[ 8 ] Non-solid Wall

Translator : Blackhole32

At first, both parties were confused, then they felt relieved instead when they saw that the other party is also human. A man in special armor for patrol soldier of Gawglai city unsheathed his sword; His armor is full of scratches and many of his parts are covered in rugged bandages.

"Little-sisters are the one who used that smoke bomb?" He asked.

"Yes big-brother, we just met the long-ears in black. If we did not use that expensive thing then our lives would be over. Who are they, big-brother? And where in the world did that wall gone?" Janeyuu unsheathed her sword and support Gewalin to sit down after knowing that the other party is not their enemy.

"The wall on the border to elf"s territory is completely destroyed this morning. We were attacked without any preparation, most of the villagers and soldiers are captured crossed the border" He showed his depressed face.

"That"s mean we were invaded by the long-ears? Didn"t we and they are living separately? Why did they just suddenly think about invading us?" Janeyuu asked with suspicion.

"This big-bro didn"t know that, just saw them with these eyes for the first time … That little-sister must had been badly wounded, you both could go to our temporary base camp. Those who are lucky for not been in the village at the time the elves made a surprise attack are gathered and made a camp on top of that slope. Follow this big-bro"s lead" Finished his talk and he just walked out without waiting for the answer.

Gewalin gritted her teeth, breathing deep and being supported by Janeyuu to enduringly following his back. She could remember this pain. Once, she had travelled across the province with the train; With the train was full of people, she had to stand in a joint between cars. She was pushed by someone out of the train and rolled over the hill full of sharp branches and sharp rocks. (TL: We usually call the train car "Bogie" in Thai but I feel like using train car better)

Fortunately for her at that time, the train had slowed down to turn around the mountain complex at that moment so she didn"t died or coma, but she was still wounded all over. She had to endure her pain and walked for hours to the nearest train station. The feeling she has now did not different from that other than she had someone to support her this time.

The young soldier looked at b.l.o.o.d.y Gewalin with terror. He never seen someone who"s in such a bad shape without losing their conscious.

"We"re still lucky that when the wall was being built, Game Master had installed anti-magic devices under the entire wall. The elves with magical power in their body can"t cross the border but those in black robes seems to found a way to pa.s.s it here"

Janeyuu looked at her friend she"s supporting with worry. Gewalin"s blood is covering her entire armor.

The soldier still continue the conversation "The other scary thing is, the potions are almost useless to cure the wound. Whoever attacked by the black robed elves will got a "Wounded" status; We"ve never seen anything like this before"

"Wounded status? What of it, big-brother?" Asked Janeyuu.

"Normally, when we could instantly heal the wound by using the health potion right? But those wounds made by the elves can"t be healed. We who survived called it a Wounded status. The one who are so wounded would gradually lose their HP and die in the end. If it"s not because of that, This big-bro wouldn"t be bandaged all over like this"

After that, they all had something in their mind so there"s no further conversation until they reached the temporary survivor camp from the attack. The camp was surrounded by sharp wooden barricades and has four or five tents inside. The most notable thing is a wooden pole with the size around one hug and ten meters tall in the middle of the camp. On top of the wooden pole is a two by two meters wide wooden board connected to it to make a footstand. On the top is standing still a man in ancient chinese armor; his young face with long hair and beard might looks funny but his serious expression is telling the whole other story. The most distinctive thing about this man is long bow the length about two meters with an arrow being drew, always standing by and ready to shoot anytimes.

About ten injured soldiers are either sitting or laying around the place, many of them are afraid of the injury they never seen before. Janeyuu brought Gewalin to sit under a tree and examine her condition.

"This big-bro will have to leave. I must report that the poisonous smoke bomb is your doing, not the elves"

After that, the young soldier headed to the largest tent on the area.

"We"re beaten up badly, huh" Gewalin smiled at Janeyuu.

"Don"t talk. How"s your condition? Is the medicine working?" Janeyuu kneel beside her friend to examine her condition.

Gewalin called her information window and thoroughly examine it, then spoke with surprise "My HP is brought back to around forty now … Strange; I"m sure my max HP would raise a bit now, why did it still max at one hundred?"

"One hundred is correct. This game shows HP in percentage. We"re quite a bit fortunate that we still have some medicines with us" Janeyuu sighed in relief when her friend"s condition is getting better.

Gewalin examined the wound from the arrow and found that it was almost completely healed, just a little seep of blood leaking out. Then, doubts were being built in her mind again. If it was the game of her era, there won"t be a specific wound like this; every attack has only one target, that"s the body, which will be counted as one not separately like this. It made her remembered when she was seriously think about how potions actually work on the game character back then.

"Yuu, What"s the difference between medicines and health potions? I was getting confuse here, didn"t heath potion also heal the wound?" She asked Janeyuu if she know could help her clear this question or not.

