Kokoro Connect

Chapter 5 - She Who Was The Detective

Chapter 5 - She Who Was The Detective

The next day, all seven of the StuCS members gathered.

There"s Taichi and Kiriyama who think that using this "power" is correct. Then there"s Inaba and Aoki who think that no matter what happens, they should not use this "power". Since the conflicting sides are in different cla.s.ses, the last time they saw each other was during yesterday"s lunch break.

Because of the discord yesterday, club activities were cancelled as dictated by Nagase. Club activity will promptly resume and the opposing sides will meet.

The Cultural Research Club was divided into two against two. Nagase did not say which side was correct and as intended she ended up with the duty as a balancer.

"......and did the mood worsen?"

".....Yesterday you suddenly said, “Club activities are cancelled for the day.”"

Uwa Chihiro and Enjouji s.h.i.+no, who don’t know the situation, gathered and made a suspicious look.

"Oh, right. We didn"t tell anything to the first years yet."

While Nagase talked to the first years, the other four second years worked on their respective homework with an unpleasant atmosphere.

Summing it up, when Nagase finished explaining, Inaba opened her mouth to speak.

"s.h.i.+no and Chihiro, which sides do you think is correct?"

Suddenly interrupting, Taichi was struck with fear.

Chihiro and Enjouji were caught by Inaba’s eyes. Cautiousness was given off by Taichi and Kiriyama and was strongly transmitted to the first years.

“Even if I was told……which side is correct……”

All shook up, Enjouji’s gaze wandered around.

“Doesn’t it somewhat means which faction do you belong to?”

For Chihiro, he calmly returned a question.

“No. Because it’s you guys, so speaking about the situation, even if you don’t have direct involvement in this and I don’t intend to on purposely getting you involved. That is why, I only want to listen to your opinion sincerely.”

Half-spiritedly, Inaba put on an act but Kiriyama was clearly restless.

"Is that so?" and Chihiro left a breath and the started speaking.

“Well, I think we shouldn’t do anything. If we don’t do anything nothing will happen. I do have a problem with peace at any price though, this situation. ….. Above all us, we will be seeing a painful experience.”

Chihiro made an unpleasant expression and Inaba laughed with a broad smile.

"You guys are not persuasive huh? If you speak. “

"But Chihiro-kun.... Even though we can help everyone....."

Kiriyama whispered weakly.

"Shut up Yui. Chihiro has that opinion."

Inaba sternly interrupted.

"No, no Inaban. Acting hostile is not allowed."

Nagase slipped in and acted as a buffer to this situation. Her tone was neither heavy nor light but altered the mood.

"..... well aren"t you superb." Inaba said with a half-stunned and half-admiring look.

"Huhuhu, this is when I should get serious."

"And s.h.i.+no?"

But Inaba was not planning to finish that easily.

"Yes!? I......I....." About to give an opinion, everyone"s eyes were on her, and she felt like her body shrunk.

"If it’s impossible then it’s impossible Aoki said. But that time.

s.h.i.+no tensely looked up.

"I think ...... if we can do something, we should......I think! Saying that.... we should make it a better mood...... I"m saying that....... no, what am I saying..."

Enjouji said with enthusiasm, she was stared at by Inaba with the latter half becoming an abrupt trim mark.

"Enjouji was thinking that if it’s for something good, then it is ok to use the “power?”

Taichi dispatched a rescue s.h.i.+p.

"Yes! I just didn"t know how to put it! It"s wrong to not reach out to someone drowning right? Even if it"s a weird "power", those with power must help that in need!"

"Because "dreams" are people"s desires, it"s different from someone drowning."

Inaba criticized so Taichi argued back.

"But the logic behind it is still the same."

But Taichi was not a match for Inaba.

"Think about it, s.h.i.+no. Are "desires" something you can fulfill for someone? They are something you should achieve yourself."

"Something ..... to achieve by oneself.....yes"

"But giving a.s.sistance is normal though"

"Desires should be fulfilled by ones own will. Someone who requests for a.s.sistance of course happens but it"s different than cutting in and granting someone"s desires without permission."

"Well..... if it"s desires....... then it"s probably...... ummmm....."

