Limitless Dream

Chapter 6 – Slave and Monarch

Chapter 6 – Slave and Monarch


Of course, the story about going to his ancestor’s grave with the test results to pray was a lie.  He wanted to easily obtain the test results, while not arousing the suspicion of the doctor.

Of course, he was going to pray.  However, he had no plans on praying in front of his ancestor’s grave.  Hahn-suhjin returned to his small one room, and he laid out his test results.

The records were using medical terminology, so he had not idea what they were saying.

At the very least, he could recognize his MRI scans.  His level of comprehension was identifying his body from limbs.  Of course, he couldn’t tell what was normal and what was his cancer.  He couldn’t even tell which organs he was looking at.

He spread the test results on the floor with him as the center.  Hahn-suhjin stared at the test results.  He only repeated one thought in his mind over and over again.

‘A cure, a cure, a cure, a cure…….’

He fixed his gaze on the papers as if he was glaring.  His eyes started to turn red, and he felt a headache.

However, Hahn-suhjin didn’t stop.  He kept glaring at the medical records.  He would stare at it until the Insight activated.

It was at that moment.

‘I…it worked!’

In a flash, complicated words started popping up. He had never seen these words before.  It might be written in English, but he was sure this was the cure.

As he thought this, Hahn-suhjin desperately wrote the information down.  It wouldn’t be accurate to say he transcribed it.  He just drew the shapes he saw.

He filled the 8 sides of the A4 papers. He didn’t miss a single word as he wrote it down.  When he was done, he let out a sigh.

“……great. It’s done.”

He had been working nonstop for 4 days, so a terrible fatigue washed over him.  His back was soaked with sweat, but he was in a good mood.

“I don’t have time to be idle like this.”

He took the A4 papers, and he hurriedly found a professional translation company.

“Is it possible to translate this?”

“Translation?  Wait a moment…….”

The company employee studied the paper, and he tilted his head in confusion.  Then he spoke with an embarra.s.sed expression on his face.

“This isn’t English?”

“Yes. I don’t think it is.”

He didn’t have a degree in English, but at the very least, the employee knew this wasn’t English.

“Maybe it is Spanish or some other language?  It’s similar to their alphabets, yet it is different…  Wait a moment.  I’ll ask someone on the translation team.  Please wait over here.”


The employee took the papers than he headed towards an office room.  Hahn-suhjin sat in a seat, and he waited patiently.

However, the employee hadn’t returned even after 30 minutes.  When he was starting to get worried, the employee returned with a man, who seemed to be in his 40s.

“This person requested the translation of this doc.u.ment?”


“I’m sorry, but where did you acquire this?”

“Is there a problem?”

The man in his 40s scratched his head as he spoke.

“These are similar to alphabets, but it isn’t the modern alphabets we use.  It seems like an ancient alphabet…  We have no idea what this is.  We are in the business of translating modern languages.  We aren’t an academic research facility studying Old English. I would recommend you to look for something in that vein.”

“These are Old English alphabets?”

“It’s just my initial opinion.  Try inquiring at a symposium for Old English.”

After he re-obtained his papers, Hahn-suh looked at it, and he felt dumbfounded inside.  After seeing the shape of the letters, he had a hunch that it wasn’t English.  However, they weren’t alphabets used in modern times?

As he had been advised, Hahn-suhjin found a organization that specialized in Old English.  However, their answer was the same.

“This is the first time I’ve seen such alphabets.  Which era are these letters from?”

“I’m not sure.  I can’t even make an educated guess.  This is the first time…”

“Where did you get this?  By the look of it, it seems you transcribed it from an ancient ma.n.u.script.”

Hahn-suhjin followed the employee’s advice, and he went to a professor, whose study specialized in Old English.  It had been hard to get a meeting with this professor, and the professor had an annoyed expression in the beginning.  However, after he saw the content of Hahn-suhjin’s paper, his att.i.tude changed instantly.