Janeyuu scratched her head. "I don"t know actually, But I could tell the difference in effects. Medicine is used for specially cure the wounds but you have to wait for the wounds to mend. Health potion is working faster and almost cure anything; better the quality, faser the wound being healed. But how did they work? I don"t know"

"Can normal player make a health potion?"

"From what I know. Most of them could only make medicines, but health potion works better so the medicine is not popular. There are only some big guilds that could make health potion and the recipe is their top secret information"

Gewalin nodded in understanding "Um, I got it. That"s mean weapons used by those block robed Long-ears could prevent the effect of health potion. Do you have any medicine left?"

"There are four more but they"re not good quality. Actually I left them in the bottom of my inventory for a long time, didn"t think I"d actually have a chance to use them"

Janeyuu said while took four thumb-size shiny white ceramic bottles out.

"I"ll give you two bottles, sharing half-half. These medicines can"t use over the previous one, different from the health potion that you could use as much as you like"

Gewalin received two medicine bottles and was about to keep it in her bag when she was called by a voice.

"Can I buy a medicine bottle from each of you? I will give you five hundred thousand coins each"

A young man in costume similar to a patrol soldier but more luxurious is now standing next to them. He has a white shield decorated with a shape of a pigeon spreading its wings on his back and a sword with pure white scabbard on his waist.

"I"m Pirarbkhaw, Patrol squad captain of the northern wall. If you sell me those two bottles of medicine to let me use them on my fastest soldier to send the report to Gawglai city, I will directly report your feats to the city"s governor; mister Sorraphong. I"m certain that both of you will be greatly rewarded" (TL: "Pirarb" means "Pigeon" in thai and "Khaw" is "White". So basically, his name is White pigeon)

Janeyuu and Gewalin looked to each other "What do you think?" Janeyuu asked first.

Gewalin thinks for a moment and then she gave the captain an answer "Four bottles, Five hundred thousands coins. If you don"t buy all four, we won"t sell"

Pirarbkhaw lightly smiled "No problem, wait for me to pick the money" After that, he left and headed to the tent.

"All of them?" asked Janeyuu.

Gewalin nodded "Honestly, our current strength can"t do anything to those elves. Our plan to hunt the wilds is no longer possible; We"d die on the spot if we enter the forest or in the worst case scenario, there will be a war; We"d better flee for ourselves. We will go immediately after I"m in good shape"

Janeyuu didn"t have any other opinion so she agreed. After a moment, Pirarbkhaw returned with five hundred super thin golden cards that have number one thousands on their back. They"re totally the sum of five hundred thousand coins.

Gewalin frown while watching five packs of money being placed in front of her. She realized that how inconvenient it is to transferring anything with the cost of ten thousands or hundred thousands in cash without the special inventory window from the bag.

"I think we need to make some credit cards later" Janeyuu said while handing four bottles of medicine to Pirarbkhaw and divide the money in half, then handed Gewalin a half.

Pirarbkhaw handed the medicines to his man that was waiting beside him, then he talked with the two "What do you plan to do next?"

"Run for our lives. When me and my friend are fully healed, we will flee as fast as we can.  It"s really suck! We walked for seven days and we have to return without being able to do anything" Janeyuu complained.

"Then please excuse me, as I have many important things to do" He was about to go back but he was called by Gewalin.

"Please wait. Can you tell me that who"s the person on top of that wooden pole? What he"s doing?"

Three of them looked up at the white-beard man who"s silently standing still.

"That"s our ultimate archer, sir Huang Zhong. I we didn"t have him, we wouldn"t be able to set this camp up. The elves are afraid of his archery skills so they did not dare to touch our little camp"

Janeyuu whispered to Gewalin "If we continue playing this game, I think we will met Robin Hood, Alexander or even Genghis Khan too"

Gewalin lightly laughed before she gave a thank to Pirarbkhaw, he then went back to his tasks.

"Yuu, I don"t wanna return now" Gewalin said to Janeyuu.

"Huh? What are you going to do then? Didn"t you just said we"d flee?" Janeyuu asked with confusion.

"I changed my mind. I want to run into the forest and see how far I could go" Gewalin pointed her finger to the forest below.

"Are you serious? … Interesting, I too want to know what"s beyond the forest. By the way, are you completely healed?"

Gewalin showed her character info window to Janeyuu "Hundred out of hundred, your medicine works well"

"Umu, your HP is really full … Wait, you"ve maxed your stamina recovery rate to thirty!?" Janeyuu"s jaw was dropped when she saw the other party"s stamina recovery rate.

"Why? It"s strange?" Gewalin confused.

"Are you crazy!? What have you done to have this insane amount of recovery rate?"

