Anna"s clones once again attacked the knights. Their formation changed once again. The first three knights were lined up together. They met with the clones and attacked at the same time, slashing with their swords. The clones pa.s.sed through them and moved to the second batch of knights.

The first batch turned around and slashed once again in a sweeping motion. The second group of knights was already prepared. Their swords were held high into the air. As the clones came in front of them, they slashed downwards. Anna"s clones just had no chance at all to make any attack on them.

Seth showed once again and attacked the knight on the left side from the back. Before he could hit him, he felt a gust of wind. Another knight that was from the third group was already slashing at him from the side. His speed was faster than the other knights. He managed to attack Seth before his comrade was killed.

Seth parried the sword with one hand, while with his other hand he continued to thrust at the back of the knight that he attacked. An aura burst out from the first knight. That aura was like a repulsive force, preventing Seth"s dagger to move forward.

Seth smirked and veered to the side, making the knight who attacked him to lose balance. The knight had no choice but to step forward. As his foot touched the ground, Seth"s dagger was already piercing his stomach. The knight widened his eyes in disbelief. His opponent used a normal trick, but it was executed so fast that there was no chance to react in time.

The first knight finally turned around and saw this scene. His eyes blazed with fury. His sword started radiating with a yellowish-earth light. Even his body started to radiate light. The earth beneath him trembled slightly.

Seth didn"t wait for the knight to attack him. Before the knight had the chance to attack, he already jumped backward and retreated.

Anna"s clones were moving among the knights. They tried to find a gap and attack. Unfortunately, the Knights didn"t give them this chance. The swords swung through Anna"s clones all the time. Finally, a small gap appeared when Seth killed one of them and another one turned around. The other knights paused for a second because of their comrade"s death. The clones split up in three different directions and pa.s.sed through the Knights" encirclement. They slashed at the necks of the knights with their nails.

The Knights managed to dodge the attacks in time and turned around. While turning, they slashed upwards with their swords. That made the clones disappear once again.

Suddenly, in the middle of the group, a white hand slashed. One of the knights was beheaded on the spot. Blood started spurting from his neck. Erin"s silhouette appeared. The blood spurt out on her body. Some of the blood was even on her face. She liked her lips and attacked once again before the Knights had any reaction.

The knight that was targeted now managed to turn around and tried to use his sword to parry the attack, but the shadows on the ground suddenly moved, engulfing his entire body. His movements stopped. He wasn"t the only one restricted. All the knights were now restricted by those shadows. But they managed to react quickly. Their auras burst out and the shadows retreated. Even though they were fast to react, it was still too late for one of them. His head was severed, too.

Erin"s crimson eyes blazed with hints of excitement at that moment. She couldn"t help but gulp some of the blood of the knight she had killed. Seeing this, the other knights roared in unison. Their swords slashed at Erin.

Erin didn"t try to dodge. Her silhouette merged once again with the shadows and the swords missed her.

Anna took this chance and her clones turned real. They too were ready to attack the remaining knights. But something out of expectation took place. Her clones vanished in the next moment.

On the other end of the small battlefield, Alfred was already in front of Anna. His sword blazed with golden light. He fully disregarded the knights and choose to attack forward. Anna was trying with her all to dodge Alfred"s attacks. Her clones teleported next to her and separated to surround him. The red mist started to spread out from her. That mist tried to distract and charm Alfred at the same time. It was just like a drug.

"Do you really think that you can distract me with your evil spells?"

Alfred smirked at Anna. A golden light surrounded his body, too. In the next moment, the golden light exploded in every direction, destroying the mist and Anna"s clones at the same time. Then his eyes locked on her.

Anna shivered from this gaze. It was like a predator looking at his prey. Her face was already pale from the exhaustion and the wound she had sustained earlier. She gulped and her clones once again emerged. This time, their form changed. Their nails got longer, their teeth sharper. Wings grew from their backs. At the next moment, all four of them started flying around Alfred.