The old professor stared at the paper for almost 2 hours before he finally raised his head.

“This…… Did you perhap transcribe it from a ma.n.u.script??”

“Yes.  Something like that.”

“Do you know where the ma.n.u.script is right now?  May I look at it?”

“I’m sorry, but a fire…”

“Huh-uh.  Huh-uh.”

The professor in his 60s slapped his knee from regret.  He let out a sigh as if the world was coming to end, and it made Hahn-suhjin feel embarra.s.sed.

“This is the first time I’ve seen such alphabets.  At a glance, I can see why someone might think this is Old English.  It does look like a b.a.s.t.a.r.dized version of the language where the letters were combined at a whim by someone else.  However the vocabulary, cadence and the shape of the letters follow a uniform rule. It is too intricate to call it a random language made up by someone.”


“Personally, I think this is an extinct language from very long ago. It looks like the language uses a modified alphabet, but I can’t be sure.  The unique thing about this language is that I can confirm over 230 individual characters.  There is a chance that this language had a different root than English.”

Basically, it meant translation of the doc.u.ment was impossible.  Hahn-suhjin spoke as his face hardened.

“I see.  Thank you.”

“Wait a moment.  Do you think I can get a copy of this?  For your trouble, I’ll contact you immediately if I find out anything new about it.”

“All right.”

He was about to say no to his request, but he decided to gamble on a hope that was thin as a thread.  It probably wouldn’t matter in the end.

Strength completely exited his shoulders as he returned home.

The test results he had spread on the floor was still there.  He flopped down on to the floor and he looked at the crumpled papers.

“This…… What the h.e.l.l is this?”

His Insight had shown him this, so he had thought it was a cure for his cancer.  However, even a professor from a Korean University had never seen such letters.

He threw the paper as if he was throwing it away, then Hahn-suhjin laid down on the floor.  After a moment, he suddenly stood up again.

“No.  I can’t give up yet. There is something I’m missing.  I have to carefully think this through.”

Insight was influenced by how focused he was.  The stronger he gathered  his thoughts, he was able to see more of the truth.  This was the reason why he was able to find the winning lottery ticket on the map depicting the entire country.

His understanding of the power ended there.  So what had gone wrong?


He observed the papers he had thrown away.

These were mysterious words shown by the Insight.  What if it really contained information that could cure cancer?

“No way.  Is this suppose to be an alien language?”

He let out a snort as he shook his head. However, he started shaking his from side to side after a moment.

“Wait a moment.  The Insight itself doesn’t make any sense in the first place.  It might be possible people here can’t comprehend these words.  This might really be a treatment for my cancer.”

After thinking over it carefully, he squatted down to look at the test results once again.  He put strength into his eyes as if he was glaring at the test results.  Inside his heart, he started chanting a phrase as he injected his strong will into the words.

‘Treatment. Treatment. Treatment. Treatment….’

He stared at the test results with burning eyes.

‘Treatment feasible for modern medical science. Treatment feasible for modern medical science…….’

It was at that moment.

All the test results started to emit a golden light.  The light intertwined with each other, and it started to form a shape.  Hahn-suhjin stared at the shape as if he had been bewitched.

Shapes, lines and alphabets formed.   It was a complex mixture of letters, patterns and symbols….

“It…it worked!”

It was a chemical structure.
“How foolish.  He abandoned the easy road, and he is insisting on heading towards a roundabout path.”

The king let out a light sigh when he awoke from his dream.

The Insight within his dream tried to show Hahn-suhjin the knowledge needed to learn a healing spell.  The only problem was it was written in the language of Lenorjian, so Hahn-suhjin couldn’t understand it.

It wasn’t too hard to learn it.  He just had to ‘read it’ in the correct fashion. The words of wisdom would activate its power, and one would learn the spell in a flash.

However, the power of the Insight was weak, so Hahn-suhjin wasn’t able to obtain the knowledge to read the language.

“Still…… It seems I’ll be able to overcome this hardship.”

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