Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 0: Shattered Reincarnation

Volume 1: Holy Sword of the Pure Land

Chapter 0: Shattered Reincarnation

Year 513 A.D., Pendragon Imperial Capital, Sacred Camelot.

Raging fire swallowed everything.

A knight struggled out of the crumbling rubble as he wiped the dripping blood from the corner his mouth. In the face of the encircling enemy, he raised his Light Sabre.

Without the slightest lenience, the enemies instantly formed an encirclement that tightened around him like a cage.

The knight clenched his right fists and a Light Sabre condensed in his hands from the photons of the world (Magic Power), forming the blade.

The blade of the Light Sabre emitted a green light. It radiantly shone in the darkness of the setting sun, reflecting the faces of the invaders.

The glow of the green light also reflected the slim and unswerving face of the Heaven Throned Knight, Uther Pendragon.

"Surrender, Heaven Throned Knight. Your capital has fallen, your nation has fallen into extinction. It has been crushed into rubles beneath our feet. Surrender, there is no point struggling!" The general of the enemy roared. Their silver armors and red shirts indicated they were a group of invaders from Rome.

"Don"t waste your breath." The Heaven Throned Knight Uther retorted. He raised his Light Sabre and aimed it towards the enemies, "Even if the nation has been vanquished, even if I die here today, I will take a few more of you down to the grave with me. The glory of Pendragon will always shine in the sky. Even a b.l.o.o.d.y rain can not hide its glorious light!"

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d fool!!!!" The General disdainfully laughed, "Then go die in honor!!!"

"Charge……..!!!!!!!!!!" The general of the Roman Army screamed. Hundreds of soldiers rushed up. A fusillade of gunshots rang out and a volley of Light Bullets poured like rain.

A Light Bullet dashed towards the Heaven Throned Knight, directed at middle of Uther"s eyebrows.

"Hahahahaha…!!!!" The Heavenly Throned Knight boldly laughed. He waved the Light Sabre on his hands at an alarming speed. The components of the Light Sabre and the enchantments of the Laser Bullets mutually caused an electromagnetic power field, which caused the incoming Light Bullets to ricochet backwards. A Light Bullet slammed into the enemy"s chest, blood and flesh spewed out into the air as his body fell to the ground dead.

Ten Light Bullets were fired towards the Heaven Throned Knight, all were aimed at the vital points of the knight. But his blade bounced them all backwards, the Light Bullets made an arc, returning back to the embrace of the enemies. Soldiers toppled one after another, some pierced through their chests by stray bullets leaving nothing but a hole and white smoke.

A hundred more Light Bullets dashed towards the Heaven Throned Knight. The knight quickly moved about the place launching his counter attacked and nearly managed to ricochet back half of the bullets.

The knight"s reaction abilities had already reached superhuman capabilities, the hail of bullets simply were not able to reach his body.

The Roman general stared at him and roared, "Don"t be afraid! Their just stray bullets! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! His skills may be superb but he is already at his limit, one mistake is enough to make him fall! ——- Shield Squadron!!!"

Enemies mounting Photon Shields rushed to the front, the others hid behind still firing their weapons madly. The green bullets illuminated the eerie blackness of the wasted Pendragon Imperial Capital.

Faced with the dense barrage of bullets, the Heaven Throned Knight, Uther, continued to defend himself with his every breath, but his face clearly showed fatigue and tiredness wrecking his body apart.


Under a careless oversight, a glimmering bullet hit his armor. The depleted power sourced armor was not able to protect its master. The Light Bullets ripped through the chest of the Heaven Throned Knight.

There was no panic on the face of the knight, there was no regret, he closed and his body slammed to the ground in content. Numerous Light Bullets followed and landed on the dead body, turning it into an unrecognized mess of black holes.

Another wave of bullet rang out. The enemies finally relaxed as they were convinced the knight was dead. They took a step forward and began to take a closer look at the knight"s body.

However……the body of the knight slowly desalinated, crumbled. then vanished.

"What? Virtual Magic?" The general exclaimed.

It was too late. Out of nowhere, the laughter of the Heaven Throned Knight reverberated, "You underestimated me…."

Sparks burst out in all directions, earthquake split the ground open and numerous pillars of fire gushed upwards. Some soldiers were immediately ignited into a pillar of fire. Their screaming faces and distorted bodies were painfully burned to coal black ashes.

"Do not panic! Reshape the formation, pay attention to your feet!!!" The general shouted.

"Hahahaha!!!" The Heaven Throned Knight and the blazing flames erupted from the ground together. He took advantage of the confusion, dashing right and left to crazily hack opponents into pieces with his Light Sabre.

A burning soldier madly tried to escape, however he was not aware that death was already behind him. Uther"s sword cut his waist apart!

Another soldier among the crowd raised his blade in panic. When he saw Uther"s figure, he raised his sword in counterattack, but Uther had already literally rushed forward. His blade pierced another soldier"s chest!

Three soldiers huddled together back to back thinking that this may be able to protect them. But taking advantage of the smoke, Uther"s blade drilled into the eyes of the soldiers, piercing their heads before they can even react. Their b.l.o.o.d.y heads dropped to the ground at the same time!

The green light of the Light Sabre and the red light from the flames intertwined into a network of gruesome deaths.

