Kokoro Connect

Chapter 1 : By the Time We Realized It, It Had Already Begun.

Chapter 1 : By the Time We Realized It, It Had Already Begun.

September is the month when most j.a.panese high school students return to their normal lives after their exotic summer vacations.

Yamabos.h.i.+ High School is situated in an appointed, ordinance-designated city[1]. The school is well-known for its carefree learning environment and the students maintain relatively good grades. Here, students are basically starting to settle down and return to their lessons. Nevertheless, in Yamabos.h.i.+ High School, there is a cultural festival that is held annually at the beginning of September. Consequently, the school is always embraced in an overwhelming and elated atmosphere by the end of the cultural festival.

In the midst of September, the atmosphere in the school fades away and is replaced by a calm, yet boisterous, commonplace school life.

Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi was one of those people who were living this commonplace school life. And that was how it should have been.

After going through all of his six lessons without even falling asleep, he had to finish the restroom duties with his team. Then, he headed towards his clubroom.

He got out from his cla.s.sroom, Cla.s.s 1C in the East Building. He pa.s.sed through the North Building, then entered the Recreational Building. The four-storey Recreational Building was predicted to collapse if repair work was further delayed. His destination was its fourth floor. Of course, there were no lifts in the Recreational Building, so he had to climb up the stairs to reach the top.

Taichi had to get to this "undesired" location (high school students didn"t really care for beautiful scenery or good lighting. Most preferred to not climb stairs.) because he belonged to a club that had been established this year; there were only five club members that made up this small club.

The club was called the Cultural Research Club, or CRC, which studied the cultures of countries around the world day after day...or not.

A bit winded after climbing the stairs, Taichi looked at the words "Cultural Research Club" printed on an A4-sized piece of paper, and headed into Room 401.

The wind blew from the open windows, gently brus.h.i.+ng Taichi"s cheeks and swaying his hair. On the fourth floor, the ventilation was very good. It felt very cozy during this season.

There was already a club member in the room.

Two long tables were placed in the centre of the room. The Cultural Research Club"s vice-president, Inaba Himeko, was sitting at the corner of a table, operating her own laptop computer.

"Oh, Inaba. The others aren’t here yet?"

"See for yourself."

Inaba, not even checking Taichi"s face, replied in a relatively low but feminine voice.

Taichi sat on the folding chair and positioned himself towards Inaba. Only then did Inaba finally lift her head to look at Taichi.

As if s.h.i.+ning in the darkness, her shoulder-length, straight black hair seemed to be meticulously cared for. l.u.s.trous, gleaming and supple, her fine dark hair would probably match with a kimono. Adorning those slender yet large eyes, her unusually long eyelashes gave her a mysterious sacrosanct aura.

Her mature appearance conveyed the impression that she was different from most other senior students. Along with her detached aura, it was easy to believe that she was a person hard to get along with.

"Taichi, have you gathered everything necessary for the next issue of the CR News?"

"Yup. I just need to sort through some of the remaining data and we"re good. By the way, the topic is "Looking at the Professional Wrestling via the History of the Brainbuster". When you mention "brainbuster" in j.a.pan, people always think that it"s done from the back, but it was originally by slamming them from the head—"

"Shut up."

"Eh? Aren"t you the one who asked me first?"

"I asked you whether you have the gathered everything necessary, so your answer should only be either "yes" or "no". I didn"t ask you about anything else. Actually, it"s because I don"t want to hear about it."

"You"re as blunt as ever. I think you should speak with euphemisms... actually, I"m begging you to speak with euphemisms."

After Taichi sat down, his eyes were level with Inaba"s. Considering that Taichi was a bit taller than the average first-year, could it be that Inaba was taller than the other girls when seated? No. It was simply because Inaba was sitting incredibly straight. With her back so straight, the others couldn"t help but wonder if there was a device propping her back up. Along with that, Inaba"s legs were pretty slender and long. In fact, she was pretty tall compared to most high-school girls. "Slim and slender" were very apt adjectives to describe her with.

The door shuddered as it was violently flung open, and a lively voice reverberated inside:

"What"s up! Sorry I"m late."

s.h.i.+ning of glee, a smiling face brought forth some warm wind and light into the room. It was just that person standing there smiling. Notwithstanding, it brought the feeling that the flower-and-blossom blooming of spring had arrived.

"Hmm? Is it only Taichi and Inaba today?"

The one slightly tilting her head while murmuring was the Cultural Research Club"s president, Nagase Iori.

Taichi, Inaba and Nagase were all cla.s.smates in Cla.s.s 1C.

"Aw man, I even ran over here today — what a waste of energy."

