Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 31

Finally it"s here.

I"m changing Agat to Agatt because it"s the closer p.r.o.nunciation of his name.

Sorry for the wait and enjoy.

Kanna no Kanna 32

I tried asking Chloe again, but I couldn"t get my hand on any new information. though her memories from the time she was controlled were there, they were kinda hazy and couldn"t be counted on. Above all she couldn"t remember anything about the mastermind so the talk about the mastermind was put on hold for now.

“So, what are you gonna do now Chloe?”

“By what you mean?”

“What are you tilting your head for there? Now that you"ve regained your freedom there"s a lot of things you can do, like seeking revenge, returning home or going on a journey.”

“………….It"s amazing how the first thing that came to your mind was revenge.”(Faima)

“Don"t go on about it being unproductive or whatever, alright? I"m of the opinion that a favor is something you must return many-fold after all.”

I absolutely won"t forgive that black hearted princess. I"ll definitely beat the h.e.l.l out of her.

Chloe hangs her head down a little and starts talking.

“For a certain reason I have no intention of returning home. Ah, it"s not like this one committed some kind of crime or the like. I can"t take revenge without knowing anything about the culprit. At the time we discover their ident.i.ty I"d like nothing more, but this one won"t make a move for the time being degozaru.”

“Then you"ll leave on a journey alone?”

“Travelling alone doesn"t sound so bad. But unfortunately this one is penniless degozaru. Looks like the mastermind robbed me of everything there was to take. Luckily this one wasn"t carrying anything of value at that time degozattaga.”

To have a puppet a.s.sa.s.sin carry money is rather weird huh.

“And that"s why this one will surely die in a few days if you people abandon me degozaru.”

…………….I kinda get where this is going.

I looked at Real and she shrugged her shoulders. Seems like she also understood what Chloe wanted to say.

“Err………..Shameless as it is degozaru ga,  can you let this one accompany you on your travel degozarou ka?”

“If you need traveling funds can"t you just work at the adventurer guild?”

“This one is already registered in the guild degozaru. This one can boast about having a fair bit of experience degozaru ga, but the guild card was taken along my belongings degozaru. ”

A guild card is obviously the identification paper used by adventurers. It"s main use is keeping records on the requests that an adventurer completed and how much ability they have.

“…………….Be it getting a new guild card or reinstating another one both can only be done at the guild headquarters or a big branch. the card is made of special material that prevent fraud after all. It can"t be made without the use of special tools. Though there is a branch in this town their job is limited to handling requests.”

“……………..That is how it is degozaru. Since it turned out that everyone is heading towards the capital of diagal and I can issue another card in the guild branch of the imperial capital degozaru. This one was wondering if you will permit my company until the capital. Naturally this one will focus on clearing requests and pay you back every cent you spend on me with interests once I get my new card.”

“……………..So she says, so what do you think Faima?”


Though this party"s leader is Rand, the one that makes the final call is Faima. It only makes sense to ask for her decision.

“I"m just asking for reference but, what rank is Chloe-san at?”

“This one is around upper C-rank degozaru. Had this one finished a bit more requests this one would have received the right to take the B-rank up chuunin exam de gozaru yo. Since I haven"t done any requests for the past half month, I probably have fallen to the bottom of C-rank by now though.”

This was something I heard later but, apparently the adventurer guild ranks adventurers based on their ability and accomplishments into E,D,C,B,A and S- rank.  Which is quite similar to the systems of the RPG games i know making it easly to understand.

Being right in the middle, The C-rank that Chloe belongs to is the mark of a real adventurer. According to her words, Chloe was just a step away from becoming a B-rankーーA『competent』adventurer.

Beyond that are the rank『super excellent』adventurers and the S-rank 『heroes』.

(TL: The word used for hero here is *英雄* eiyuu which is not the same used for the summoned three heroes. The latter being *勇者* yuusha)

Since no daily records are kept when adventurers register or retire, the exact number of existing adventurers is unknown. The amount of adventurers registered at the guild reaches a few thousands. Among them the number of rank adventurers is less than a hundred, furthermore only seven S-rankers exist. Just that number is enough to understand how powerful they are.

“How long have you been an adventurer for?”

“This one was fifteen when I registered in the adventurers guild of my hometown de gozaru kara…………..About four years degozaru na.”