Gewalin frown "What"re you shocking for? And why did you have to scold me? I just running till death, that"s all. But lately I didn"t do that, I can"t reduce my stamina to zero however I run. The longer I run, the fewer stamina I used; Then I"m getting bored and stopped running. Actually, if I didn"t came with you, I"d run nonstop like that time when I ran from Gawglai city to Foon Daeng town.

"You ran from Gawglai city to Foon Daeng town!?" Janeyuu widen her eyes.

Gewalin nodded, confusingly blinking.

"Kaew, I won"t run with you. If you did not carry me on your back, I will be really mad!"

"Wha? Why did I have to carry you?"

"Dunno! p.i.s.sed off by a secretive G.o.dlike!" (TL: can"t think of the words… she was saying that she don"t care what Gewalin just asked and just want her to carry because Gewalin didn"t tell her that she has such a top cla.s.s ability (about recovery rate). Welp, Gewalin didn"t even know that she"s already OP in that field though)

Gewalin shocked by what she said for a moment, then she had got an idea.

"Do you know how to use bow?"

"I used them once but not really good" Janeyuu began to wonder what her friend was thinking.

"A long bow with one hundred twenty arrows, two hundred thousand coins" Pirarbkhaw told the price with a grin.

Gewalin and Janeyuu silently looked at him. Because they can"t craft a bow by their own, they had to ask the patrol squad caption, showing him a chance to overcharge them.

"So irritating … then, what"s next?" Janeyuu complained after walked out of the tent with a bow in her hand.

Gewalin brought out a chair that she took from the tent to Janeyuu and a big roll of vines that she was keeping for a long time.

"You tie this chair to my back, tie for its back entirely attach to mine. Then you will sit on this chair and tie yourself to it. I will carry you to the forest and you will cover my back with your bow"

Janeyuu received the chair and the vines while her jaw being dropped "How did you thought of this?"

"Just do it. Also, don"t forget to tie it pa.s.s my shoulder too, or the chair will slide through and fall"

Janeyuu tightly tied the chair to Gewalin"s back with many weird glances from surrounding. After that, she sat on the chair and tied herself to the chair"s back.

"It"s rather heavy, but that"s fine" The armor Janeyuu worn is a bit heavy; but with her long trained body, Gewalin could carry the weight almost a hundred kilograms without any problem.

"Now, Onward! My trusty steed!" Shouted Janeyuu.

Gewalin then run down the hill with full speed since the beginning, her target is the pine forest in front of her. After the high hill, there are waves of high and low slopes along the way.

"Wait … w, wait. Kaew. Ugh. Kaew! Kaew!!, KAAAAAEEWWW~!!!" Janeyuu had to scream out for her friend to stop because Gewalin running is too shaky and made her feel sick.

So instead of Janeyuu being tied to the chair while sitting, she stand on the chair and tied her waist to it. Being able to use her lower part of her body to relief the impact is allowed her to do something else.

Gewalin carried Janeyuu who"s crouching on the chair on her back to the forest with high speed. She put all her strength to run by keeping balances between the consumption and recovery rate. Even though she"s carrying heavy objects on her back, her speed is still high. Because the almost flat terrain of the pine forest, she could continuously running without decreasing her speed to evade the obstacles.

Running in the forest for a while, the bell sound was rang from Gewalin"s mechanical arm with the appearance of long eared elves in black robe with silver leaf pattern like before.

Those elves chased them and closing distances but Janeyuu who"s now Gewalin"s pa.s.senger is always shooting them with arrows so they can"t getting any closer. Everytimes the bell sound was rang, there will be more black robed elves.

Gewalin tried to run through the gap of pine trees that was wide enough to not made the branches. .h.i.t Janeyuu on her back. Until they"ve ran for a while more, there"s an abnormality happening to her mechanical arm. The blue and orange lines that was normally dimly glow now suddenly glow a very brighter light.

Mechanical arm info window appeared once again without her command, it showed an image of radar indicating the detailed positions of the enemies. The center of the radar is her position on a minimal map with orange dots scattering around. She saw that there are enemies hidden in front of her from the map so she decided to drift to the other way.

When they saw that the surprise attack didn"t works, two elves then dashed through the branches and made the leaves fell along the way from their movement. Suddenly, the elves speed were greatly increased.

"I can"t hit them!" Janeyuu screamed in frustration. It"s not strange that she can"t hit the elves who was called the most proficient archers, those elves knew the course of the arrow that will be shot just by looking at her motions.

Gewalin asked Janeyuu when she noticed that the elves are abnormally increasing their speed "Yuu! Why are they running faster? Can you tell me what"s different from normal?"

Janeyuu examined the black figures that closely chasing them "There"s a light glowing from every single of them!"

