As Erin started jumping from one roof to another to return to the inn faster, Richard turned around and looked at the two bodies on the ground. As he waved his hand, shadows engulfed the corpses. A few seconds later, no sign of the corpses was left there. He smiled and followed Erin. That hunting was enough for the night. There would be more the next day.

The hunting practice wasn"t only to make Erin accept it as a natural thing but to strengthen her, too. When a pureblood vampire drank the blood of some races, they got more powerful. That was actually a good thing for them since they could just drink blood or eat magical beast"s meat without needing to fight and still get strong in the end.

The hard part was with the training. You could have power, but if you didn"t know how to use it, that would be a problem. In this world, you would have to learn how to fight and kill. Erin"s progress so far wasn"t bad. It was even faster since she had accepted most of the tasks without questioning him or denying to perform the task. Of course, their blood connection helped with that, since she knew he was doing it for her good.

As he was immersed in his own thoughts, he didn"t notice when they got back to their room in the inn. As Richard was about to lay down on his bed, he sensed that Erin was watching him. Looking back, he saw that she was struggling to say something. "What?"

"Can you...Leave the room for a moment? I need to change my clothes." Erin said, her face practically begging him to leave the room.

Richard stared at her for a few seconds and finally realized what the problem was. She couldn"t change her clothes when he was in the room, so she couldn"t lie down and sleep... Her clothes... He looked back at her, well, they weren"t dirty, but not the best choice to sleep with them either. He sighed and left the room, a bit sad since he had to leave.

Erin waited until Richard left the room and changed in comfortable clothes for sleeping and lay down on the bad. "Ok, you can come in now," she said.

As Richard returned to the room, he saw Erin was already under her covers. He sighed and lay down on his bed too.

"Thanks for the lesson today, I"ll remember it." Erin murmured, as she turned her back to Richard. On the other side, Richard smiled. She finally could accept the killing. That was good. The future training would be even easier.


As the morning came, a middle-aged man was walking through a street. He saw in front of him someone on the ground. Coming closer, he finally realized it was a corpse. That wasn"t strange in those streets, but the strange thing now was the corpse was actually bloodless. He contemplated for a minute and started moving with quick steps in another direction.

Twenty minutes later, five guards arrived at the scene, following the middle-aged man. They started to check the body, looking for any injuries and finally saw the bite mark on the neck. Shock showed on their faces.

"You were right, this is a unique case. Here is your reward, now you may go." One of the guards turned around and gave a small pouch to the middle-aged man. The man smiled and walked away, happy with his earnings.

"Let"s take the corpse and report to our superior about this." One of the guards suggested. The others nodded and covered the corpse with a mantle. Afterward, they took it and started moving out of the street.


Erin woke up from her sleep. Looking around, she saw Richard was already awake, looking through the small window to the street. "Awake?" He asked without turning back.

"Yes, what are you looking at?" Erin asked, a bit curious.

"Nothing, I was just waiting for you to wake up. Tonight we"ll go on the hunt again, but this time I"ll teach you a bloodline ability."

"A bloodline ability? What is it?" Erin asked, full of antic.i.p.ation. She liked to learn new things.

"Hypnosis. It can help us when we hunt, or if we want to use someone and make him obey us for some period of time. That way we can gather information or kill someone else through the target we are using hypnosis on." Richard explained.

A glint of antic.i.p.ation showed in Erin"s eyes. That was a really useful skill! She waited for the night with antic.i.p.ation.

"Alright, I"ll like to learn it. It sounds interesting. I plan to go out with Anna and Lyse to look around. Do you want to come with us?" Erin asked.

"Sure, I"ll come. There is nothing better to do anyway." Richard said and smiled. That was the first time Erin invited him for something. How could he not oblige?

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