Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1: Trapped in Desperation

Chapter 1: Trapped in Desperation

Year 518 A.D., Pendragon, Suburbs of Edinburgh

Low m.u.f.fled growls came from inside a pitch black cave. Every signs indicating the horrifying monster living inside the cave.

A young knight and his attendant entered the cave without fear.

The faint light being emitted from their lanterns revealed the appearance of both the master and his servant.

The knight was dressed in an exquisite, lavish, meticulously crafted armor. No matter how high the defensive power the armor possess, it"s clearly too bulky and heavy for the knight to move forward. Even though the knight was moving forwards at a very slow pace, the armor still clanked against each other giving off a slight yet fatal deadly squeak, capable of alerting enemies of their presence  from dozens of feet away.

But the knight did not notice this, nor did he even thought about concealing their whereabouts. He felt he can easily beat all the powerful enemies of the world since he owned this high-grade equipment.

In the chest of the knight"s armor was a bronze snowflake medal showing that he was a Bronze Knight (Trainee Knight). And he truly does not deserve this lavishly exquisite equipment on his body.

But the knight"s prominent family acquiesced this armor from their peers. No matter how inc.u.mbent North Heaven Knights Squad North Heaven Knight"s son going to combat without protection as a result  that he would die in combat, it will be a major responsibility that will cause even the highest superiors to act and exact a brutal or fatal punishment.

The knight"s attendant was dressed shabbily and poorly. Not only was there any protection, his clothes were merely made out from rough linen. His thin and small body was laden by a heavy pack of supplies as he moved forward with a slow pace.

Afterall in this age, an a.s.sistant dying in combat was an extremely ordinary thing and thus buying equipment for them was just considered a waste of money.

The knight suddenly gestured to stop and his a.s.sistant immediately stopped.

Utter silence descended, then a loud snore rattled the surroundings of the cave.

In front of them was a sleeping monster. It was a flame scaled Firelight Ablaze Dragon; an Epic Level photonic creature.

Now was the best time. Take advantage of the sleeping dragon to deliver a fatal blow and chop off the dragon"s head. This dragon"s head would be his trophy, this would be the proof of how valiant and heroic he is. Such a feat owas enough for a young knight to be promoted to a Black Iron Knight or even a Silver Knight.

The knight was eager to prove himself. Fame and honor dumbfounded his mind into becoming reckless and impetuous. The darkness of the area concealed the utter disdain printed on the face of the a.s.sistant. He wants nothing to do with this idiot knight.

The knight slowly crept towards the dragon"s head, then he raised his Light Sabre.



The huge dragon suddenly opened its eyes, it raised his sharp claws and utterly blocked the blow. The purity of the naturally condensed photons on the dragon"s claw was much higher than the knight"s Light Sabre.

The two kinds of photon weapons collided. The one with the lower photon concentration would be subjected to an even greater counterforce. As to be expected, the measly Light Sabre severely rebounded and bounced backwards.

"Urgh!!!" The knight"s retreated a few steps backward, his bulky armor almost made him fall.

"I have been wondering why that so loud of a noise stopped, until now. Sure enough, a mouse ran in." The dragon stood up. Flames from its nostrils flared upwards which illuminated the cave.

The knight"s voice roared, stiff and boring like reciting a textbook, "Awaken dragon. Today, I will take your head!"

"For what? For fame? For wealth? For power? It"s truly ridiculous you useless piece of creatures would come to die for these things one after another." The dragon dismissively sneered. The lizard"s hissing language reverberated throughout the cave, it sounded deadly and fatal.

"Less words." The knight recklessly raised his sword and dashed forward. Wielding the Light Sabre clumsily, he slashed towards the dragon"s abdomen. However, his bulky armor and improper movements made him look sluggish and funny.

Before the knight had gained momentum, the dragon sent a tail sweep. The knight saw the attack coming but it was too late to dodge.


Fortunately, the high defensive capabilities of his body armor not only blocked the dragon’s tail, it rebounded the dragon"s tail backwards causing the dragon to stumble and lose its balance.

"What?!" The Dragon was dumbfounded as his heavy body crashed into the ground.

"Die!!!" The knight took the opportunity of the exposed dragon"s chest to send a strike straight at its heart.


The Light Sabre was blocked by the dragon"s claws just a few inches away from its heart.

The dragon deliberately fooled the knight.

"Hahahahaha! —– This is the most stupid adventurer I ever met!" The dragon sinisterly forced the knight"s hands open and knocked off his blade. Then he swatted the knight"s body away, sent him crashing ten yards back.


The knight"s crashed into the stonewall issuing forth a thick metallic clank. But thanks to the excellent armor, the knight did not suffer any particular serious injuries, he merely spit out blood.

"This….this……is blood! Blood !!!! Blood !!! " When he saw his spit was full of blood, the knight"s face made a huge change. Pampered and spoiled since childhood, he had never been hurt this bad.

"Give me medicine!!!" The knight yelled at his a.s.sistant.

The a.s.sistant immediately grabbed a recovery medicine and was about to hand it to the knight when a fireball crushed the bottle and spilled the medicine all over the place.

"Do you think I"ll just stand still and let you recover?" The dragon sneered.

The knight hesitated for a moment, "Come and stand in front of me with the shield."

"Yes sir." The a.s.sistant picked up the huge shield in caution.

"Remember to keep a close eye on the dragon"s mouth, and do not blink in any way." The knight said again.

"Not blink at all." An answer followed.


Without finishing, the knight pushed his a.s.sistant forwards before turning around and fled.

Almost crushed by the heavy backpack, the a.s.sistant struggled to regain his footing. As soon as he stood up, the dragon had appeared in front of him.

"What"s your name kid? " In the darkness, the two lights of the dragon"s eyes sent out terrifying golden lights.

"Arthur." The youth answered back without blinking.

"Then Arthur." Saliva was dripping all over the dragon"s mouth. It slammed its tail at the wall which caused a slight quake shutting down the exit tightly with fallen rocks.

"It seems you have been abandoned by your master. Any last words?"

"That——" A trace of sneer appeared on Arthur"s eyes. He had already expected such a turn of events would happen.

He stared at the dragon and made a provocative gesture, "——- I came to fight and win!"

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