As dusk came, Erin was woken and dressed up by Anna. He was still sleepy at that time. So he didn"t react at all, as he got himself into another set of clothes. As he was going to be outdoors, this time Anna gave him pants, a shirt, and a cloak to wear, along with proper lingerie. The unfamiliar feeling of wearing a bra made him extremely uncomfortable. "I think I"ll have to get used with this!" He sighed.

After he got ready, Erin had a quick breakfast. After his breakfast, Richard came to his room. He, too, wore clothes which allowed free movement and a cloak as well. They started walking through the castle together. As they walked, everyone on their path bowed their heads in reverence. Erin was a bit startled at first, but he got used to it very fast. After all, next to him was the lord of this castle.

"So she is the princess? She is still a child!"

"Yeah, and did you see how our Lord protects her? She even doesn"t notice anything!"

"You are right about that. I am sure if anyone tries to make a move on her, he will be looking for his own death!"

There were small murmurs among the various creatures, but Erin couldn"t hear them.

Many races were living in the castle. Like half-vampires, trolls, orcs, and others. It was quite a unique experience for Erin. He was uneasy at first, as he saw those creatures for the first time, but somehow having Richard next to him gave him the feeling that he was safe, so he ignored his uneasiness.

Walking out of the castle, Richard used his hood to hide his face. Erin followed his lead and used it as well. "Let"s first see how fast she can run." Thinking so, Richard sped up through the forest. In the first moment, Erin didn"t react, but after a few seconds, he sped up as well, trying to catch up with Richard.

In about half an hour, Erin was already sweating and panting from exhaustion. Feeling that he couldn"t go anymore, he stopped and lay down against a tree. Seeing that, Richard stopped as well and sat next to her.

"Here, drink some," he handed a bottle filled with blood to Erin. Erin took the bottle but still hesitated. In the end, he decided to drink it. It wasn"t like he never drank blood before, so that should be normal from now on. He really tried to convince himself like that.

"Hmm, her speed isn"t bad, but she is a bit lacking in endurance, though that can be fixed. Not bad at all for a newly awakened vampire!" Richard thought. He looked at the girl before his eyes again. At that moment her face was flushed from exhaustion. She took small sips of blood, lazily laying against a tree. Her hair was dancing in the air. It seemed at some point in time, her hood fell down. He found it to be quite a captivating scene. Going to her, Richard rubbed her hair.

"Good job! Now take a small break. After that, we"ll look for some prey. I want to see your skills first."

Erin froze as his hair was rubbed. He blushed even more from embarra.s.sment. "What is the meaning of this? I am not a child! Why is he rubbing my hair?" He thought but didn"t resist. He was just too tired to even try.

Richard smiled as he saw the girl"s flushed look. It seemed like someone just bullied her, but he chose to keep silent. It was really funny how her thoughts were showing on her face, though it seemed like she didn"t notice that. He really wanted to pamper her. But to do that, he first had to change her thinking about the world and make her experience some setbacks. After she became stronger, he would pamper her to his heart"s content.

Erin, on the other hand, was thinking about the hunt Richard mentioned. He really wanted to quit, but he knew that was impossible. He started to pity the animals that would fall to their death in his hands, but there was no other choice.

"Alright, let"s start the hunting. Show me what you can." Saying so, Richard started walking again. Erin hurried to follow him, but this time, they were walking at a slow pace.

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