slowly and I just sighed . I hated what I was doing to her, yet I couldn"t help it . I couldn"t help loving the shelter she gave from all the world . I couldn"t help loving the feeling of safety I felt when I was with her . This rare vulnerability .

And I remember hating all the barriers between us . Hating everything that separated us . Even that d.a.m.n coffee table and those b.l.o.o.d.y inches of air that kept us apart . I wanted to feel her in my hands . Next to me . By my side .

"Can you come to sit next to me? Please?" I blurted looking straight in her eyes . They were so beautifully transparent to the extent that her dark pupils" constriction and dilation were amazingly noticeable .

I think I held my breath .

Her rosy parted lips met each other, making me jealous that I wasn"t there too at the meeting . To tell them how much I missed them . She then shuffled and sat next to me .

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arm around her . My heart was beating fast, but it started slowing down when I pulled her closer to my chest . I didn"t want to think of anything . I didn"t want to remember who I was . I just really wanted to be with her . I just wanted to believe in this . This touch .

I let my fingers travel in her soft hair and through her tangles . She was simply lovely .

I breathed her in and put my chin on top of her head . And -my- wasn"t I going to die when she wrapped an arm around my torso? Die in the most enchanting way .

"You"re so warm . " She purred and I grinned .

I planted my lips in her soft hair, brushed them against it and smiled . "And you are so magical," I murmured .

"And you are ridiculous . " Her m.u.f.fled voice came after a pause .

"Only around you . " I teased with a small smile .

"You"re being ridiculous again . "

"I like it . Samantha . "

And then we both shut up . No one said a thing . The silence was no longer awkward . It was warm and charged with lots of energy . And it was also broken by the occasional noise of gunshots from Bianca"s room .

"I wanna teach you how to use a gun," I said suddenly . "In case you"d ever need to protect yourself . "

She didn"t say anything for a while . "Okay . But I"m pretty sure that I won"t need to do that as long as you"re there . With me . " She tightened her arm around me and I closed my eyes, tipped back my head and smiled .

"Now who"s being ridiculous?" I reached for her hand . She chuckled lightly and I landed a kissed on her head as our fingers interlocked .

"Alright," I said energetically, pulling myself away from her . She twisted her back, pouted and looked at me longingly . I grinned . "Lemme teach you how to shoot . "

She tilted her head with a lopsided smile . "Okay . "

I then leaned in and planted a kiss on her nose tip making her squeal . I then got up and put out my hand . She took it and got up .

I then remembered Augustus .

"GUSTUS!" I yelled .

"YES?" came his m.u.f.fled reply from Bianca"s room .

"WE"RE HEADING TO THE WOODS," I said as Samantha cringed at my loud voice .

There was a short pause . "OKAY! I"LL BE HERE! PLAYING . ON THE PLAYSTATION . THAT s.h.i.t IS LEGIT!"

I grinned, then looked back at Samantha .

"Ready?" I said with a raised brow .

"More than ever . " She beamed her eyes dancing in happiness .


A/N: Ugh . . . those two lovebirds ;) ANNND that was a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong chapter lol . It"ll get shorter haha .

