Kokoro Connect

Chapter 7 - Under the Starry Night

Chapter 7 - Under the Starry Night

On the day of the school trip, the cla.s.s met at the pre-designated location at the airport.

Taichi was seen out by his sister saying, "Please get the souvenirs for me and the family! The souvenirs for me are expensive!". On his way, he met up with his friends from cla.s.s, Watase, Sone, and Miyagami, and they headed to the airport together.

They thought they have arrived too early, but there were surprisingly many people who have arrived early. Taichi and the others a.s.sembled with everyone from their cla.s.s and dropped off their luggage.

“Why did you bring so much stuff?”

Watase asked Sone. Sone carried a large Boston bag and on his back a backpack.

“I brought manga. If there is a chance, I will have a discussion on manga with you.”

Sone smiled broadly and Watase hit the bag with his hand.

“Ohh, isn’t that great! If there is something to talk about on the school trip, the topic is able the girl you like but, for one day, it will be nice to have a late night old men’s talk!”

It looks like Sone, the type who does not appear in the open, hasn’t exchanged a glance with Watase, a generally popular character, but they mutually have an interest in manga and are friendly with each other.

As it approaches the time to meet up, people are gradually gathering. The baseball club’s Is.h.i.+kawa, Nagase, Kiriyama, Nakayama, Kurihara, came to Taichi and other’s side.

“The group of girls not in their uniforms is gorgeous, huh? It has the feeling of the school trip arriving, huh?”

Seemingly like it was on purpose, Miyagami gave a few push to his gla.s.ses and whispered.

Prepared to head to the north, everyone are wearing slightly thicker clothes.

“Where are you feeling that it is a school trip? I won’t disagree with the gorgeous part though.”

From now on, they will be off campus lessons, but staying overnight with everyone will be special.

Coupling the cheerful and excited atmosphere together, even though it is early in the morning, everyone’s expressions relaxed twenty percent more.

“I’m going to go to the toilet so take care of my luggage.” “Ah, me too.” Said Miyagami and Sone, and the two went to the opposite direction so Taichi gathered the luggage to the side.

“Three nights four days in Hokkaido! I’m so excited…..!”

Nakayama, who was snorting, was shaking her body.

“Nakayama-chan. Your partner on this school trip is a fine boyfriend, so you’re extremely excited.”

Kurihara said while looking at Is.h.i.+kawa who was coincidentally beside her

“Yu, Yu, Yukina-chan!? I’m still not that open about that area,!”

“Eh!? Nakayama, Who are you dating!?”

Watase immediately asked but Nakayama denied with a broken speech, “It is still a secret! Still!”,

By the way, beside them, trapped in a refuge from the gazes, Is.h.i.+kawa stiffly scratched his cheek.

Taichi looked at Kiriyama’s direction. And, Kiriyama was also similarly looking at Taichi. They exchanged looks.

Giving those two a small push from the back and they became happy. That alone, to Taichi was a feeling that cannot be described. It seems like he can accept his own existence.

“Even…..Nakayama? I really want to hurry as much as I can as well. I will get on this strange Love Boom trend!”

Watase tightly clenched his fist.

And, Nagase, who didn’t join the surrounding chatter, came closer to Taichi.

“Is it ok?”

Turning their back to the others, Nagase asked.

“What is?”

“It is getting close to the peak of the Love Boom and isn’t there a lot of consultations with Taichi?”

“…..Well, I guess.”

It was as Nagase said. Up until the day before, swarms of people saying, “I want to take part in the consultation.” “It’s because it’s superst.i.tion” came to Taichi. Of course, there were many people who were really hoping for an answer for only superst.i.tions, but there were also the sort of people who may have heard the rumor and until they receive an answer they won’t confess. There were those whose answer were withheld and each one begged, “Hurry up. There’s no more time.”

“It feels like a critical point here. Be careful.”

“Nagase, are you our ally?”

After with a glancing confirming with Kiriyama, Taichi asked.

“I’m not your ally…..I wonder. But also not your enemy. I just don’t want something serious to happen. But after anything like that happening, I will be too late.”

Nagase definitively said that she is not an ally. At the same time, she said that she is also not an enemy. At first glance, it is indecisiveness and in reality, it feels like she has thought about things carefully.

“Perhaps I should say, it’s upright though.”

Nagase murmured.

“Tough, you said?”

“That’s because -----”

【A boy. Certainly it’s a boy from cla.s.s A. Inside the airport. The boy was tugging on his luggage. A cord was stretched. The bag’s cord was caught in the door. The boy tugged on it vigourously. It was free. A pleased face surfaced.】

------ From deduction from the “Dream Perception” just now, it looks like the cord of the boy’s bag was caught in the door and he is in trouble. Is it nearby? It’s better to go and help him. Taichi’s gaze wandered around.

And, in front of him, Nagase closed her eyes and tightly grabbed her forehead. It is understood that from that action, the “Dream Perception” has also happened to Nagase. And then it was the timing.

“…..Was it a guy from cla.s.s A?”

Taichi asked and Nagase with a scowl face nodded.

While her head was lowered after nodding, Nagase for a brief moment did not move. And then after she raised her head and says.

“In this case, the circ.u.mstance is that we know someone requires help. Even I, it looks like it was the same with Taichi.”

Hidden by her long hair, he couldn’t see Nagase’s expression from the side.


Taichi tried to take action immediately. However, Nagase did not try to move.

Even though they saw the same “dream”. Even Nagase, knew someone else’s desire. That---.

“That guilt, it’s quite there huh? Whenever it is heard from others, thanks to Taichi and Yui, sort of talk and being asked “Is it ok with you?”.”

----accompanied with pain. Taichi himself didn’t try to understand the agony of Nagase and the others. Now after such a long time, he noticed it. Because they themselves were worried by wondering to what extent they will intervene with “Dream Perception”, it was serious and the other three people is a.s.sumed to ignore which was misunderstood as carefree.


“Well, leave that guy alone.”

Seemed like a joke, she made an action of leaving aside something that cannot be seen like a mime.

“…..According to something I heard, Taichi. Is Fujihsima suspicious of us?”