Unable to just watch the confused Enjouji, Kiriyama interjected.

"What"s up with you Inaba? Are you planning to use your logic to force s.h.i.+no-chan to become your ally?"

"You guys are trying to remove us as an obstacle too. You got a problem with that?"

Without even being direct, it was an detestable attack.

"I won"t fight against you guys who are not positive about this?"

"I will fight against you. That"s because I think I"m correct."

"Me too, yeah….. Because I..."

My own determination has been decided, I"m going to stand my ground. Because

"Those words...... Take them all back, Inaba."


Inaba"s eyes were wavering around. They were made wavering. Taichi was bewildered.

"Stop this arguing. It"s good to have a constructive debate. How many times are you going to make me be the neutral party? I think I feel like changing my name to “Referee Nagase”."

Taichi thought over Nagase"s hards.h.i.+p and stopped the conversation there.

Just then, Taichi noticed a sense of discomfort. This place has a bad atmosphere, as the mood maker not taking up s.p.a.ce and always joking around, Aoki didn"t do anything.

Now the Cultural Research Club could not maintain the appearance they had until now.

After announcing clearly in front of Inaba and the others that they will use the "power", Taichi and Kiriyama became more involved in using "Dream Perception" to help others.

To solve people"s worries, they lent a hand. Anything someone wanted to do, they helped them achieve it. Of course, it was within the range of not being thought as strange. This is possibly due to hoping for more or wanting to see more visions: compared to before, the number of times "Dream Perception" has activated has increased from a few times a day to around 10 times a day. This appeared to be happening with Kiriyama as well. Even occurring while sleeping without waking up. On average, it has been occurring once every hour. (When I try asking Nagase, she said it"s occurring seven or eight times a day.)

As a result, thanks to this, the amount of things that can be done has increased. Very big "dreams" were impossible of course, but small reasonable “dreams” that want to be granted, we can do it somehow well enough. Rather than the person them self work hard to fulfill their "dream", there was a lot of times if they just gave them a hand then it will be fulfilled. That is why ending up giving a light push from the back, if only it was only a little, Taichi and Kiriyama"s role would be finished.

Among them, one thing stood out at random, love counseling duty.

They saw grand “dreams” like "I want to make an appearance in the Olympic in the future" or “dreams” that were within hand"s reach like "I want the test to over quickly." but dreams related to love were seen most often randomly.

High school students in the middle of their youth all have one thing in mind, how it can"t be any more stressful. In the school, the person someone likes was seen once or twice. When it becomes that, then it will become inevitable to notice it.

In the school there is something that we notice once a day that has about almost everyone in the school. If that becomes a "dream", it will appear in front of Taichi and others. And if we see the "dream", then there is something we can do.

Taichi and Kiriyama operates by if a coupling with mutual feelings is seen, then they will give them a push in the back. (If we know the affection from one side, for Taichi and Kiriyama to notice, it will become easier to catch the affection from the other side.)

Because of mutual feelings, a go sign is shown but if objectively looking at it, that is

"Don’t the people who consult with Yaegas.h.i.+-kun and Yui-chan will become a couple approximately 100 percent of the time!? We"re talking about coupling here!? Isn"t this amazing!? They"re Love Masters!"(said Nakayama Mariko)

It seems that became the comments about us.

Thanks to that, Taichi and Kiriyama clearly began to take action, one week pa.s.sed and the rumors spread and people who came for advice appeared. Somehow, the way the rumor spread seemed like it was selling Taichi"s name.

For example, the other day, a girl in the cla.s.s next door asked "Taira from Yaegas.h.i.+-kun’s cla.s.s is on my mind……What do you think I wonder?” Taichi answered with, “Give me a little time.”

If the person Taira like is seen in the "dream" then it"s good. The problem was left in the corner of Taichi"s head until two days later.

【Taira is seen walking. It looks like it"s after school. The person beside him is the girl who asked for advice. Very close friends and their shoulders were touching. And then they held......】

With that seen in "Dream Perception”, Taichi told the girl, " I think there"s a chance". Then 2 days later.

