Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 77


chloe kawaii~

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho. corrections are welcome

obligatory text~

Kanna obtains the [second-rate flag builder] and a [chuunibyou] t.i.tle

Let’s provide a further explanation before anything.

The course on [Aristocratic Measures] are held twice a month. The instructor would be an adventurer of B-rank or higher. Additionally, a guild staff would also be attached as a supervisor.

As for why; though the guild staff are more knowledgeable in the subject, an [adventurer], whether they are still active or already retired, is better suited to the role of a teacher as they have first hand experience of negotiating with a [n.o.ble]. Of course, said experience does not always result in a [successful] negotiation which leads to the occasional supplementary explanation from the guild staff.

For me, it is still(?) an unnecessary training.

That’s because to be promoted to C-rank, I only need to complete a guild designated special request as well as pa.s.sing a written test on general knowledge required after being promoted.

From C-rank onwards, commissions from n.o.bility does increase in ratio but in actuality, most requests are accepted and completed at the receptionist counter. Direct correspondence with a n.o.ble commissioner seldom happens.

At C-rank, most of the [escort] request const.i.tutes of those from [merchants], rather than n.o.bility because C-rank escorts are affordable. Especially so for the start-ups and small to medium scale merchants.

Rather than [to protect their lives], the overwhelming majority of these commissions has the underlying reason of [preparation for the worst case scenario]. It’s the minimum security measure that a merchant would take when they travel between cities.

Furthermore, when it comes to employing a B-rank, the request itself becomes a fairly dangerous affair involving for example, [a.s.sa.s.sination] or it concerns those who are seeking to [seriously place a safety net on themselves]. That is why information about the escort target and their enemies are indispensable, which connects to why the ability to deal with n.o.bles are required.

Said ability is also required should the n.o.ble put a request for rare magic beast material. Since both the price and the risk level increase because of the rare factor, correspondence only through the guild’s receptionist counter tend to result in a lack of mutual agreement.

Therefore, discussions for a common ground are held between 3 parties; the n.o.bles, adventurers and guild staff.

A 3 way conference.

Sorry for the long exposition but please bear with me a little while longer.

As I mentioned earlier, the necessary measure for me to take are only for the written test. The questions consist mainly about the ecology of magic beasts of C-rank and beyond. That much is surprisingly manageable because I already read the [magic beast encyclopedia] I previously bought.

Back on earth, I didn’t have much motivation to study and even though I was listening in cla.s.s, none of it registered in my head. However, knowledge of the magic beasts in this fantasy world is related to my survival, no joke. Humans are those who can learn things in areas they’re not good at when they stumble upon a life threatening situation.

As I’d also mentioned earlier, I’m not obliged to take the course on aristocratic measure but…

Basan who withdrew her intimidation and returned to her usual atmosphere says…

「As it is, you will definitely have trouble with n.o.bility in the near future. It’s a good opportunity, so take the course together with the black wolf girl.」

And so, I got a pain in the ear advice.

All because I caused a ruckus the very next day after I registered (Ruks’ case). So far, I almost never got into contact with a n.o.ble other than Ruks but that might not always be true going forward.

It’s decided.

I’ll obediently follow the advice.

ーーーーFour days after I went to the guild.

It’s time for the course on aristocratic measures after 4 days of killing time by maintaining my equipment and undergoing an eating tour.

In addition to Chloe and me, there are about 15 others attending. At the time when guild registration exam took place, it was mostly young people. In contrast, those aiming for B-rank is a mish-mash of men and women of all ages. There are women present but the ratio leans slightly more for men.

Apparently, most of the attendees for the course this time are those who took part in the raid request the other day. There were about 30 C-rankers who partic.i.p.ated and it is said that those who are absent in this place are still undergoing treatment.

I wonder what’s up?

When I arrive at the venue where the course will be held, gazes of those already inside zero in on me.

「………Can I go home?」

「Now now. They are not doing it out of hatred de gozaran shi.」

Chloe pushes my back into the venue when I grumble about my discomfort. Just as I got seated on a vacant front row seat, a burly ossan suddenly stands up and approach us.

「Yo Chloe jou-chan. You came too.」

「ah Barlhardt-dono, it is good to see you in good health de gozaru.」

Seems like an adventurer who became close to Chloe during the raid request. I’m sure I saw his face back at the battlefield.

「So, this guy is the rumored [shiroyasha]? It’s not exactly our first meeting though. I’m Barlhardt. Nice to meet you.」

He’s extending his hand for a handshake alongside that jovial introduction. I reciprocate but hang on a sec there.

「No need to guess that chuuni-sounding name refers to me huh.」

Is it my silv○r soul? I’m neither silv○r haired nor a natural perm though.

ah, My hair is white…

「Apparently, someone who was also on the battlefield saw the white-haired Kannshi with red eyes and said [he’s just like a yasha (demon)]. The remark went on to spread simultaneously as a gossip de gozaru.」

Anyways, it seems that a [white-haired demon with red eyes] is featured in a famous entertainment novel (in this world). Looks like that was the origin of my enigmatic nickname.

「It seriously got big. Or rather, Chloe, you knew about this, didn’t you?」

「…………A payback for the other day (guild master etc) de gozaru.」

The slightly pouting Chloe averts her eyes.