Gewalin could thought of one reason "I think we"ve already pa.s.sed through the anti-magic device"s range, that"s why they could use speed enhancing magic! You don"t have to shoot them now and just cling to me! I will increase my speed!"

Janeyuu crouched and tightly gripped the chair back "You can run even faster!?"

Instead of an answer, Gewalin suddenly increased her speed. She ran faster and faster till she exceeded the balanced stamina recovery rate, now her stamina is dropping. If this continue, her stamina will be emptied in about two hours, which is still too much. She will compete with the elves to see that who will have more energy between her stamina and the elves mana.

Warning sound from the radar indicated that there"s a big orange dot about two times from normal blinking rapidly. Gewalin looked at the direction shown in the radar and found a kneeling elf in black pointing the arrow to her from the distance about fifty meters away. The bow and arrow that elf is using are glowing in waving dark green light matching the tempo of the blinking dot in the radar. With her gaming experience, Gewalin was sure that action is a magical charging to powering the arrow.

The arrow was released with super high speed and left only a trail of dark green light to her direction. Gewalin thought only a split second and raised her mechanical arm to block her head even before the arrow was out of the bow. When the mechanical arm reached her face, the arrow was reached its target at the same time, showing how fast the arrow is piercing through the wind.

Ding! "Ack!" The arrow hit the mechanical arm with a clear noise, it"s course was diverted to Gewalin"s back and pierced through an elf that was chasing her. Her mechanical arm was shook a little from the impact.

Gewalin tried to command the radar to expand its detecting area. The map was resized and showed every elves in the range of five hundred meters. She decided to run through an area that was not going to be encircled and increased even faster speed. If she run in this speed, her stamina will be depleted in one hour.

Elves in black robe that chasing her were astonished when they saw the other party could accelerate more speed even without the help of magic like them. In a short time, they slowed down because their mana was emptied.

"I"ve never seen who could"ve run this fast and long like this before" Elf in black robe who shot the charged arrow said. His underlings have nothing to say. In their group, n.o.body could thought that the elite soldiers from strict selection like them couldn"t chase a human carrying another human on her back.

Gewalin run without stopping with Janeyuu on her back. She ran through the thick pine forest for a very long distance. From the pines that were growing away from each other, they"re now getting tighter but also the tree"s size is smaller for the distances pa.s.sed. Gewalin can"t remember how many times she has to run for her life like this. Maybe, she should make this her selling point later.

The scenery suddenly changed. From the greyish pine forest, it"s changed to green landscape filled with green trees. The vegetation here are otherworldly vivid. Wherever her eyes are looking, there are full of life that Gewalin never seen before.

Gewalin stopped running when she saw nothing on her radar. She selected a big tree to be a place for them to rest. Janeyuu got out of the chair and helped Gewalin release the vines. Gewalin swept her sleeves up to examine the scratches from the vines.

"You are such a over enduring woman, Kaew. Girls that play this game is already few, but girl who could go through such a difficulty like you is the rarest among rare!" Janeyuu said while using bandages to bind around Gewalin"s body. Because they can"t use health potions, they have to rely on medicines, which will need times to recover.

"It"s not that big deal really, don"t try to praise me"

Janeyuu looked at Gewalin"s face "I didn"t praise you … Then? What"s next?"

Gewalin made a weird face while look at her surrounding "I don"t know, have a walk? Oh, right. Hey look, my mechanical arm is a radar!"

Radar indicating their positions in red dots. Gewalin zoomed in and out to show off how great her mechanical arm is.

"Amazing! You cheater, I want one too! Let me try your arm!" Janeyuu threw a little tantrum.

"Jealous right~? Well, I can"t have you try it even though I wanted to; I still can"t figure out how to take this arm off till now" Gewalin said while throwing her arm around to tease her.

Janeyuu showed her fangs, then she remembered something "Ah, Kaew. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to find the information about what could be sold from the long-ear"s territory"

"What? … never mind, we"re already fine after being able to go this far. This journey is enjoyable, let"s have a walk. If we"ve met those elves again then we could try to talk. If the talk didn"t work then just fight them. The worst case scenario is just that us being resp.a.w.n at Gawglai city" She then began to walk.

"By the way, why did you call the elves "Long-ears"?" Gewalin asked Janeyuu.

"Because the long-ears aren"t elves. These people never accept that they"re elven, elf is a name humans used indiscriminately; Elf this, elf that; too mainstream. I like to call them long-ears more"

Gewalin listened and agreed "True, the elves are appearing in the legends, fantasy novel and games too much"

"Right? That"s why I don"t want to call them like the others. But sometimes I called them elves because of habit too"

"But I don"t want to call them long-ears too much, it"s just seems impolite. What do they call themselves?"