What are your thoughts? *wiggles eyebrows*

WE"RE FIVE CHAPTERS AWAY FROM PART TWOOOO!Samantha? I breathed worriedly, clearing my throat as I glanced at the time . It was six in the morning when she called . I rubbed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows at this unexpected call that let my mind go places . Did she find out about Amanda? Was she feeling alright? I mean, she just had a surgery . I immediately was out of bed and reaching for my jacket and scarf thrown on the floor . Julius Caesar, she paused . I think Im setting my house on fire . She said as matter-of-factly and my jaw along with my heart hit the floor . In relief . Thank G.o.d, was the thing that first came out of my mouth . Julius? Did you even hear me? She sounded frantic as I processed what she actually said . It was definitely disastrous, but it couldve been worse . Oh . Oh, I repeated, squeezing shut my eyes . Hang on, I said wrapping my scarf around my neck . What am I gonn she started and I interrupted . Give me five minutes, I said slipping on my slippers and grabbing my gun . Im coming . Wait- she started but I hung up on her and headed for the door . --- It was actually ten minutes later that I ended in front of Samanthas place with the cold breeze slapping my face . The door was then yanked open revealing Samantha . Her eyes were wide open and her face blackened by what I guessed was smoke . Thank G.o.d! she said grabbing me inside by my arm as I closed the door behind us . I dont know what to do! I just opened the windows to let in some fresh air, but I thought about the neighbours and felt bad . So I closed them, but then the smoke was too much . And my fire alarm went off and I freaked out so I called you . The fire alarm wouldnt stop so I -ugh- just used a broomstick to hit it . And I think I broke it because it made no more sound- Where is the fire? I interrupted her for the first time and she took in a deep breath . In the kitchen . I told you . She said shaking her head and I stared at her bemusedly . Anyway, I was scared the microwave was going to explode, so I got out of the kitchen and closed its door- You set the microwave on fire? I asked trying to make sense of the words gushing out of her mouth and her excessive hand movements . Yes, she said . I was just heating some eggs . Heating eggs . In the microwave? I raised my eyebrows as she came to a stop in the middle of the reception . Exactly . Did you open the microwaves door? I asked glancing at the living room where the broken gla.s.s of the vase was no longer littering the floor . The vase I shot when I was threatening Danielle . Maybe someone came around to clean . Noo! Am I supposed to? But like how can I? Its like- combusting, she said and I sighed . Alright, its going to be okay . Just relax, for me . I said locking her bright, blue eyes that were slightly red . Her nose crinkled . So are you going to go in? She asked cautiously pointing a hesitant index finger in the kitchens direction and I smiled . Yes, Mantha, I will, I said . Just take a deep breath, please . She did what I told her and I nodded at her suppressing a grin . Okay, now go and open all the houses windows to let fresh air in . Then switch- I started instructing her, but I could see the refusal all over her face . And let you get in there alone? She frowned . No way . Im coming with you . Maybe youll need me to fill some water or something- Samantha . It will be okay . Its just a small fire, blimey . I sighed exasperatedly . She looked at me still unconvinced . What if you got caught on fire? Wholl be there to put it off? Wholl be there to save yo- she rambled on and I shut my eyes with a soft sigh . I then smiled slightly . Okay, Samantha, its just a small fire . I solemnly swear that I will not catch the fire . Okay? I said slowly, hoping shed get the message . She stopped moving, looked into my eyes and exhaled . Its just a small fire . She told her panicked self and I smiled . Now go, I told her . Open all the windows . She nodded . To let the fresh air in . Then have a warm cup of water . To help you relax . She was starting to frown, but I got ahead of her . Listen . If its the first time for you to encounter a fire . It isnt my first time . So do what I told you . I shouldnt have cooked . She shrugged and I nodded . Yes . I approved . This shouldnt be the thing people do when they regain their sight . She smiled sheepishly before she turned on her heels and rounded a corner . I then headed to the kitchen and opened the door . As I suspected there was plenty of smoke that started diffusing into the reception . I rushed inside anyway and swung open the huge kitchens window to let it out . When the air cleared a bit and I was no longer coughing, I looked at the microwaves plug . I sighed and pulled it out quickly . I glanced inside the microwave to find flames dancing inside and smoke squeezing its way out of the door . Amazing . Should I get you a cup of water? Samanthas voice came, startling me . I turned to her and for the first time, I let my eyes study her . She