"Yaegas.h.i.+-kun, Thank you! My confession was a success! Taira also seem to have been thinking about me too, it seems."

"Isn"t that great? Congratulations."

"But you know, how did you know there was a chance?"

"Ah, ahhh, I heard it from an acquaintance"

"Heh, you seem like a detective. Anyways thanks. If Yaegas.h.i.+-kun says "I can do it", this relations.h.i.+p will only be broken because I was too scared to confess I think."

I was able to help make a couple be openly to the public.

It is the start of October.

Today after school, a male student form Taichi"s cla.s.s asked Taichi for advice.

"Really, Is it really ok?"

"yeah, go for it with all your strength."

Taichi pushed him from the back.

"......I get it. Thanks, Yaegas.h.i.+! If you say I can do it then I feel like doing it! You"re really the Missionary of Love!"

Hang in there, said Taichi as he sees him off.

From other person"s patterns of the counseling, because it is understood that the girl has feelings for him (according to Kiriyama"s "Dream Perception") Taichi clearly told him.

Taichi also stood up and left the cla.s.sroom.

" You look like you"ve been doing well recently, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun"

It"s coldly becoming a transparent darkness. The temperature in the area has changed. This kind of delusion.

The cla.s.s room"s remaining three person group left the room and became Taichi and, -----Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko only.

The two faced each other. The silhouettes from the area faded away, the feeling Fujis.h.i.+ma"s intense ’’presence’’ remained. What"s with this uneasiness?

“Being the center of holding various love consultation, and now it’s become somewhat of a thing.”

".....eh, you were beside me?"

".......When the silhouettes fades, there something I want to say I wonder."

“Well, recently you have been speaking with the entire cla.s.s a bit less."

"uh...... even I.....even I ......!"

Fujis.h.i.+ma s.h.i.+fted are gla.s.ses and rubbed the tears starting to fall.

"Don"t cry. I"m just joking, just joking. You"re not the type to have a dark personality.”

Anyhow, I"m saying things without considering other all over the place I think. The response was outside of my expectation though ----.

【It"s Fujis.h.i.+ma. Her hands on her hips, loudly laughing. In font of Fujis.h.i.+ma is a person bent down. It looks like kneeling down. The person doing that is......Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi. Taichi said "I am defeated by Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko .....The t.i.tle "Missionary of Love" belongs to Fujis.h.i.+ma-sama....." Fujis.h.i.+ma answered, "That"s right. That t.i.tle is only fitting for me. Hahahahaha!" 】

I just saw an unthinkable "dream". Above all look as if nothing happened.

"You don"t need to worry, The t.i.tle of "Missionary of Love" will be returned to you at anytime."

"How?...... You followed up on the thing I eavesdropped to find out and became worried about it" .

This is getting weird. I just had a meaningless wild idea, it seems she mistaken it for something. Originally, Fujis.h.i.+ma laid low on her strong character recently being the only one with a romance character.

“No, well, by chance ----“

“Why, am I thinking of spilling out these cowardly lines I wonder, this naïve kid.”

The tone changes. Suddenly.

A sharp cold gaze from the side of her gla.s.ses caught Taichi. Without letting out a voice and she did not move.

And then in no time.

“Hey, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun? Can you read the minds of other people?”

Fujis.h.i.+ma’s eyes did not turn away to level of dew. It couldn’t thought of as one of her specialty jokes.

“Suddenly…… what are you saying?”

“Suddenly, it seems like you became able to do it. Even if it’s “A special power”, you had an opportunity to obtain it?”

Nearly, she grazed it.

Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko ‘’told me’’ a correct guess to the truth.

The warning sound blared inside Taichi like it was moaning.

---- don’t reveal the things about the “power” to other people……. It’s because it’s annoying so it’s unpleasant……

words. “Annoying”. “It will become something annoying” expression was different. That is it has a meaning of must do something that is “troublesome”.

If that happens Fujis.h.i.+ma. The penalty for my own mismanagement I committed.

Anyhow, it will be alright, I am thinking that way. But there is not guaranteed on whim. Generally, when it was the end, that guy announces it.

There is ‘’no reason’’ for , who isn’t planning a next time for Taichi and the others, ‘’to leave them alone unharmed’’.