Nagase complained while leaping onto the torn black sofa inside the room. She raised her arm and rested her head on it, just like what ageing men who watch TV during the holidays were doing. Although she bolted up the stairs just a while ago, her breathing seemed very calm and peaceful.

"Nagase, your pants are going to be completely exposed if you let your skirt ride up like that."

Inaba looked at Inori, calmly pointing out the problem.

"Who cares?"

Nagase showed a prodigious amount of her artistically white and slender legs while speaking. Despite what Inaba had mentioned, she didn"t seem to care what others gazed at. She even slapped her thigh, making "pat, pat" sounds.

"I"m here too, you know."

This time, Taichi spoke.

"120 yen a peek."

"I have to pay?! Well, that price sounds pretty reasonable ..."

"Taichi, even if you didn’t mean anything wrong, you do realise that considering the age of the person you’re speaking to, these words sound quite illicit, don"t you? You should stop it right here."

Inaba responded with a snippy reply.

Nagase giggled like a child who successfully pulled a prank, and sat back down on the sofa.

Nagase has big, brilliant eyes with double eyelids, a straight-bridged nose, and a slightly oval but impeccable face that didn"t have any trace of make-up. In spite of this, her fair and permeable skin was supple. Her thin, smooth hair, which was as fine as silk and didn"t seem to have any substance applied on it, slightly fell towards her shoulders-- it was just flatly tied behind her head. Although Nagase didn"t use make-up, her hair emphasized her pure cuteness. This idiosyncratic trait made others feel that her staying natural to herself made her more beautiful.

"Oh yeah. Nagase, what are we doing for our next issue?"

Taichi asked.

"Hmm...Actually, I was just thinking about what the CR News lacks."


"My conclusion is, because Inaba is responsible for the scandals, I can be a.s.sured that this suggestion will be taken. What we are lacking are violence and s.e.x."

"Who will look for that kind of stuff in a newspaper?! In fact, we"re straying from what a newspaper is just by having negative articles."

In the last issue of the CR News, Inaba exposed two teachers having a relations.h.i.+p between colleagues (source unknown). Consequently, during this year"s Cultural Festival, the club that people would"ve ignored had the chance to squeeze in other diverse activities, and became the talk of the town. Amongst the festival’s buzzing atmosphere, the two teachers later even proposed at the night festival.

To sum it up, the atmosphere then was very energised. Including other teachers, everyone was stirring up a congratulatory atmosphere towards the two teachers. Although it was said to be a wonderful ending, there was too much tension when having a relations.h.i.+p in front of everyone. It would be impossible to imagine how embarra.s.sing it would be if they broke up. This aspect was very worrisome in Yamabos.h.i.+ High School.

"Well, that article was exclusive to the school festival, so I don"t plan to write something like that at this moment. Besides, I hate to expose information that I have acquired. What I did at that time was on a sudden impulse."

Inaba Himeko"s hobby was collecting information and a.n.a.lysing it. (Though she hated to make it public.)

Where would she have used all that information? This question stirred up my curiosity.

"Alright, let"s use that impulsiveness and challenge ourselves by writing an erotic article!"

Nagase said, giving a thumbs-up.

"Don"t try to pressure a pure first year girl into writing erotic articles."

Inaba replied, though her face showed no sign of timidity resembling that of a pure first year girl.

"Don"t worry, I"ll be in charge for this one! So if Inaba would let me take a few high-tension erotic photos, then..."

"Like h.e.l.l I would! Why should I provide you with materials that boys would use to deal with their s.e.xual desires!?"

"Inaba"s idea of "the limits to erotic contents that can be approved to be published in a school magazine" makes me curious...",

Regardless of whether Inaba could hear him or not, Taichi continued to murmur to himself.

Based on her tone, it seems that her imagination was quite s.e.xual, enough for others to rebuke her idea that she was a pure first year girl.

"Besides, Nagase, you look prettier than I do. It would be more suitable to take photos of you instead."

Inaba concluded, looking as if she had been in deep thought.

"No way. That"s because I am an idol type who cannot strip because it"s my cuteness that gives me an advantage. So if you want something really erotic, Inaba would be best."

"These two people... they"re honestly considering stripping."

It seemed like Nagase looked like she didn"t perk herself up because she didn"t really care much about her appearance. However, she was actually a.n.a.lysing her own advantage. It felt like not using make-up was just one of her many tactics to "become more noticeable".

The correct answer, however, might be that she hadn"t even thought about it.

"I can’t say I don’t understand... But hold on, why do we need an erotic appeal? I don’t think that high school boys ask for that much. By common sense, refres.h.i.+ng types would be more popular."

Inaba spoke.

"Nope, considering high schoolers nowadays, mature and erotic kinds of people should be surprisingly more popular... according to my instincts."

"According to your instincts, huh?"

