Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 65

《◯ートロッド = toroddo. circle is cencored word. ps; its not troll》

《pov chloe n reahem-regulus. 3rd person》

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho

obligatory text fuhaha

◯ toroddo won"t come out (maybe)

zen zen wakaran, kono t.i.tle ni wa

The time goes back to when Kanna arrived at the encampment.


A flash of sword swing from Chloe slices a goblin"s throat, ending its life while still spurting blood.

After it fell down, the next one in her field of vision also suffers the same fate. Each time her sword flashes, a goblin parts with its life.

Viewed from above, the mine has a terrain shaped like a crescent moon and the goblin"s nest was formed in the central part of it.

Prior reconnaissance confirmed a large number of goblins in a cave on the side of the mountain living in a tent-like berth made of unprocessed lumber with beds made of animal skin and rags they picked up from somewhere.

In this operation, the fully equipped Genryuu Knights launch their offensive from the opening in the crescent-shaped mine. While the more agile and lightly armored adventurers invade the mine through a precipitous path in a flanking maneuver.

The arrangement was, the knights will direct the attention of goblins to them while the adventurers begin their a.s.sault on the agitated goblins from the flank.

For all that preparation, the opponents are merely goblins with only minimal intelligence for handling tools.

This kind of strategy would be more than adequate.

To the highly disciplined knights, success would be a natural outcome. Moreover, there are also the presence of experienced C-rank adventurers capable of impromptu adaptation to some extent. There was no foreseeable issue to address.

「nuu………As expected, [that] has a tad too much firepower to be tested on mere goblins de gozaru na.」

As Chloe murmur in frustration, she slices another goblin without being negligent. Led by a B-rank adventurer, Chloe and the other C-rankers continues to annihilate goblins without facing any particular difficulty.


Sensing a presence behind her, Chloe turns around only to see a goblin pierced between its eyebrows with a spear before she can swing her sword.

Wielding the spear to pierce a goblins" skull in a single strike is a rugged man, who then shook his spear and toss the corpse to the side.

「Ops, was it unnecessary?」

「No, that was helpful de gozaru.」

「Gahahaha. I see. Let"s both do our best not to die out here then.」

Leaving behind echoes of a hearty laughter, the rugged man carries his spear in search for new prey. Chloe also fixes her posture and continue to cut down goblins.

After a while, a slightly larger goblin appears in front of Chloe. A goblin variant. Although not to the extent of a superior variant, it still has a stronger physique than a normal goblin. The weapon its wielding also looks somewhat higher in quality than its normal counterparts.

It would probably be designated as a D-rank magic beast.

The goblin charge at Chloe while raising a dull roar. Chloe evades and continue to walk pa.s.s the goblin with leisure, slashing it along the way.

However, her slash ends up only cutting a shallow wound on the green skin. With its face distorted by pain, the goblin swung its sword in anger. Chloe jumps backward to avoid and distanced herself.

「With a different [weapon], its usage will differ as well de gozaru na.」

Chloe"s specialized weapon has a unique shape with similarly unique manufacturing method and Draknil"s weapon store possess neither.

She had to make do with the closest-in-shape [one-handed sword], but as Chloe grumbled, it feels subtly different to her. If she were to possess the [weapon] she used in her birthplace, the goblin would have been cut down even with increased defense than it has now.

Of course, even with the [sword] currently in her hand, she can face this particular goblin head-on with plenty of room to spare.

「………Shall I test it de gozaru ka?」

Another goblin attacks from the side but Chloe nimbly turns aside to evade.

「[Thunder Blade]………activate.」

She holds her sword with two hands. She invoked the spell just before gripping it, and it activated immediately after she did. [Lightning] borne out of her hands are now pouring into the blade. She turns around and drops her sword onto the attacking goblin.

Upon contact with her sword, the green body got cut off into two as easily as slicing tofu. It split into two and crumbled to the ground without any blood gushing out.

Either it judged this moment to be a gap or angry at the death of a fellow goblin, the variant goblin brandish its sword at Chloe while raising its voice.

She counters the blow with her own sword.

Thereupon, the attacking goblin twitches as if having a convulsion and stops moving. She immediately slash the goblin with her [thunder] blade. It should have resulted in a slash wound just like earlier, but this time the goblin will never move again as it received a blow that split apart most of its torso.

Again, not a single drop of blood gush out from the two cross section of its torso. Looking closely at the goblin"s corpse lying on the ground, the cross section parts looks burnt as if it had been heated at high temperature.