Those wings weren"t like Richard"s wings. They were succubus wings. Even though she was a blood-slave now, she still kept her spells and her trait as a succubus.

The scene in front of Alfred changed. More and more clones showed one after another, surrounding him. In the beginning, there were only four, but now there were more than twenty of them. Even though he could get rid of them, it would cost him some time.

Henry was moving forward at a fast pace. He cast fireball after fireball at Lyse. Lyse was trying with her all to counter those fireb.a.l.l.s. There was already sweat on her forehead.

"Ice wall"

A wall of ice appeared in front of her. The fireb.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t the wall and melted part of it. That created some vapor in the air. Henry looked at the ice wall and frowned.

"O, mighty one! Hear my plea, give me some of your power! You are the strongest being in the world, your power is immense! Let this poor one witness your wrath! Fire dragon!"

With this chant, a dragon made full of fire appeared in front of Henry. He lunged forward and hit the wall of ice. The ice wall evaporated instantly. Still, the dragon continued forward. Even though it was smaller now, its powers weren"t fully used.

"Ice shield!"

Lyse summoned her ice shield. Her hands started to gather magic power, too. The fire dragon was getting closer and closer to her. When it was about one meter away from her, she stretched her hands forward.

"Ice storm!"

Snowflakes emerged with a gust of wind. The snowflakes increased in number, and the wind became stronger and stronger. The fire dragon hit those snowflakes and vapor started to spread in the surroundings. The dragon"s momentum slowed down from the wind and it flickered all the time. In the end, only a small portion was able to reach Lyse. The shield fully blocked the fire that was left from it.

Henry was now moving through the vapor. His hands clasped and a magic power started to gather in front of him.


A huge wave of fire engulfed everything in the front. The temperature in the surroundings increased. Everything that the flame touched, turned to ashes. All the gra.s.s was gone now, the trees were burnt black and were caught in the fire. The smoke billowed everywhere.

Lyse gulped hard. Her hands clasped as well. She retreated backward while concentrating on her powers.

"Ice nova!"

From her feet, the ice started to spread out in all directions. The ice clashed with the fire and more vapor was created. Unfortunately, the ice wasn"t enough to stop the raging flames. All the ice melted and the flames engulfed everything, including Lyse.

A blue light flickered in this sea of flames. Lyse"s shield was on the verge of collapse, but she put more power in it, trying to withstand this attack. Her face became pale and the magic power around her body started to gather. All her strength was put on surviving this attack.


She said that with gritted teeth. Her shield became once again stable and finally, the fire in the surroundings became weaker. Finally, she managed to escape from the range of the spell. Her breathing was now rough and her whole body was bathed in sweat. Those exchanges with Henry had exhausted her completely. She was on the verge of collapsing!

Erin was now returning to Anna and Lyse. She felt that something was wrong after Anna"s clones disappeared suddenly. Her instincts told her that something really bad would happen. She was sprinting with all her might. Finally, she saw Anna and Alfred fighting on one side. She looked at the other side. There everything was burned and smoke billowed in the sky. Fire engulfed the area and spread out in all directions.

Erin started looking for Lyse. At that moment Lyse jumped out of the fire. She was soaked in her own sweat and her face was pale. Erin sighed in her heart. Anna and Lyse were still fine. She looked at the messy figure of Lyse and decided to help her first.


Anna"s surprised voice echoed from the side. Erin turned around to see what happened. Anna was still fine, her clones were all there, but Alfred wasn"t there! She looked around, trying to find him.

Finally, Erin"s gaze came back to Lyse. Her heart skipped a beat. Alfred was actually behind Lyse!

"Lyse, watch out!"

Her cry echoed in the forest. Lyse turned around to look at her with perplexed eyes. In the next moment, Alfred"s sword pierced her back and came out of her chest. Lyse"s eyes widened from shock. She looked at the sword that had pierced through her body. In the next moment, she vomited blood.


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