The meal was really good. Erin felt like this was the best thing he ever had in his whole life. As he ate the panther meat, he felt his energy soaring. He lost himself in the feeling.

On the other side, Richard watched as the girl was stuffing the food in her mouth, Her cheeks were puffed up. She was like a squirrel. It was a really refreshing sight. He really enjoyed watching her.

"After you eat your fill, get some rest. Tomorrow I"ll start training you." After saying that, Richard got into the shelter and lay down, obviously preparing to sleep.

Erin finished his meal. Watching Richard, who lay down in the middle of the shelter, he started wondering where he should sleep. No matter how he looked, he had to lay down next to Richard. Well, the shelter wasn"t big, but why did this guy decide to lay in the middle? It just so happened that no matter which side he chose to lay down, he would have to press to Richard.

"Aren"t you coming to sleep already? How much time will you stay outside? Or do you want to be awake till the next night comes?"

Erin was startled by his voice. He went next to Richard and lay down with the back facing him.

At dawn, Erin woke up, only to find himself hugged close in Richard"s arms. His legs were intertwined with Richard"s. Richard"s breath was tickling his neck. Erin froze on the spot, his face started to get red. "What should I do now? Should I wake him up? I can"t move even a finger! d.a.m.n it! He is using me as a pillow!"

Richard was actually awake. He just enjoyed this sensation. The soft girl in his arms was so frail and small. But she was like a treasure to him. He finally had a chance to hug her again. Though, it was a shame that she just woke up. He calmed his emotions and detached himself from her body.

"Let"s go out, it"s time for training." Saying so, Richard walked out of the shelter.

Erin followed him. He wondered what kind of training it would be this time. He was a bit scared.

"Alright, use your Bloodl.u.s.t and attack me. Try to control it. The first thing I"ll teach you is to control your Bloodl.u.s.t." Richard said.

Erin nodded, he activated his Bloodl.u.s.t. His instincts kicked away. As he was about to move on instincts again, he felt a sharp pain. He was already on the ground, pressed there by Richard.

"Control it, don"t let it lead you!" (Richard)

Erin took a deep breath. As Richard let him go, he stood up again. This time he managed to control his bloodl.u.s.t for a few seconds. After that, he found himself on the ground again.

He stood up again and sprinted in the direction of Richard. Trying to pierce him with his nails, he forcefully attacked Richard and with the nails of his right hand tried to gauge out Richard"s left eye. At the same time, Erin prepared a kick in the ribs, too. Regardless, both moves failed. Still, Erin felt like he could control his Bloodl.u.s.t for some more time. He continued with his attacks. This time, he managed to control it for a few seconds more.

"Not bad! She is really talented. Seems like I found a genius. Such a stroke of good luck!" Watching Erin"s progress, Richard grinned. He waited for the girl to attack again.

The scene of Erin attacking and Richard deflecting her attacks, with the end result of Erin being sent on the ground was repeated the whole night. After that, Erin took a quick bath and ate some food. The same routine went on for a few nights. Finally, Erin managed to control his Bloodl.u.s.t.

"Good job! Now let"s go for prey again. You have to get used to killing. Follow me." As he said that, Richard dashed into the depths of the forest. Erin followed him close by, although with mixed feelings.

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