Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 68

the t.i.tle… i dont even… ? ?

its back to kanna pov. ohimesama dakko=princess carry

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho

obligatory text ikuzo!

I"m bothered about Chloe"s subtly jo◯yoneta remark

watashi mo da

I couldn"t sit still because of this bad feeling.

So I left the post-processing of the ogres" corpse and sending emergency contact to Draknil to the camp soldiers and head over to the mine where the knight order and adventurers are using my ice board.

By pushing the limits of my ice board, I can produce a speed comparable to a car. There was a horse for the purpose of transporting goods back at the camp but there"s no way I can ride it.

This ice board of mine will definitely come in handy as my very own personal high speed transport in the future as well. Thanks to it, it takes about ten minutes for me to cover a distance of an hour by feet.

I catch sight of the mine up ahead.


The mine is crescent-shaped and the only entrance is that opening in its shape. Once I confirm it, I direct my board there but I"m detecting a large amount of human-like silhouettes close to the entrance.

At first, I thought it was goblins, but as I get closer, I found out that they were [lizards].

「First time seeing them. Is that a lizardman?」

Apparently, my premonition wasn"t off the mark.

If I"m not mistaken, a single lizardman is designated as a C-rank magic beast. In a group battle, it"s a magic beast that exhibits ability beyond that rank.

I see.

If one gets caught in a pincer attack between that and the ogres, even seasoned adventurers and the best knights would be hard pressed.

Ogres are only as intelligent as goblins but its strength and vitality are incomparably higher. Facing that sort of raw power in a surprise attack with them in a defensive position would be perilous. In a sense, ogres rampaging violently without any directive would be a very frightening addition to a [chaotic melee] with a lot of uncertainty abounds.

The reason why the lizardmen are holding up at the entrance is to prevent any outside intervention and obstruct any withdrawal attempt, is it? This intelligent behavior unlike a goblin is a characteristic of lizardman.

If I continue my bearing, I won"t be able to avoid a clash with the lizards.

「Don"t think that Imma fight honestly.」

A lizardman notice me approaching.


With that sorta cry as a signal, they"re waiting for me with weapons and shield at the ready. Some of them are equipped with bows and arrows and nocks it in preparation.

If I go about my usual way, I"ll form an ice shield to solidify my defenses but this time, I"ll take a different measure.

I create a [ramp] in the direction I"m heading. And then, with all my focus a.s.signed on speed and alt.i.tude control, I launch myself using the [ramp].

「Ai kiyan fuuuuraaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiii! ! !」

I"m soaring through the sky at breakneck speed using my ice board.

The arrows shot by the lizardmen went past me. Some hurriedly tries to take a shot at me flying through the sky but there was nothing they could do with my speed.

With the help of a launch ramp angled at 45 degrees to bypa.s.s the entrance"s blockade, I fly straight into the air and manage to invade the mine center.

It has already become a battlefield between two groups.

On one side is the knight order and adventurers mixed together in one lump. On the other is the magic beast forces encircling them , the lizardman in their battle formation.

Somehow, the feeling of [being a set up] is even more noticeable when this battlefield is viewed from the sky. Moreover, at the magic beasts side, their forces are not just limited to lizardman.

Shifting my attention towards an especially strong presence, in that instant, I can see a giant goblin bigger than even an ogre appearing from inside a cave on the mountainside mounting a similarly enormous bipedal lizard.

Judging from the [quality] of its presence, that"s probably the goblin"s superior variant. The one below is its counterpart for lizardman, I guess.

From behind the first individual, giant goblins sans anymore large lizards continues to appear in succession. If I"m not wrong, a goblin superior variant is estimated at B-rank. Against a large quant.i.ty of it, a desperate struggle for one"s life will be inevitable. 《review? rword.chcek flow》

I see.