wore plain, navy blue pyjamas and her jet black hair was pulled in a neat ponytail . I dared smile . So, is that a yes? she asked and I looked up at her face . Her glinting eyes, pink nose tip and her lips- Your bottom lip is bleeding . I found myself telling her with widened eyes . She looked taken aback by my statement before she raised her index finger and pressed it to her lip . And I had to close my eyes because -oh G.o.d- how can she look absolutely lovely doing this? She then sucked in her lower lip before releasing it, making it pinker than ever . Is it fine now? She frowned slightly and I had to shake my head subtly to rid it of all the things I could be doing to her . All the things that would make her mine and mine forever . The kind of things that ignited my core and made me want to- Its fine . My voice came stronger than I intended, so I cleared my throat . So? Water? She smiled innocently . No, I told her and myself . No for so many things I was fantasizing about at that same moment . Things I wanted to feel and taste . Things so forbidden that might poison both of us . So, what are we going to do? Should I make an emergency call? She asked and I shook my head . No need . I turned around and faced the microwave . Well just have to wait until the fire exhausts itself . I felt Samantha shuffle behind me before I felt her hand clutch my arm . And I almost jerked away from the fire her touch generated that even reached under my belt . I cursed under my breath . Okay then . I will order something . For both us . She said and I -so distracted by my arousal- nodded . What do you want to eat? She asked with a pleasant smile . You have the honour . I told her and she chuckled . Alright . Ill surprise you . She then let go of me as my mind went to places at her last sentence . I loved those surprises . My mouth watered and my breath fastened as I watched her hips sway away from me . Almost in slow motion . I was a hungry predator . I even had to tap my feet to slow the blood rushing to my brain . I wasnt thinking clearly . l.u.s.t and I didnt do well together . One had to win . But it couldnt be l.u.s.t . Not yet . Wait! I called out and Samantha stopped to face me with her lips parted in antic.i.p.ation . Ill -uh- have my brother bring the food . I wanted you to meet him anyway . You have a brother? She asked surprised . Im full of surprises . I winked and she raised her eyebrows bemusedly . Hes more than welcome . She said sweetly and I grinned nervously . She then left the kitchen . I immediately reached for my phone and called Augustus . It rang almost indefinitely before he picked up . Alright . So this is my first night of good quality sleep on my super soft bed after five nights in a haunted amus.e.m.e.nt park . And you have the guts to wake me up at six thirty in the b.l.o.o.d.y morning? Julius Caesar Alexander Bl He ranted groggily and I smirked . It is an emergency, I muttered as I heard him shift around . Maybe get out of bed, or snuggle deeper under the covers . Does it involve those deeply disturbing French f.u.c.ks? He said with a yawn and I chuckled . Worse . Worse? he said with a sigh and a pause . Do you wanna ditch some girl who caught feelings? I chuckled at this . Actually . I cant believe Im telling him this . The opposite . It took Augustus a few moments to think before he burst into laughter . What? I said embarra.s.sedly as I heard him catch his breath . Julio . Mate . You have an I-Will-f.u.c.k-The-Duck-If-You-Dont-Come crisis . He said with impossible prosperity and I actually smiled at the ridiculousness of this . How did you know? I almost gasped bemusedly . Youre talking to Augusto, mate . You might be older than me . But in the ladies business, Im much much older . By like decades or something . So- He started and I shook my head . Alright, alright . Just come . Ill -uh- send you the location . Oh and bring breakfast with you . I said as he yawned . Breakfast? He groaned and I smiled . What would you like to eat? Surprise me, I told him bored . Okay, okay, just keep it in until I make my delightful arrival . I could hear him smile . Yeah sure . I mean I wouldnt like to come and find you f.u.c.king the poor girl in the kitchen . On the floor . With broken dishes and mo He started monotone and I groaned at the thought . Im making it worse right? Ah, Im such a great brother . My speciality . He laughed and I squeezed shut my eyes to stop imagining what he said . You are ridiculous, I said with effort and he snorted . We are in 2018, mate . Is that supposed to insult me? He said with an air of authority . Im sending you the location . Do not be late . And be decen- He hung up on me and I raised my eyebrows . I glanced at the microwave to find no more fire . I opened its door with a sigh and glanced at the black clumps that were supposedly eggs . I managed to throw them away and clean the microwave . I looked up at the ceiling where the broken fire sensor hung uselessly . I mightve as well fixed that . I made it out of the kitchen and headed to the living room . Samantha