「………It"s also effective against opponents with metal equipments de gozaru na」

Chloe a.n.a.lyzes the goblin"s corpse and compares it with her own sword.

ーーーChanneling lightning through weapon.

That is the idea of an energy-efficient magic that Kanna came up with.

Of course, the original idea appeared in a famous s.p.a.ce war robot anime in which a grumpy ossan pilots a blue mobile suit.

It was the [heat weaponry] it wielded.

She did not have enough mana to shoot out a lighting bolt. A direct strike with it on the other hand would be too dangerous. Taking that into consideration, he proposed channeling lightning into a weapon familiar to her.

The magic developed based on this idea is the lightning-type support spell currently used by Chloe, the [Thunder Blade].

It is a spell that houses [lightning] inside a blade, making an opponent receive a semi literal blade of lightning. When her sword with the spell invoked collides with a metal weapon, the opponent will be electrocuted by a lightning current transmitted through the contact.

Furthermore, being wrapped up in [lightning] boosts the blade"s sharpness.

And because the channeling only needs to be done on the weapon itself, it only requires a minimum amount of mana, which connects it to the aforementioned energy efficient trait.

As a result of her daily training since childhood, Chloe excels at maintain a constant output of mana, making her very compatible with this spell.

A cunning idea very much similar to the quality of its originator.

Of course, there are also drawbacks.

「ouch ow It"s hot de gozaru.」

Chloe yelps and release [Thunder Blade] in a fl.u.s.ter.

The [Thunder Blade] grants the additional effect of lightning in addition to a sharp increase in sharpness.

However, it also comes with a side-effect.

The entire sword would heat up to an [ultra high temperature] due to its inherent [electrical resistance]. That heat is the reason behind those burnt goblin corpse but at the same time, it"s also transmitted to Chloe through the handle.

As a result, the spell could not be used in succession, not until her sword cools down first. If she were to continue activating it forcibly, her hand will suffer burns.

To cope, Chloe wrapped the handle of the ready-made sword with a heat resistant material. But that was merely a stopgap measure, not a solution.

It only provides temporary protection in the event of the blade reaching ultra high temperature so as not to burn her palms immediately. If she forgets to undo the spell, she will be sizzled like she did just a moment ago.

「This is an issue to be addressed hereafter de gozaru na.」

Though it has a major drawback, the increase in offensive ability acts as a perfect counterbalance.

Above anything else, it is a magic borne from Kanna"s idea. It would be inexcusable to him if she cannot overcome this slight challenge.

Chloe is now motivated afresh to search for new prey.


All of a sudden…

She hears an dreadful sound.

She perks her ears up and raise her alertness a notch. Other adventurers around her are equally wary. In a battle against magic beasts, unexpected situations are a daily occurrence. The closer adventurers are to being first-cla.s.s, the more attentive they will be towards any changes.

Once again, it resounds.

「Over there de gozar……ru………ka?」

Chloe who identified the source the sound, turns her face facing it.

However, the sight she witnessed made her doubt her own eyes.

ーーーGoblins are flying in the air.

Several goblins were blown away, with less than whole body parts intact.

Furthermore, the sight continues to transpire, sending goblins and its body parts dancing in the air every time the sound reverbrates.

「Oh, that is the [Ryuuken (Dragon Sword)].」

The spearman from before comments.

The nearby goblins have all been swept away and there are no more moving goblins around. Skirmish in this area has probably reached its end.

The other adventurers are heading to a new area in search for goblins.

「Ryuuken……… If this one isn"t mistaken, they are the commander-dono of the knights partic.i.p.ating in this operation……de gozatta ka?」

「The person is the youngest ever to reach rank in Draknil"s guild. Probably one of the strongest in Diagal as well.」

「Is that also the work of Ryuuken-dono?」

「I"ve only heard about this from rumors. I hear that the guy possesses unrivaled physical strength comparable to an [ogre]. I saw him in the flesh the first time yesterday and thought that it might be a fake rumor judging from his slender armor but apparently the rumors are not wrong.」

While they are having that conversation, goblins continue to fly one after another. In a closer observation, a sword"s glint can be seen from the gaps of the onslaught. Without a doubt, that is from the greatsword the person is wielding.

「………Rather than that, isn"t it strange that the commander is fighting at the forefront de gozaru ka?」

「I"d rather have that than someone who only sits in the back and relax.」

Chloe understands what he implied. This commander is by far, better than an incompetent who withdraws deep at the back while clamoring self-importantly. Perhaps, from the point of view of the subordinates who are fighting alongside Ryuuken, this is a cause for more mental and physical effort.