It will indeed be a nightmarish scene to be dealing not only with lizardmen and that bunch, on top of a pincer attack from a group of ogres. 《review?》

With the sudden appearance of multiple superior variants, unrest spreading throughout the humankind forces is only logical.

In addition to the appearance of the lizardmen, the number of superior variants is much higher than what was expected.

In that moment of bewilderment, the superior goblin mounted on the superior lizard begins to gallop across the battlefield.

Its target is……

……a knight closest to the cave.

A knight decked with a full plate armor armed with a conspicuously huge greatsword.

Is that the head of the Phantom Dragon (Genryuu) Knight Order, Regulus?

I see.

Seizing the chance from the momentary gap, its aiming for the leader"s head, is it.

「And that is exactly why wholesalers stops publishing.」

《ive no idea whatsoever about the meaning/pun/wordplay behind it》

I unfroze my soles and detach myself from the ice board and transform it from an oval shape into a cylinder with a rounded tip on one sideーa sh.e.l.l.

At the same time, I also manifest the familiar ice sledgehammer, grasping it with both hands.

I"m the type to put all my power into a surprise attack.

「dooseeeiii! !」

ーーーbagooooooooooon! ! !

The sound of collision between two ice blocks reverberates. In addition to the impact from the sledgehammer, the ice sh.e.l.l with my image attached on it flies at a speed as if it"s been fired from an artillery.

ーーーgoogaaaaaan! !

It smashed directly into the ma.s.sive goblin mere seconds before it can reach the knight leader, blowing it away from the giant lizard.

When the lizard noticed its rider had been blown away, it turns around and scurry back to the goblin which had been tumbling away on the ground.

For the time being, did I manage to dampen their spirit?

As a result of their general being blown away without any advanced warning, a great upheaval spreads. Only this time, it"s among the enemy ranks.

The other giant goblins following behind the Cavalry Goblin (naming it for my own convenience) along with the lizardmen besieging the joint expedition have stopped moving.

And then I noticed something.

「Oh c.r.a.p, I didn"t think about landing!」

The reason why I didn"t get pulled down immediately by gravity with me having no wings and all that is because of the spirits concentrated in the ice board.

But now that it has been transformed into a sh.e.l.l and launched away, there no more ice on hand to generate [buoyancy]. And by the time I finish manifesting a new one using the power of the spirits, my body would"ve finish reuniting with the ground.

Let me present an excuse.

I didn"t have the time. It takes time to manifest a brand new ice sh.e.l.l and sledgehammer at the same time.

In a situation where even one or two seconds would make a decisive difference, I had no choice but to manifest either one by transforming an existing ice.

…While I"m presenting the excuse, it"s already too close to the ground.

Oh well.

There"s no choice but to rely on the reactive ice field I prepared to mitigate the impact in one way or another.

I made up my mind after inserting additional image into the crystals and brace myself for the impact.


But what a.s.sailed me is much lighter than the severe pain caused by a crash landing that I"d imagined. Well, putting in into words would be like a solid sensation like [gan], but I can endure that much.


Feels like I heard someone else"s grunt?

For a moment there, I wasn"t sure of what had happened. And in my confusion, a full-faced helmet dominates my view.

「………Ni-nice catch.」

To my surprise, I am currently in a [ohimesama dakko] performed by the knight-in full-body-armor-sama.

Butwaitaminutehere isn"t it meaningless to be princess carrying a guy?

If only I was a beautiful woman, then it would"ve been a sight to behold.

…Even in such a situation, my silly brain is operating as usual.

Armored knight-sanー[He] is probably Regulus, the head knight of the Genryuu Knight Order.


Even though it"s rude, I fixedly stare at [his] face. I can"t see the expression hidden behind that helmet but through the crevice, I can see the [eyes] quivering slightly during our contact. [He"s] desperately trying to hold it down, but some feelings got transmitted through. Namely, [relief] and [confusion].