"Leens, They called themselves Leens. Don"t forget to blow the wind through your teeth – Leen – su…" Janeyuu p.r.o.nounced as an example.

"Got it. Leens … is there a meaning of it?" Gewalin asked after trying for two or three times.

"It means "Majestic", That"s why I don"t want to call them leenses. Whenever I called them that, it feels like they"re too narcissistic of themselves and I despise them for that" Janeyuu made a despise face.

"But I think you"re the one who should be despise than those leenses. What about their personalities? Are they like those of the elves in legends or games?"

Janeyuu shook her head "Dunno. These leenses are like the dwarves, it"s super rare to find a real one. So that"s why no one knows what are they like, but I"m sure they speak Thai like us"

"That"s mean we could communicate?"

"Umu, but it"s an old, freakin" old information so I don"t know it"s true or not. There"s only the first gen players that have some chances to talk with them"

"Look, Yuu. There"s a road there" Gewalin pointed at a luxurious road paved with beautiful marbles and looks clean.

"Whoa! So d.a.m.n hi-so!" Janeyuu exclaimed. (TL: "hi-so" is a Thai slang for "High society")

Gewalin sat down and feel the chilling smooth texture of the marble road, then she laid and rolled.

"Hahaha! What are you doing, Kaew?" Janeyuu laughed before she began to roll on the road to imitate Gewalin. But her metal armor is making a clanking noises and irritated Gewalin"s ears, she can"t take it anymore so she stood up and stopped her friend.

"Enough, enough. It"s too noisy. We could just normally walk" Gewalin pulled her friend to walk.

"You"re the one who started it … How long would this road be?"

Gewalin looked at the road narrowing through trees and shook her head "I don"t know. But if there"s a road, then there will be a destination or something along the road. We will find something eventually if we walk along this road"

Both are casually walked  along the road while chit-chatting till many hours had pa.s.sed, they still can"t see any sign of the end of the road.

"It"s getting dark, Kaew. Let"s set up a camp, then we could continue tomorrow"

"Umu, good idea" Gewalin said while taking out the tent canvas and its frames from her inventory and setting up a camp on the sideroad.

Janeyuu collected the branches and dried logs nearby the finished tent and complement Gewalin.

"Travelling with you is really convenient, Kaew. You could do almost anything. Normally we use ready-made tents, that kind of tent that will finish itself when we activate, but you just use canvas and wooden sticks and ropes to set this camp up like it"s an easy thing!"

"Don"t try to praise me, I have nothing to give you! Before you set a bonfire, get any dry leaves or any flammable objects away and find some fresh woods to circle the bonfire, I don"t want to burn this beautiful forest" Gewalin said when she threw the magical lighter to her.

Janeyuu looked at the lighter and surprised "Oh! This one is an expensive thing. I"ve never seen you light a fire so I didn"t see. I want one of these magical lighter too"

"If you sell the poisonous smoke bomb that we used today then I think we could buy one" Gewalin said while piling up the firewoods by using the largest log to the bottom and descending to the top. She examined these dried logs and thought that it wouldn"t be hard to light them up.

"Did you never keep something good that you just fluked and got it? If I sold it then I wouldn"t have anything to help her today" Janeyuu answered and placing the flesh woods around the bonfire to prevent the fire from burning the forest.

"Oh thanks!. Okay, Now you can light the fire up, I"ve finished piling up theses woods"

Janeyuu pressed the switch on the lighter and point it to the firewoods. Instead of gradually increasing its fire like the usual, it spitted out a stream of flame instead and leave both of them in shock.

"What"s this!?" Janeyuu exclaimed and hurriedly turn off the fire before she carefully examine the lighter.

"Then?" Gewalin leaned toward it.

"It has the function to absorb mana from the surrounding to enhance other functions. This lighter must be very expensive, where did you find this?" Janeyuu brought the info window to Gewalin.

"I found it in my home in Gawglai city, that house on the mountain … how did I looked over this part" Gewalin read the descriptions that she didn"t read when she examine it for the first and only time because she never re-examine this lighter after that.

Janeyuu looked around "That"s mean this place must have a very intense amount of mana, or the fire wouldn"t be this powerful"

Gewalin looked around before she took out dried fish from her inventory and pinned it in a stick and began to grill it "Just ignore about the lighter for now because I"m hungry. I think it"s because I"ve ran too much and affecting my hunger too"

Both of them enjoying the grilled fish till they"re full, then they went to sleep. Before sleep, they talked about wanting to take a shower to refresh themselves at least once.

The next morning began with the beautiful sound of chirping birds. Gewalin finished packing up the tant while Janeyuu is grilling the dried fish for their breakfast. When they finish their breakfast, they buried the bonfire and move onward.

