Blackhole32 (Translator) : The name of these leenses is actually written in English and also has s.p.a.ces in it. I was still hesitating to cut out the s.p.a.ces and leave it like Sharpstar or Blinkstar as it"s their calling name and not a name with surname…

Changes : Intelligent wing to Intelligent department.

[ 9 ] Fame and Honor

Translator : Blackhole32

The Silver Seed castle is located on the furthest north near a big lake. On the north side of the castle is a forest full of vegetation and on the south is only water. If watching from above, the town will be in the shape of a fried egg cut in half. On top of the fried egg is the residential area surrounded by a curve wall from the furthest west to the furthest east. The cross section of the fried egg between the outer face of the wall and the inner face of the wall that was surrounded the castle is next to the water and locating the west harbor and the east harbor.

The castle and the bottom half of the inner wall is in the lake. Next to the big gate and the wall is a harbor entirely made out of marble that curve into the lake for hundreds meters. Normally this area is using for training the troop while in peaceful time, but now there are two group of people waiting for someone there. The image of two groups that was wearing an entirely different outfit made it feel strange like they are the representative of two opposite party.

A group"s outfit is a shining silvery armor decorated with many jewelries. Many part of the armor was carved into the shape of slim leaf. Even their weapons are made out of shining metal indifferently to their armor, the only thing different is the decorated jewels on the weapons. This group has fifty members, the fifty-first person that was standing in front of them is wearing a very different outfit.

He has an even shinier, more luxurious and more bigger jewels decorated armor. He"s the only one in the group that did not wearing a helmet. He hold it in his hand to let people faintly see his face inside the shining light. His face is handsome along with his sweeten eyes, fair smooth skin, slim face and long silvery shining hair like it was made out of mirrors made into threads is making his looks to be a metros.e.xual leens.

On the other side, the other group is consists of thirty warriors that completely wore differently from the first group. They"re all wearing the same design of outfit including the three people in front of them  which are two vice-captain and a captain. This group"s outfit is a dimly rough armor showing how unskillful the maker is. Everyone"s armor is almost black, only the rim that was carving into silvery leaves shape that was the symbol of leens race. On the back of the armor is carving into a big crescent moon shape.

Looking at the appearance, the latter group"s armor was designed to be more mobile than the first group that are all ma.s.sive. The three people that was in front of the group is one person on the front and two on the back left and right. That two people have a very identical face, both of them are a young man with grey short hair that has a black line of hair sprouting in the front; one person flick this line of hair to the left and the other flick to the opposite. One of them has a very distinctive purple mask on his face; he"s Sharp Star, the young leens that was beaten up out blue by Gewalin.

"Sir Spencers, what doth thee business here? Why did thou brought the proud Glory Hero unit of thee wandering here?"

Plain cold voice was coming out out the metal helmet of Shadow Moon Warrior unit captain. His tone of voice is mixed with slight displeasure that could be easily sense from the one who care other"s feeling.

"My my, sir Hart Wood. I am only come to admire our troublemaking girls who tainted the glorious Shadow Moon Warrior of thee, the elite special warrior that could complete many difficult missions but could not beat girls who could not use magics; If only what sir Sharpstar reported is true, that"s it" The man in luxurious armor answered with sarcasm.

The leens warriors in Shadow Moon Warrior unit are still maintaining their straight face without a response to the sarcasm of Spencers, the captain of Glory Hero unit. No one could read the expressions of these warriors in black armor, they"ve pa.s.sed many tribulations in both mental and physical to reach this point, only Hard Wood; the captain of the unit, that is hiding his face behind his helmet, that no one could tell if he"s angry or emotionless.

Heart Wood let out his emotionless voice from his black helmet again "I did hope that thou did not interfere with this matter, because this is relate to the glory and pride of of Shadow Mood Warrior. If thou did make another fuss, I won"t let anyone get in the way.

Spencers clearly showed his dissatisfied face. Even though they"re always being in rivalry relationship for a long time, they still hold some respects to each other and not blatantly rude like this.

"Thou did not thought of poach both humans from sir Laurence, right? If thou do that, I have to complete mine own duty to capture you in the cause of making havoc and intrude another unit"s works" Spencers clearly declared his standing. From the obscure relationship between both units, now they"re clear that both of them aren"t on friendly term.

Heart Wood laughed in his throat "What would I have to fight the wisdom leader of intelligent department? If only thou did not interfere, I guarantee that none problems shall occur. If thou did, we will see who"s better" After that, he reached to his sword that was hanging from his waist and tightly gripped it.

The warriors of Shadow Moon Warrior reached their weapons without command, the Glory Hero unit is also ready to fight; the jewels in their weapons are shining and made a wave of light, different from the jewels in Shadow Moon Warrior"s weapon that was stable, indicating the emotion and readiness of the bearer.