「c.r.a.p, while we"re fascinated by the sight, the others overtook us. What are you gonna do jou-chan? I"m going to join the army to observe Ryuuken up close.」

Their vicinity is already devoid of both people and magic beasts, with only goblin carca.s.ses strewn about. The nearest groups of goblins is exactly where the Ryuuken is displaying their peerlessness. In a different direction, she could see the backs of other adventurers.

「A rare chance as it is, this one will also partake de gozaru yo.」

「Okay. My introduction is overdue. I"m called Barlhardt.」

「Chloe de gozaru.」

With a nod, both Chloe and the spearman -Barlhardt- rush towards the imperial army.

In the middle of the tumult of a battlefield, Regulus sensed multiple presence unrelated to their subordinate approaching from the rear.

Looking at them, Regulus can see two adventurers closing the distance while cutting through swathes of goblins.

One of the adventurers, a woman with wolf"s ear and black hair caught Regulus" eye as beastmen are an unusual sight in Draknil.


The goblins which had been blown away diagonally 45 degrees upwards up to this moments, flew horizontally this time around. Regulus readjust the grip on their partner, the greatsword before once again unleashing a swing towards some goblins. This time, the goblins properly fly away at 45 degree angle.

『I am still immature if I can say so myself.』

This murmur is drowned out by screaming goblins and did not reach the adjutant and other subordinates at the back.

When the two adventurers broke through the wall of goblins, the adjutant -Dyne- commands his subordinates to halt and yells at the two.

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.d adventurers should be in charge of another area! Why are you here! ? Get lost!」

A sudden rude dismissal.

Chloe blanked out at the menacing att.i.tude from Dyne but immediately pulls herself together.

「It is not the intention of ourselves to be a hindrance, not in the least de gozaru. However, it is also our wish to fight alongside [Ryuuken-dono] de gozaru.」

「Though you are a former adventurer, to witness an ranker in the flesh is a rare occasion after all. As Chloe jou-chan said, we won"t get in your way.」

「umu, I permit it.」

「Leader! ?」

It is said that a prompt decision accompanied by a swift execution is a virtue but this particular decision might be too hasty a judgement. Chloe listens to Dyne"s high-pitched shriek raised over his helmet.

「If you properly observed how they fight when heading towards us, you realize that they will not be a burden, right? They also said that they will not get in our way.」(re-regulus)

「That is not the issue at hand here!」

「Then tell me, what is the problem?」(reregulus)

「Th-that is………」

With the adjutant tongue-tied, Regulus looks at the two adventurers and said…

「Now then, if both of you can act according to your words, then I will allow you to follow. But I must remind you that if you can"t follow my pace, I will leave you behind without exception. Keep that in mind if you still insist.」(-ahem-regulus)

「We won"t mind.」

The two adventurers replied as such. They were the ones who wanted to tag along on their own accord. Just the approval alone is a very appreciated outcome.

「tch If leader says so, then I will obey.」

Reluctantly, at that. The adjutant only withdrew after showing extreme reluctance to abide. One can only imagine the extent of bitterness hidden behind that helmet.

A regular member of the army tends to dislike free-spirited adventurers. Chloe can only wryly smile at such a typical reaction.

The advance of Genryuu Knight along with the two adventurers resumes.

At the forefront is none other than the Ryuuken -Regulus-

Being exposed to this fighting figure at close range made Chloe harbor a sensation close to trembling in fear. With every swing, a whirlwind occurs and several goblins are blown away.

Frighteningly, the greatsword bisects everything equally without exception whether the goblin is holding a sword or a club or even a slightly larger and stronger variant.

What is surprising is that all the slashes seems to be a product of pure brute force at first glance but upon closer inspection, it is evident that it is performed with highly adept movement with absolutely no stagnation

Although it is an unthinkable feat for such a slender frame, the highly skilled movement of Regulus is more than ample to justify that destructive force.

The adjutant Dyne also cannot be ignored. Manipulating his [rapier] with a focus on stabbing, he brings down goblins with pinpoint accuracy on their vital spots. The speed of his thrust is so fast that it [can barely] be perceived by Chloe"s kinetic vision.

And at the back of those two, the rest of the Genryuu Knights are also a force not to be trifled with.

Unlike adventurers who stand out for their individual skills, they continue to subjugate goblins without being disordered by their commander"s movements. Each of them are probably equal or better than Chloe in terms of combat prowess.

