Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 58

back to kanna pov. short chapter

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obligatory text tsukareta desu

There are no four-dimensional pocket

arimasu yo. yotsu no jigen na pocket

Early in the morning.

After seeing off the train that was boarded by adventurers who accepted the raid request including Chloe, I head to the guild.

I"m gonna accept a D-rank request.

Now that I"m promoted to a higher rank, my guild card is now green. Patterns inscribed on the card is somewhat more elaborate than before. The card itself is the same as a commuter pa.s.s back on earth. The only notable difference is the color and patterns are changed by using a special magic tool.

I received the card 4 days ago but today is the first time I"m going to accept a D-rank request.

On the occasion of ranking up, I took the opportunity to develop a [new technique]. The downside was, my new technique couldn"t be acquired on my own and the cooperation of a partner was indispensable.

Fortunately, Chloe who accepted the raid request did not undertake any additional request up until the raid departure date for the purpose of replenishing her supplies and preparing her equipment. And so, I asked for her a.s.sistance in her spare time.

Thanks to her help, I was able to complete the new technique yesterday. It was not meant to be my token of grat.i.tude but I entrusted the [result] of our collaboration to Chloe.

Its kinda hard to say but………… theoretically speaking, if my guess is correct, the technique will activate as long the condition is met, even from a far away distance.

However, since we didn"t have much time to validate that guess, what I gave her felt more like a subst.i.tute for a charm. Even so, I am truly grateful for Chloe"s a.s.sistance.

Feeling refreshed while having such thoughts inside my mind, I continue inside the guild towards the bulletin board where D-rank request are posted.

The biggest difference between E and D is the addition of [party] recruitment on D-rank"s board. Of course, its not referring to the one held for a celebration but rather, its a request posted in search for [comrade-in-arms]. Recruited party members team up either continuously or on a temporary basis only.

Though the E-rank board lacks the same request, E-rankers can also accept a request as a group. In the first place however, requests posted at E-rank"s board are limited to those that can be handled solo by an E-rank adventurer.

As for D-rank requests on the other hand, the guild will provide recommendations on the number of adventurers needed for each request. This was not simply because of the increase in difficulty. Starting from D-rank, even the weakest magic beast subjected to a subjugation request possesses physique larger than humankind.

a.s.suming that the request only specifies a specific part, then that"s a happy end. But in the case of a whole carca.s.s type of request, transporting it back to the guild individually wouldn"t be possible. At the very least, two adventurers are needed for such a request, with one of them responsible for ferrying the carca.s.s while the other keeping watch of the surrounding.

This world is a real fantasy.

There"s no earless blue-colored cat robot with a super convenient 4D pocket existing anywhere. Having said that, there"s actually an item similar to the pocket being used for transporting goods by using a different method but since its a rare magic tool with an exorbitant price tag, lets leave aside it for now.

While explaining to no one in particular inside my mind like I usually did, I scan through the D-rank request. My judging criteria is according to the order of how delicious it is. Naturally, I will also consider the details of the request as I will only choose those that can be completed solo.

…………As I continue to scan the bulletin board, suddenly I felt some tingling along my spine.

Its not at the level of an emergency nor does it feel dreadful but I"m having some indescribably bad feeling bout this. When I turn to look at the source, I see a familiar well-featured young man. I forgot his name but he was that n.o.ble botchan who challenged me and Chloe to a duel and lost miserably.

But hold yer horses there.

He was in the same adventurer registration exam as I did, so he should be an E-rank adventurer right now. I wonder why is he hanging around the bulletin board for D-rank request? I only got promoted to D-rank in such a short time as an exception.

Maybe botchan also got promoted after piling up achievements. Has he improved since that time? The time when his rock comb lizard subjugation got the lowest possible evaluation which required a subsequent clean-up request.

Did he notice my gaze while I"m busy pondering? He"s now looking at me.

As soon as he confirms my face, an intense feeling of hatred gush out from him. It is to an extent that can be felt from a glance. However, botchan turns his back away from the board without doing anything in particular.

I"m quite bothered by it, so I head to Cindy-san at the reception desk.

「Cindy-san, can I have a bit of your time?」

「oh Good day to you Kannsan. Are you accepting a request?」

「Well, that"s not I wanna talk about.」

So I told her about botchan who was in front of the D-rank bulletin board. After hearing the story, Cindy-san frowns a little.

「That is strange. It seems that recently, he has been receiving request actively but it shouldn"t be enough for a promotion in such a short time.」Cindy-san pulls out a bunch of doc.u.ments from under her desk.

「………Yes, there is no mistake. He is still E-rank.」

「On average, how long does it take to rank up to D?」

「Most adventurers with an acceptable track record can be promoted to D-rank in about six month. From then on, promotions will be harder to achieve as the track record a.s.sessment becomes much stricter.」

In other words, any and all kinds of adventurer can be promoted to D-rank, at the very least. But then again, as there are those who are not suited to become an adventurer, there will always be someone who got careless and be fatally injured by small-fry magic beast. As such, [definitely] is not applicable for all adventurers aiming for D-rank.

「………I have a question. Is it okay to leak personal information?」

「Truthfully, its not allowed but I think I can understand Kannsan"s personality in the short time we"ve been acquainted. I concluded that there will be no problem.」

「Is that so.」

Well, there"s no problem because my head is not good enough to exploit this kind of information.

「I understand Kannsan"s worry. However, as he was only looking at the request of a higher rank and did not try to accept it, it was not a punishable action. Its not unusual for a low ranking adventurer to seek motivation by looking at higher ranked request.」

Is it the same kind of enthusiasm when one looks at a request of a well-known magic beast and goes [I"ll hunt this guy down and raise my name!]. In gaming terms, players will work hard improving their level by imagining the scene of them defeating a powerful boss.

Nevertheless, I wonder if botchan will end up with such youthful and pa.s.sionate thoughts? I don"t feel like thinking more on something I"m not good at.

「…………Well, in the end, its irrelevant to me.」

Even if botchan dies a dog"s death by the roadside somewhere, it"ll be someplace I won"t know. After all, I don"t have any emotional attachment to him, so unless I got dragged into his circ.u.mstances, it doesn"t concern me.

When I reached that conclusion, I once again start scouring for a delicious request.

Thereupon, by some mysterious inclination, I found the perfect request at the first attempt.

ーーーHunting the egg of crimson feather fowl.

「I haven"t eaten any dish made from magic beast egg yet.」

I tear off the request paper from the board.

kannshi, dore dake kuiiji ga hatteru no de gozaru ka?

《crimson feather fowl. subject to change. lots of choices ベニハネ鳥. not safflower, different kana at the end》

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