Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 57

chloe chapter. but from 3rd person (me. fuahaha. kinda feels like im stalking chloe isnt it)

some details regarding our heroine(s?) comes to lite

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only at my site tho

obligatory text de gozaru

This one had already given up on the appearance de gozaru

dame da yo chloe. akirame wa dame

Four days later.

A mixture of C-rank and B-rank adventurers with a total of 30 headcount gathered together and headed to their destination by way of magic train.

The pa.s.senger coach which are usually bustling with families, merchants and tourists are now filled with gruff atmosphere oozed by those adventurers.

Although the atmosphere was described as gruff, it was only limited to the outward appearance. The adventurers are not particularly agitated but conversely, they are not dispirited either.

Its just that, some of them are a bit tense due to the special request in the form of a raid. Some of them on the contrary, seems accustomed to the tension and appears to be calm. And for the last bunch, they are as still as death in order to sharpen their spirit.

Now then, we turn to Chloe who had gotten permission to partic.i.p.ate in this request as a special case.

「fuuu………If this one persevere against the appearance, it has a very calming taste de gozaru na.」

While trying her utmost not to look at the cup filled with content poured from a canteen she brought, Chloe is enjoying the familiar taste of her hometown.

As can be deduced from her words and action, the content of her canteen is none other than baron locust soup. Immediately after she accepted the raid request, the girl personally did a baron locust subjugation request herself.

She deposited the baron at the usual diner and had kept it there up until the raid departure date. The morning of the departure, she came to the diner and had the soup packed in a heat-retentive canteen.

She was not only pleased with the taste, as the soup also serves as a nutritional supplement.

As long as she is able to endure her disgust, there is no better soup than this.

「…………After looking closely again, no one here is friendly to each other de gozaru na.」

After downing the purple that she poured into her cup, Chloe takes a careful scan of her would-be comrades in this raid. Needless to say about B-rankers, all the other C-rankers are those who had been granted clearance to join this raid after the guild a.s.sessed their track record. In other words, only those who boasts the highest ability among the C-rankers.

「muu………This one doesn"t want to admit being blinded by the opportunity de gozaru ga, but this one definitely sticks out like a sore thumb de gozaru yo.」

Although overwhelmingly outnumbered by men, female adventurers are present as well.

Chloe is being overwhelmed by the gruff atmosphere, even her ears and tail is drooping despondently. In her mind, she"s being doubtful whether or not her ability is enough to fight side by side with those currently inside this train.

ーーーChloe had a very big misunderstanding.

The story goes back to when the n.o.ble botchan set up a duel. At the time, Chloe evaluated that botchan ability as [C-rank even if lightly estimated]. There was no mistake regarding her evaluation but Lydeal, who was the umpire at the time added [top level within C-rank].

As a matter of course, even within the same rank, there are disparity between adventurers. Those who have been active for a long time as a C-rank will be much more competent and powerful compared to those who just got promoted.

Although there"s a big wall to climb from D-rank to C-rank, the hurdle to overcome from C-rank to become B-rank is much higher than that. Therefore, there are a lot of adventurers who continues to be C-rank for several years or even up to ten years in some cases. Some of them had already given up on climbing the rank while some refused in favor of the relatively safer requests C-ranks has to offer.

That was the evaluation that Lydeal gave to botchan. As she is in the position to review and evaluate all the adventurers registered in the guild, botchan"s level of ability is unmistakably genuine. Truth be told, botchan is fatally weak in terms of spirit and mentality but if its only limited to martial arts, labelling him a [genius] would not be totally undeserving.

Even though he couldn"t handle a spell, he had an abundance of mana and was proud of his excellent mana affinity. However, due to his immature mentality, he lost his composure in face of Kanna"s non-stop insults. He was defeated without demonstrating even half of his ability. While there"s no doubt that his ability is comparable to that of top C-rankers, Lydeal who had not intention to extend a helping hand to botchan kept her evaluation to herself.

Evidently, Chloe who clashed with him head-on and fought him to a stalemate could not be called weak at all. The reason for Chloe belittling herself was mostly due to her clan members. Those who registered as adventurers at the same time she did had already surpa.s.sed her rank.