Wherever the Light Sabre went, bodies were shredded. Wherever the fire went, bodies were burned.

A single Heaven Throned Knight possessed the power to instantly kill hundreds. This is the power of a Pendragon Heaven Throned Knight, this is the pinnacle of the fighting power of the knightage.

The general furrowed his brows, if he does not do something, his troops will suffer heavy losses. He quickly commanded, "Dispatch the Mage Squadron!"

Mages from the back column instantly flocked forward to the front. They began to suppress the Heaven Throned Knight with columns of flames, simultaneously launching fireb.a.l.l.s towards the knight. Around the mages were more armed soldiers continuously firing a hail of bullets which prevented the knight from approaching.

Numerous Light Bullets and magic flames surged towards the Heaven Throned Knight. It was a storm that his measly Light Sabre can not stop!


The Heaven Throned Knight punched the ground, and an Earth Wall as thick and strong as the city walls erupted from the ground. Made from Kinetic Earth Magic, it managed to block the charging a.s.sault from all over the sky. It held for a few seconds until it became mashed, then it exploded to smithereens sending dust into the sky. By the cover of the dust, the Heaven Throned Knight had burrowed into the ground to retreat and ambush soldiers elsewhere.

"Four times? No, five times. That one was a huge magic spell." The general sneered, "He truly deserves to be a Heaven Throned Knight. His body is able withstand the five times of magic consumption, and it still has not petrified?"

"But…….how long will it last? Your body will soon be exhausted of all its photons becoming a stone! Your body will weather into dust until nothing of your body is left!"

"Hahahahahaha…….." A voice sounded behind the general. He stabbed his sword outwards to his back, but pierced a body made of a Magic Illusion.

"Die…..!!!!" The real Heaven Throned Knight descended from the sky, and landed tn the general"s back. He slashed his sword downward but before it struck the general, his hand had petrified and already crumbled into ashes.

Seizing an opportunity, the general"s sword pierced the knight"s heart. The Heaven Throned Knight spit out a mouthful of blood.

"It"s over. "The general said.

"Indeed, it is over." The Heaven Throned Knight said. His last remaining arm was beginning to petrify. However, with his stiff fingers, he began to smear his blood in the air and draw a last magic ritual right on the general"s armor, giving to it his soul.

The human beings were a bottom intelligence race of all beings in this s.p.a.ce and time. Even the use of magic will bring the punishment of petrification. The more you use it, the more the body will age rapidly, keratinization happens and one"s body will will be petrified like a rock.

The Heaven Throned Knight Uther was determined to fight until his last breath, until his last drop of blood.

The existence and survival wrath of a human being shown in this moment radiated glory and reverberated the honor of human beings never seen before.

The glorious last moments of his life shone brighter than the sun.

"——–Ultimate Magic—– Atomic Fusion, (Core Fusion), activate. "

The surrounding air instantly began to boil, discharging out ma.s.sive electrical sparks.

"d.a.m.n it!" The general could not help but curse. He wanted to order his troops to escape, but he understood that it was meaningless behavior. Once Atomic Fusion has been started, the surrounding s.p.a.ce of up to a kilometer would be instantaneously melted by a sun like heat followed by a tremendous explosion, everything would be obliterated to ashes.

"Forgive me, Arthur." The Heaven Throned Knight slowly turned into a stone statue, and he whispered his final breath.

In a blink of an eye, rays of light coagulated together in the sky, every sight was distorted under the high energy ionization of the atmosphere.

"Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam ! ! ! ! !"

In a split second, a giant flash of light swallowed and engulfed everything. The thousands of years of history of the Imperial Capital: its buildings, monuments, and walls were vaporized in an instant. A huge wave of citizens escaping from the Imperial Capital were one after another blow to the ground.

A youth climbed up from the ground wiping the blood of his knees. He raised his head and stared at the huge mushroom cloud in the sky.

"Goodbye, father." The youth did not even shed a tear.

The wind blew. Smoke and dust engulfed the world.

As the darkness came, an illusion appeared in front of the youth"s eyes.

The Mighty Deity——Kama (Destiny), towered in front of the young Arthur’s eyes.

The whole body of the deity was surrounded by a raging dark fire, evil, yet mysterious. White light radiated from the deity"s eyes, solemn, yet serene and respectful.

The deity did not move, the deity did not speak, it merely snickered at the ignorance and stupidity of the humankind of this world.

In front of the deity, Arthur was weak like an ant, without even the qualification to challenge the deity.

The deity stretched out his right arm suppressing the little boy. The youth was immediately paralyzed without the slightest bit to even struggle.

The deity raised his left arm and ran it through the boy"s chest, the deity grabbed something out his chest and crushed it with his fingers!

For the price of a miracle, the deity took more from the youth. The youth looked back on the deity, his eyes were fuming of tumultuous anger.

Then darkness complete engulfed the youth, he fell feebly in the crossroads of destiny.

Why?….Why can powerful people feel free to squeeze the weak?!

Why?….. Why would even a deity play with the destiny of others?!

I will never give in, I will never compromise, I will never agree!—— If they dare take anything away from me again, even a deity, I will kill them and shred them to pieces.

From that day onwards, the youth went against his fate, he went against his destiny.

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