Taichi made a sharp-tongued reply to Nagase in a low voice.

Then the two girls turned their head at Taichi.

"Speaking of which, don"t we have a high school boy right here? What kind of girl do you prefer, Taichi?"

Inaba asked.

"Yeah, if you were to choose, who would you rather see strip? Inaba or me?"

Nagase"s question was completely off the track.

Anyway, I have to give an answer, right? With this in mind, Taichi closed his eyes and pondered for a few seconds. Then he replied.

"Well, if I were to speak on behalf of every boy in this school, I would say something like "you should both strip"..."

Just after he spoke those words, Nagase chipped in.

"3:55 p.m. Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi told two girls in the CRC to strip... Did you get all of that, Inaba?"

"Of course, we"ll put it in this issue"s editorial."

Inaba smiled wickedly while typing.

"Umm... Well I did say that, so I can"t really refute it."

No matter how hard he tried, Taichi couldn"t outwit them with words. He sorrowfully drooped his head, re-acknowledging the balance of power in the club.

After that, Nagase started to read manga, while Inaba faced the computer and Taichi prepared for tomorrow"s lessons. The three continued in a relaxed manner for the next 30 minutes. Today was the day where the five club members had agreed to get together for discussion; however, two members had not yet come.

"Speaking of which, Aoki seemed a bit weird when we were having PE today..."

Taichi suddenly stopped his pen, only murmuring to himself without expecting a reply. Even though Aoki was in a cla.s.s different from Taichi"s, he would be together with Taichi during PE because PE lessons were conducted with two cla.s.ses together.

Inaba commented with a thoughtful gaze:

"Yui wasn"t acting like herself during gym cla.s.s today either."

"Is that so... maybe something happened? You think Aoki finally hooked up with her?"

"Impossible. Looking at the situation at hand, even if Aoki spent a lifetime trying, they wouldn"t be in a relations.h.i.+p. Only if Aoki becomes aware of the things he"s left out would there then be a chance."

Just as Taichi and Nagase began talking about the two that were absent, the door squeaked lightly as it was pushed open.

The two missing club members, Aoki Yos.h.i.+fumi and Kiriyama Yui, staggered into the room from the entrance.

Aoki"s hair was somewhat long and curled. He always had an adorable (if negative that is light-hearted ) smile. He gave the impression that he was lazy but easy to talk to (this, the same, if negative, is frivolous). He was also tall and thin, having the figure of a literature teenager.

Kiriyama"s hair, depending on the light s.h.i.+ning on her, usually had a pretty, bright chestnut hue. Her hair was also supple and l.u.s.trous; her erect eyelashes were tilted slightly upwards and her eyes were really stern. Although she had a small figure, her figure was not of a child, and it was obvious that she had been exercising. This was because she had a flexible and firm body. Overall, she was a lively character.

The two"s personalities really went well together, as both were normally quite cheerful.

For no apparent reason, however, they didn"t seem to have any vitality today. Their appearances were completely weak.

Taichi, Nagase, and Inaba sat on one side of the table while Aoki and Kiriyama sat on the opposite.

"So... Um... What happened to you two?"

Nagase commenced the inquiries in this indescribably heavy atmosphere.

"Eh... I am planning to say this alright, but how do I put this..."

Aoki scratched his hair, as he hesitantly began speaking. Although he normally wore his uniform deliberately messily, it looked particularly dishevelled today.

Beside him, Kiriyama hung her head and looked at the corner of the table while meaninglessly fidgeting with her hair.

"What"s with you two? If there are any problems, you should tell us. We can help you to some extent!"

Taichi urged them to speak.

"Oh, that"s relieving... Hmm! Ok! Then we"ll start! Although the two of us have decided to tell you now, it is quite a difficult thing to try and explain. So it will take a lot of confidence to really tell you about this—"

"Tell us!"

Inaba interrupted him in a sharp voice.

Aoki was a bit frightened. He nodded and replied, "Yes, yes!" No matter what the opponent"s status was, Inaba never showed any mercy.

Aoki deeply inhaled and sought confirmation from Kiriyama"s face. Although Kiriyama looked quite reluctant about the matter, she still nodded to show consent. After confirming, Aoki recommenced his speech,

"Actually last night we..."

Everyone held their breath. The whole room was silent. Aoki kept them in suspense, and allowed that silence to spread through the room. Then...

"Our souls were exchanged!"

He shouted.


Inaba spoke.


Taichi spoke.

"Hahahaha.... ah?"

Nagase spoke.

There were three simultaneous responses. To sum it up, they all expressed surprise.

"Like I said, Yui and I switched our souls, as if in a manga... Ouch!"

"Ohoh, straight strike to the head with a hand chop."