wasnt there . I sat on the couch that faced the door and tapped my feet impatiently . How do I look? Her voice came from behind me and I instinctively turned to find her coming down the stairs in a breathtakingly simple, knee-length peach dress and a navy blue cardigan . That was it . She was trying to kill me- was what I thought . I grabbed a pillow from next to me and pressed it to my laps . And I had to be wearing sweatpants . Amazing, I breathed before she finally made her way down . She sat next to me and her arms rubbed against mine . I had to hold my breath and recite the elements of the periodic table . Hydrogen . Helium . Lithium . Beryllium . Whats next? Oh, carbon? No, no, boron . Carbon . Thanks! Just wanted to make sure I impress your brother . She blushed and I smiled . You dont have to . You just have to impress me . I said looking anywhere, but her eyes . So . Whos older? She asked as I watched her slender fingers flex . She then caught them back in a small fist . I noticed that she wasnt wearing any nail polish . I am . She smiled and nodded . She then cleared her throat quietly before very awkward silence settled between us . I just kept glaring at the pillow nested in my laps . I was actually angry . It was a nuisance . A distraction . The fire, Samantha breathed after a few minutes, snapping me out of my inner battle . Is it out? Yet? I dared glance at her and noticed how nervous she actually was . That oddly satisfied me . Yes . You just have to -uh- get someone to fix that fire alarm . I pointed at the ceiling . Or I can drop by some other time to do it . I shrugged and she nodded, pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear . Yeah . She smiled shyly and my heart did a back flip . I loved that smile on her . So, I said, cleared my throat, manned up and looked in her eyes . -how are you? She chuckled a bit . Never been better . Her eyes fluttered and I wondered how great G.o.d must be to have been able to create such a beautiful thing . You, I said breathlessly and she looked at me with renewed interest . But I stopped not knowing what to say because there were so many things I wanted to tell her . I wanted to tell her what I was thinking . I wanted her to know me . I wanted to tell her that I wished there could be no barriers between us . Especially a barrier like who I was . I like how you smell, I ended up gawking awkwardly as she crinkled her nose . Alright . We are both awful at this . She waved a hand in front of her and I chuckled, my heart warming up at the giddy smile she was wearing . Totally . I grinned and pinned the pillow harder in my laps . Get down . Again . Where was I? Nitrogen . Oxygen . So get straight to the point . She continued with a smirk and I raised my eyebrows playfully . She was basically asking me to ask her out . Maybe . Maybe we can hang out? I cringed as she pursed her lips . Maybe . No- I- No . I mean we shoul- need to hang out . Go out . On a date . I almost whispered the last part as she narrowed her eyes on me . Why are you nervous about asking me out now? You werent before . She said with a smirk . I stared at her, opened my mouth and closed it again . I resorted to chuckling lightly . Try asking a girl you like, out with an arousal . In sweatpants . I felt so self-conscious . Thats not true, I said frowning playfully as I took her hands in mine . I will take you out . Just say when . You were the one who needed time . Right . She looked at our entangled hands with a small smile . But you also know that we made a deal, right? A deal? I said not really getting what she said . Yeah . She was still looking down . You promised youll tell me who killed my dad . I let go of her hands . Remembering . She looked up . I closed my eyes, opened them and looked in her eager, trustful eyes . I felt sick . Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I didnt hesitate to reach for it . I opened the door to find Augustus blowing a big gum bubble with the food bags in his left hand as the wind sifted through his thick hair that looked almost white in the sun . He looked decent in the black pants and closed red and blue checkered, crisp coat he was wearing, topped by a scarlet scarf and sungla.s.ses . He used his free hand to lower his sungla.s.ses and peek down . Sweatpants and b.o.n.e.rs are a no-no . He started . Looks can deceive . Youre welcome, brother . Please come in . I glared at him . He smirked and took off his sungla.s.ses which exposed teary blue eyes . He then walked in with one big stride . Samantha was already standing in the middle of the living room with a wide smile . Her hands were linked in front of her . I shut the door with my foot . Youre the girl we watched run in the park! Augustus exclaimed approaching her and she raised her eyebrows . I wanted to cover my face with my hands, but I smiled instead . Samantha then stretched her hand for a handshake . And youre Caesars brother . You look alike! Augustus took her hand with a grin and raised it . He then kissed it instead of shaking it as I rolled my eyes . Augustus, if