“Eh? how old are you now?”

“Nineteen degozaru ga.”

Again it"s someone older than me?!! Aren"t all the women I meet older than me (what"s more they have monster t.i.ts)? Heck, one of them is even nine hundred years my elder. No well, as someone who"s into elder women this is quite the happy situation. Just that Chloe doesn"t really give off the air of an elder woman, I even though she was my age or younger.

“Stop interrupting the topic, Kanna.”

“Aah, sorry. Please continue.”

I was silenced by Faima"s reprimand.

“Mou.ーーーーI see, so you have enough ability to take the B-rank test in four years. And, what was the guild"s opinion about it?”

(TL: Anyone has a translation for *もう*?)

“As long as I don"t let my guard down, pa.s.sing the test is no problems degozaru yo. That"s why it feels quite mortifying degozaru.”

“I bet it is. But having the qualification to take the B-rank test at your age and in just four years from registering is already an amazing feat. It takes a normal adventurer six years just to reach C-rank you know?”

This is also something I heard later but qualifying for a rank up test takes more than just clearing lots of requests. You need to complete certain requests and harsh and urgent requests given by the guild under the watch of a high ranking adventurer. It is only after successfully clearing such requests that one is deemed worthy to take the rank up test. Most adventurers stumble at this point.

“It"s true that this one can be said to be doing pretty good compared to other adventurers. But for a black wolf beastman I can only be called lacking in ability. In fact, the majority of my brethren who registered in the guild at the same time I did are already B-rank long ago, the talented ones even got to rank.”

A dry smile leaks from Chloe"s mouth. This blackhair-san, she has a habit of getting spineless the moment the direction of the talk turns to strength. I know pretty well the feeling of inferiority born from having all those super able guys everywhere around you, that one is pretty tough.

“Though self-proclaimed it seems that Chloe-san has some ability. Then it"s safe to a.s.sume that she can pay back her expenses fee (or debt) through doing requests. Right, how about becoming my escort too? I will pay you, you know?”

“N, no no no, I could never! As long as this one is accompanying you, it is this one that actually wants to be everyone"s escort degozaru. Still this one can"t take something like money from you degozaru. For this one to depend on Faimshi"s kindness anymore than this is something this one finds unacceptable degozaru yo!”

“I see, if you"re going that far then I can"t force you. Alright then, I"ll give you permission to accompany us until the capital of diagal. We"ll talk about the details after Rand gets back.”

“Th, this one is indebted to you degozaru yo Faimshi!”

“It"s a happy thing for me that the battle prowess of my escorts will go up even if temporarily.”

Looks like they reached an agreement. It"s now decided that Chloe will be joining us.    (TL: .)

ーーーーThinking back on it, this moment was the beginning of my long and deep relationship with these three women.

“By the way, when I woke up why where you hiding under my bed?”

“You suddenly regained consciousness so this one was kinda surprised degozaru. ”

This black hair-san might be a little no good of a person.

Now then, just as the escort talk ended the three who were out returned.


The three of theme said their grat.i.tude to me. Surprising enough even that innocent hardheaded Agatt actually thanked me. It was thanks to me that everyone survived, or so he said. However, that he didn"t meet eyes with me even once ruined it. The result of the clash between his pride which couldn"t simply accept it and his grat.i.tude for being saved. Well, I"m the owner of a heart higher than the sea and deeper than the sky so I"ll forgive him.

It seems they already took care of the carriage and supplies. The bought supplies are being put in the carriage by the merchant who will finish by tomorrow morning. Kiska has fully recovered too. Hence we"ll be leaving this town tomorrow. Though I just woke up the others have already spent two days here, having taken care of the rations there is no need to prolong our stay.

Rand didn"t see any problem with the addition of Chloe to our forces. They talked plenty when i was unconscious and Rand seemed to have deemed her innocent. The other two didn"t see a problem in following Rand"s decision. Agatt really has full obedience to the words of Rand.

Like that the important talk have ended. It"s now midnight. Since we"re leaving tomorrow the others went to sleep after dinner.

一As for me.

“Aaahh. I"m getting healed………….”

I"m in the middle of my first bath in a few days.

The inn we"re staying in happens to be one of the most luxurious inns in this town. the bed is soft and the food is tasty above all is this magnificent public bath.