That is would doing this poorly lead to a decisively difference than usual?

Our own fates are controlled by the mind of that guy. That is why.

“Hey Yaegas.h.i.+? Are you listening?”

That is why, I am in dangerous waters. The worse for me is fine But, Fujihsima.

“…..Oh, I’m listening. Fujis.h.i.+ma was saying something crazy, so I was surprised.”

“So it is true.”

“…..No no.”

“Hmmm, will you simply confess to me?”

Said it, Fujis.h.i.+ma crossed her arms. It seems like she has gotten a hold of actual proof yet.

“Perhaps……, why did it become a talk about this?”

“Yaegas.h.i.+-kun. You were like that before though, my guess was too good. Normally it’s because you’re insensitive. Well, what’s more is that seeing the style of your consultation…..”

“The style of consultation you said…… was it weird? I admit that it suddenly became a rumor but.”

Did I make a fatal mistake in the way of using the “power”? I didn’t do anything unreasonable, I suppose.

“It was also an excessive manner as well in that though. What’s more is that it’s “Yaegas.h.i.+-kun”, right?”

“There’s some kind of problem with me?”

“That’s because you’re not the type to guide the others to go well when you give advice to them. For sure.”


“Yaegas.h.i.+-kun doesn’t have intentions and determination, so it is expected as unreasonable.”

“…..Wait. It’s not like I don’t have intentions and determination.”

It looked like being told that I wasn’t thinking about anything, he suddenly felt angry.

“Ahh, sorry. Conveying the nuance looked difficult to do? Well, I’ll put it in another way. Yaegas.h.i.+-kun,”

---doesn’t have an ideology.

“Yaegs.h.i.+-kun, I’m saying, you are like a protagonist. One from a role-playing game from long ago.”

The way being called a protagonist also was done by Inaba the other day. Was it a coincidence?

“There’s an amazing power hidden away. There also is bravery. There also is decisiveness. That is why you can completely save someone. No doubt, a hero.”

“……It seems you considerably praised me.”

Taichi said filled with irony.

“I’m praising you. I think you’re wonderful. It isn’t flattery.”


“But, you are only being washed away though”

Being washed away, only.

“You didn’t cause any of your own actions. You help the person in a pinch in front of your eyes. If you are told to help then you go help.”

Unconcerned, however steadily Taichi was driven to a corner.

“Because you have power, if an event happens then you will deal with it but you can’t make your own event happen, it seems. A role-playing game protagonist who doesn’t talk kind of feeling? You followed the prepared choices though. Yeah, for some reason, it is a sort of a good example huh?”

“…….praising yourself?”

I refuse to comply. However I can’t decided on how I should deny it so I made a remark that isn’t an obstacle.

“A Yaegas.h.i.+-kun without an ideology can’t behave like helping someone because you personally are the first. You also can’t arrive before others and consider the feelings of others well.”

“Hey….., a terrible way of saying it but how about you.”

Can you talk about other people’s things---, with no information to continue, Taichi shut his mouth.

One can think that with her imposing stance and intense presence, Fujis.h.i.+ma is stronger than Taichi.

It’s not a problem with the size of the body. It’s not a problem with the posture. What is makes it like that? Intention or determination or objective? ……What is ideology?

“ It is not like I particularly want to criticize you. That is because I hope we, who are still children, to find that from now on. Well, it’s about time that our career path must be deiced so while drowning but at the same time you should hold on to it at same time though.”

“What us with unless one’s criticized? Why do I have to be blamed by you?”

Getting straight to the point, said Fujis.h.i.+ma and started to say her preface.

“Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi, you aren’t able to do your method of acts of kindness. As a person, for their growth, it is too extremely abrupt. Also, someone who is not involved, like you doing acts of kindness is extremely perfect. That is, it looks like you have a strange “power” in your hands.”

“…..I have something I want to say but I accept the first half. And then, how did you is thinking about a strange “power”?”

Once again pointing it out and Fujis.h.i.+ma frowned.