Thud, already taken one hit, he felt that he was strike with another hit.

“Does she……know?”

“That, it is probably bad.”

Nagase a.s.serted.

“An outside party knowing about the “phenomenon”, it would be hard to think that they will leave it alone. “Something” will be done by that guy. And I don’t know what that “something” is. …..Be cautious.”

The school trip seemed to have become something that Taichi has no way to be only allowed to enjoy and he can’t be careless.

Before departure, Taichi went to the washroom.

“Ah, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun! Could you come here for a bit!?”

And, as he came out of the washroom, a girl from a different cla.s.s called him. Probably Setouchi’s friend and he has talked to her a little before. A girl with a showy appearance.

“Well~, it’s great to have caught you! I’ve been wanting to consult with you for a long time, I thought though you see~”

“There’s still a little time but….. Now?”

“Yeah, now now! Quickly solve it!”

The girl’s mood was considerably light. According to that kind of mood smoothly explaining to Taichi, it appears that that girl is dating a boy right now but has been confessed to by another boy.

“And, Nakajima and Makihara, which one is more suited for me? Which one really likes me, do you know about it? I heard from rumors saying that you can.”

“That sort of circ.u.mstance is not good I wonder…… Perhaps I should ask, aren’t you dating Nakajima now? Why are you talking about being indecisive?”

“Well, well. If that’s the case~”

“Don’t you like your current boyfriend?”

“I like him, that is. But if I was told by a guy, “I like you” who’s likability isn’t too bad, then I became liking that boy. Now, my boyfriend also said “I like you” so I became liking him.”

A light way of saying it. But, Taichi thought that it was certain that a kind of truth has been revealed.

Because she was told “I like you” then she “likes him”. That is perhaps the train of thought about the correct feelings as a human being. However, if one tries to think about the morality of that logic, then that person would be puzzled, a evil cycle.

“…..I will probably understand to a certain degree if you give time to me about the compatibility problem. But, how much time it will take, I don’t know. The answer not given has happened, but.”

Taichi gave an understandable answer on the spot. “That will be troubling. Giving a response before the school trip, the person who was confessed to was told that, that person will have hopes. Because of that, huh? So, which one should I turn to?”

There was a feeling that the girl has mistaken Taichi for a fortune teller.

“In the end, should the persons themselves decided…..”

“That is why if I could decided, then I would have decided. I couldn’t so I came to consult you. Which one do you think? Ah, this conversation is off the records, off the records. That’s because I can rely on your tight lips.”

“But, only yourself can decided which one……”

Which one ? That means a sudden question about the appearance of the correct romance. However hasn’t a similar situation happen to myself? Nagase or Inaba? Which one will you choose? ….’’’Which one will you choose?’’’ At first, I chose Nagase myself ---- After I noticed that the ideal situation was pushed on me but. Because I know that Nagase and Inaba have feelings towards me, I made an expression towards one of the two.

It’s not an idea of who do you like the most or who do you like more than the other, it is thinking about which one. As though, you are presented with a choice and you only choose, like a role playing game.

Now after all this time, I am questioning my own morality.

Because you were told “I like you”, then you have feelings for the other. Becoming liking the other.


“Eh, ah. My bad.”

Taichi entered his own world. He tries to change over but it did not go well.

Ahhh, what’s with this? My head is not spinning properly. I don’t know whether it is correct on how to deal with this. Already, hurry up. ----If can hurry up and see the answer from the “Dream Perception”, it would be easier.

“Hey, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun?”

Taichi couldn’t answer immediately. However, the girl looks like she wants an answer immediately.

There’s quite a bit, of guilt----, in a situation where you know someone’s trouble and escape from it? Thanks to Taichi and Yui, every time you listen to someone’s story, it looks like you are asked, “Are you the ok for this?” ---. As a person who gives somebody their hand, it cannot be done. That is the duty as a person who lends their hand.

What should I do? Ahhh, I see. Is it ok if I answer with determination? Make a judgment, by myself.

And then at that time, since the start of the phenomena, of the many consultations I have taken charge of, this time is the first time I can think of where I am in a situation where I make a decision based on “myself”.

Let’s do it. I can do it myself. With my own determination, an answer.

Is the advice to myself, to other people, able to be convincing?

----It isn’t.

With that fact, in front of Taichi’s eyes, it became pitch black ---.

But at that moment, in front of his eyes, the girl he was consulting with became two people……No. This is.

【A girl is there. It is the girl Taichi was consulting with. The girl was with a boy. The two were flirting. They looked like a couple. The boy is, Makihara --- the boy who confessed to her so she came to consult about it just now.】

“…..Well, if it’s already impossible then it’s ok but.”

I don’t want her to be disappointed in me. I don’t want to her think that I couldn’t do it.

I can see, the answer. What the girl is thinking herself, her desire…… That is what I can find out from “Dream Perception”. She can’t know it herself but. Her real thought is that. That is why, I shall giver her nothing but a small bush from the back.

I will carry out my duty and do what I can do.

“…..Makihara, I guess?”

“Hokkaido~~~~~~~! So huge~~~~~~~~~!”

“…..Not having any embarra.s.sment saying that, you are amazing.”

Kurihara was amazed at the excited Nagase.

“Nah, it will be awkward if I don’t say it once. Don’t you agree, Nakayama-chan?”

“Yeah yeah. Yukina-chan, say it say it! And also Yui-chan too!”


“If it’s embarra.s.sing, Yui won’t do it.

From the airport together, the second year cla.s.ses from Yamabos.h.i.+ High School next split into busses and boarded them and were transported to their destination. During their ride, the one straight road going for ever and the vast agriculture use land raised everyone’s excitement, but for about one hour of being rocked by the bus, they got off. Right now in front of them is a wide and magnificent gra.s.s field that “This Is Hokkaido” should be said. Everyone has reached their peak of excitement.

I wonder if Inaba and Aoki from the different cla.s.s is the same, Taichi thought by chance.

“I thought about it when we arrived on the plane but as I thought, the air is cold right?”

Nakayama said and immediately Nagase got into the conversation and fooled around.

“A cold breath! Fuuuuuuu~~~!”

