Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 23

Episode 23 Dating

This is the day of the appointment with Efil and Angela. We decided to meet in front of the central fountain in Perth. It sounds like a date. I mean it is a date.

“But why do I have to leave separately to Efil since we live in the same Inn …” (Kelvin)

I thought about going out with the Efil, “I"m still not ready, so could you go first?” has been suggested indirectly.  It was a smiling face, so I came to the meeting place first.

“Oy, Kelvin-san!”

As I turn to the call, I can see Angie-san coming here running. It is not a guild uniform of the workwear today but boyish pants that look good on a lively girl. Do not look good on her?

“h.e.l.lo, Angie-san, that clothing suits you well." (Kelvin)

“Thank you so much. What about Efil-chan?” (Angie)

“She said she was not ready, I do not know what keeps her” (Kelvin)

“Mu Mu, Efil - chan is trying hard.” (Angie)

A few minutes of waiting for Efil while talking with Angie. It seems that Efil came from over there.

“I’m sorry, I kept you waiting.” (Efil)

There was Efil wearing a straw hat with a wide brim and a pure white dress like her skin. When the wind blows, the hat is pressed, and her blond hair is fluttering. What was the throbbing of this chest? It is a combination that looks good in comics and novels, but it is strangely pounding in front of the girl that actually wears it. Usually, I only see maid clothes with an ap.r.o.n on a black background. Even with that gap she looks shining.

“Well, how about that?” (Efil)

“Oh, you look nice.” (Kelvin)

Efil blushes and looks down.  Another angel is in my company!

“Mmh, I guess I lost this.Efil is too cute” (Angie)

“Eeh! That’s absolutely not so!” (Efil)

One month ago, because Efil was not able to eat satisfactorily, it was very thin. Although it can not be said to be perfect yet, there was also a result of status improvement due to level up and Clare san’s nutritious meal, she is getting more flesh in her bones.

“Well, then shall we go to the candy shop?” (Kevin)

“Well … Kelvin-san, I’ve been thinking about it before, but why don’t you stop using honorifics?”  (Angie)

"What happened to you all of a sudden?” (Kelvin)

"To improve a relationship and get along, you don"t have to be polite forever. From now on Angie will do!!” (Angie)

“OK, is this alright, Angie?” (Kelvin)

“Okay, Kelvin!” (Angie)

Well, it is nice to get along well. That’s right, yeah. Let’s go to the candy shop.

“Well, there’s a lot more to it than I thought.”

“Same as taste, it seems to be selling a lot of variety.”

Angie and I were brought by Efir to the candy shop. It was a full-fledged dessert buffet beside selling sweets.  I sat down on the seat installed in front of the store and am taking impressions about the snack chosen by each.

“Yes, Master, Ahh”

Efil pierces the pound cake with a fork and turns to me. Efil is waiting, what is she doing?

“……? It’s always like this at the inn, isn’t it?” (Efil)

“Eh! Kelvin, are you always being fed by Efil!?” (Angie)

Angie, do not shout loudly outrageous things! There are people watching!

“Well, it’s different, only when tasting Efil"s cooking.” (Kelvin)

“Yes, I made him eat it” (Efir)

That’s just in the inn’s room! Before we knew it, it became the surrounding attention!

“Well, let’s eat it, as it is …”!  (Kelvin)

Angie"s shoulders are trembling.

“I can"t lose! Kelvin, see, Ahn”

She grabbed a cookie and turned it to my mouth.

“Well, it’s directly with the hand!?”

“And, oh, isn’t this pandemonium?”

“Isn’t that Angie san of the guild and Efil the housemaid?”

Oh yeah, a gallery started to gather. There are also a few adventurers who are familiar.

“Let’s eat the sweets after we return home!”  (Kelvin)

I propose while standing up and move the chair with a rattling sound. Please, both of you understand the situation around you! I cannot bear it.

“You will take her home with you!?” (Random Adventurer 1)

“Yey, the spring has come to Angie!” (Random Adventurer 2)

The gallery heats up further. There are also Angie"s acquaintances. It is useless, it’s too late……

"So, Master”

“Yes, Kelvin”

“Oh, yes, let me eat ….”

At that time I gave all up and tried to bite two sweets.

“When thinking it’s what crowd, don’t go down.” [TN Sorry, I don"t make sense of this sentence. Can someone help? 何の人だかりかと思えば、下らんな]

The cake that had been placed on the table was kicked off. "Gashan" loud noises resonate around. I hold Emil and Angie right and left and evacuate. Due to the crowds of people, the response to the sensation was delayed until just before.

“Well, what seems to be the problem so suddenly?” (Kelvin)

The word is polite, but I speak with a little intimidation. There are three people, a sneaky man with a luxurious appearance that seems to be the main criminal, and an entourage. It is one of the followers that kicked down the table.

“Wait low life. This is the greatest eastern power, Tabura-sama who is the prince of Triceen!”

Follower B shouts. Obviously, because it’s also a nasty thing…Kelvin was disgusted.

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