「Not only the leader but all the members are also skilled de gozaru na.」

「True, I"m surprised too. I always thought that the army consist of blockheads who only care about outward appearance but after seeing this, I can"t help but to change my impression.」

Most of the commanding officers leading the armies of Diagal Empire comes from the Ryuujin clan.

This is not due to lineage or n.o.bility but purely because of combat prowess. The soldiers they led are rigorously trained every day, resulting in each and every one of them surpa.s.sing the level of soldiers from other countries.

The scale of the entire army in Diagal Empire is smaller in comparison but in overall strength of military potential, it exceeds other countries.

What Barlhardt refers to as [blockhead corps] is a group of commanders who only managed to take up the position by virtue of the social standing of their household. They only align themselves with likeminded people and as a result, became a disordered crowd.

Regrettably, even within Diagal Empire, those sort of people also exist.

Compared to them, the Genryuu Knights are seen as elite amongst elites.

「heh We can"t lose out to them either way.」

「Naturally de gozaru yo!」

Inspired by the valorous scene, Chloe and Barlhardt rush over in high spirits. Both of them are adventurers aiming for the lofty heights. If they are discouraged by the sight they just saw, then by all rights, they have no qualifications to aim higher.

Before long, green figures vanished, leaving only knights and adventurers standing. Almost all of the berths are toppled down and their inhabitants turned into motionless corpse. On the other hand, no serious injuries occurred among the present party, and if if must be mentioned, it was only to the extent of a bruised elbow from a fall.

「All that is left is inside that cave.」(re-)

「According to the report, the corpse of the superior variant, the lord of this large nest hasn"t been confirmed yet. It is probably inside.」

Regulus and Dyne gaze at the large hole on the side of the mine from the back of their helmet.

This operation will not end until the superior variant is subjugated. If it is not taken down here, there is a possibility of the variant uniting goblins in other areas and form another large nest.

And yet, at this moment, none of the adventurers show any sign of wanting to rush recklessly into the cave.

That is because they know in advance that the goblin superior variant was predicted to be a B-rank. Of course, they do harbor desire to subjugate it for the sake of accomplishment but none are rash enough to a.s.sault a B-rank magic beast backed by only enthusiasm. At the very least, they did resolved themselves to take on the challenge with all their might.

………Though there are a few who strives to be the first.

「Commander, you are not thinking about raiding the cave all by yourself, are you?」

The adjutant"s cold tone rings out from the side of Regulus, who looks strangely eager. Regulus turns facing the adjutant with a slumped shoulder, with a slightly depressed atmosphere.

「Can"t I? If I go, it will probably be over soon though?」

「Of course not! In the first place, to have the top of an operation rampaging at the frontline is a major problem in itself. Normally, it is your job to issue commands from the rear.」

「It it not in my nature to sit silently at the back with legs outstretched. Your job as an adjutant is to take that into consideration, am I wrong?」

「With all due respect commander, if I do not keep you in check, you will persistently plunge into the center of conflict each and every time. Please be more considerate to your subordinates who have to keep up with you.」

The two outsider adventurers were listening to the conversation on the side.

「So it is a problem for the leader spearheading the frontline after all de gozaru na.」

「It"s quite different from the image of Ryuuken that I had so far.」

And whispering various things between the two of them.

The commander who had been admonished by Dyne gave up and shrugs it off before calling out to Chloe.

「Young lady of the black wolf. My bad but can you please summon your leader? I want to form a party before heading into that cave. Tell him that I leave it to him to choose two or three adventurers who are good at fighting in a cave environment. I am also going to choose some of my men for this.」

「A message for the B-rank adventurer-dono de gozaru na. Understood de gozaru.」

Chloe who received the order from the commander nods in a.s.sent and heads towards where the rest of the adventurers are gathered. She runs with a light gait. However, at the midpoint between the knights and adventurers, she suddenly stops.

「………What is this de gozaru ka?」

Is it because her instinct borne out of her beast factor flaring up?

Or is it due to the experience she acc.u.mulated over the course of her adventuring days?

Or is it possibly her [sixth sense] which manifested as a result of her experiencing [death].

She should not have stopped at this inopportune moment of time.

If it were the white-haired youth she adored, he would have run through that spot with all his might.

However, the moment to regret have come to pa.s.s.

An [arrow] that flew from somewhere struck her left chest.


Chloe"s consciousness fades immediately after the sound of something hard breaking reached her ears.

sugoku shinpai desu…

no~ chloe~ ?

………déjà vu? ?

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