As they walked, they came across a camp of goblins. There were about twenty goblins in the camp. Seeing them, Erin frowned. It wasn"t like he never saw a goblin, but that was in games. Those were real, and they were disgusting.

"Alright, go and kill them. They are not a bad target for testing your skills," Richard said.

"O-Okay, I am going then." Hesitating a little, Erin decided to listen to Richard and kill the goblins. His canines and nails got longer and sharper, his eyes became crimson. At the next moment, he climbed up a tree and started searching for a good position to attack.

"Oh, so she already unlocked her bloodl.u.s.t ability. Not bad." Richard observed Erin, as he was trying to get to the goblins.

Erin concentrated. He tried to remember the feeling that he had when he was hunting before. As he began to trust his instincts, his bloodl.u.s.t kept getting stronger. He felt the antic.i.p.ation of the feast that was waiting for him. But at this moment, his mind started warning him. "What are you doing, Erin? You are not a monster! What is this hunger and desire to kill?"

Erin trembled a bit. Forcefully concentrating on the task before him, he jumped to one of the goblins and beheaded it. As the blood started pouring out of the goblin, Erin couldn"t help himself but drink some of it. His whole body was covered in blood at that point. Licking his lips, he felt excited. But at that moment, his mind started working again. "Stop while you can! This isn"t something that you should do! You are a good guy, never even killed a chicken! Look at you now, you are more like a monster!"

Erin was in a daze, but that was enough for the other goblins. As they saw the vampire before them had stopped moving, they attacked. A club hit Erin in the back, a dagger struck his hand and made a deep wound.

Erin screamed from the pain, losing his rationality again. As his bloodl.u.s.t got even stronger, he started attacking everything around him. Heads and limbs were flying through the air. As Erin started killing, he was soaked in the goblins" blood, drinking it from time to time. His wounds started to heal. His movements were a bit mechanical, but still enough to kill those goblins.

Looking at that, Richard shook his head. "She is no good! Not a fighting experience at all! Still, wavering about killing."

Erin continued with the killing. He pounced to one of the goblins, severing his hand. After that, he bit into the goblin"s neck. In the next moment, he threw the body away and with it hit two more goblins. Those goblins fell down, as they didn"t expect such a move. In the next moment, they saw a shadow above them. Erin had leaped on them, thrusting his hands in their heads. The goblins" heads split open. Blood and brain splashed everywhere. It was really a gruesome scene.

As Erin killed those two goblins, he leaped again, going to the back of another goblin, bitting him and drinking his blood to replenish some of his energy. The goblins" numbers got lower and lower. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, Erin finished them. Still lost in his bloodl.u.s.t, he looked around and saw Richard. In the first moment, he prepared to attack him, but Richard spread his aura.

Erin came back to his senses. Looking around, he saw a field of corpses. Limbs and heads were strewn everywhere. He was fully drenched in blood. As he saw this, he froze. His feelings started wavering. His body started trembling. He was on the verge of losing his sanity.

Seeing that, Richard signed. This girl was too innocent. In the next moment, he came next to her and hugged her. Erin stiffened from the hug.

"Don"t worry, everything will be alright. You have to calm down. This is just the law of this world. You kill or you will be killed. You have to accept this fact. Now, calm down. There is nothing wrong with what you"ve done."

As he said that, Richard cleansed Erin"s face from the blood and started brushing Erin"s hair. Erin couldn"t control himself anymore. He started sobbing in Richard"s arms.

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