Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 64

short chapter. some buildup

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho

obligatory text gozaru yo


akan. sore honma?

We overcame the abnormal situation that hit the encampment but not everything had been resolved.

「I feel like something is amiss.」(kanna)

「Sure does. The only witness, that goggle-eyed man died and vanished.」

For what purpose did he set up summoning spell in such a place, it will never come to light now. It was certainly not driven by a peaceful motive like [I wanna make friends]. If that"s the case then, he wouldn"t have summoned a magic beast like that [bring-on-the-blood-festival] ogre.

「Speaking of which, how did adventurer-dono notice that there was a summoning spell being constructed here? That human repelling barrier erected by that summoner was perfect. I am ashamed to admit that everyone including me who were patrolling the camp did not sense any indication of mana overflowing.」(bro)

Soldier bro enquiresーー

ーーNo wait, it"s about time you guys tell me your name.

It"s hard to tell who"s talking.

「I"m sorry to interrupt but its about time we introduce ourselves. I"m Kanna. A D-rank adventurer.」

「ah Please excuse us. I am Ast, a member of the Diagal Empire"s Genryuu (Phantom Dragon) Knight Order.」

That one is the calm soldier.

「Also attached to the same knight order, Fuse.」

And that is the soldier bro who followed along my rhythm.

Just a simple self-introduction between us.

By the way, as what can be inferred from me calling them [soldiers] for so many times now, they are not knights per se, but only rank and file soldiers.

A [knight] refers to military men appointed by the feudal lord and a unit led by that knight is known as a [Knight Order]. Usually, a [knight order] projects an image of a unit composed of [knights]. It doesn"t change much in that aspect from that of its earth counterpart.

However, a knight order in Diagal Empire has a slight difference.

A [knight] carefully handpicks those who would become their subordinate and if the empire recognizes that as a [war potential], then they will be treated as a [knight order].

Diagal Empire"s military is dictated by meritocracy, regardless of social position. It"s a style where anyone can rise up the ranks as long as they are capable.

「Though it"s embarra.s.sing to admit, all of us who remained in the camp joined the Genryuu Knight Order not too long ago. If those that went to the front line were here, they would"ve been able to subdue those ogres.」

Fuse says so full of regret.

「………eh? To subjugate that alone requires a B-rank adventurer, right?」(kanna)

「Almost all of the members of Genryuu Knight Order are trained directly by our knight leader, a former rank adventurer and most of us possess fighting prowess on par with B-rank adventurers. The adjutant himself is comparable to a top level B-rank nearing the limits of an rank.」(fuse)

「………Wouldn"t it be fine even if you didn"t request a raid from the adventurers guild for this time"s goblin subjugation.」

Those who partic.i.p.ated in the raid request were all C-rankers except for a small portion of them. For the raid partic.i.p.ants, they possess the highest level of ability for a C-rank but they are considerably outcla.s.sed by the Genryuu Knights which consist mostly of B-rank equivalent.

「The B-rank Fuse mentioned was against the strength of a [human] opponent. The cla.s.sification is different from adventurers who makes a living subjugating magic beasts. With the same number of people, our efficiency at subjugating magic beasts will be much lower than C-rank adventurers.」(ast)

Limited to magic beast subjugation, 3 knights from Genryuu Knights would be equivalent to a C-rank adventurer. Well, the ratio will change depending on the type of magic beast so it doesn"t qualify as a general rule.

The story has gone sidetracked.

Setting aside the talk about Genryuu Knights" ability, I direct our conversation back to the previous topic.

「Let"s review the situation from the beginning.」(kanna)

「What do you mean?」

With both of them looking, I raise my index finger.

「What will happen if I didn"t notice that goggle-eye and that barrier remains?」(kanna)

「He would pour mana into the completed magical formation and the continuous ogre summoning spell would"ve been invoked.」(fuse)

「And if it comes to that?」

After Fuse finished his deduction, I put up my middle finger.

「In the absence of your perception, an outbreak of ogres would have occurred in the middle of this encampment. And suppose if there were enough numbers? 」(fuse)

「They would"ve rampaged around the encampment. Without Kanndono around, we wouldn"t have been able to subdue even those two ogres. It is horrifying to think that there could be 10 or 20 of those.」

Ast comments with a pale face. I guess he didn"t wanna directly say that they would"ve been easily [annihilated].

「If you look over the sequence of events realistically, the [first objective] of that goggle-eye would be the destruction of this camp, and that includes all of you.」(kanna)

I raise the third finger.

「The trouble that would"ve resulted from destroying the camp………Well, if you think about it properly, it would be troubling for the joint forces between Genryuu Knights and adventurers.」

When you a.n.a.lyze the sequence of events in order, the answer you would arrive at is surprisingly simple. Ayana taught me this method of thinking. Thanks to her, I can arrive at this conclusion even though I"m not very smart.

