The four knights encircled Seth. They slashed downwards at the same time, trapping him with no way out. Seth"s daggers moved like illusions. There were afterimages as the daggers moved. The four swords were knocked back at the same time. The Knights widened their eyes from this move. They just couldn"t believe there was a person with such speed and strength.

Seth jumped in the air, a tornado started to form around him. With the help of the mini tornado, he was able to escape from the encirclement. He was now on a tree, looking down at them. The smirk on his face was obvious. That enraged the four knights, but at the same time, they felt fear wailing up in them. Seth"s movements were just too fast and too strong. They couldn"t match with him.

Seth was about to attack again when suddenly his body jolted.

"Kill, kill. Kill everyone. Kill all of them!"

Someone whispered inside his mind. The voice was familiar to him. It was Erin"s voice. The sight in front of him started to change. Everything became red. A b.l.o.o.d.y aura started to emerge from him. His mind became blank and only Erin"s words echoed.

The knights saw this scene and gulped. Now their opponent was even stronger. Worse, they could feel the condition he was in. He was totally in berserk! They once again lifted their swords and prepared for the next clash. But the hands with which they were holding their swords started shaking. The fear in their minds grew even more.

Seth jumped from the tree. In a moment, he was already behind all of them. All the knights stiffened. Their heads separated from their bodies. All of them fell to the ground, already dead.

Seth looked in Erin"s direction. She was now fighting with Alfred. Her whispers still echoed in his mind. His body moved on its own in Erin"s direction.

Anna was struggling against Henry. Fireball after fireball came crashing at her clones. She was looking for a chance to attack, but that chance wasn"t there yet. The only thing she could do now was to defend herself.

After she managed to defend once more, Erin"s whisper hit her mind, too. Her vision became red as well. The sanity in her eyes was lost. Only a desire for the kill was left in those golden eyes. She clasped her hands and created twenty more clones. Now there were forty clones flying in the air. All of them looked at Henry. A red mist started spreading from their bodies. The mist wasn"t really able to distract or harm Henry in any way, but still, his vision became limited. The clones started diving in his direction one by one. Their nails extended forward, ready to pierce him at any moment.

Henry gulped and clasped his hands. The magic power in the surroundings started to gather around his palms. Finally, when the clones were just about to reach him, he extended his right hand forward.


The wave of fire once again raged with immense momentum. The only difference now was that it was pointed to the sky. The clones who were engulfed by the flames screamed and vanished from sight one after another.

After about ten seconds, the sky was once again clear. Only five of the forty clones remained in the air. They all had blood dripping from their lips. They started spinning in a circle in the air and finally merged together. Anna"s face was pale now, but her eyes were still bloodthirsty. Her wings flapped and she started to descend slowly. Her hands extended and the shadows of the trees started to merge with her. Now there was only darkness in front of Henry.


The seal around Richard finally had some cracks on it. He was summoning his power all the time. The shadows attacked the golden light and tried to engulf it. Finally, a shadow touched the last barrier of the seal and the cracks started spreading even more.


With a sound like shattering gla.s.s, the seal was broken. Richard closed his eyes and concentrated. He was trying to locate Erin and at the same time the magician who had sealed him. With the remaining magic from the seal, he was able to locate Henry in barely a few moments. What worried him more was the fact that Erin was close to his location. His wings spread open and he started flying in their direction.


Erin was attacking Alfred all the time. Alfred wasn"t able to retaliate at all. It was not because he was weaker. It was because Erin was hiding in the shadows all the time. She showed herself only when she attacked. She tried to attack every part of his body. His legs, his back, his waist. The attacks came fast and ended fast. With every attack, Erin would once again merge in the shadows and look for another place to attack. That repeated for a few times already, but Alfred wasn"t able to come up with any idea about how to stop it.

He tried to use his aura and remove all the shadows around him, but the shadows only engulfed his golden aura. Every time he tried to attack, his opponent would just disappear in the shadows again. That frustrated him completely.


With his swearing, he hit the ground with his sword. A golden light started spreading out from the ground in a radius of ten meters around him. All the shadows were finally removed and Erin"s silhouette was now in front of him. He grinned, but that smile was weak. That move just now exhausted a lot of his power. If he wasn"t able to grab this chance now, there wouldn"t be another time. He was just about to slash at her when a sudden cry broke his stance.