“Oh,Ohh! Iori let out a breath that is for sure zero degrees!?”

Anyways, it looked fun.

“Wow~Wide~. How many soccer fields? Like this, how many Tokyo Domes can fit here?”

“If you don’t try it, you won’t know. Yes…..Yahooo~~~~~~~~! …..I could hear it. I could hear it now!” “You misheard.”

Watase and the boys were in a good mood.

“No no, saying “Yahooo!” is extremely childish. Right, Yaegas.h.i.+?”

“Your “how many Tokyo Domes” is about the same.”

“It was only understanding the basics. ….And, isn’t your excitement low? Car sick?”

“Huh…..is that so?”

Patching things over while laughing, Taichi actually felt that.

At the airport before departing this morning, the girl he took up the consultation with. He was worried that whether the answer was, too easy.was certainly thinking of getting along Makihara. That is why he suggested something like that. But, saying why, he doesn’t know what her boy friend is thinking now. Generally, is it good to exchange your current lover because you were confessed to by another lover…..?

“Is there something on your mind?”

That was also unexpected. Taichi has a matter where he is withholding the answer where he was consulted on. He would probably be contacted by some people.

“There is but…..”

“Hey Yaegas.h.i.+”

Watase grabbed Taichi’s head and shoulders.

“The sky!”

Said Watase and Taichi with a push his head faced upwards.

In front of his eyes was a deep blue sky spreading out. If there’s an expression, it is painting whose beauty, even if it is only one colour “blue”, the gradation from the different shadings, cannot be put into words. Here and there, there are round mochis stuck close together stretched across. The attractiveness from those clouds comes to mind.

“Gra.s.s fields!”

The thinly brown colour started to change into a green carpet but it was on the level where the land continues to the ends. It was spread all over across the surface and it wavered in the wind. The plain, which continued to the end of the world, makes one think of wanting to run across the place where you can go.


If one changed their sights to the left side, the beautiful white bark of the trees and the yellow leaves swaying were crowded together. The trees were a little thin and there was not overbearing atmosphere given off from the deep forest. It looks like being wrapped by a kind and carefree person.

“And then the air! Yes, deep breath!”

The clean and clear air drove all of the waste acc.u.mulating inside the body out…… It felt good……

“……Isn’t there an animal stink?”

“…..Yeah, I also thought of it after saying it. It looks like there are ranches nearby.”

While Watase was saying, well, missing the conclusion and I’ll leave it, he let go of Taichi’s head.

“How is it? Aren’t you feeling better?”

Thinking that it is extremely simple is irritating but undoubtedly it is as Watase said. A gloomy heart like the sky has become clear. I must enjoy the school trip.

“Ohh, in front of nature, my own worries are all trivial.”

“Hey hey……that smell of gra.s.s. Without thinking, it is on the level of choking.”

“Shut up.”

Somehow, isn’t it embarra.s.sing?

Taichi and the others visited a center where they can learn about environmental problems on the first day’s first trip. Next, they headed to the aboriginal museum.

The lifestyle of the men and women of the aboriginals were reproduced as a community on the side of a lake. Houses with thatch roofs were lined up and plants that were used as medicine and food a long time ago were grown. A boat that was carved from a big tree was floating on the lake. Also, the exhibition corner was also complete. So far, the place was not very big and the cla.s.s had free time without making groups inside the facility.

Taichi went with Watase, Sone, and Miyagami as well as another of boys.

“Hey, there’s a bear, a bear!”

A person saw the bear kept inside the pen and said.

“Bear…..Why?” “Let’s all go.” “Bear……Kiriyama is undoubtedly strong at Karate. I wonder if she can win against a bear? How about it Yaegas.h.i.+?”

“….. I wonder, 8 vs 2?”

“Against a bear it is “2”!? It’s not a person!”

Well, of course it was a joke but.

“Oh, Thanks, thanks, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun.”

At the moment Taichi tried to move, a boy from another cla.s.s called him. His hair was dyed. If one were say so that it’s easily understood, he is a flashy type of boy. His att.i.tude towards people is good and knows many people. Taichi has also talked to him a few times (Often teasing related to Taichi’s girlfriend).

“How’s your plans with Inaba-san on the school trip?”

“Well, it doesn’t seem like anything particular….”

“Uh-oh…..in some kind of fight? It’s not bad if there isn’t. Even if you and her getting bored with each other.”

Up till there is an awkward, situation probably. Certainly, Taichi couldn’t have a conversation with Inaba, not even able to text or phone her.

Trying to look at her directly is uncomfortable but Taichi was slowly engrossed in it. …..I get it, it’s an extremely dangerous situation now. If I screw up, then it is possible for us two to break up. But, there for I will say, I can’t give up the path I walked down now. I won’t turn, that is.

“Anyways, the topic is different but. The evening of the day after tomorrow, you see, we’ll be exploring in Sapporo. It’s Ok for us to eat what we like. At that time…… there’s a certain plan but.”

Suppressing his emotional voice, while cautious of his surroundings, the boy said.


“Yeah, plan….. “Sapporo nighttime free exploration time plan”, that sort of thing. Well, during the Sapporo exploration, we will ignore the group and let’s play with the guys we like.”

“…..huh, it’s not good to ignore the group.”

“You’re wrong. I’m saying let’s make time where we can have time as a couple with the girl you are going out with. Friends.h.i.+p is important, but you see, as one would expect time for a couple in love is also important. The entire grade is having this framework. The person who one can confess at that timing, will probably be there.”

“But the people not taking part…..”

“Those guys will gather up with those guys and will get excited! I have a feeling. So, will it go alright?”

“I get what you’re saying. But….. will it go alright, what are you saying?”

“Well, I’m saying it’s to make sure with the founder of romance presently, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun.”

“You’re exaggerating. What do you want to make sure with me?”

“Honestly, I want authorization. I think everyone wants that but are hesitating, saying “Is everyone also really doing it?” But if they have Yaegas.h.i.+-kun’s authorization….. Everyone will stop hesitating!”

“That’s why, I’m saying you’re exaggerating.”

“I’m not exaggerating – It’s that, you really have that sort of influence over them?”

Influence. My own influence. …..Is this, “my own” power?”