「No, there would be no problem even if this camp was destroyed. The main force of Genryuu Knights will be able to cope with a group of ogres. Members aside, our leader is a combatant powerful enough to match a thousand enemy, be they humankind or magic beasts. 10 or 20 ogres will be decimated easily.」

Ast"s words reminds me of a silver-haired kyonyuu (busty) elf. With her strength, she could compete with an ogre head-on. It"s not an exaggeration either.

「Besides, there are C-rank adventurers there too. The destruction of this camp would certainly be a painful blow but a group of ogres is not much of a threat, in terms of fighting power.」

For civilians and less powerful soldiers, a group of ogre is nothing but a nightmare but for the combination of Genryuu Knights and C-rank adventurers, they are only at a level of a [somewhat strong magic beasts].

Listening up to here, I noticed the discrepancy between Ast"s words and mine.

「hn? What I hypothesized was the situation where this encampment would be destroyed. I haven"t really proceeded to the point where Genryuu Knights and the ogres collide, you know?」(kanna)

「What Ast said was a prediction of what the ogres would do after destroying this encampment, you see.」(fuse)

「Oh. Ah, I"m sorry for the misleading words.」(ast)

As Fuse supplemented, Ast apologize for his confusing words. To summarize, if that google-eye successfully complete his summoning, this camp and all stored supplies will be razed and the ogres will target the Genryuu Knights next………

「Wait, why did you think the ogres will conveniently target the Genryuu Knights next?」(kanna)

「Without exception, a summoning spell has a built-in spell in order to bind the actions of summoned target. Although giving detailed instruction is impossible but it should allow for a rough command. Rather, a summoning magical formation is flawed if that spell is not present.」

That"s no surprise. If the summoned target has free will, an unskilled summoner will be killed.

「Summoning ferocious magic beasts in the middle of this encampment. Is it a natural turn of event to attack the knights based here?」(kanna)

In the end, it seems likely that the ogres are insufficient to become an adversary for the joint expedition. Because for all the efforts of goggle-eye in destroying their camp supplies, it will only be to the extent of adding some nuisance to the expedition.

ーーーWas it something that really needs to be done?

Somehow I can"t feel at ease at all.

I feel like I overlooked something.



A sound like some hard object breaking echoes in my mind.

It didn"t hurt but I reflexively cover my ear.


Ast calls out to me while Fuse tilts his head but I"m in no condition to reply.

What was that just now?

This feeling is similar to when the reactive ice field I deployed under my armor broke down. But I didn"t suffer a single blow from the ogre just now, so all the crystals I had on me are safe and dormant.

………No, that"s not it.

In addition to the crystals in my possession, there is another crystal that I made previously.

「The ice crystal I gave to Chloe.…」

That feeling is probably because the ice crystal I gave her broke down after manifesting reactive ice field effect. It"s unexpected that the activation indicator got transmitted even over such a distance but that is not the main issue here.

She may have received a fatal injury by chance but that is hard to believe.

Chloe"s level of expertise is such that I can"t even hope to reach her feet. Even against inferior goblins, she wouldn"t be negligent. All the more reason for her not to be if it"s a group of more than a hundred.

Moreover, the superior variant of goblin with a B-rank estimation has also been confirmed. It"s impossible for her to show any gap in her caution.

「………If [goblins] are her opponent?」

I have an extremely bad feeling about this.

I wonder if our a.s.sumption is wrong from the outset?

On our part, we concluded that the ogres wouldn"t be a worthy opponent to the main expedition party.

However, that was on the premise that they are only against [a large horde of goblins].

Goblins are small fry among small fries no matter how much they make it up by numbers. Skillful as the expedition members are, they would be able to handle with ogres attacking from behind as they deal with goblins in the front.


「………In the unlikely event that the main force is struggling, suppose if the ogres launch a surprise attack on them.」

Ast and Fuse got shocked by the conclusion I ended up with.

「It-It can"t be. Are you saying that the joint forces between Genryuu Knights and adventurers will struggle against goblins?」(ast)

「No, you"re wrong there. What Kanndono implied was their opponents are not just [goblins].」(fuse)

I finally arrive at an answer.

The outbreak of goblins this time.

I thought it was a rare natural phenomenon due to the birth of a superior variant but now I suspect that it was induced artificially.

[Something] with higher combat power than goblins coupled with a pincer attack from the back with ogres.

That is probably the real purpose of goggle-eye.

「d.a.m.n it, why does trouble crop up everywhere I go!」

While cursing the G.o.d of fate, I glare at the direction where Chloe is currently fighting right now.

shinpai desu..

no~ chloe~ ?

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