The marble paved road is still leading into the beautiful forest like yesterday. The two had to continuously walk the entire morning till they"ve met a marble statue on a sideroad stone yard. The statue is in the shape of a leens woman in long robe. In her right hand is a jewelled head staff, in her left arm is holding a thin book and the base of the statue is engraved by a very readable english text.


Kneel and say her name to worship her beauty and wisdom.

"Angela, Kneel and say her name to worship her beauty and wisdom" She lightly read this text in thai. Even though she didn"t think anything about this, but Janeyuu was intensely staring at her with a never before seen serious face.

"You can read that?"

"Huh? Why? It"s just a normal english text" Gewalin answered with surprise.

"You can read English?" Janeyuu asked with serious tone.

"Yes I can. I"ve learned english for many years, playing many games in english. Such an easy sentence like this is like a piece of cake"

Janeyuu"s glares is decreasing its intensity "Do you ever used an automatic translating system?"

"I don"t" Gewalin answers is as serious as the other party.

Lights in Janeyuu"s eyes is shining in different shades before she sighed and lightly asked "If you know english, why would you still playing games like this? Why won"t you use it in real life like those brain cla.s.s above?"

Gewalin frown "Like I said, I play this game because I want to find something different to eat or I will be bored to death by eating the same thing for three years. Also, what"s the brain cla.s.s you"re talking about?"

Janeyuu silenced for a moment "Okay, I believed you. There wouldn"t be anyone use such a ridiculous reason to trick people"

"Why? Is it really a big deal if I understand english? I don"t understand any of this"

"I will explain it later but don"t you let anyone know that you could understand english, do you get it?" Janeyuu asked in intense voice.

"And the reason?" Gewalin crossed her arm and asked.

"I will tell you later, just outside the game and not in this game. Trust me, I have a good intention for you to say anything like this" Janeyuu requested.

Although she"s still in doubts, she still nodded in acceptance "Alright"

Janeyuu smiled "Thanks"

Gewalin frown "Even though I don"t understand, I still did what you want. Now, kneel down infront of this statue and show her the respect. Don"t forget to call the name Angela"

"Huh? Why did I have to do something like this?"

"I do what you want, why won"t you what I want too?"

Not really agreeing to this, Janeyuu still kneel down and call Angela like Gewalin requested. When the two called the name, the marble statue had suddenly blindly glew and became a figure.

"We are the silhouette of the G.o.ddess Angela, The one who is full of beauty and wisdom. Oh respecters, it was thousands years for no one respecting mine. We shall give a gift for the respecters like thee" The voice of G.o.ddess Angela was resounded beautifully. She gave out the looks of the wisdom beauty like her name. (TL: I"m dying from shakespearean here. The elves are using a bit mystic and ancient words so I think the shakespearean is the most appropriate)

"Thou whose wearing the machine made by mine friend the dalus, thou whose full with wisdom and knowledge. We shall bestow mine own knowledge of languages I knew to thee" The book in the silhouette"s arm became a beam of light swirling around and gone in Gewalin"s body.

"Thou whose thirst of battle and victory, for thy justice and righteous heart, We shall bestow the ability to sense magical energies from nature to thee" The jewelled head staff in the silhouette’s hand glew in many shades of light and quickly going in Janeyuu"s body.

"The respecters, Thou shalt remember mine who is full of wisdom and beauty, We shall lead thee through the darkness of fool in the entire land"

The G.o.ddess silhouette gradually vanished and became a marble statue once again, left only the two who are sitting there, being chilled without any words.

"You knew this would happen, Kaew?" Janeyuu asked after she regained her senses.

Gewalin shook her head "I didn"t know that. But from my gaming experience, doing something like this won"t hurt. But there won"t always turn out good, there"s also something bad happen too" Gewalin answered with a smile.

"Awesome, you"re really awesome! … Kaew, now I could sense all the molecules of mana around me" Janeyuu stretched her arms, looking up and feel all the new sensation she never felt before.

"How was it like?" Asked Gewalin.

Janeyuu still closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation "I don"t know, Kaew. I can"t describe it in words. I know, I could feel. The energies from these trees, from earth, from air or even from this marble road is emitting the energies. I don"t know how to describe these"

Gewalin watched Janeyuu and scratched her head. She too want to sense something like this. The text on the statue is the language she"s already knew so she didn"t see the different.

After Janeyuu had fully enjoyed her sensations, the two began to travel along the road once again. Janeyuu is too enjoying to sense the magical energies, many times that she slide through the trees, berries, ferns, some strange rocks and made Gewalin feel despise.

"By the way, I was thinking that whoever did the action like us, will they get the same power as we did?" Janeyuu asked in curiosity.

Gewalin thinks for a moment then comment "I don"t think so. From what she said, I think she"s someone who"s long forgotten. We"re just coincidentally being there in the right place and time … Still, everyone in this game can"t speak english?"