Taichi was quite impressed with the accuracy and sharpness of Inaba"s strike.

"What did you do that for, Inaba?!"

"It"s sad how you are so into it, but this joke is totally boring."

"That"s not it! I am not kidding. I am very serious!"

"Compared to leaving a dead silence after joking when everyone was in antic.i.p.ation, being a.s.saulted by Inaba is much more dramatic."

Taichi said in a low voice.

"Besides, if your souls were really exchanged, right now Aoki should really be Yui? However you speak, your words always sound dumb. Also, your block-headedness hasn"t changed much."

"That"s why I described the "exchange" in past tense. We"ve returned to normal now! Also, Iori, don"t be so blunt! Didn"t school teach you that verbal violence without constraint is the most dangerous?"

After that, Aoki, with an indescribable exaggerated pose, endeavoured to persuade others that "Kiriyama and he did exchange souls". Although that endeavouring spirit did spread out, what he said was too absurd. Taichi and the others only felt puzzled.

"Right, I understand what you mean... Jeez! Then what does Yui have to say? Aoki said his soul was with you."

Inaba inquired to Kiriyama, who had not yet spoken but had a troubled face.

Yui held her head and looked downwards. She shook her head as if she couldn"t accept the truth. When her usually combed, bright chestnut hair had degenerated into a mess, she decided to open her long-closed lips.

"... Of course that"s not true. How can something like this happen in reality? Isn"t this very strange? For Aoki to become me, and me to become Aoki... Yeah, there"s no way!" As she spoke, her voice crescendoed, and then she violently stood up and declared:

"That was just a nightmare!"

Kiriyama posed in a fighting stance that could almost be dubbed with a "Pong" sound.

"I don"t believe in supernatural things that can"t be explained with science! Yup, that"s what I"ve decided. So stop dragging me into your crazy fantasies, Aoki! Soul exchange? Occult things like that are so yesterday."

"I, I"ve been betrayed! Didn"t we confirm this together just now?"

"I was just confused! My level of judgement was zero back then!"

"Even though I don"t really understand, I think that"s a cool way to turn hostile."

Taichi still spoke even though he thought it was unnecessary.

"Are you saying that it was only a dream?"

"That"s right! It was just more realistic than usual! Come on, Aoki, you should wake up already!"

Yui"s face turned a bit strange, as if she was entering anger mode.

"... Then what you mean is, we had the same dream, and we felt the "soul exchange" within the same time frame, and even though we haven"t been in each other"s rooms, we could see the room of one another perfectly, and when I switched to Yui, the things I moved in her room were also coincidentally moved in the real world?"

"That"s just what happens when coincidence upon coincidence are stacked together! Yeah, in other words, it"s a miracle!"

"So you"re saying that it"s a miracle that caused our souls to be exchanged—"

"Why does it have to be Aoki and me!"

Yui roared as if she was going to die.

"Yeah, is it so? Should we call it destiny or fate? So I say, we should go along with the will of the world. Ah~~"

"How did you jump to those conclusions?"

Taichi gave a sharp-tongued reply even though those involved didn"t hear him.

"Eeeerrrrghh! It"s because you say these things that I hate you so much!"

Kiriyama trembled fiercely while returning back to the corner of the room.

"So what actually happened to you two? If it"s strange fantasies or illusions, I can still hear your story."

Inaba murmured such words that sounded utterly strange.

"There"s no need for that, Inaba! That"s because the souls of Aoki and I have never exchanged! If I had exchanged with Iori then that would have been fine. But if it"s Aoki, I will never confess! Firm refute! Complete refusal! Denied! There"s no chance it happened!"

"That pervert wants to force his disgusting fantasies on me!" Kiriyama cried, while jumping on Nagase. Nagase, as if stroking a bothered dog, stroked Kiriyama"s back, and said, "Clever, clever, don"t cry."

"Eh? The reason for her not confessing is because she wants to target me...?"

Aoki dropped his shoulders like he was deeply shocked. Taichi told him not to take it too seriously. Although it is not like something could have really happened, Aoki"s dismal state was clear to Taichi.

Anyway, Aoki and Kiriyama continued their "souls were and weren"t exchanged yesterday" squabbling.

Just when Taichi and Nagase tried to take this opportunity to try to casually ask "Did they eat something bad?", Inaba finally spoke out violently.

"Anyway, everyone go and cool off for a while. Club dismissed!"

Because of the vice-president"s call, the regular club meeting was decided to be delayed until tomorrow.


Translation NotesJump up↑ An ordinance-designated city is a city in j.a.pan that is governed by its own law, has a population over 500 thousand, and is appointed by the government. The city has rights over social welfare, public hygiene, and urban planning etc. It has up to 19 legislative criteria. It can also set up its own districts.

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