「Pl-please let me through de gozaru. It looked like an acquaintance fell from the sky just a while ago de gozaru. eh This one is surely mistaken de gozaru ka tte? Or rather, this one is the one doubting one"s own sanity here de gozaru yo!」

Chloe wades through the soldiers and runs over here. Seems like she"s okay. I"m relieved. There are no noticeable wound but I"m bothered about the torn clothes on her chest.

「Yo Chloe. Seems like the crystal I gave you was useful.」

「K-k-kkannshi! ? So the sight of a person flying through the sky just now was not a deception on mine"s eyes de gozaru ka? As expected of Kannshi, always doing what others could not without batting an eyelid. This one is deeply moved in admiration and mesmerization de gozaru!」

Is she a ji○jo?

《ジ○ジョ= ji cencored ji, iunno》

um Let"s refrain from making any metstatement.

「Leader-san yo, ya can let me down now.」

Tapping [his] shoulder with a peshipeshi effect to convey that, [he] silently nod and lowers me.

After the experience of a parachute-less mini skydiving, boy am I relieved to finally set foot on the ground and have a sense of stability with my own two legs.

「By the way Kannshi, why in the world are you in a place like this?」

「Oh, I got a little delivery errand, you see.」

I look around for it. The ice board that I transformed into a sh.e.l.l was actually attached to the delivery item, [useless white]. Needless to say that I can"t launch the sh.e.l.l with it attached. So I detached it, effectively dumping it to the ground. I think that the fall trajectory is more or less the same with mine, so it"s probably somewhere nearby.

「…………Is [this] the delivery item you b.a.s.t.a.r.d mentioned?」

A voice calls out from behind that seems to exude a 100% pure resentment extracted from the bottom of h.e.l.l.

Looking at the source, I can see a full body armor knight, just like the leader but somehow, he looks strangely worn-out. He"s standing there while treating the delivery item [useless white], like a cane.

「ah Don"t tell me that the grunt earlier……」

He probably got hit pretty badly by the falling [useless white] in a stroke of bad luck.

「Dude my bad ~♪」


Uh oh, did my attempt at being playful to soften the mood backfired instead?

His right hand that"s currently gripping his sword is trembling.

「etto, [Regulus-san] is it?」

For now, should I settle with [this way of calling]? Given the circ.u.mstances as it is, there"s no time for any unnecessary scrutiny.

「This is a delivery from Lydeal basan to you. I am told that this is a [tool for war] exclusively made for you.」

「From Lydeal-sama you say?」

In [his] hurry, Regulus rush over to worn-out knight to receive the [useless white] from him, though in a rather forceful manner. There was too much momentum on [his] part, causing the worn-out knight to be blown away. I feel just a little bit of pity for him.

「Much appreciated. Now that I have this, our circ.u.mstance should improve for the better.」

[His] voice is now full of vitality with that useless white in hand.

Basan, it seems that your surprise isn"t totally pointless after all.

Now that I"ve delivered the item, my [work] here is done. After I get the signature from leader-san, there"s no point in staying here.

However, I"m not so cold-hearted to just ignore the situation and return as it is. Or rather, even if I wanted to go back, the lizardmen has sealed off the entrance of this mine. Also, even if I can make a new ramp and jump over it, it"s unlikely that I can gain a straight distance to acc.u.mulate speed in this lizardmen infested battleground.

「Now then, from here on out will be the aftercare service of ShiroNeko Kanna Transport. I"ll help ya guys out.」

「Kannshi will also join the fight de gozaru ka! ?」

「Cuz if I don"t kill em all, I won"t be able to get back home y"know.」

「Yatta de gozaru! Ryuuken-dono, with Kannshi by our side, we will have the strength of a hundred, no, the strength to match a thousand de gozaru! He is that much of a dependable a.s.sistance de gozaru yo!」

Hold yer wolves there Chloe-san. You"re lifting me up way too high y"know !?

I"m only a normal high school boy who can manipulate ice for a just a bit y"know!!?