The person herself might be miffed but from my point of view, her gesture turns out to be a reward instead.

「Gahaha. The other don’t mean anything bad by calling you that.」


I don’t know if it can be considered as that but there are others with white hair and others with red eyes. Those with both traits are rarely seen but that doesn’t mean they’re detested or a target of persecution.

「They called you that because of your flashy entrance and the way you played an active role. Moreover, no matter who you ask, no one has ever seen a C-rank with such features. Even the guild staff replied any enquires with [duty of confidentiality]. Furthermore, the concerned person never once showed up at the guild until today. There’s been a lot of speculation flying around and the name [shiroyasha] became established.」

《guess no one saw him 4 days earlier》

That’s because I got the [Handy Gourmet Guide, Draknil Version] from basan and went on a mini-sightseeing gourmet tour these last 4 days.

「Since you inadvertently completed a huge request, go on and recuperate for a few days.」(baba)

So she said with a nice smile. She must’ve known the whisperings of rumors inside the guild. Perhaps she sent me away in antic.i.p.ation of what Barlhardt occhan is telling me.

d.a.m.n you baba, I’ll remember this…

「Well, it’s the price of fame. So just give up bro.」

「I don’t wanna~! ……But it’s too late now…………… Oh, I’m Kanna. Nice to meet you as well.」


The three of us continue on making a casual but lively conversation. As for the topic of the conversation, there is nothing else other than the raid request at the mine.

After talking for a while, the door to the venue swings open and an adventurer followed by a guild staff in uniform comes in.

I remember the adventurer who’s walking in with a composed manner while carrying quite the long sword, though not to level of Real’s. He’s the examiner in charge when I took the guild registration exam.

「Well I’ll be. Ain’t that the [One Who Answers the Future (Fragarach)].」

Barlhardt and the others all gasped while me and Chloe incline our heads together. Yet another explosively chuuni name.

「What’s up with the name.」

Occhan looks surprised listening to my murmur.

「It hasn’t been long since both of you came to this guild, right? The Answerer, [One Who Answers the Future (Fragarach)] is an rank adventurer with top cla.s.s ability in Draknil’s branch.」


「Speaking of sword skills, he’s definitely the best in the guild. Aside from the former rank, [Ryuuken], who’s affiliated with the knight order, he’s probably one of the most famous adventurer in Draknil.」

He’s not at the level of a B-rank at all, oi. When I stare at Chloe, she shakes her head in a fl.u.s.ter.

「By no means this one could’ve thought that an rank adventurer would be in charge of something like the registration exam de gozaru na. Or rather, if that is taken into consideration, Kannshi sure was incredible to be able to land a blow on him de gozaru na. That is surprising de gozaru yo!」

I’m surprised too. Since a few days ago, revelation about my acquaintances are shooting through a ridiculous direction.

I mean, that gal Real is a former rank adventurer and a knight commander while basan is the guild master who is also a former S-rank adventurer. Though not exactly an acquaintance, the one in charge of my registration exam is actually an active rank adventurer.


Just a minute.

This development…

Can it be……

「Chloe, you’re not an ojou-sama from somewhere, are you?」




「……………………Not true de gozaru yo.」

「…Why the long pause? And why are you looking away? Also, why are you breaking out in cold sweat? !」

From her reaction, she’s out. In a lot of ways. While I’m at it, her eyes are swimming all over the place. How is she moving all the muscles around her eyes?

「Th-T-T-T-T-T-Th-This one i-i-is by n-no means a y-y-yo-young lady of a n-n.o.ble house de go-go-go-gozaru yo!」

「………Chloe jou-chan. You’re stuttering too much. That sure is a fatal flaw in keeping a secret.」

This wolf girl. She definitely it. It’s only Chloe who’s not hiding it skillfully.

Barlhardt sends a gaze at Chloe like he’s looking at a pitiful person.

Chloe who is still averting her eyes while being bathed in cold sweat, sometimes sends a peek to see how the situation goes. I can only scratch my head vigorously at her antics.

「………I’m not gonna pry, so relax already.」

「Uu………Apologies de gozaru.………This one is really not a n.o.ble de gozaran kara na, okay?」

「Okay, sure.」

I reeally wonder what is the truth.

Now, who else have I met in this world?

oh Isn’t there Faima’s bunch. She more or less described herself as a n.o.ble but anymore details on her background are shrouded in mystery. I guess it’s related to her parents’ house.

『………Actually, ouーーno, hangonholdonwait』

In this world, there exist a terrible causality (flag) called the power of words.

It is said that power resides in the words coming out of one’s mouth and manifests itself in reality. It’s a mysterious law with no basis to it but limited to this time, I’m scared and stops what I’m thinking, even if it was only a pa.s.sing thought.

Alright, I broke the flag.

ーーーIn the future, I will be astounded by the fact that I had received the [first time] of the presumably ojou-sama Chloe.

「………Is it okay if I start?」

But before I can think of such a future, the adventurer -Answerer- who finished preparing for the course at front of the room says so in a troubled manner, reminding us of the situation we’re in right now.

「From what I heard, it’s quite an amusing story but you are bothering the others so do keep it down a bit.」

Scolded by the wryly smiling adventurer, me and Chloe (and also Barlhardt occhan) lower our heads together.

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