“Because it is the long awaited school trip, everyone wants to make memories.”

“But, certainly….. isn’t it completely free time on the last day in Otaru?”

“That’s during the day. It is something different at night-“

The boy did not let down his broad smile. Whatever Taichi says, the boy can’t see anything but his own distorted a.s.sertion.

“Hey, everyone will be happy for sure. If they can make it to the gathering time, it’s not like there will be any trouble to anyone else.”

Everyone being happy and there won’t be any trouble caused to anyone else.

If one were to try thinking about only that logic, then there will be no reason to deny it.

It is not the same as the thinking about the things happening to Taichi and Kiriyama now.

“…..Well, if there are a lot of people wanting to do that, then, not a big deal, isn’t it ok?”

“Oh, really, a go sign! Well, is it ok to tell everyone about that?”

“Are you going to use my name?”

“Of course right? If not, the effect will weaken! Even so, you won’t be blamed for the crime of the plan? The ones proposing the plan is me and the other guys. Yaegas.h.i.+-s.h.i.+ is only a curator!”

Crime. Taichi had gooseflesh from that word.

Am I committing a terrible offense now?

Until now, have I been continuing making a contradiction?

“Well, I’ll leave you with that. Also take care of Inaba-san~.”

Saying that, the boy left.

“…..Taking care of Inaba, huh?”

Really, I think that if I neglect my girlfriend then what are we doing for a long time.

The next morning, the cla.s.s had an experience in agriculture and in the afternoon, they had a horse back riding experience and a livestock farm experience. Everyone individually partic.i.p.ated in their choice for their educational experience.

The agricultural experience was finished and in the afternoon, Taichi’s choice was rafting, in a gum boat, and going down a river with rapids.

First, they made preparations before they head for their experience. They wore a dry suit and a lifejacket. Their preparations are completed wearing a helmet and carrying a paddle.

“This overdone preparations…..It feels like entering the army huh? Salute!”, said Sone as he fools around.

The route was from the hill to the riverside. They started from the place they carried the gum boat to. One group had six people (+ one instructor). Taichi and the others carried a gum boat which is a size where seven people can sit in two rows. While walking, in the beginning, Watase and Miyagami said, “Somehow, this feels like an exploration!” “No, it’s an expedition!” “No, exploration!” “Expedition!”. They had an argument about something that Taichi did not care a bit. (In the end, Taichi suggested “adventure” and an agreement was established. Was that ok?).

Once again, they received warnings and instructions from the instructor and confirmed their shouts and actions. At last they headed out. They got on the gum boat and floated on top of the river. There was a feeling of the waves. .h.i.tting from meeting the river’s movement but the gum boat surprisingly has an image of holding together.

“Woah, aren’t we floating! Let’s go, onwards!” “When I think it’s stupid kid-like, then it’s super thrilling!”

From the bottom of everyone’s heart, they seem to be having fun.

The width of the start point was probably about 20 meters. Right now it was calm, but as we progressed down, there were places where the flow was considerably swift. The river banks for the entire way had an overgrown forest continuing and it had a nervousness like going through a primitive land.

“Are you scared, Yaegas.h.i.+?”

Beside him, Is.h.i.+kawa asked.

“Well….. If one were to fall in and swept away straight down…..you would reach the Sea of Okhotsk?”

“That kind of negative thinking!” Said Watase interrupting.

“Hah! Right now, it is certainly like Enjouji’s negative thinking…….”

“Who’s Enjouji? Well, if you fall in, I’ll help you.”

“I, Is.h.i.+kawa, so cool! This school trip, You’ll also get a girl friend!”, shouted Miyagami.

“Well, too late ….. It’s not something to talk about on the water.”

Knowing that Is.h.i.+kawa and Nakayama are dating, what sort of response will the group of boys make?

Gradually the rapids increased. The bad rolled on the current. Going over the natural difference in level, the water sprayed on to their faces.

That is the truly nature’s rollercoaster. It was something that the entire body can feel the natural dynamics. That is……

“It is an exciting and thrilling adventure!”

“Ohh, Yaegas.h.i.+’s excitement is announced! What’s more, it’s like a second rate slogan for a ride in an amus.e.m.e.nt park!” shouted Miyagami.

“It’s, it’s good but don’t really care.”

From the halfway, they used the paddle and splashed water into other boats. This sort of game was suggested by the instructor. Intended for school groups coming for a trip, it seemed like this was in the program originally.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey! Stop splas.h.i.+ng water!”

Unexpectedly, if you can say that, Sone made a considerable ha.s.sle and was violent. Whether it was a boy or a girl, he did not mind and swung his paddle around.

“…..That guy, if you can see him as gentle and fair, then he is the type who changes his personality.”

Watase swung from the back and whispered to Taichi.

And, from the back, someone’s voice can be heard. At the same time, there was a present of a boat from his back. The boat from behind had speed. Wasn’t that the girls’ boat. And then, they crossed paths.

“Evil acts will be punished! Hyahhh!”

Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko splashed a violent amount of water pinpointing Sone.

“Good bye!” as she said that, Fujis.h.i.+ma riding her boat left.

“Wha…..What is with that kids with that way of cutting the river’s water and the way she shows her snapping her wrist…..! A girl without brute strength can act like that…..!”

The instructor was struck with admiration. That was some potential.

“Fujis.h.i.+ma-san….. As I expected, is an extremely interesting kid! So wonderful!”

“That is quite the sensibility of Watase, who is connected with that wonderfully.”, whispered Taichi.

“Cough, cough….., I should ask, what is with that amount of water!? I thought it was falling from the boat! If I drown what will you do for me!”

“It’s alright. If it is you, at any time, at any place, you will be able to float.”

“Do you want to say that because I have fat that I will float!? For sure if I breath out all of the air in my lungs I will sink!”

“You won’t sink….. The main point is that you have been wearing a lifejacket up until now…..ah.” “Ah”

Kiriyama was riding the boat that Taichi and the others were just about to try splas.h.i.+ng at. Suddenly, their eyes met.

He froze a little and then laughed at Kiriyama’s evil plot when it surfaced on his mind.