Janeyuu turned her face to Gewalin"s then smiled and speak with a subtle expression on her face "There"s someone who could speak english but they won"t play the game like us, I will explain later"

Gewalin could only keep her curiosity inside and move forward.

"Kaew, there are many big chunk of magical energies coming this way" Janeyuu spoke with serious tone.

"My radar can"t capture anything" Gewalin always check her radar to find her enemies but found nothing other than two dots of her and Janeyuu"s.

"I don"t know, but I could clearly sense them" Janeyuu readied her sword.

When Gewalin looked up from her radar, her eyes were met with four leenses that just walked out of the corner. They halted in surprise, one of them quickly build up a red ball of light in their hand.

Janeyuu that has unsheathed her sword halfway and was about to charge was stopped when one of the leenses flicked his finger and made a very loud noise that shook the land and made dusts, rocks, and leaves flew to the air. The impact is too great it made the marble that paved to the road being lifted for many inches. Everyone that was standing on the area except the leens that made this noise are lose their balance and fell to the ground.

Janeyuu and Gewalin are trying to stand but the other leenses just use their arms and feet to keeping the balance instead of trying to stand like them.  Janeyuu could fully unsheathed her sword but she lose her balance and hit a big tree nearby. Gewalin tried to lower her body as much as possible and stretched all her limbs, finding the moment to counter attack.

The leens that made the shock wave watched two of them and lightly smiled before let out a clear voice that could be clearly heard out of the loud noises that was engulfed the area "Everyone, please stop all your action and don"t do anything. I shall immediately cancel the magic"

After that, he flicked his finger once again and both the noise and shock wave from this flick cancelled out the previous one completely. The other three leenses then got up and carefully regain their balances. When the two waves collided, the forest returned to normal once again.

Gewalin and Janeyuu looked at the other party with intensity, but when they saw that the other party didn"t making any sign of attack, they could release some tension a little.

"I am apologize for the two guests that I am being impolite. Only that if I had not done this, there will be some needless casualties" He spoke in thai very clearly. His mild and friendly voice made the listener feel good.

Gewalin lightly asked Janeyuu "It"s thai, right? You heard it in thai, right?"

Janeyuu nodded while she"s still staring the other party with serious face, especially the one that used that magic.

"If twas not too rude, could the glorious warrior keep thy weapon? T"would be better for having a conversation without having weapons to interfere" He smiled and talked to Janeyuu.

Janeyuu looked at Gewalin for her opinion. Gewalin nodded in the sign of doing what they wanted. Janeyuu unsheathed her sword but her hand is still tightly grab the handle in ready to use it anytimes.

He smiled and lightly bowed as a thanks.

"The warriors are normally like this. Allow me to introduce myself first. The name my mother gave is Laurence. This person is mine personal guard, Steel Bark” He stretched his hand to a young leens who"s trying to use the magic earlier.

Laurence introduced his underling to Gewalin but she"s interested in the leens who has great speech more. Laurence is a leens with beautiful shining long silvery hair, his face is slim, his eyes are shining, that made Gewalin unable to guess his age. At first glance he is a young man in his twenties, looking again he"s a man with the age over forty. She couldn"t guess how old he really is.

The glance of the young man Steel Bark is still on Janeyuu as well as Janeyuu is too staring at him. Both of them aren"t someone who could trust their enemies easily, when they"ve met in this situation, the atmosphere is heavier than normally.

Gewalin whispered Janeyuu to be the negotiator herself. She stopped for a while to think of the words from fantasy novel and martial art novels including movies and plays and merge them into her speech.

"Mine own name is Gewalin. This lady is mine close friend name Janeyuu. We are but nameless adventurers from the human"s territory. I can"t blame any of thy actions full of intention to bring peace, we only wish if we could peacefully discuss with thou" Gewalin said then politely bow to show the other party respects.

All four leenses looked at Gewalin with weird eyes, even Steel Bark is also diverted his eyes from Janeyuu to her with a very weird face making Janeyuu to look at her too.

Laurence made a very admire expression "If only all humans know how to respect each other like you, the wars five years ago wouldn"t happened. Shall we discuss while travelling?" He commanded one of his retainer to return and send the report to the town ahead.

"We shall invite both of thee to rest at our place. Actually thou art not having much choices, But I do not believe that the one who could pa.s.s the circle of our Shadow Moon Warrior are just nameless adventurers" Laurence stretched his hand to invite Gewalin for the walk.

Gewalin then learned that those black robes are Shadow Moon Warrior and they"ve already sent the report about them ahead.

