T/L: This is my first full translation (since it’s short). Those who have more comprehension in j.a.panese and wished to translate it, feel free to do so. I used this omake/spin-off of DD as my translation training. Here you go ^^

The household of Duke Armenia

AN: I will upload it bit by bit

Iris Lana Armenia

In this work, the main character is the Duke Armenia’s daughter. In game [You are My Princess], she appeared as the villainess n.o.ble lady. If you followed the storyline, in the Endings, on top of being disowned, she’s also fated to be imprisoned.
Her hair is silver colored, she inherited her sapphire blue eyes from her father. Though, she inherited her looks from her mother.

Berne Tashi Armenia

He is the eldest son in Duke Armenia’s household, Iris’s younger brother. He’s in the same academic year as Iris. All around the Academy’s, he’s always at the top rank. He got his hair color from his father. His light blue eyes are inherited from his mother. Even though he inherited his father’s hair color, thanks to his mother’s eye color, he got brighter impressions than his father.

Louis De Armenia

He’s the current head of Duke Armenia household, as well as a Prime Minister. His sapphire blue eyes are his unique characteristic. With his cold looks, his subordinates called “The Ice Prime Minister”. His trade-mark is his chocolate brown hair and a monocle.

Melrice Lese Armenia (Nickname: Merry)

The wife of Duke Armenia, called as “The Flower of High Society”. It’s not an exaggeration that a trend could be born with her remarks, that how powerful her influence is. There’s quite difference between her personality in her home and outside. Even though it’s political marriage, she’s completely smitten with her husband. As her nickname “The Flower of High Society” expected, her beauty too is yearned by other ladies. Her eyes are light blue colored resembling aquamarine.

House of Duke Armenia

This household’s head is serving as Prime Minister for generations. It also cla.s.sified as the Head of Aristocracy among other Aristocrats.
Dukedom of Armenia

It’s a territory south-east of Imperial City. It’s a constant spring at the North, The south area are part subtropical.
The east side is facing the sea, the southwest area are bordered by mountains and a rich territory.

[Excuse me, Mother]

[N? What’s wrong, Iris-chan?]

[Mother, which part of Father do you fell in love with?]

[Oh my…that is, everything. Well, that’s because no one else is as excellent as my darling husband]

[It’s true that Father is excellent at work, I think he’s a gentleman too, you know? But that’s not what I’m asking about; I thought…I could hear how you both fell in love. Because you see, I heard from the Queen Dowager that you always looked like you were smitten by Father since childhood]

[Oh my, Queen Dowager…. I’m embarra.s.sed now]

[And, in actuality, how did it go?]

[U~n… It’s a secret. It’s your Father and Mother’s secret]

[Eeh….Now I’m bothered about it]

[…Madam, The lord has returned]

[Oh my, my husband is? I need to welcome him back then]


[Yes, What is it?]

[Did you do it on purpose?]

[Such a dreadful thing it is, I haven’t done it]

[I see….Ah, Now I’m wondering about it. Father is the eldest son of the Head of Aristocracy, a future Prime Minister is an excellent a.s.set or so I thought…if it’s Mother she could easily breeze through it right? Even though, she could also marry into the royal family is what anyone would think of.]

[Are you implying that the Madam should marry into the Royal Family?]

[I didn’t say that. It’s thanks to Father and Mother’s marriage that I could be born. But, as a fellow female, I’m wondering about it!]

[I agreed]

[I wonder if I should ask Father next time…]

T/L: Okay. That’s it….If you have any corrections for this translations, feel free to tell me about it. Since I’m not really confident with my j.a.panese comprehension ability for literature things (v.v) See you =D


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