The leaf boat gradually appear through the sky and slowly descending to the harbor. Five people came out of the boat with a ringing noises that broke the tension in the atmosphere; At first it was rang once, then it"s rapidly ringing; If there"s someone counting the noise, that would counted to exactly thirty-three times.

The first person to be the first attention of the ma.s.s is a young girl with short hair who wore a big mechanical arm in her right arm, she"s carrying a leather shoulder bag over her tattered armor that showed a part of her skin; Her round face showed a bit of anxiety.

The thoughts differs from person; Spencers was astonished that the one who beaten up the right-hand of his rival is just a little girl. If he did not known how loyal the twins – Sharp Star and Blink Star toward the kingdom is, he"d thought that their report is just some nonsensical thing. Still, the reality that slapped to his face is making it even harder to accept.

Sharp Star made a difficult-to-read expression apart from his twin Blink Star that still has some doubts, he did not understand why this girl could withstand the suffering from the wounds inflicted by his poison-coated arrows that even the toughest leenses can"t even endure.

Heart Wood thought differently, He saw how sophisticated she is through her pair of dark brown eyes. The conflict between the appearance and what he sensed under that pretty face made him felt complicated.

"I guess that thou both did not came to welcoming mine?" Laurence spoke before anyone else.

Spencers shrugged his shoulders as an answer.

"Mine own self did not have business here, I want only to see the face of the great warriors that could defeat the vice-leader of the glorious Shadow Moon Warrior. When I saw that, I understood that they are strong enough to defeat him, sir Sharp Star did not lied to us even the slightest"

The sarcasm in his tone made  Sharp Star frown, his anger is lower than his feeling of guilt to made his comrades being affronted. The whole story occurred because he"s underestimated his opponent.

Laurence knows well that both units are not in a friendly terms for a long time but both captains are on the same rank as him so he can"t interfere in this matter.

Heart Wood whose face was hiding under a helmet had  released his hand from the sword grip and raised his clenching hand to his left chest in the fashion of saluting the leader of the intelligent department of the region.

"We waited here as us being wanted something from sir Laurence"

"If thou wanted these two humans then I must declined, as I invited them as our guest. Thou did not want to shame me did thou?" Laurence spoke seriously and using his status to protect the girls.

"I won"t be that rude, only us warrior are all depending on our honor and fame to live, so could I ask something from thy guest?"

Laurence turned his head and asked Gewalin with his eyes. Gewalin thun her head and looked at Janeyuu to only saw her made a funny mocking face, she turned her head back and nodded to Laurence.

"Let us hear what thou want to say" said Laurence.

"My right-hand Sharp Star had lose without his consent, so I want thy to accept Sharp Star"s duel to see who will be better once again. There will be no consequence from us after this" Heart Wood talked to Gewalin.

Laurence spoke while Gewalin was thinking "Sir Heart Wood, wouldn"t asking for a duel in the land thou have advantage is too unsightly? We leenses know well that in our land, we will have support magic energy from the ground. Even if he won, will he truly proud of it?"

Heart Wood shook his head.

"I too can"t help with that matter, but victory from the opponent"s carelessness won"t make thy truly proud of it either, right?" He provoked Gewalin in the meaning to say that it"s up to her. If she accept the duel, Laurence can to nothing about it.

Gewalin that was finding a corner to block the reflection from Spencers and his subordinates armors had raised her brows and spoke with resentment.

"Hou? Thou that beset us can"t also be called the proud action too, is it not? Thou are being careless and defeated under the battle that had to use all thy wits and abilities. Thou are the one who insult the battle, I am the one who was displeased from thy action and thou still dared to ask me for re-match?"

Everyone was surprised by the utterance and thought of Gewalin that was different from any human they"ve met, even Janeyuu that always mocking the other party had never thought her friend would have this sharp speech.

Heart Wood went silence, no one know what he"s thinking as no one could see through his helmet. At first, Spencers wanted to laugh at Shadow Moon Warrior face but still, they"re leenses like him so he decided to be silent instead.

In this intense atmosphere, Sharp Star stepped forward, clenched his palm to his left chest and slightly bow to salute Gewalin, then she spoke with a beautiful voice.

"Mine own name is Sharp Star, an incompetent warrior who was careless to mine own opponent. Could I hear thy name?"

Gewalin didn"t know what she should act when she saw that respectful action from the other party. She decided to imitate the martial art novels by clenching her right hand to touch her left palm in her chest area then slightly bow to respect, she got a little embarra.s.sed when her hands are in the different size.

"Mine own name is Gewalin. That victory is only mine own luck to sought the opportunity in chaotic situation, not something to bloat about"

Gewalin didn"t actually mind if the other party want a re-match, she just doesn"t like a person who act like a big shot that could command their subordinates without considering their feeling.