“…..Frankly, even I think that I am saying something weird. But it is strange. …..Recently, it is also like that but since exactly last year around this time or so. Sometimes, the people from the Cultural Research Club including Yaegas.h.i.+-kun were acting strange.”

How? With eyes suggesting as if saying that, Taichi couldn’t return any words. He swallowed his saliva.

“Separately, it was a minor “ aren’t they a bit weird” feeling that was spilled from that. But when that acc.u.mulates, there is no choice but to be confident that it is an “abnormal event”. And then noticing that it is an “abnormal event”, if I rethink about it, I become unable to think that something has happened.”

With a total of six times, they were induced phenomenon. And Taichi and the Cultural Research Club has always been within the areas of isolation to talk and thought that we were successfully at keeping it among themselves. But even if they are in an isolated community, without denying it, Taichi and the others were not witnessed at decisive situations.

Arriving at the correct answer, is not a miracle.

“I expected that, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun, aren’t you the center of this, I thought about that but.”

As I thought, there are parts that are also mistaken. The cold sweat running down my back can be felt.

“What are you all doing?”

Fujis.h.i.+ma approached one step closer. Taichi took a step back.

Finally, Taichi took a step back. His leg b.u.mped into the table. The chance to escape was lost.

He was cornered.

“What are you all, doing?” Fujis.h.i.+ma’s face approached closer that it looks like one will ask are you going to kiss me. The inside of a refres.h.i.+ng expression is in no way becoming breakable and secured trust was glimpsed.

I’m letting my guard down, Taichi realized.

He knows that she has a sharp intuition. He knows that she has a meaningless potential.

But, she broke through with her weird direction of “It’s romance” “It’s love” up until now or wandering off course, or get carried away with her jokes, she was that kind of girl I thought.

The situation now that she caused to me. Confronting a person who has been entangled in important occasions of the phenomenon, my own behavior was reckless.

“…..Well, you won’t answer it for me huh?”

Said Fujis.h.i.+ma and she moved away from Taichi.

“But, it’s a compet.i.tion from her on, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun. Be prepared because I will flawlessly expose your secrets. There is something, for sure.”

Fujsihima turned her power at Yaegas.h.i.+-Taichi and then also at the secrets within the Cultural Research Club.

Instinct tells me. One should seriously not make this woman an enemy.

“After all now, I am, yeah, great detective Fuijis.h.i.+ma Maiki.”

Suddenly, she extended her arm and decided on a pose. Fujis.h.i.+ma was seriously fooling around and declaring war on Taichi.

Going against Inaba. Having war declared on by Fujis.h.i.+ma. But, even so, no, that is why Taichi has decided with that day to take actions using “Dream Perception”

If he stops here, surely he has a feeling that he will become accepting that he “doesn’t have an ideology”.

The path that he believes is correct himself, even if there is an obstacle, must be carried out, he thought.

Taichi talked to Kiriyama about the incident with Fujis.h.i.+ma immediately the next day. Kiriyama was worried saying, “Is it alright I wonder….”, but Fujis.h.i.+ma’s target narrowed down on Taichi it seems and that there was no signs of her suspecting Kiriyama. It can be said with confidence that the appearance of the consultation job was practically in the form of Taichi volunteering for it.

The truth about the incident with the phenomenon being thought as suspicious by Fujis.h.i.+ma should probably be discussed with Inaba and the others. But Taichi did not do that. That’s because they are the ones using the “Dream Perception” themselves and that it is obvious that it is a problem they should solve themselves.

This time, it was no longer the five of them.

One day, two days, three days…… time pa.s.sed.

Taichi received consultations and the rumors about the considerably boasted rumors about the percentage of solved problems, gradually gradually spread out. Of course, Inaba and Fujis.h.i.+ma also moved it looked like. Sometimes, “I was told but Inaba-san that “Don’t consult with them” though,” or “During the conversation consulting with Fujis.h.i.+ma, I was pressed with questions but what was that?” sorts of stories were heard. However, there wasn’t anything done by directly grabbing the tail. Still, several days pa.s.sed.

“Hey Taichi, have you chatted with Inaban?”

Entering the clubroom, Nagase, who approached nearby, asked.

“……Ending up not chatting, I know about it?”

