Richard was still sealed. The golden light was trying to restrict him all the time, but shadows were gradually emerging from his body and engulfing the golden light little by little. His heart skipped a beat and he had a premonition.

"I have to be faster!"

As he said that, the shadows from his body started to emerge even faster. Henry was expected to seal him for at least a day, but it seemed that Richard l would be able to free himself in a few more minutes. That seal could only slow him down for a bit.


Erin"s shrill voice echoed through the whole battlefield. Seth looked at that direction and his eyes squinted. He was now fighting with the remaining knights. There were only four knights now left from the initial ten.

They had small cuts on their bodies. When Erin started running in Anna and Lyse"s direction, Seth managed to kill a few more of them. Now looking at what was happening on the other end, he hesitated for a few seconds. The Knights were looking at that direction too, a slight smile appearing on their faces.

Seth sighed. He looked back at the knights and prepared his daggers once more for a clash with them. Now that there were only four of them, he could handle them by himself. It would be better for him to kill them fast and join the others. That way they could concentrate on attacking Alfred and Henry.

"Hope I can kill them in time"

He murmured to himself and jumped once again into the fight. His movements were nimble and fast. The knights were barely managing to defend against him. His daggers slashed and pierced from impossible angles and his body was moving in a strange rhythm. The knights were almost unable to see his movements.

Anna focused her sights on Erin after hearing her scream. She looked in the direction Erin was going and gulped hard. Lyse at that moment was falling down to the ground. Anna took a deep breath and started flying in that direction. She knew that now her master might become reckless. The danger would be even greater then.

Alfred lifted his sword in front of him and the golden light from his body intensified. He was preparing to fight with Erin now. Lyse was already dead for him. Even though there were still a few breaths of life in her, she would pa.s.s out soon. She couldn"t be a danger anymore. His smile was visible from afar. Finally, he had managed to kill one of them. Now the killing of demons could be said to have started officially.

Henry looked at Erin and waved his hand forward. A fireball shot forward. The fireball was even faster then the previous ones. He wanted to take Erin off-guard when she was still not in her right mind.

Erin saw the incoming fireball in her peripheral vision. She didn"t slow down. Instead, she merged once again with the shadows of the trees. The fireball moved forward and finally hit a tree behind where Erin was a moment ago.

Henry squinted his eyes. Even with his power, he couldn"t be sure of the exact location of Erin right now. He prepared to cast another spell at any time. Once Erin showed herself, he would attack her again. At that time, he saw a few shadows moving in his direction. Looking up, he saw that Anna"s clones were now only fifteen meters away from him.


The fire once again spread forward, trying to swallow all the clones at once. Anna"s clones flew even higher. Shadows started emerging from them and slashed at the incoming fire. It was like cutting s.p.a.ce in two. The fire was totally separated from the clones and couldn"t move forward. That wasn"t an attacking skill. It was more like a defense that Anna managed to learn after becoming a half-vampire. Those shadows were like a barrier that separated everything from her.

Erin finally managed to come next to Alfred. She looked at Lyse on the ground and her heart skipped a beat again. Lyse was now lying in a pool of her own blood. There were no movements from her. Erin almost screamed one more time, but in the end, she suppressed the urge. She looked at Alfred and her crimson eyes blazed with fury.

At that point, Erin was still in the shadows. However, Alfred could feel that his opponent was close. He mentally prepared himself for the attack that was to come. Erin finally emerged behind him, piercing with her nails. Alfred slashed backward with his sword. That slash almost reached Erin. She barely avoided it with a step backward.

Erin was now desperate to check Lyse. She knew that if she continued fighting like that, the battle might take too long, or even worse, she might be the next one lying in blood on the ground. She remembered Anna"s words. "That was a battle of life and death". She finally concentrated and her eyes opened wide.

"Shadow Domain!" The surrounding area fell in total silence. All the fire was extinguished. In the next moment, everything in front of Alfred"s eyes became darker and darker. In the end, he was unable to see anything. He summoned his powers and his aura burst forward. But as he was about to illuminate the surroundings, he felt that the shadows started restricting him. Even now his defense was as strong as ever. It was almost impossible to hurt him. But he couldn"t move either. Not in the next ten or so seconds.

Erin moved next to Lyse. Without even hesitating, she slashed at her wrist and blood started pouring into Lyse"s mouth. At the same time, she took some of Lyse"s blood and drank it. She was trying to use the blood-slave contract on Lyse!

Unfortunately, there was no reaction. She couldn"t feel any sign that Lyse was still alive. Lyse was still on the ground, neither moving nor breathing.

"No,, wake up...WAKE UP!" Erin"s tears started falling down. Her body was trembling. She shook Lyse again and again, but there was still no reaction.

"Lyse, please...Please wake up!" Erin"s eyes became duller and duller with every moment that pa.s.sed. She finally realized that her companion was not alive anymore. Lyse was dead. There was nothing she could do at this point.

"Lyse...why..." The shock was too much for her. She fell into trance, looking at the girl in her arms. Her body was covered in blood. An ugly wound was on her chest. There were already some dry tears on the rims of Lyse"s eyes. Erin could feel the unwillingness of the half-elf girl in her death.

" can"t be true...That can"t be true!" Tears of blood started to fall from Erin"s eyes. Everything in front of her now was turned in a red world. Her body trembled more and more. She weakly sat down on the ground with a blank look in her face. She was still looking at Lyse"s body that got colder and colder with every pa.s.sing second.

"Die, demon!"

She heard Alfred"s voice. He had finally managed to escape from his restriction. His sword was now slashing in Erin"s direction! It was only a few centimeters away from her!

Erin was still in the same position. She didn"t move at all. A b.l.o.o.d.y aura burst out from her. That aura brought an ominous feeling for Alfred. His sword slowed down only for a brief moment, and he felt an enormous repulsive force crashing on him. That force sent him flying backward into the nearest tree a few meters away!

Erin was now looking at him. Everything in front of her eyes turned red. The b.l.o.o.d.y aura became stronger and stronger. She started to stand up slowly. On her back, crimson red bat wings appeared. Her nails and teeth grew even longer and sharper. Her crimson hair now reached to the ground. The wings spread open and Erin shot out in the air like an arrow!

Alfred looked at that scene and gulped. He could feel that the vampire"s powers had just risen. She was only slightly weaker than him now. But she was a lot faster. That made him a bit gloomy. How could a mere vampire be a threat to him?


With a cry, he jumped in the air too, slashing with his sword. He was ready to teach that demon a lesson today and take her life in the process!

The clash between Erin and Alfred resulted in a small explosion. A golden and a b.l.o.o.d.y aura clashed with each other and exploded in every direction. Erin was sent back flying for ten meters, while Alfred had to take two steps back to stabilize himself.

"Not good, she is even stronger than what I expected."

Alfred became even more serious now. He fully focused on the opponent in front of him. If he became distracted now, it could lead to a fatal outcome for him. He had to accept the fact that this girl was dangerous and could kill him. He took a deep breath and attacked once more. In that clash, it was hard to predict who would be the winner in the end.

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