"Alfred, RUN!"

It was a cry from Henry. Alfred looked at his direction, perplexed. At the same time, Erin"s attack came and her nails pierced his left shoulder.


Taking a breath, he swung his sword at her and managed to force her back.

"What is it? What"s wrong?! Why should I run now? We are just about to kill them all! Look at what you did now, I am injured because of your shout!"

Alfred fumed with rage. He would have killed or at least wounded Erin with this attack, but now he was the one who sustained an injury.

"The Shadow Lord broke the seal! He"s coming!"


Alfred jumped from shock. That wasn"t good. If the Shadow Lord really broke the seal, they would have to run, or else only death awaited them!


Even before his shout was heard, he was already running away. The problem was, how could Erin let him escape so easily? She attacked him once again from behind. This time, her attack managed to leave a b.l.o.o.d.y scar on his back.
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With a scream, he turned around and slashed with his sword. A golden light exploded forward. The light engulfed Erin and knocked her back to the nearest tree. Blood started to gush out from the wound that appeared from her right shoulder to her stomach. Alfred"s attack in his panic finally managed to hit her.

Even though Alfred wanted to finish her off, there was no time for that. He had to run before Richard was able to catch up.

"Watch out!"

Henry"s voice once again traveled to him. He turned around only to see a man with two daggers, about to pierce through his neck and waist. The golden aura once again burst forward and tried to stop Seth in his attack. Alfred even managed to parry the dagger which was going for his neck, with the tip of his sword. Unfortunately, the other dagger managed to pierce his waist. His aura wasn"t able to stop the attack fully.

The dagger didn"t pierce too deep, but the pain was still there. A fireball came from the side, and Seth finally retreated. Alfred used this chance to sprint into the forest.

Henry finally let a small smile appear on his face. He was able to help his friend in that situation, after all. Now the only thing they could do was to run and pray that their luck was good enough to not be caught by Richard. But before that, he should think about how to escape from his opponent. Shadows emerged all the time around him and attacked him.

Anna was now controlling the shadows. She used more and more magic power to shoot out shadow spike after shadow spike. That gave a huge headache to Henry. Even though he could handle it with time, and even had the time to cast that fireball, he wouldn"t be able to escape so fast.

Henry closed his eyes and sensed his remaining mana. After the battle with Lyse and Anna, his magic power was nearly exhausted. He was still able to cast some fireb.a.l.l.s and maybe one inferno, but that was it.

He swung his hands and three more fireb.a.l.l.s shot out in three different directions. They clashed with the shadow spikes that came after him.

"Guess this will be my only chance"

Muttering to himself, he clasped his palms together. The surrounding temperature increased with every pa.s.sing moment.

"O, mighty Lord. Grant this one with power one more time. Let everyone see your fire. Show them your strength. Engulf everything in a fire. Change the world to ashes. Fire Annihilation!"

With the last word of this chant, the surrounding forest fell in silence. At the next moment, a tremor shook the forest within a radius of a few kilometers. The clouds in the sky changed their color and took a red shade. A whirlpool of fire started to surround Henry. That wasn"t a true fire, that was the magic power he gathered for the spell. The whirlpool spun faster and faster. Finally, the magic power exploded in every direction. An outburst of flames emerged from where Henry was standing. With him in the center, it was like a wave of fire that crashed upon the forest. The fire changed color from red to blue. Everything it touched, was turned to ashes. That was Henry"s strongest spell, Fire Annihilation.

After a minute, the fire started to weaken and disappear little by little. Everything in a radius of five hundred meters was now only a barren land. Henry"s face was pale. He was barely standing on his feet. He opened his eyes and the scene before his eyes made him shiver.

Richard was standing twenty meters away from him. Shadows engulfed everything behind him. The shadows retreated slowly and Henry saw that his spell was meaningless. Erin, Anna, and Seth were still alive behind Richard, but they were unconscious.

"Now, magician. You have two choices. Surrender to me and you can serve as my slave, or resist and I will bring your death. Choose."

Richard"s smile at that moment was like the devil himself.

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