you may . Samantha pulled back her hand gently, a bit fl.u.s.tered, as I stood by her side . She glanced at me before looking back at my brother . Please, she said sweetly . -have a seat . Augustus looked at me bemusedly . Aye, thanks . He then thrust the bags of food in my arms and headed to the couch where he sat, legs crossed . He then extended his arms and hugged the couch . He then glanced around the house with a smirk . Wow, he breathed . I love your house, Sammy . He looked at her . I appreciate good taste in interior design and clothes . I turned to Augustus and narrowed my eyes at him before mouthing act decent . He shrugged it with a grin . Thank you . She looked down, then back up at him . Yeah . The food, I said interrupting this complimenting session . My brother looked at me and smiled widely . Yup, the food- He repeated what I said as if it was a dirty word . He even winked . -is so delicious . Good choice . Very decent even . Im almost proud . I shook my head glaringly . So lets eat it before it goes cold . He added eyeing me with a smirk . Its already cold . Stop it and behave . I said as I watched his eyes trail down my pants . Not yet . He said and I looked back at Samantha who thankfully looked lost . She then took a deep breath and smiled . Okay . Where do you wanna eat? At your house? Augustus retorted with a foolish smirk . Youre one smart gentleman, Samantha replied and Augustus snorted . Im not a gentleman . He frowned playfully . Try to be one? I intervened and he glanced at me with a smirk . He then looked back at her . So . Sammy, Augustus said . -wanna help me set the food in your dining room? Samantha and I raised our eyebrows . Yeah . Sure, was what she said . He then got up, headed to me, smiled and took the food from my hands . Ill be decent, was what he said . Lets go . He told Samantha and they both turned a corner . I stared at them and sighed . I walked into the dining room anyway a few minutes later to find them still taking the food out of the bags . Chinese food . Samantha stared at me, grinned and I smiled back confused . What did Augustus do? Take your seats please, Augustus said, unb.u.t.toning his coat to reveal a full sleeved navy blue shirt . He tossed it on an empty seat along with his scarf . We all then sat down . Now say your grac- Augustus started . Augustus, I warned and he chuckled . Let him, Caesar, Samantha said with a smile . Nah, I was just messing around, he said . Thank you, though, Sammy . Samantha grinned . So youre the fun brother? Seeing that they were going to engage in a conversation, I opened my packet and started eating . Obviously, he said smugly . But its okay . I still love him . I glanced at Augustus, shook my head subtly and smiled to myself . Its amazing to have siblings, she said . I glanced at her and wondered if she knew . She actually had three . Two half-brothers and a half-sister . If not more . Ricardo seemed to have abundant sperm . Youre a lone wolf, aw . Augustus started and I scoffed quietly . Not really, she said . I have my cousin . Bianca . Shes like my little sissy . Augustus nodded . You live alone? I live with my aunt, she said and I remembered how messed up her family was . And how I needed to tell her sometime soon . I live alone . He said and I looked up curiously . He didnt glance at me . I mean, I thought Father stayed with him . Alone? But arent you too young for that? she said and he raised his eyebrows . Im not young . Im like twenty . Ill be like twenty-two in less than twenty-four months, he said defensively . Tell her, Julio! Yeah . Whatever he claims, I drawled and returned to the food . Samantha chuckled with food in her mouth . A few minutes later of useless conversation, we were out of the dining room and inside the living room . Augustus wasnt with us though . He went up to Biancas room to play on her PlayStation or something . He was very excited to leave us alone . So, I was awkwardly sitting in front of Samantha with nothing to talk about . We were cla.s.sically, shamelessly staring at each other . Her eyes studied me carefully and my heart mightve jumped . I then noticed her face screw up slightly and my heart jumped again . I even looked around me for a reason behind the disturbance . Is that a gun? was what she said . Staring was what I continued to do . I was actually out of words . Out of excuses . Self-defense . I diverted my gaze to the couch I sat on . And it was one, very nice couch . And I remember that because I stared so much at it . At its details . The beige and orange fibres crisscrossing each other . I remember all that . Her face relaxed a bit before she bit her lip gently . Can I see it? I looked at her nervously but blindly reached for the gun anyway . I handed it to her with a smirk . Is it loaded? She asked studying the gun with her fingers . It is . I was being so stupidly vulnerable . I want to learn how to use it . She said steadily, looking into my eyes . My breath hitched as I narrowed my eyes on her, waiting for an explanation . For self-defence . And she was