Even if there was a declaration as enemies, I will still partic.i.p.ate in club activities. I’m not child. We said that our ways of thinking are different and won’t deny to the extent of the humanity of the other.

“You two alone, as lovers, Isn’t that obvious?”

“Well, that……”

Currently the appearance of the conservation with Inaba is in nothing but only the clubroom.

“That’s the case I thought~. Today you see, there’s something to do and what not, few people will come to club activities you know-. Generally, it’s only me, Taichi, and Inaba.”

Frankly, there isn’t someone with deteriorating rates of attendance but it is only the gathering in the Cultural Research Club that has gotten worse.

“That is why today”

“……Yo” and the door opened with Inaba appearing.

“The two of you will be having a date. It’s an order from the Club President!”

“Huh? ……What? Hey, Iori!?”

“Don’t push, Nagase. Huh, hey!?”

Nagase forced the Taichi and Inaba closer together and drove them out of the club room.

“Hah? I don’t get the meaning of that girl.”

Taichi explained to Inaba, who raised her voice unable to understand the situation.

“Eh….. because today there’s few members coming today, go have a date the two of you, she said”

“Don’t say something stupid. We can be called lovers, but now we are enemy countries in a war. There’s no way we are severing diplomatic relations but we can’t sit down together easily.

“Don’t say something admirable and stiff.”

The talking Inaba was able to look somewhere timidly. Even though she stiffly explained in a roundabout way and pulling one line…… No.

Shall I point it out? No. What’s more than that, I should forcibly go from here, I think.

“Even so, it’s because we’re boyfriend girlfriend, so let’s go have tea.”

Without out waiting for a reply, she walked out first. And, for a little while after that, Inaba nervously came back.

“…..Boyfriend girlfriend……emphasizing that is…… foul play.”

Going across his back, while listening to Inaba’s voice, Taichi thought.

The guess was, right?

---It’s not like that.

Why is it that the denying words of Fujis.h.i.+ma were heard?

Stopping by at a familiar café, Taichi ordered black tea and a cheese cake and Inaba ordered a chocolate cake and coffee.

Recently how were the cla.s.ses or what was the result from the soccer game we played yesterday or anytime now a movie will be released or etc. The conversation continued temporarily without obstacles but at the point they finished eating the cake, both of them were silent.

Inaba’s silence was originally not unpleasant. But, now, my heart can’t calm down.

The drinks fell down the mouths of the two for holding the pause.

The first to finish drinking was Inaba. Huu and let out a breath looking like she has an idea spoke.

“You’re still doing it, that.”

The eyes are not meeting. It is rare, for Inaba.


“Presently, you don’t have any intention in stopping?”

“……Even if I don’t say it from myself, people appear coming to consult with me. Now, ending it is”

Inaba in one instant, made a really painful face.

“This time’s phenomenon doesn’t have a frontal attack so, it’s tough right? Being attacked by an enemy, a disaster happening……, making us fall into that kind of difficult is easier to deal with.”

Without becoming aggressive, the two talked.

It was a calm atmosphere. But the heart was noisy one.

“…..I really used all my strength to stop.”

“You won’t stop?”

Asked Inaba, and her eyes shrunk light glaring at Taichi. I’m probably being provoked.

“If it’s a way to seriously stop you then, there is. Physically confine Taichi, or something like that. Your social confidence is in the direction of failure. It means that it is good if no one listens to you talk.”

Inaba murmured. Not saying it with extravagance or eccentricity is scary.

“But of course, I can’t do something to that degree. If that is done, after this is over, things can’t returned to the way they were before. That…..is defeat that “guy’s” compet.i.tion.”

In other words, even if there is a feeling that it won’t return to the way before, that is a possible reality.

For a short while contemplating, Inaba shook head to the side.

“……I can’t. That is a line I can’t cross, …..I think. I will persist with my own correct thinking and want to hold on to the correct conclusion…….. No. I must not yield.”

Noticing that Inaba drank her coffee empty, irritated, she moved away from the cup.

“Perhaps I should say, what do you think about having an idea opposing mine?”

“What, you said.”

“You have it, some kind of feelings or complications.”