Everyone are confused with Gewalin"s action. She"s a shrewish girl just a moment ago then she suddenly being respectful toward other, the only one who understood this is Sharp Star.

When he was sat on top and was beaten up by the mechanical arm, Gewalin showed her pure feeling from her attack – it was a pure feeling to win without any reasons or emotions, no anger and bloodthirst like her"d found in normal human. For a fighter, an opponent that truly want to beat them is the most respect to them, he was confident that she wouldn"t refuse his request for sure.

"Even though my captain had already said in mine own place, I still have an obligation to request this myself to show mine own clear intention as well. For the honor of mine own captain and friends, would lady Gewalin has a re-match with me?"

Gewalin know well that if she – who just showing her displeasure toward Heart Wood, accept his subordinate"s request so easily, it would be too much humiliation. So she nodded and spoke to Heart Wood instead of directly accept Sharp Star.

"For the sake of sir Heart Wood and sir Laurence, I accepted this duel proposal. Only in one condition that thou give me and sir Sharp Star time to recover before we fight, is that alright?"

Before anyone could open their mouth, Laurence took the opportunity to control the situation.

"This will not be a problem. Ten days from today will be a match between lady Gewalin – the human guest who travelled from afar and sir  Sharp Star – vice-captain of Shadow Moon Warrior unit at this riverside yard. I will excuse mine own self to lead our guests to rest and clean their bodies. Please do what thine desire from now on"

When the situation came to this direction, Spencers and Heart Wood have nothing to say other than obligately accept Laurence"s management.

Laurence led Gewalin and Janeyuu through the two units that was facing each other in the middle. The girls had to cover their eyes from Spencers and co"s side as they"re afraid to accidently bang a wall from dizziness they received from those glittery reflection.

Gewalin examined her surrounding while she"s walking. The inner wall of Silver Seed castle is totally different from Gawglai city wall she saw. The wall of Gawglai city is made out of big rectangular fine stones stacking into wall and fortress. Other than the inner side of the wall that was covered by cements, the outer side of the wall wasn"t cover by anything, the seam between stones can be seen clearly.

But in this Silver Seed castle, the wall was smooth and white. The streets in the town was paved by smooth marble. Gewalin thought in her mind that she would certainly slide and fall every three steps back and forth if she did not wear any shoes and her feet are wet.

The building in this city is also different, almost every house have its roof in a beautiful curved cylinder shape that has pointy tip. The top of the roof has decorated by a big jewel, those jewels are reflecting in many lights. At first she thought it was beautiful, but when she saw too many light, she thought that it was too much and out of balance.

The four walked through the castle gate and greeted by a big marble pedestal that has its cross-section many meters wide. On the pedestal is an object that looks like a three meters tall bird cage, the bars were made out of a glittering golden colored metal.

Laurence opened the golder cage"s door and led Gewalin and Janeyuu inside which has a long bench circling around the edge of the cage. When everybody was sat on the bench, Laurence touch a crystal sphere that was floating in the middle of the cage. That sphere was gleaming in soft light then the cage started smoothly ascending.

"Kaew, do you know the flash bomb?" Janeyuu asked Gewalin while this luxurious elevator is lifting all people inside to the great height.

"If in this game then I didn"t saw one, but I think it might be somewhere" Gewalin answered.

"I think, flash bombs won"t work on these long-ears for sure as they"re alway living in a these glittering, blinding light"

Gewalin lightly laughed when she heard that, but Laurence had a little displeasure on his face.

"Lady Janeyuu, would thy call us leens? We did not comfortable to be called long-ear by other races. Thou thyself might not be please to be called short-ear too"

Janeyuu made a mocking face "Alrighhht … Leeeeeeens righhhht? Or  do you want to be called elf like the other always saying?"

Laurence is mature enough to not let his emotion swayed by a mocking. It was Gewalin who used her mechanical arm to twist her friend"s ear and made her groan in agony instead.

"Courtesy! have some courtesy. If you have some then use it! How could you talk like that to an adult, huh?"

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I understand my dear, I understand! Release me! Release, release, release! Please, I"m really hurt!" Janeyuu twisted her body along with the force.

Gewalin released her hand and apologized to Laurence "I must be apologize in the place of mine own friend. She is just like this. Even though her mouth is bad, she is the one who is true to her heart, At least she is definitely won"t stab on anyone back. We are not different from leens like thee that much in actuality. There"s a saying from long ago that humans are n.o.ble animal, so I mineself cannot say anything much about how a race calling themselves with a good and mighty name" (TL: it"s a word in thai that human race is on the top chain of pyramid, hence it"s a n.o.ble animal. I"m not sure about the english equivalent so I direct tl it)

This sentence instead incited a topic about human that Laurence was interested for a long time.

"If possible, could lady Gewalin tell me about human race? I shall tell thee about leens race in exchange"

Gewalin narrowed her eyes in ruse.

"Didn"t thou art finding weaknesses in humans to find an opportunity to attack? Speaking of which, we did not interested in leens race of thine much, but are slightly interested in thy magic more. If thou reveal secrets of magic to us, I shall tell thee about humans no matter what topic thou might ask"

Laurence smiled with his eyes narrowed "I was a bit hard to accept when I heard that thou did not interested in mine own race, but art thou really sure that thou shalt reveal humans secrets and weakness to me?"

"There is no problem in that. We are not attach to our race that much"

"If it was true then I shall accept, we shall exchange our knowledges for the benefits to all of us. But I am actually interested in other topic of humans more than their weakness to help us in war"

Gewalin was stopped and think when she was about to say as she remembered that she"s a person from three hundred years ago. She didn"t certain that how much different humans in this era be apart from her era. But in her sense, she"s certain enough that humans won"t change that much.

The floating golden cage stopped at the platform at a height of Silver Seed castle. The cylinder tower with pointy end is the dwelling of the intelligent department leader of the region. Laurence led everyone pa.s.sed through the hallway and went inside.

"I have known that humans like to clean themselves in warm water, so I have ordered mine own subordinates to prepare a big pool. Thou both could follow mine own subordinates to the room I have prepared now" Laurence gave a signal to two leens girls that was following them since the beginning to lead them to a gla.s.s elevator that was installed in a corner of the room.

The gla.s.s elevator lead two of them to the lower floor that was prepared to be a luxurious bathroom. The ten meters large pool was filled in with warm water with foggy steam floating in the air. There are also a lot of multicolor flowers floating on the surface of the pool, the aroma of the flower is making whoever smell it feels fascinating, except for Gewalin who hate the dense aroma more than anyone.

Gewalin turned her head to talk to the leens girls that was nearby. "If thou did not mind, could thou get rid of these aromas? I am afraid that I could not endure this dense aroma any longer"

Two leens girls made a surprise face, she never seen anyone dislike the aroma from rare flowers like her, but both of them are accepted her request. One of them lightly waved her glowing right hand and the floating flowers are moving toward a corner of this large circle pool. There"s an invisible force pulling them up and floating in the air, then they are collected out of the pool.

Gewalin and Janeyuu looked at each other. Janeyuu is the first one who spoke "Hey, undress. Or do you want me to undress for you? I"d be very please to do that"

Gewalin walked and leaned to the wall, smiled at the other party "You"re the one who will undress first. Make sure you are undress in a s.e.xy way for me to watch"

Janeyuu made a cheeky face before she gradually undress her armor with the style like a dancer, which is so unmatch to her clothes. She didn"t feel anything other than wanting to tease the other party at first, but when she began to undress her clothes and showing her skin, she felt hot and embarra.s.s like never before.

The reason is that the eyes of the person who she always tease everyday had changed from she always feel. The manner the other party looking is like she"s observing and deeply admiring her. Every place where the skin showed is like being caress by the other party"s hand.

In the era where thai women didn"t mind bathing together unlike before, Janeyuu used to bathing with other girls many times, and every times she was the one who molest the other. But somehow, the table had turned in this time.

She"s now being embarra.s.sed from the stare of other girl. The feeling of a girl that she never thought she had is emerging for the first time. She subconsciously avoid her eyes and stopped undressing. The only thing she knew is her face and her body is hotter like never before.

"Hey, why"d you stopped? Come here, I"ll help you" Gewalin said while she was walking here to help undressing.

Janeyuu wanted to back down but her legs aren"t moving. When the other party only touched her skin at the tip, she felt like she was electrocuted with a heat emerging from her tummy and subconsciously pulled herself out.

"Kaew … You will close your eyes and turn back. Wait at the upper floor and come back when I"ve finished my bath, Now!" Janeyuu shouted, face turned red and tightly gripping her clothes.

Gewalin smiled then turned back to the elevator and went back to the upper floor with a leens girl following. Before she go, she lightly imply.

"Geez! And then you didn"t dare to do that, what a pity"

Janeyuu"s heart beating fast with new sensation she never felt. She complained a bit before soaking herself in the pool to clean herself.  She still thinking about that feeling she received, then her face turned red yet once again. What"ve gotten into her? Won"t it normally be the other party being like this? When she thought about that, she can"t help but mad at herself.

Gewalin walked out of the elevator and found Laurence reading a book at the parlor. The book shelves are beautifully placed to match the curviness of the room, every shelves are full of books. It was this moment that she saw the language leens wrote and was certain that it wasn"t any language she"ve known so far, but she understand every single word written on it; this must be the ability G.o.ddess Angela gave to ger.

Gewalin sat in the opposite side of Laurence with the thought of keeping this ability to read leens language a secret for later benefit.

"Oh, lady Gewalin? