"First you must feel your surroundings. You have to merge with the shadows. Just like that." As Richard finished speaking, his body turned into a shadow. In the next moment, there was nothing in front of Erin. Erin widened his eyes from that sudden development.

That skill was just too good. He couldn"t sense Richard at all. That meant, if Richard attacked now, Erin would die without even knowing what attacked him or why he was being attacked.

Erin got excited. He wanted to learn this skill. It would be very practical in the future. If he could move like a shadow, he would be like a grim reaper. Going out only for the kill. That reminded him a bit of the stealth in games. It wasn"t the same, but it was close.

"So did you get it or do you want me to repeat it?" As his voice sounded, Richard appeared next to Erin. Erin jumped from fright. She almost got a heart attack. Could this guy be a bit more sensitive? Why was he trying to scare him to death? What were his thoughts?

Richard began to laugh. He just couldn"t help himself. The small girl jumped like a startled rabbit, ready to run away. It was a funny picture indeed. He laughed so hard that at the end his hands were on his stomach and there were some tears glistering in his eyes.

Erin felt embarra.s.sed and annoyed at the same time. What is wrong with Richard? Did he hit his head anywhere? There was nothing funny at all in this.

Richard finally calmed down and asked again. "So, did you want me to show you one more time?"

"No need." Erin humphed and turned his head to the other side, showing that he was angry. But in Richard"s eyes, it was just a child"s tantrum.

Erin concentrated. He first remembered the stealth he used in the games. His body relaxed completely. In the next moment, his body started becoming fuzzy. But in the end, he couldn"t enter the shadows. On the other hand, Richard was amazed at how fast Erin progressed. Only from showing it once, the girl almost succeeded in her first try on the skill. That was beyond genius. That was a monster there.

Richard"s lips curved up. "Not bad, my future wife should be just like that. Little by little I"ll change you and make you mine." Thinking about this, Richard"s gaze also softened. Collecting himself with some effort, Richard returned to his indifferent face.

Erin was too busy with trying a new skill. so he ignored Richard. He tried again and again. On the seventh try, he finally succeeded. He merged with the shadows. It was quite a unique experience. He could feel that his body was just one with the shadows.

In that form, there wouldn"t be many people who could detect him. The sensation was a bit strange, too. After all, he was feeling like he was without a body. There was no feeling of touch. Only the ability to observe and hear his surroundings. He slowly moved through the shadows in the direction of Richard. But seeing him looking intently in his direction, Erin felt depressed and left the shadows with a gloomy look.

Richard"s lips twitched. That girl sure was going to try and prank him. This skill wasn"t for playing around. But thinking about her age and mentality as a little girl, he sighed. That was good too, at least she had learned the skill properly.

"Alright, let"s go hunt something. I want to see if you can use this skill in an actual fight." Saying this, Richard took the lead and started moving. Erin followed him closely from behind. They soon found their prey. This time, too, it was a shadow panther. Seeing the panther, Erin couldn"t help but gulp a mouthful of saliva. That panther"s meet was too good. She antic.i.p.ated the moment it would be cooked and brought to her mouth.

Richard saw Erin"s reaction and understood immediately what the girl was thinking about. He sighed and shook his head. "Guess tonight"s meal will be Shadow Panther again". He couldn"t help but raise his lips upwards again.

Erin merged with the shadows. Moving slowly to the panther, his hand suddenly showed itself from nowhere. Using his nails as a weapon, he managed to hit the panther in the neck before the beast could even react. Not waiting, Erin started drinking its blood. Those shadow panthers were just too delicious. Maybe it was because their power came from the shadows, too? Well, it didn"t really matter. Erin enjoyed his meal as his thoughts wandered randomly.

As Richard watched Erin, he suddenly frowned. A few seconds later, there was a shadow next to him, whispering something to him.

"I see! Tell them to start to prepare for the war. I"ll be back in a few days and we"ll discuss everything then."

"Yes, my lord" The shadow answered and disappeared from there.

Erin saw the shadow and heard the conversation. It seemed like some werewolf was trying to take control of Richard"s territory. He got a bit nervous. This crazy man wouldn"t send him to the battlefield, would he? Thinking about it, Erin"s appet.i.te left him already and he lost all interest in the shadow panther.

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