“Take this!”


…..The amount of water Kiriyama lifted was something else.

Taichi completed the course. While feeling the good sensation of exhaustion, he went down and stood on land. He returned to the gathering spot and after finished changing, there were still a little time before leaving with the bus.

“Hey, let’s go explore around her.” “I thought we agreed to adventure just now!?”

Saying things like elementary school kids, Watase, Miyagami and the others took a walk.

Taichi was also with them as they started the walk. Suddenly, he noticed Kiriyama was there.

Kiriyama was a little off the path and was standing on the side of a cliff about three meters high. Below that became a rocky area. Beside there were plants growing densely but the wind blowing from the front side seemed to feel good. For some reason or other, Taichi went closer.

Kiriyama had a towel tucked in her hair. Tap-tap as if she was gently tapping, wiped her hair

“Look-, my hair got wet-. …..how should I put it, Taichi, are you alright? Sorry, it was really fun, so I probably went overboard.”

“Undoubtedly, I terribly was the victim but….. It’s already dry so it’s alright. Well, there wasn’t any chance to return the favour so I think it was unfortunate.”

In the end, he said it like a joke. Kiriyama was on purposely proud of going with the flow with that.

“Hmmhmm. Being able to hit Taichi, if iy was me, I would should how to dodge it.”

Kiriyama showed a calm smile. Until now, seeing Kiriyama with a calm expression seemed to have been driven away by “Dream Perception” so it had a feeling that it has been a long time.

But, it was short lived and in the next moment, a shadow fell on that smile. Kiriyama made sure in front of her sight and a girl lip-synced trying to convey “I leave it entirely with you” was there.

Kiriyama said leave it to me and raised her hand. However, her expression became depressing.

“…..Even so, you laughed huh? As the Love Master, and with the consultation job.”

Even though Taichi was not on the level of popular, he was called that by one part of Kiriyama.

“Even people came to ask me about plans for tomorrow, so Taichi as well probably?”

Tomorrow’s time in Sapporo was decided as a group which crumbled into free time plan.

“Well, I guess.”

“Perhaps, you probably gave an okay, was it Taichi? Because I was told that, I also said “Why not?” but….. No, it was hard to say it.”

“If they stick to the time we are meeting, it probably will be alright after. What’s more is that everyone seems to want to do it.”

After being depended on by the boy from before, Taichi was asked about the same thing by numerous people.

“Seem to want to do it, you said….. ……Well, it can’t be helped?”

Hah, Kiriyama let out a sigh. Was letting out a sigh now because Kiriyama gave up on something?

“We are preoccupied with other people’s romance but….. I really….also can’t be satisfied with my own romance.”

She whispered with distanced eyes. He recalled someone’s expression from before that.

In the middle of thinking, inside Taichi’s head, he recalled Inaba’s image.

“I also, am the same…… Recently, I couldn’t be her boyfriend it seems. ….I couldn’t respond to Inaba’s thoughts well.”

Kiriyama had a face that looked liked she was looking for something from those words that flowed out likr water dripping, He looked hard at her.

“Taichi and me, we’re similar right?” “Similar ?”

“Yeah. ….You see, I think Aoki and Inaba are not mistaken about their true meaning of liking someone. But, I’m not different?”

Taichi was asked and he agreed inside his heart. Undoubtedly it was different. Then, how different?

“Because we became liking the other person, or something like that. There isn’t many reasons of that side?”

I myself like, Inaba. Then, why do I like her?

No, I know the reason for that. There are various reasons. I understand. I know.

---Ahh, but if I compare with Inaba’s thoughts, I can see the worse ‘fake’ in that.

Unable to return her words, Kiriyama conveyed “I get it” with her expression to Taichi.

“……That is why, I’m in doubt. Facing that Aoki, am I okay? I can’t returned that kind of thought so is that okay?”

The wind blew and disheveled Kiriyama’s long hair. Her still wet hair was stuck to the side of her cheeks and mouth.

“How should I put it…..yeah, it feels like we don’t counterbalance each other, in terms of something like the quant.i.ty of thoughts.”

Kiriyama was not certain saying it. There was no intention on that but, there was a feeling that Kiriyama was unconsciously requesting for help.

Taichi wants to, help in that. However, Taichi couldn’t give an answer. He couldn’t help.

That is, he is truly showing his very own carelessness towards Inaba.

Want to help. Want to do something. Want to make it better. But he couldn’t see that direction.

And then, he is faced with his own problem. He doesn’t know the thing he should do.

“Similar huh? Us two.”

The thing he can do now is to sympathize with Kiriyama. But , he thought that was like the truth.

Weakly short lived, Kiriyama smiled.

“Ah~ah. If we had a life without a weird phenomena happening, then unexpectedly Taichi and I might be dating. I feel that we are two of a kind.”

When I was sticking to my thought that I am correct, the person who was beside me was Kiriyama. Kiriyama placed her criticism on love under his arms and the side of her spirit is comparable to three supermen. If the phenomenon did not happen and we can continue our daily lives without standing against the storm, then in reality, it feels like that it could be possible.

That is why, I will give this answer.


“Is that so?”

A voice without any emotions was emitted and Taichi and his surroundings together were made frozen. Kiriyama also, while still with her mouth held opened, did not move. Sounds from stepping on the gravel ground were heard loudly. That was gradually approaching. And then from the other side of the dense foliage, a figure appeared.

It was Inaba Himeko’s.

Her expression was neither angry nor sad. Rather, Taichi thought which one was is. In that case, even though he knows the att.i.tude he should take himself now.

Inaba did not make any expression. She only occasionally twitches her face. That is for enduring to show her expression on her face.

“You….. no, you guys, that’s way you are thinking?”

“Wait, wait at minute, Inaba!? I don’t know since when did you listened to but it’s not like that!? A fict.i.tious ….. an example? A story!”

“It’s like that Inaba. The words from now were a figure of speech…..and. I like Kiriyama, I didn’t say something like that.”

Kiriyama and Taichi were fl.u.s.tered while explaining themselves.

The conversation right now, especially the last part, no more like the entire of it, Inaba must have heard it.

Why was Inaba here? Ahh, it was only after finished rafting and she was only looking for Taichi and Kiriyama. Generally, even he doesn’t know why Inaba chose the rafting. Honestly, there was no talk about that. Even though they were dating. However, it is because her way of thinking was different.

“Taichi and Yui turning into a weird relations.h.i.+p, I know that, you see.”

Inaba said in way without special attention.

“Yeah, yeah I guess.”

Inaba, as he thought, understands him well.

Taichi, feeling relieved, sighed, and.

“---- Are you stupid?”

He was spat at.

“What I heard just now…..you think that……even I won’t become worried?”

Somehow the scene was disguised as calm. But the tone of her voice was of her tearing up.

“Have you….. seriously looking at me….. seriously.”

Seriously looking. I intended to keep that in mind. It was because the time I was with Nagase, I couldn’t do that.

“Taichi……do you really…. ?”

Her mouth opened trying to spit out the last word was closed at that place inches before.

She sniffled once, and let out a big sigh to calm her down.

And then Inaba’s wavering emotion disappeared. Only an act, that could be possible.

“You….. you guys, are running away.”

“It’s not like we’re running away…..”

“At the very least, that is what I can see.”

After cutting of his words, Inaba with a small voice added “But the obligation, that could be said, isn’t me…..”

Inaba was kind, and then from somewhere her she smiled looking sad.

“On the school trip as well, you are probably going to be taking up love consultation. You have abandoned the things about yourself, the things about me.”

“I probably….. will take them but. I don’t plan on abandoning them.”

“Taichi, you are….. doing your best.”

Kiriyama nervously gave her support to Taichi.

Inaba made a calm face as if she noticed it. It can be seen that she is cool but in reality the calm att.i.tude of Inaba whose emotions were intense, made Taichi worried.

“I want to protect you though. But, You won’t protect me, the one person.”

“I…..everyone ---“

“That is choosing everything, but the reality of that is that you have chosen nothing. Especially in your case.”

Choosing everything is like choosing nothing at all.

Being called by her friends from cla.s.s, Inaba left the area without saying anything.

That day, their accommodation facility was a hot spring inn. Spending taking a bath and having dinner, it became time to go to bed. Taichi and the 4 other boys were in the same room and they spread the futons on the tatami which made their sleeping preparations completed.

‘Well, I won’t really sleep!”

Watase while still excited said.

“You have that look for ever since morning….. You retain your energy well…..” whispered Sone.

“That’s the difference between us athletic clubs and you non-athletic clubs. Right, Is.h.i.+kawa?”

“Yeah, well, probably.”

The soccer club Watase and the baseball club Is.h.i.+kawa compared to each of the others, the still did not show and tiredness.

“…..No.” Whispered Taichi and he fumbled on his phone and threw his phone.

“What’s the matter?” Taichi was asked by Watase and he answered with “No……nothing.”

He tried follow-up on today’s incident and sent a mail to Inaba but he did not get a reply.

What should I do myself…… he thought but it’s already not “what should I do” anymore. It is unlikely that from now on, there will be no way for him to march into the girls’ room, so he will wait for another chance tomorrow . And then….. it will alright.

“What kind of talk are we doing? A talk about love? Well then, Watase speak.”

Everyone else were wearing sweat room wear. Miyagami, who is wearing a Yukata which he supplied himself, said.

“The school trip is obviously a chance. There is also that weird love boom, so I want to start competing for Fujis.h.i.+ma-san….. But what can I do? It’s because the obstacles haven’t completely been cleared…..”

“Watase, you’re d.a.m.n reasonably good with girls and yet your true target is worthless,” Taichi commented.

“Ugh….. Interpret it as “That is for real” for me. That’s not it, my image…..”

“Your image has no such worth. About the same worth as Sone’s extra fat.”

“What did you say, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

“A champ huh?”

Watase and Miyagami started playing wrestling. Taichi friendlily watched but……

“Hey, if you’re going to do an arm lock then it’s the place to show the offense and defense of whether you will slip from the two hand clutch! Why are you handling an important spot so roughly! Ahh, even so, relying on power to return, what will you do! That sort of thing, the audience will not accept it! Be more creative!”

“……I don’t understand well but isn’t Yaegas.h.i.+ mad?” asked Is.h.i.+kawa to some extent with a favoring intent.

“Ah…… it just happened. Don’t mind me.”

As a pro-wrestling fan, his blood was excited.

“I mean, you were saying something about my fat…… Stop it……. I don’t feel like joining in the fight though…..”

Boom, as Sone lied down on his futon, Taichi and Is.h.i.+kawa continued to talk.

“Oh, well, I know Yaegas.h.i.+, has a girlfriend. How about Is.h.i.+kawa? You’re all about baseball and you don’t have the image for it, in terms of romance.”

“I have a girlfriend though.”

“Ahh, is that so. ,,,,,,,,,Huhhhh!? You have a girlfriend!?”

Sone hopped up into sitting in seiza. [1]

“”We must not overlook this!”” The two voices who were arguing just now combined together and crept up towards Is.h.i.+kawa. “Who!?” “Who!?” “When!?” “Since when!?”

“It’s a little one month before….. Because she doesn’t want to publically announce that she is my girlfriend, I didn’t talk about it.”

Is.h.i.+kawa looked in Taichi’s direction at a glance. Of course, Taichi kept his mouth shut and nodded. He will act as if he doesn’t know.

“It’s recent…..? While we’re talking about it, recently I’ve been getting along with Nakayama and heard that she has was talking about a secret….. Well, Is.h.i.+kawa and Nakayama, like that will happen! Who will confess to who! For sure that won’t happen!”

Watase said. …..Well, it did happen but. Looking like it appeared in his face Taichi, he adjusted himself to lying face down to deceive the others.

“Cards! Bring the cards here! The chips will be the thing for answering the designated questions!”

“Let’s play strip poker! …..come on, it’s cards! The target will be out favorite Is.h.i.+kawa and the runner up Yaegas.h.i.+!”

“I’m a target of an attack!?”

After a few hours ----, Miyagami proposed and started the late night card game tournament. The tournament ended with a history rare defeat for Miyagami

The next morning, thanks to the card game tournament, while rubbing his heavy eyelids, Taichi ate breakfast in the dining hall. He welcomed the simple j.a.panese food.