“I, yeah. Of course but…… I somewhat don’t want to oppose Inaba. It is something I must do, I think.”

Words were terminated.

“……Is it only that?”

Inaba opened her eyes a little. Looking surprised as if saying that’s not possible.

Is it only that? Is there something that was mistaken? No, it’s right.

“Hey, I’ll ask?”

The wavering voice is conveying that the next line is filled with an important meaning.

“---Who are you living for?”

I didn’t think that that kind of question would be thrown at me.

“Who, you said. That……”

It was beyond what I expected. Because it was beyond what I expected, I couldn’t give an answer immediately. It’s because, it’s beyond what I expected.

Still unable to produce a voice, an answer couldn’t be given. Taichi searched within himself.

“That is….., of course.”

Of course, I think.

“For, everyone.”

“……Don’t screw around with me?”

Like a roar from the depth of the ground, Inaba’s voice crept up Taichi’s body.

It was quiet but a sudden anger was let out at Taichi.

“Still, your fully open selfless spirit babbling?”

“You’re wrong. I understand that is to satisfy myself alone. I’m not only sacrificing myself, I am also thinking about everyone.”

“Stop. Enough, don’t say it.”

Interrupting, Inaba covered her face with her own two hands.

“Slowly…..I understand the person you are. ….The true meaning.”

Her voice was weak and seemingly afraid. What is she afraid of, I don’t understand.

There is a feeling that, Inaba has seen through me. Taichi was afraid, of that.

At the same time, Inaba’s transmitted uneasiness was in some way or other something she wants to do for me, I thought. However, now, my own side is serious…… Ahhh…. I somewhat don’t get the meaning.

“I’ll only say it to you this time.”

Removing her face from her face, Inaba stared at Taichi. Cruel, a great distance can be felt.

“In this world, everyone is living for “someone”. Someone is living for someone else and that someone is also living to another someone. ……, If that becomes a cycle, it will become none having their own goals. For someone else….., it’s because there’s nothing but people who think that.”

“For someone” and “for everyone”, I suppose it’s not a mistaken virtue. Even so, Inaba,

“The world reaching that result, will become a dull decay and death.”

Thoroughly deny it.

Taichi remembered the denying response. Not wanting to accepting Inaba’s cycle. However, there is one truth that makes sense----.

【A girl is there. Short cut, a small piercing on her ear. Setouchi Kaoru. Setouchi is looking up. A tall book shelf. She was fixed on one book. But as it is now, she can’t reach it. Suddenly, a pedestal appeared. Looking satisfied, Setouchi stepped on the pedestal.】

“----Why are you suddenly standing up, Taichi?”


Fl.u.s.tered, Taichi sat back in his seat. Right next to the café is a big chain old book store. Those shelves are unusually tall and taking the works at the top requires a foot step. Probably, Setouchi is in that store now and without a pedestal she is in trouble. That was unexpectedly a “Dream Perception” that happened close to Taichi……

“Hey, Taichi.”

Huh, said Taichi and connected with a focus on Inaba’s face.

“Are you listening? s.p.a.cing out….. unless you. Did you see someone’s “dream”?”

Startled, he trembled.

“…….Does that mean you will go help in that? Hmph, this bulls.h.i.+t b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

Showing her unpleasant feelings, Inaba poured poison on Taichi.

Since when, was Inaba like this. After starting dating her, practically didn’t happen I think.

“Say Taichi.”

Inaba confirmed the bill on top of the table beginning preparations to go home.

“If there is a difference in the ways of thinking, whether to date or not is a different story?”

Their eyes did not meet. Inaba’s gaze was deceiving at hand.

“Things about me, things about the future, are you properly thinking about them?”

Not driven by violent emotions but calmly, Inaba only asked the question.

The unpleasant silence heaved between the two. Isn’t there a huge wave concealed behind this small one?

Dating someone to Taichi was the first time. That is why he doesn’t have experience in that. But emotionally in this atmosphere, how soon, the “let’s break up” is announced, it isn’t strange, he thought.

Inaba stood raised her back and continued, Taichi also stood up.

“Say Taichi, I like you.”