「True enough. It"s encouraging to have you here. I"m sorry but please lend me your help.」

……eeh, not you too leader-san…

[You] of all people should [know] the best though!

「hah What difference does it make adding one more greenhorn adventurer. This lowborn would only be a hindrance, commander!」

The only one saying the most reasonable opinion of these three is that whole body armor but he seems to be unusually flared up at the idea.

Should I stuff his armor with ice?

「…………Dyne. You"re a guy that won"t learn his lesson huh.」

「hiii! Co-commander?」

「…………………When we get back, shall we continue with your [training]?」

I remember seeing this scene recently.

「………I don"t get what"s going on but this is no time to be easygoing, you all.」

Without me realizing it, a spear wielding ossan makes an appearance.

I forgot but we of the human forces are currently surrounded by magic beasts.

Moreover, with multiple superior goblins at the front.

Right now, the enemy isn"t moving due to the disturbance generated by me blowing away that leader goblin general from its mount.

The giant goblinーCavalry Goblin already stood up unnoticed by anyone and is about to mount that giant lizard. Upon a closer look, I can see that its chest armor is heavily dented. I didn"t expect the sh.e.l.l to penetrate all the way through but apparently it didn"t even manage to penetrate the heavy armor its wearing.

When the general rider begins to move, the lizardmen, in confusion up until that moment, also start to move all at once.

Looks like the second round is starting.

「Now then, what"ll you do Regulus-san yo. As I am now, I can"t dish out attacks more powerful than that. Taking it down won"t be possible unless I hammer in a few more shots.」

「Don"t worry. I will be the opponent of that general goblin mounted on the large lizard.」

[He] tears off the cloth covering the useless white. What comes out is an elongated rod-shaped object. At first, I thought it was a [cudgel] but on one end, the tip is bifurcated.

「Put a little more distance between us.」

With that murmur, [he] stabs his greatsword into the ground and then proceeds to [connect] it with the bifurcated part on the rod.

Thus completes the transformation of a greatsword into a giant [spear]. It seems that what I was carrying is the [shaft] of this spear.

When everyone nearby clears away as [he] requested, Regulus brandish the [spear] for a test. Just that simple action causes an intense whirlwind to erupt centering around [him].

It certainly exudes a sense of [reliability].

「………I will cut through as vanguard. I"d like to ask you to cover my flank.」

「Do you even need a support? Well, that"s fine. I"ll cover you.」

[He] entrusts his back to none other than me. Of course, I"ll be more than happy to oblige.

The man in full body armorーthat deputy tries to speak but ultimately holds his tongue. He couldn"t say anything to interject the [emphasis] in Regulus" words.

「Chloe, I"m going to provide support for leader-san. Can I leave any approaching lizardmen to you?」

「Understood de gozaru. This unworthy Chloe will not allow Kannshi to suffer even a single wound at the cost of one"s own life de gozaru yo.」

With ears and tail standing in attention, Chloe replies encouragingly.

「Dyne. You will take command of the others. Keeping the general goblins occupied would be good enough. I also ask this of you, spear-user adventurer-dono.」

「…………I understand. Fortunes of war be with you.」

「Good grief, even now I still don"t get what"s what. Chloe jou-chan, be careful.」

The knight and adventurer says their part and proceed to leave three of us at the frontline. Soon after, Dyne and ossan"s voice echoes loudly from the rear and the joint expedition members begins to move.

「We will take on the leader of the goblin generals and proceed to annihilate the surrounding lizardman. Are you both ready?」

I knock together my tekkou-covered knuckle while Chloe unsheathes her sword.

「I"m always rarin" to go」

「This one is of the same condition de gozaru.」

Regulus nods to our eagerness.

「ThenーーLet"s go!!」


Now, the curtain rises, for the second round.

dai ni no s...o...b.... hajime!!

i read ahead and this arc ends when the fight in this mine ends

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