Chloe was particularly mindful of the one clan member with the same lightning attribute, whom had already reached rank. That inferiority complex obstructed her from properly judging her own ability.

Returning to the present.

Holding her canteen filled with purple miso soup while being misled by her own thoughts and thus feeling like a sore thumb sticking out (just her misunderstanding rearing itself), she spends half a day being shaken by the train.

The train arrive safely at the station near their destination. There are no towns or villages at the vicinity. Instead, there are several mines for natural resources.

The station itself is a transit point for loading excavated ore onto a freight train which then transports it locally and abroad. It is one of these mine that was infested by a large-scale goblin horde.

Although the area is still an undeveloped land, an adventurer who came to collect materials encountered the horde by chance. Somehow, the adventurer managed to escape and reported the outbreak to the guild. After a quick investigation, it was confirmed that the outbreak was due to the appearance of a superior variant.

As soon as the raid team disembarked, they head for the aforementioned mine. However, a.s.saulting it will not be done immediately. Instead they are going to spend the night in an encampment built in front of it.

The sun had already pa.s.sed its peak and by the time the raid team will be arriving at the encampment, it will be well into nighttime. Therefore, the plan was to spend the night in the vicinity of the mine and begin the raid early in the morning the next day.

It should be noted that the encampment was built by the Imperial Army, which was the other half of a joint operation. The army had already been at the site for about two days for the purpose of preliminary investigation and establishing a camp.

During the travel towards the camp, Chloe overhears her fellow adventurer"s conversation. Chloe who only recently came to Draknil has few acquaintance. Thus, it became a second nature for her to perk her ears up at someone else"s conversation.

「It seems that [Dragon Sword (Ryuuken)] will partic.i.p.ate in this raid.」

「If I"m not wrong, the former S-rank"s disciple who is also the youngest ever prodigy in Draknil"s guild to reach rank, right? But I heard that the person quit being an adventurer.」

「Your information is outdated. It is said that, the disciple has been active in the Imperial Army since then. The person is now serving as the commander for the knights we"ll be joining forces with.」

「I see. This [Dragon Sword] is the one who will be handling the estimated B-rank of a superior variant huh. That is rea.s.suring.」

「Although they got the hardest part of all, its a praiseworthy position indeed. If we properly do our part in this raid, we will surely be able to achieve something for our track record.」

ーーーDragon Sword was it…………

Chloe"s wolf ear caught wind of the name. The feat of reaching rank before the age of 20 reverberated not only within the Diagal Empire but also outside it, even resounding as far as Hinoizur.

But even that was drowned out when a similar in age rank appeared from a guild in Hinoizur but lets leave it aside for now.

As the the sky getting dyed by the sunset and the night approaching from beyond the horizon, the adventurers arrived at the encampment set up by the Imperial Army as scheduled.

「Okay, we"re going to spend our night here. All of you can take a break at our designated area. We"ll be having a strategy meeting in an hour so be ready by then!」

The B-rank adventure who was appointed as the leader of this raid party addresses the party in a loud voice.

「I"ll warn all of you just in case, but don"t cause any problems, you hear me! Due to the nature of our line of work, some of us may have some beef with the military but if any of you cause a dispute for every gripes you have, don"t think you will be able to rank up! That is all. Until the meeting, disperse!」

After listening to his warning, the adventurers all head to their campground. The friction and troubles between adventurers and military stems from the former having the penchant for freedom and the latter being bound by rigorous discipline. Should any of the adventurer imprudently cause a trouble, they will be disqualified from taking the B-rank promotion exam.

After a short one-hour break, a sound of whistle echoes throughout the campsite, signaling the time for the meeting. Along with the other adventurers, Chloe heads to a large open square in the center of the encampment.

There are about 200 imperial soldiers stationed inside the camp. The square is not large enough to fit all of them, so the ones gathered there is only the 30-strong raid team and 20 captains from the army.

In front of the gathered adventurers and captains stood the B-rank adventurer who shouted all the warnings earlier. The young man is standing in line with the commanding officer of the current expedition. They are now going to explain the strategy for tomorrow.

(Is that………the Dragon Sword de gozaru kana?)

Chloe stared at the commander while being surprised. A number of adventurers also has a similar reaction.