“You look tired, Yaegas.h.i.+. By the way, what are going to do for the morning today? It’ll be different than me.”

Sitting across from him was Watase who is still energetic. This guy, when will he become tired?

“”Ummm….. it seems like gla.s.s craftwork.”

“Ahh-, there was that. I, will be going to the mountains. Trekking.”

“I see.”

“Hey, hey, you spirit is so low. Return to your condition before today’s afternoon. The long waited Sapporo free time.”

When it is the Sapporo free time, the plan is to ignore the groups. Remembering that, Taichi became depressed.

And then it came, evening.

Each group split and it became Sapporo free time.

The time set out was from 4pm until 7:30pm. In that time, each group will be taking care of their dinner. The general idea is that the group activities will be easier to start when it is only five boys and five girl each in the group.

“I hope you will keep in mind the precautions and don’t cause other trouble. I hope you will adhere to the gathering time and come back safely.”

From the teacher directing it to everyone, he gave a brief warning and then they were dismissed.

“Boys with boys. Girls with girls. Yeah, yeah, sounds good huh? Hey you guys, even if you made a mistake, guys and girls joining together and we will go sightseeing with a five vs five mixer kind of atmosphere. I envy that…..that immoral action will not be forgiven as your homeroom teacher.”

Gotou Ryuuzens serve as the homeroom teacher of cla.s.s-B and towards the students, and said that sort of thing out loud.

“…..What happened, sensei?”

Representing the cla.s.s, the cla.s.s representative, Setouchi, asked.

“Oh, ohhh, Setouchi! Weill you listen to me story!? The truth is the mixer from before was horrible ----”

“As I thought, I’m good.”

“The rejection was quick!?”

Even if it was because of the sense of duty as the cla.s.s representative, annoying things are annoying it seems.

Taichi, as well as Watase, Is.h.i.+kawa, Sone, and Miyagami, departed together.

The weather was clear skies. One can say it is the ideal weather for an outing. It became night and it was a little cold. Just In case, one more jacket was put in his bag.

“…..How should I put it, from before. What happened to your plans for today?”

Watase stopped and asked Taichi.

“Me? I decided to be with you guys…..”

“Hey, hey Yaegas.h.i.+. Today you can ignore the group to have free time. What was the talk about the girl you want to go with go with her?”

“It’s because you and Inaba-san want to go flirt~! So jealous~!”


He tried to send a mail to Inaba today but there was no reply. In the morning, the place they chose were different so he was not blessed with a chance too directly meet

And, Miyagami turned his target to Is.h.i.+kawa.

“By the way, Is.h.i.+kawa as well! You didn’t tell me the name of your splendid girlfriend! Even if I win the match, you won’t tell me that in the end!”

“Is.h.i.+kawa, are you also going somewhere with that girl? Huh? She’s in the same year as us right?”

Sone asked.

“My girlfriend doesn’t want to spread it around…..”

Is.h.i.+kawa bent his large body looking like he is a little sorry.

“However, we are not planning to join up for the time now. It’s because it’s time to wander around as a group.”

“As expected of a monk” “Strait-laced!” “Baseball club!” “Our Is.h.i.+kawa!”

Miyagami and Sone alternating praised Is.h.i.+kawa with compliments.

“Well, it’s a different story for tomorrow in Otaru.”

“You stupid s.h.i.+t!” “Playboy!” “Ball playing club!””Out Is.h.i.+kawa is already gone!”

This time, they belittled him to their heart’s content. They’re busy guys.

“…..Hmph. Well, today, the truth is, I will join up with my girlfriend. So, I will leave for the last hour. Thanks.”

Miyagami without hesitation made a important announcement.

“…….huh? huuuuuhhhhhh? What was it you traitor!?”

Sone naturally raised his voice to a shout.

“Hmmm. Isn’t it ok? In any case, he’s joining up with a few girls from his club.”

Watase simply pointed out.

“…..Well, is like that but~”

“What. In the end Miyagami is a free gift?” said Sone.

“I’m not a free gift! I’m the main dis.h.!.+”

Glancing at the three, Is.h.i.+kawa talked to Taichi.

“So in the end, what will you do Yaegas.h.i.+?”

“I don’t……have any plans.”

Taichi straight forwardly said.

“Huh, oh really? So, in this group, the only one who is planning to split up is me? I have heard talks about quite a few others are going to split up though. Hmm, well in that case, I’ll pa.s.s on splitting up.”

Miyagami said and Sone, Watase, and Is.h.i.+kawa agreed.

“Let’s do that! Let’s do that! Leaving the group is forbidden for this group!” “The five guys here will burst with the power of friends.h.i.+p.” “I also think that we should go as it was decided.”

Of course, Taichi was the same .

“I also ---”

“That guy over there, you see, is it ok for me to borrow him for five minutes only?”

The voice of Inaba with a thirst for blood cut off Taichi’s voice.

The four boys except for Taichi instantly answered “Go ahead” to the Inaba who was looking at someone in a completely angry way.

Taichi was grabbed by the collar and was brought to an alley.

“Wait, a second….huh?”

Isn’t that Aoki and Kiriyama over there? Kiriyama looked uncomfortable and Aoki was making a stern face.

After a glance at the two there, Inaba violently let go of Taichi’s collar.

“Hey, how did it turn out like this!? Isn’t everyone saying they are going to ignore their groups and are acting as they like!? What’s more is that Taichi is the mastermind!”

“ Mas, mastermind!? There’s no way that…..”

However, since his own name was used for authorization, that interpretations isn’t weird? While thinking about that, Taichi explained the situation briefly.

“You fully exposed your good nature and your body was used……No, it’s not even your good natured. You only went with the direction that was easier…….!”

“Easier direction…..?”

“Dammit, well that’s fine. Anyways, can you overlook the action that ignores rules?”

Continuining, Aoki with a serious expression says.

“Taichi, and also Yui. Violating that sort of rule, is not allowed. What are you thinking? You two….. especially Yui, you hate that sort of thing right?”