lying . And I remember why I knew she was lying . Her toes moved constantly in a wave-like motion and her fingers moved on their own accord . But I shrugged it off . You want me to -um- I looked at her curiously and swallowed . -teach you? She looked at me with the gun cradled in both her hands between her legs . She pursed her lips, studied me more and sighed . Her shoulders slumped as she smiled hesitantly . I wanted to learn so that I can kill who killed daddy . But- She stopped to look at me cautiously . -that would only make me a murderer . And now, I dont know what you think of me for such disgusting thou- Hey- I said catching her wandering eyes . -I understand . Its only natural to fe- She then leaned in and handed me the gun, shutting me up . I looked down at the gun and sighed . I then frowned . Im sorry it had to be this way, I said solidly . I really am . No one should deal with a killed father, I croaked, looking guiltily in her bright eyes . They were shining so bright, I looked away, my heart dying a bit . You cant blame yourself for wanting revenge . And I know . Yes . I know . I was no better than trash . Sitting there . Knowing that Ill break both of our hearts one day . How dare I sat there, stared in her eyes and gave her all that forbidden hope? But you know, I continued, clearing my throat . -guns are interesting . She opened her mouth, closed it, then smirked . They are . Theyre -um- dangerous too . She eyed my gun . Yeah, I said pursing my lips . I never saw a gun in real life . She said with a slight shrug . Well, I smiled and raised my gun a bit . -now you have . She nodded slowly and I just sighed . I hated what I was doing to her, yet I couldnt help it . I couldnt help loving the shelter she gave from all the world . I couldnt help loving the feeling of safety I felt when I was with her . This rare vulnerability . And I remember hating all the barriers between us . Hating everything that separated us . Even that d.a.m.n coffee table and those b.l.o.o.d.y inches of air that kept us apart . I wanted to feel her in my hands . Next to me . By my side . Can you come to sit next to me? Please? I blurted looking straight in her eyes . They were so beautifully transparent to the extent that her dark pupils constriction and dilation were amazingly noticeable . I think I held my breath . Her rosy parted lips met each other, making me jealous that I wasnt there too at the meeting . To tell them how much I missed them . She then shuffled and sat next to me . I closed my eyes and wrapped my arm around her . My heart was beating fast, but it started slowing down when I pulled her closer to my chest . I didnt want to think of anything . I didnt want to remember who I was . I just really wanted to be with her . I just wanted to believe in this . This touch . I let my fingers travel in her soft hair and through her tangles . She was simply lovely . I breathed her in and put my chin on top of her head . And -my- wasnt I going to die when she wrapped an arm around my torso? Die in the most enchanting way . Youre so warm . She purred and I grinned . I planted my lips in her soft hair, brushed them against it and smiled . And you are so magical, I murmured . And you are ridiculous . Her m.u.f.fled voice came after a pause . Only around you . I teased with a small smile . Youre being ridiculous again . I like it . Samantha . And then we both shut up . No one said a thing . The silence was no longer awkward . It was warm and charged with lots of energy . And it was also broken by the occasional noise of gunshots from Biancas room . I wanna teach you how to use a gun, I said suddenly . In case youd ever need to protect yourself . She didnt say anything for a while . Okay . But Im pretty sure that I wont need to do that as long as youre there . With me . She tightened her arm around me and I closed my eyes, tipped back my head and smiled . Now whos being ridiculous? I reached for her hand . She chuckled lightly and I landed a kissed on her head as our fingers interlocked . Alright, I said energetically, pulling myself away from her . She twisted her back, pouted and looked at me longingly . I grinned . Lemme teach you how to shoot . She tilted her head with a lopsided smile . Okay . I then leaned in and planted a kiss on her nose tip making her squeal . I then got up and put out my hand . She took it and got up . I then remembered Augustus . GUSTUS! I yelled . YES? came his m.u.f.fled reply from Biancas room . WERE HEADING TO THE WOODS, I said as Samantha cringed at my loud voice . There was a short pause . OKAY! ILL BE HERE! PLAYING . ON THE PLAYSTATION . THAT s.h.i.t IS LEGIT! I grinned, then looked back at Samantha . Ready? I said with a raised brow . More than ever . She beamed her eyes dancing in happiness . *** A/N: Ugh . those two lovebirds ;) ANNND that was a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong chapter lol . Itll get shorter haha . What are your thoughts? *wiggles eyebrows* WERE FIVE CHAPTERS AWAY FROM PART TWOOOO!

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