Henry coughed up blood. He just saw Erin"s transformation and barely managed to erect a shield, though the shield didn"t fully protect him. After Erin charged at him, he was sent flying to the wall and his breath was forced out of his lungs. He crashed to the ground and the blood started leaking out from his mouth.

He looked at Erin and saw her standing a few meters away from him. She was forced back too, but she managed to regain her balance after only a few meters. Her bloodshot eyes once again fixed on him. Henry felt shivers all over his body. That gaze was like a predator looking at its prey. He gulped the blood that was still in his mouth and stood up with shaking legs.

"I need to buy time, I can"t attack her." He looked around for a path of retreat and started to back away slowly to the left. There was another intersection that he could use.

"Princess, please calm down! I"m not an enemy!" Henry could see that Erin wasn"t in her right mind now, but still, he had to try. His only hope now was for people to come here as fast as possible and end this meaningless fight.

"You...you killed Lyse...I"m gonna kill you." The aura around Erin intensified even more. She started walking slowly towards Henry, but her steps were heavy.

At that time, Henry could finally hear footsteps. Turning around, he saw two dark elves in armor, probably guards of the castle. His hopes grew and he rushed in their direction. "I need your help, that"s a misunderstanding!" He yelled. All his hopes now were with those two guards.

The guards were stunned for a moment. They looked at him and then their gazes turned to Erin. In the next moment, both of the guards unleashed their swords. "What did you do to the princess?! Give us your life!" One of them shouted, making Henry stop in his tracks.

He saw both guards running in his direction, with swords high in the air, ready to slash at him. "s.h.i.t!" Henry"s hopes were crushed. How could he forget? He was just a slave. It was evident that he was fighting with the princess. Of course, the guards would try to kill him!

In front of him were the guards, behind him was Erin. Only a few seconds separated him from death. And the worst thing was that if he tried to retaliate against the princess, his ending would become only worse. His only option was to attack the guards, so he extended his hands forward, ready to cast fireb.a.l.l.s against them.

Before he could cast them, Henry felt danger from behind. Moving his body in the last moment to dodge, he felt a sharp pain in his waist. Erin"s nails just went through his left side. Though the wound wasn"t that big and fatal, it was still enough to stop his spell. He lost balance and his body fell, face forward.

"Who dares to fight here?!" Richard"s voice echoed and he approached them at a fast speed. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. Erin was just about to kill his new blood slave. Even though Henry was their enemy in the past, Richard couldn"t deny his skills. He was missing a magician from the last war and decided to nurture Henry. Who would thought that Erin would attack him on sight?

Although magicians were rare, he wouldn"t even blink if Erin decided to kill him. But looking at her berserk state, it was obvious that she just lost control of her emotions. "That can still be resolved". Richard thought. He stepped forward and took Erin in his arms. Both guards were still shocked by his presence and were frozen in the place. Meanwhile, Henry was lying down on the floor in his own blood.

"Release me! I have to kill him! He killed Lyse!" Erin"s shouts made Richard"s mind go blank for a few moments. She still struggled in his embrace, but that was nothing for him. "What did she mean? Henry killed Lyse?" That made him a bit perplexed. Wasn"t Lyse with a sword wound? And still alive, although barely? What was his little girl talking about? It seemed like she had lost her mind.

"Calm down, Erin, he didn"t kill Lyse. Lyse isn"t dead. He is my servant now. He"s an ally." Richard tightened his hug while trying to calm down Erin. Unfortunately, he wasn"t successful. That made Erin struggle even more.

"No, no! I have to kill him! I have to!" She tried with all her might to separate from Richard and attack Henry. Finally, she bit him at the hand. That took Richard off guard. He released her and saw Erin jumping at Henry.

"ERIN!" Richard bellowed. His aura spread out. That made Erin freeze in place. "Calm down. I told you he is an ally now. You don"t need to kill him." He said, this time in a commanding voice.

"He is an ally? I don"t need to kill him?" Erin repeated his words. Her eyes had already gone back to normal. Still, there are tears in them. She felt pain deep down her soul when she remembered that scene with Lyse. Even though it wasn"t Henry who stabbed her, at that time he was fighting against her. If he wasn"t distracting Lyse, that man could never have stabbed her in the back!

"Yes, you don"t need to kill him. He is my slave now. He is part of us." Richard said, trying to smooth things over. But he didn"t realize in what kind of state Erin was. He couldn"t see her teary eyes, only her back was in front of his eyes.

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Erin"s whole body trembled on hearing those words. She felt as if Richard had betrayed her. That feeling grew fast in her heart and her tears started to fall even more. She suppressed her sobs and took a deep breath. She looked at the b.l.o.o.d.y man on the ground. Although Richard"s words were reasonable, she still felt disappointed.

"Hey, Richard. I want to go out of the castle for a bit," she said. She wanted to be alone, to not see that magician for a while. Even though that wasn"t the only reason for her decision, that was one of her reasons.

Richard looked at her back. He couldn"t see her face, so he wasn"t sure what she was thinking. In the end, he nodded. "Alright, go out. I will send some people with you for protection-"

"No need. I want to be alone." Erin didn"t even wait for him to finish his words. She started to walk towards her room. Her plan was already made, she would take some food and clothes and leave the castle.

"Alone? At least take Anna and Seth with you!" Richard reached with his hand, trying to stop her. But Erin only increased her speed. She ignored him. "I still need to be sure that you would be safe." He thought. He might as well send some people to secretly follow her.

"Please, don"t send people after me. That will make me only angry." But Erin"s words made him speechless. It was like she had read his mind. Defeated, he could only sigh.

"Alright, I won"t send anyone after you. How long are you planning to be outside?" That was the only thing he could ask.

"I don"t know," Erin answered. Her figure finally vanished behind a corner.

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