It doesn’t look like she is embarra.s.sed, Inaba dispa.s.sionately said. It is only as it is.

“And….. Do you really like me?”

In that moment, Taichi was confused at the way to answer that.

----That confusion was mistaken, all of it.

The side of Inaba’s face became pale before his eyes. The colours of despair were steadily soaked.

“No…..Inaba, that was a mistake. I with out a doubt like ----whoa!?”

Inaba covering her eye, looking practically she is going to punch, forcefully stuck out her fist. Taichi caught that fist and Inaba pushed the money to him.

Inaba slightly lowered her head, with a b.u.mp, her forehead hit Taichi in the chest.

It faintly smelled of the remains of the summer, a smell of a girl.

Even though Inaba is this close. Even though her body is entrusted to me. There is a feeling that like the s.h.i.+mmer of hot hair, she will disappear in front of my eyes.

Taichi looked like touching with his hand and Inaba quickly drew back her body.

Not making a sound. Taichi succ.u.mbed to his irritation. But he could not think of a sensible line to say.

“…..How should I put it, I’ll pay for the bill toady. I invited you out.”

Taichi said. Inaba made a broad smile and shook her head.

“It’s good. Because we’re enemies, I can’t take something like a bribe.”

The exchange as a couple in love is over, from now on it is an exchange between enemies. They were pulled into that sort of line.

“I like you, Taichi. That is why I am really crushed.”

---For example, even if it ends up breaking up with you.

They were together until the station and Inaba separated from Taichi as he takes his route home.

Being told those words from Inaba, the body became indecisive.

If there is a chance for something, it looks like it will be destroyed completely. While riding the train, the head was still s.p.a.cing out and could not work well.

Walking out of the fare gate, quickly---- and there.

was standing.

Taichi has been used to taking this road countless times. Because it was as if he naturally slipped in to that scenery, at first Taichi thought whether it was an impostor.

But Gotou Ryuuzen’s figure cannot be mistaken, however it was not Gotou Ryuuzen but a different existence.

For a long time, he was worried but in this way forcibly use a “body”, is Gotou’s physical body and life alright?

“…..Somehow, this time you appear quite often, in front of me.”

Taichi said to with the languid figure of Gotou Ryuuzen.

“……Is that what you think…..? Well, it actually is like that though……”

Taichi thought whether it’s good to be talking to each other t a place with a normal amount of traffic. But, if he makes sure carefully, it was a place close to a parking lot with very few pedestrian traffic. Perhaps this was merely falling in his plan.

“Is there something, you’re aiming for appearing in front of me?”

“No…..well…..how should I put it…… An important thing….. I have feeling it seems like I will find it.”

“An important thing?”

Whether speaking about the truth of something important, Taichi antic.i.p.ated. But, immediately it was a wasted hope and gave up. Anyhow, here even if he says “Ahh….. I should not have said that and ended up regrettably saying it…..”, the conversation is suppose to stop. ----And, even though thinking that.

“Ehh…… I did something awkward…..Huh? Ahhh, it will go well…..huh? If that key…….is seeing Yaegas.h.i.+-san……wouldn’t you understand…..?”

was seriously answering the question. That is, different from the usual .

“Why, me and the key?”

“No, well, it’s that kind of feeling…… manner of speaking…..Ahh, but….... Could it be that….., what is it? If it’s me making expression……Is it because Yaegas.h.i.+-san and I are…… similar?”


Myself and ?

“No, hey….. wherever you look, it won’t become like that. We are not similar to the end.”

When I was told An existence that humans don’t understand is similar to me, it is a creepy feeling.

“Ahh…. As I thought, the way I said it was mistaken…… but it is how it was said. ……And, why am I here…… Ahh. I came here to encourage you…… Do your best.”

Cheering? The purpose of his actions, I completely don’t understand.

It’s obviously < heartseed=""> until now has a differing incentive to take action.

“Well…..I’m staying here to long and awkwardly being caught….. I want to avoid it…… shall I go?”

“Being caught….? Who are you talking about…..huh, hey. ……Ignoring me?”

Selfishly appearing, selfishly talking, and then selfishly leaving.

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