Calmer than Inaba, but the blaming tone of voice did not change.

“What, what? Even if it is, it has nothing to do with you two.”

Yui rejected and Inaba instantly reb.u.t.ted.

“You probably do, entirely. You guys used the “Dream Perception” and became having strange influences on the school. With that influential power, you tried to break school rules. Where is it that it has nothing to do with us?”


Yui was stared at by Inaba and she cowered.

We know that it isn’t something that is entirely positive.

But coming this far, it isn’t something that we can back down in the end.

“…..I accept that there are rule that we should follow. But, when there are situations where breaking a few rules will have good results, there are?”

“Probably there are. In real life, situations where you should break rules do exist. But, what about now? Is it something that you must definitely do immediately?”

Of course, especially it’s not that.

“But…..certainly there are people who are happy. Because there won’t anybody causing trouble.”

“Yeah, yeah that’s right.”

Kiriyama gave her support to Taichi.

“Is that really true?”


“Can you really a.s.sert that? There is not even one person who is unhappy, really?”

“If everyone can wander around with the person they like …..”

“As a result of that, even if there people who can’t wander around with the person they want to go with appearing?””


Taichi was at a loss of words. At the same time, Kiriyama tried to say something but made her mouth mumble and also didn’t arrive at a word.

“Frozen it seems. How about your logic?”

With a s.a.d.i.s.tic smile, Inaba looked down at Taichi and Yui.

“Well then, I’ll ask you about things you know as far as that. What will you do? If you guys contact them and talk to them now, you will stop a few of them if not everyone.”

Kiriyama with a greatly perplexed look as if asking, what should we do, looked up at Taichi.

Stop them, and make them follow rules.

Don’t stop them and let them be free .

With two choices lined up in front of him, Taichi felt strange.

Why am I, the one who is in a situation to do decide this sort of thing? Who am I intending to be?

“…..I’m not the one to do that, that is for everyone to choose? It’s ok if there are people wants to go out with the person they like.”

“You’re still abandoning your responsibility uptil now!”

Taichi was roared at.

Abandoning his responsibility? Being told that is, outrageous.

“I’m not intending to that. If I need to say whether to stop them or not to stop them then I…..will not stop them.”


Kiriyama let out a surprised voice. Why? While thinking about that, Taichi continued.

“And, they should go with the people they want to go with. If it turns into a scramble, then in the end it will be a situation based on their own efforts. First of all, as I expect of that, there’s no way they will cause any trouble to anyone.”

“Isn’t that your d.a.m.n explanation for your own convenience?”

“I, also saw a “dream perception” today. Through that, it was a “dream” about wanting to make memories with the person they like.”

At the moment Taichi opened his mouth, Inaba’s expression showed a sorrowful colour. A face, with anger mixing with sadness without an answer, made Taichi waver. He thought that is it alright to make his girlfriend have that face.

“As I thought…… it’s useless with you. You can’t discard that part? Must you help the person in front of your eyes? Is that you, Taichi?”

Taichi was asked by Inaba. She threw her gaze straight at him. Taichi without running away, returned a gaze.

“Yeah, that’s right. I’m that kind of person.”

He a.s.serted.

Inaba finally argued back……but kept silent.

“…..Hey, Yui, is that ok with you?” Instead Aoki opened his mouth.


“Yui, is what you’re doing now, correct to you? Have you thought about it carefully yourself? Have you thought about it as your own problem?”

Aoki asked. By doing that, it looked like Kiriyama was encouraged to look for something by herself. That “something” is.


Taichi helped Kiriyama who was having trouble with a response.

“Haven’t we decided, that if some can be happy, we should do that?”

That is why, we are using the “Dream Perception”.

“That was what we decided at that time, but now…..I feel that it’s a little different.”

Kiriyama was wavering. In that case, Taichi decided to say the most important thing.

“It’s for the good of everyone.”

“You’re deciding for your own convenience that it’s “for the good of everyone”?”

Inaba said in a low voice.

“I didn’t force anyone.”

“Hey…..” after whispering, Inaba took a deep breath and exhaled all at once.

“That decision….. is your, is both of your intention there!? Are you prepared!? Are you decisive!? In the beginning there probably was! But how about now!?”

My own intention, preparedness, and decisiveness.

I, who have those, chose the path which I should continue. That is why I am suppose to go against Inaba.

“Say it! Try saying it!?”

That intention ---.

“But making someone happy is not mistaken.”

Is this, “intention”? Is that what it’s called?

For some reason, it looks like Inaba is more uneasy than angry to that answer.

“Listen, I beg of you…..please do it properly for me.”

There were no shades of blame. That was a voice of clinging on to. Inaba’s eyes wavered.

“Even if you are strong and cool in a pinch….. I know that normally if you are allowed to have power, you are no good at it….. Even so….I beg of you.”

Even if I’m in a pinch, I am strong and normally if I’m allowed to have power I’m no good at it. Am I that kind of person?

“Listen Taichi…..I” A pause in her words, Inaba made a sigh.

And then making a face that looks like she is prepared, she looked at him.

“’’Could you help me?’’”

I want to help Inaba. At the same time, I want to help everybody.

Wanting to help and wanting to help are fighting each other. I want to help either side. But, I can’t.

Which side will I help? What is the standard will I consider? Closeness? Numbers? Amount? Feeling?

In order to choose the correct way, I want a compa.s.s needle. It’s not anywhere. No, is that something one finds within oneself?

Then, inside me, that is -----

“That’s enough. If only we were quicker to say something…… We’re going Aoki.”

Inaba walked away. And then Aoki as well.

“I think that my opinion is correct. But I do accept that what Yui and Taichi said is an opinion that speaks the truth. But, this is……, completely different.”

Letting them know, Taichi and Yui could reply to him.

The five minutes were over and the four people in Taichi’s group waited for him.

“Oh, welcome back. Are your arrangements finished? Plans for sneaking out later?”

Watase asked.

“…..No, I’m not intending on doing that.”

Switching over, he kept in mind his usual att.i.tude. He wasn’t making a weird dark face…..he thought.

“Even though you are the troublemaker for today’s plan…..anyways, it’s alright.”


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