As they rushed through the forest, Richard saw 3 orcs not so far away. He stopped right there and waited for Erin to catch up.

"It"s your turn now. You will have to start killing regularly from now on." Saying that Richard pointed at the orcs in front of them.

Erin turned into that direction and spotted the orcs too. He nodded, ready to fight with them. This time he didn"t waver. He started moving as a hunter. The training in the last few days not only helped him to control his Bloodl.u.s.t but also enhanced his fighting techniques. He had gained a lot from Richard.

Though he didn"t want to say it, he was thankful for the help he received from Richard so far. After all, they were technically strangers, but that familiar feeling that connected them just shattered the wall between them. Erin fully trusted in Richard. He had the feeling that everything that was planned by Richard was for his own good.

It was a really strange feeling as if they were connected by their soul. They couldn"t look inside each other"s mind, but still, it was enough to trust each other.

As Erin was thinking about those things, he was already at a position to start his hunt. He bounced from a tree to the back of one of the orcs, beheading him. As the other two orcs tried to swing their weapons at Erin, he managed to dash to one of them as he avoided the clubs and thrust his hand in the heart of the orc. Not waiting for a reaction, he used the orc as a blind spot and moved to the left side of the last orc, getting on his back and starting to drink his blood to replenish his energy. Everything happened in only a few seconds. It was obvious how much Erin trained in the last few days.

Richard was satisfied with what he saw. He gestured to Erin and they continued forward. The training was a bit taxing. In the first half of the night, Richard would teach Erin all kinds of fighting techniques, at the latter half of the night, Erin would hunt all kinds of creatures.

As time started pa.s.sing by, Erin finally managed to ignore his feelings and kill without hesitation. His character became colder with every pa.s.sing day. In that way, ten days had pa.s.sed.

As the eleventh night came, Erin woke up as always in the embrace of Richard. He was already used to this. In the beginning, he struggled a few times, even trying not to sleep in the same shelter, but whatever he tried, the end result was that he always woke up in Richard"s embrace. Anyway, it wasn"t so bad. It was at least comfortable and warm, or so Erin tried to convince himself.

"We"ll stop the training of combat techniques tonight. You have already achieved basic understanding in quite a short time. You can also kill smoothly now, so let"s start with the second part of our training. I"ll teach you a new skill. This skill is called "Lurking Shadow".

After saying this, Richard paused for a second and looked at Erin. The girl looked curious, which was good. He really wanted to train her more. She absorbed his skills at an unbelievably fast pace. What she had learned in those few nights they had trained, would have taken a newcomer at least three to four months to learn.

"So let"s first start with a question. We are vampires, known as the rulers of the night, do you know why?" As Richard asked, Erin, shook his head. He had some idea in his mind, but better be silent for now.

"There are various reasons for that. One of them is that we are active only during the night, rarely going out in the daytime. Another reason is that we are one of the strongest hunters in this world. There aren"t many who can compete with us in capturing prey. In other words, we are the best And for an to be good, they need to learn to erase their tracks and make surprise attacks. That"s the use of Lurking Shadow. From now on, I"ll start to teach you this skill. It won"t be easy at all to learn it, but I believe that you can." As he said this, Richard stopped again for a few moments to give some time to Erin to think about what he had said.

After some time, Richard continued. "As I am talking about, I want you to have something in mind. We aren"t a race with brute force only. Yes, we might be stronger by a lot of races, but our skills are for sudden and tricky attacks, not for head-on combat. You have to use your speed and flexibility to win against your opponents. Never try head-on fights from now on."

"Alright, its time to teach you the skill. How long you will take to learn it, depends fully on you."

As Erin listened to Richard"s explanations, he stored them deep inside his heart. That was something he needed to remember, that would be of help in future. He was a bit surprised to learn that the vampires were actually the best in the world. After all, the first skill he learned, Bloodl.u.s.t, gave him strength and speed. That was for melee combat. But now that he thought about it, he felt this might not be the case. The speed could help you outrun your opponent or avoid his attacks. As for the strength, it could help you to heavily injure him in one decisive hit or just kill him on the spot.

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