It can hold ten people with ease. Obviously it should be costly to build something of this caliber in this world where science hasn"t advanced much. But that"s where magic comes into play. A bath that employs a magic tool to generate water and a magic tool to heat it. As long as the magic tools are charged with magic power one can take a bath. The only disadvantage is that it takes time to charge the magic tools and clean the bath so one can only enter from evening to early morning. In return, you can take a bath whenever you want in that period of time.

This magic bath is quite popular with the n.o.bles despite being rather pricey. Although one this big is very rare. It seems the biggest reason Faima chose this inn for is this bath. She"s a girl after all.

The rest have all  bathed already. Ah, I"ll just say this beforehand, but the baths are  properly separate for men and women. The reason I"m entering at such a late time despite there not being a time rotation time is because I wanted to have the bath for myself.

“……………So much happened this past month after all.”

Beginning from being summoned by the princess of Yurufiria, meeting Real and the events at reizan, saving Faima which led to ending up as her escort, the flame magician"s battle a few days ago. Though the last one, dangerous as it was, felt too short for a death match. However, our lives were undoubtedly on the line there. So far, I can"t feel anything wrong with my body. Though it did cost me the color of my hair and eyes,  There"s no side effects aside from that.

After checking my hair I confirmed that it has turned white down to the last hair in my body. Of course my hair down there is also fully white. It"s no doubt a flashy look that will no doubt attract attention when I return to the real world.

“………….In the first place, just how much time pa.s.sed in my original world?”

There are a lot of other world summoning stories in j.a.pan. And in some of those the flow of time in the two worlds was different. One month already went by in this world yet only one day has pa.s.sed in the original world, that would be better off. But if the opposite takes place I"ll become a real life Urashima Tarou.

“Well, worrying about that right now is useless, huh.”

No matter how things roll, there"s nothing I can do until I reach diagal"s capital. Though it"s not set in stone that a hint to returning is there, Thinking deeply about it can wait until after I get there.

Let"s forget about the difficult stuff for now. my first alone time in a while.Though I don"t hate being with others, having some time alone where I empty my mind is important as well. I shall enjoy the bath until I"m satisfied.

ーーーーSomeday I"d like to enter the bath with a voluptuous onee-san…………..

no matter what i can"t get rid of this habit of having erotic thoughts the moment I  become serious. Well, It is my real desire and all. I should just give up.

Just as I was thinking about something stupid, the sound of someone entering came from the dressing room. I"m not really in a position to talk about others but it"s quite rare to come for a night bath. Different from the real world where you can find all forms of leisure in the middle of the night, this world"s nights are quiet and calm.

It"s not like I had reserved the bath for myself or something. I don"t mind someone else entering. I"ll simply stay until I"m satisfied.

Just when I reached my limit and raised my head after becoming one with the water, the newcomer entered the bath.

ーーーーWait a moment, this presence is.

I reflexively turned my face towards the new presence.

The one standing there was Chloe.

Obviously she wasn"t wearing clothes. With only a towel wrapped around her healthy body and hiding her ma.s.sive chest with her arms. Chloe was there.

Most of her body was hidden with the towel and her arms. But her arms and legs growing from there were breathtaking. Her body had just the right amount of flesh. neither fat nor muscular, it was a healthy body with the right curves.

Sad huh, My experience in women isn"t abundant enough (no, it"s non existent) to give a detailed description on a woman"s body. Despite that i could tell that this is a『gorgeous body』.

“Ah, please don"t stare so much degozaru yo………….”   (TL: That"s impossible)


Chloe twists her body with a beet red face and the soft looking ma.s.ses pressed against her arms change shape. The usually standing dog ears above her head are also dropped down in as if obeying her will. That appearance of hers was a perfect harmony between cuteness and beauty.

After plenty of time pa.s.sed I opened my mouth.

“……………..Yo, this is the men"s bath.”

It seems humans contrarily become calm when they get really surprised.

“I know degozaru.”

“………….A s.l.u.t?”

“That"s wrong degozaru!”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“Th, this one came to wash kannshi"s back degozaru!”

(TL: Next time, is Chloe really just gonna wash his back or will it develop into something more? stay with us to know how things will turn out on the next episode of Kanna no ecchi.)

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