Dragon Sword………If the person is called by such a name, the [sword] might be the origin of it. Indeed, the real article does not disappoint. Strapped to the back of the commander is [that], an enormous sword wrapped in a magnificently decorated scabbard.

But, what draws more attention than the sword is the appearance of the one carrying it.

「I am Regulus, head of the Imperial Knights! I am also the commander-in-chief for this operation!」

The person who identifies themself as the overall commander stands there in a whole body armor. In the duel the other day, botchan"s escorts wore a full body armor with only their head exposed. But the commander is covered with a helmet, rendering their countenance unknown.

Though its a full body armor, it has a fairly slender look compared to a normal full plate. It is also elegantly designed and projects a keen and nimble image rather than looking heavy.

The captains did not react in any way and seems to be accustomed to the view. Whether or not the commander was able to perceive the perplexed adventurers, the commander -Regulus- continues with a strained laugh.

「Adventurers, I thank you for accepting this request. I would also ask of you to tolerate my rudeness in which I can not reveal my face despite being the commander-in-chief. Unfortunately, it is not a good countenance to be exposed to people. Now then, I"ll have my deputy explain the specifics of our strategy.」

After a brief introduction and some words of excuse, the commander steps back. This time, another full body armor who was standing a little behind the commander previously, steps forward.

「I"m the adjutant, Dyne. First of all, even if this is called a strategy meeting, there"s nothing in particular to discuss. Frankly speaking, I do not have high hopes that our Imperial Army and you savage adventurers will be able to work together. What I am telling you now is your role.」

When the adventurers starts to get subtly irritated at the haughty adjutant, this time, the B-rank raises his voice.

「Calm down! Even if we work together with the military, no one expects us to coordinate with them and you guys should know better! Rather, it would make the situation worse if we forcefully combine forces and some dispute were to occur in the presence of enemies! That is why it is more efficient to move separately from the beginning!」

The strategy is basically a rough arrangement of division and it is up to each adventurer on how they would move afterwards. What was really needed between the two forces is a set of rule so that they do not collide.

「From the beginning I do not think that you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds can keep up with us. As long as you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds stay out of our way, do as you like. That would be preferable for the lot of you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, no?」

(That is correct de gozaru ga but is there not some other way to say it?)

Chloe does not take offence at the adjutant but that is her honest thought.

Why is it that this empire"s n.o.ble has a condescending att.i.tude by default?

That commander and his deputy might not be aristocrats but their manner of speaking are certainly that of a n.o.ble.

《2 lines above might be chloe"s monologue but no gozaru and ( ) tho》

Next, a magic tool that projects an illusionary picture into the air makes an appearance. What is projected is a sketch-like picture of the mine occupied by goblins, taken from above.

Similar type of magic tool are also used in various countries, so is not unusual per se but there are difference in the size of the projected picture. Earth"s equivalent to this magic tool would be the slide projector used in presentations.

The deputy"s explanation using the projections was quite reasonable, though he did present them condescendingly. Despite saying things like barbaric lot, he properly address the adventurers as a capable force and arrange for a strategy that allows both side to move without pulling each other"s feet.

Although there was dissatisfaction with the adjutant"s foul mouth, no one raised their voice during the strategy briefing itself.

(In addition, commander-dono and adjutant-dono are both masters of the sword de gozaru na. Even from a glance, they"re not at all inferior to the B-rank leader by their side de gozaru.)

To reiterate, rankers are inhuman, so B-rankers are instead treated as first-cla.s.s adventurers.

The ability of the commander-in-chief can be surmised from their casual gesture and behavior. Though the commander won"t be joining the front line due to the nature of their position, it is still rea.s.suring just for the fact that a strong ally is behind the subjugation operation.

(It is a good opportunity to test the result of that special training de gozaru shi na.)

A white-haired youth, the target of Chloe"s respect and affection, presented her with an idea which enabled the girl to invent a new spell.

She mastered its use brilliantly, and now intends to display the results in a battle. Chloe"s ears and tail is standing up straight, a reflection of her eager self and the girl is listening to the deputy"s explanation while being fired up.

waku waku yo ne

omg chloe! dont drink that purple anymore~ ?

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