After both girls left the pool, they dried their bodies and dressed up. Anna walked out of the room to prepare a meal for Erin. Closing the door and turning around, she saw Seth in the corridor, leaning against the wall. His furrowed eyebrows, his tall body, his black short hair, and black eyes were something that Anna loved to see. A smile emerged on her face and she walked in front of him.

"Hey, were you waiting for me?" Anna asked, waving her hand in front of his face.

"Uwaah!" Seth jumped up from the shock. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn"t realize when Anna came in front of him. It was a tremendous oversight from an "I should be more vigilant", He reprimanded himself inwardly.

"Don"t scare me like that!" He complained. However, when he looked into Anna"s eyes, his body stiffened. His cheeks blushed and his eyes darted to the side.

"What? Are you angry? Annoyed?" Anna asked with a playful smile. She leaned over him and whispered in his ear, "Hey, don"t you want to come to my room tonight?"

Seth"s face became beet red. His body tensed up. Even though that wasn"t the first time Anna teased him like that, he still felt uncomfortable. Although he couldn"t deny the fact that he had grown some feelings for Anna, too. He nodded his head like a puppet with broken strings.

Anna"s face bloomed in a smile. She leaned even more on Seth and licked his neck. "I will be waiting for you." With that, she separated from him like nothing happened and walked away.

Seth stood frozen like a statue. The scenes of what just happened kept repeating themselves over and over in his mind. He felt like slapping himself. Why did he nod? He felt a bit down from his reactions. When he was around Anna, his body just wouldn"t listen to him. What was happening? Was he really in love with her? Though they knew each other for barely a month, his heart was already moved.

With Anna"s constant teasing, he got used to her. Every time he saw her, his heart would start beating like crazy. When she wasn"t around, he couldn"t stop thinking about her. Was this the love other people talked about? He didn"t know. For, since he could remember, missions were his life. Love for him was only something to scoff at and never to experience. But now, here he was, in the same position as the ones he once laughed at. He was scared. Now that he came face to face with his feelings, what would happen? Would this become his weak spot? But it was the first time that he ever felt this close to a female. And… "This feeling isn"t bad." It was what he felt.

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With a sigh, he walked away, merging with the shadows. In the end, it wasn"t bad to serve the princess.


Richard was sitting on his throne, deep in his thoughts. Erin"s messy figure from yesterday flashed in his mind. That gave him heartache. He knew that she was soft. A decision like this was hard for someone like her. "Should I decide in her place?" He started to wonder. If he did that, it would be easier for Erin later on. But that wouldn"t help with her character. He wanted her to be a bit tougher. She was just too kind. Though, if he made her cold, what would happen then? With his methods, in the end, would she develop some feelings for him? That made him a bit scared.

All possibilities flashed through his mind. Finally, he let a sigh. "Henry." He called. Even though his voice was low, Henry would hear him through their connection. A few moments later, the magician entered the throne room.

"Yes, my Lord." Henry bowed to Richard. He still felt a lot of pressure from his master. Living amongst the different races in the castle made it even worse for him and he was stressed all the time. Though, he came to adapt little by little in the last few days.

"Vlorg" Richard called another man, not giving Henry even a glance. Henry was still standing there, bowing his head.

In a few moments, an orc entered the hall. He was two meters tall, with bulging muscles all over his body. Green skin and red eyes. He wore leather armor and a greatsword was hanging on his back.

"Yes, my Lord." The orc bowed to Richard too, waiting for his command. Even while he was bowing, his figure was straight and intimidating. It would be hard for most people to approach him.

"Henry, Vlorg will help you with leading the troops. I will give most of the command to him. For you, I will have another task." Finally, Richard looked at Henry. His voice was leisurely, but his words were like a law.

Even if Henry wanted to be the commander, Henry couldn"t go against those words. He felt relieved that this big burden would be taken from his shoulders. The only worrisome thing was the new task that awaited him. "Would it be harder?" He felt a bit nervous thinking about it.

"Yes, my lord!" Both of them answered. At that moment, Vlorg"s eyes flashed. He loved to fight and wanted to show his powers in front of Richard. What he respected were people stronger than him, especially Richard. Though, if there came a day where he could defeat Richard, he would jump straight for the fight. Weaker people than him weren"t qualified to command him!

"Vlorg, start to gather our troops. In a few months, we would be waging a war against the humans. We should be prepared for that." Richard waved his hand, dismissing his subordinate. Vlorg bowed once again and withdrew from the throne room.

Now only Richard and Henry were left. The whole hall was silent. Even if a pin dropped, it would have been heard. Henry felt more nervous from that silence. Though Richard at the moment was leaning his head against his fist, he was still thinking about the case of Lyse. Finally, he opened his mouth.

"I would need you to create a big magic formation around the castle. That formation would be for sacrifice. It should be big enough to encompa.s.s the whole battlefield. What I want from the formation is to be able to give the lifeforce of the fallen to her."

As Richard was explaining, he stretched his hand and a shadow stretched out. From the shadow, the frozen figure of Lyse was revealed.

"That-" Henry gulped. "I"ve never made a formation like that, my Lord. I"m afraid that I couldn"t do it." Sweat started pouring out from his back. He was on the verge of crying. How should he know a forbidden formation like that? And even worse, to be this big, he never saw anything like that. The only formation that came close was the barrier around this castle, and he saw her only a few days ago! It was just impossible for him to create such a formation

"Don"t worry about that. I will give you the blueprint. You can take five of my subordinates and let them help you. That would be enough for you to create the formation, right?" Richard smirked. His eyes sharpened while he looked at Henry.

"Yes, that would be fine! I will create that formation!" Henry answered. He had no choice here. He had to do it, or else Richard might dispose of him. Though the formation was something evil and he didn"t want to fight against his race, it was at the end his decision to follow Richard. If he wanted to preserve his life, he had to complete his tasks.

"You can withdraw now" Richard waved his hand once again, dismissing Henry. The only thing left was to wait for the war to start.

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