"The praise can"t be taken, But we hope to oneday make us own name spread. So those warriors in black are Shadow Moon Warriors, They are taken us severely"

Laurence laugh " "The praise can"t be taken" thou said. Thou have such a new way to speak. Our army has a rule to report every battle to the center without no exception, or else Sharp Star wouldn"t really want to report his defeat to the army"

"Sharp Star ? Thou mean … ?" Gewalin wonder.

"He is the one who was finished by your own mechanical arm just about the day before. I didn"t actually believed that until I have met thou covered by arrow wounds to be able to believe"

Gewalin looked at her clothes which have a lot of arrow holes and have many thoughts.

Janeyuu followed Gewalin"s back but her eyes still fixed at Steel Bark and likewise. Because she was too focused on the other party, she accidentally tripped a plate of marble and fell flat. Steel Bark laughed in his throat before he too tripped another plate of marble and fell face down. Both of them got up while trying to act tough intimidate each other with the giggle of a leens woman that was following them.

The marble road had ended at a seaport which is entirely made out of marble. The sea expanded to the horizon with the breeze blowing the waves and reflecting the sunlight making the entire scenery sparkling like a sea of jewels.

Gewalin even let out a praise "Such a beautiful scenery!"

Laurence lightly bow to receive the praise "The praises from who other than leenses made us really proud. From now on, we shall travel in mine own special vehicle to the Silver Seed castle, which is mine own place" After that, he signalled the leens woman to prepare their vehicle.

The special vehicle Laurence spoke of is made out of a ten meters large big leaf. The leaf was bent and made a shape of a small boat; Even though it was said to be small, it could load everyone in and will even have a s.p.a.ce to roll around.

At first, Gewalin and Janeyuu were wondering why did they place this leaf boat on the boardwalk instead of placing it on the water. Then when everyone was on the boat, they"ve learned that even though this is a boat, but it was not floating on the water.

The leaf boat floated to the air and quickly yet smoothly travel through the sky. Laurence and Gewalin were sat opposite from each other on a chair made from a part of the leaf to the front of the boat. Janeyuu and Steel Bark are still playing a staring game with the leens woman who was controlling this boat watching away.

"This must be our fate to met each other. If thou art met with the striking corps, we would not be able to talk like this"

Gewalin reluctantly smiled "I must say that we thought we will meet the striking corps instead of … the people of high status like thou"

Laurence lightly smiled and raised his brows "I did not told thee  mine own status, but thou art called me people of high status. Did thou want to praise me for thy profit?"

Gewalin smiled and answered "According to thy luxurious and majestic outfit that even people from another culture like me could even notice, I guess that thy status won"t be lower than the look. The most important thing is that thou know’st the informations inside army which would be a secret, showing that thou  won"t have lower status. At least the military"s informations are always every civilization"s secret including humans or leenses like thou"

Laurence closed his eyes and praised while he bow lower than before "Such a wisdom and ability to inspect is really superior than any humans I have known so far. I am an aristocrat working as the intelligence wing leader of Silver Leaf town. I travelled to the ancient ruins at the border for learning the ancient civilization of leens that was lost for a long time and met thou along the way. I abandoned my primary objective and changed to the new interesting objective like thou instead"

Gewalin thought in her mind that this ancient civilization might be a.s.sociated to  G.o.ddess Angela they"ve met along the way. But when she carefully think, she decided to keep this a secret as their advantage. She might use this subject to bargain later. She repeated herself to not forget to warn Janeyuu and not the the cat out.

Laurence looked at Gewalin"s expression when she"s thinking with a strange feeling. I could feel that the other party was thinking but he couldn"t catch what her intentions is in the slightest. Even bad intentions, happiness, doubts, anger, sadness or fear aren"t having any sign to be appeared. If compared to the human in metal armor, the young girl sitting in front of him have much deeper thoughts beyond measures, which incited is curiosities that is his fundamental habit.

"Miss Gewalin, After we reach the Silver Seed castle our destination, thou will meet with our military wing which will undoubtedly waiting for us as it is mine own work to report to the center. I want thou both to stay silent and leave the speech to me. Can thou not talking about our captives as the subject?"

Gewalin listened and blinking her eyes, asking Janeyuu "Yuu, he want us to not talk about the human captives, what do you think?"

Janeyuu frown "Huh? What happen to them is their problems, It didn"t have anything to do with me"

When she heard the answer, she them calmly speak with laurence.

"Whatever you want … ahem. Uuu~ee Whatever thou want … eh … desire, Mmm… My apologies, I did not used to speak in this accent" Gewalin blushingly smiled while scratched her head trying to hide her embarra.s.sment, destroy all her looks of glibness she built from the beginning.

Laurence laughed out loud. Steel Bark and the two leens women are looking at them with surprise, they never seen their master laugh this loud for a long time.

With this, the Silver Seed castle had appeared in the horizon.

(TL : I died, Please help correcting the fantasy tongues…)

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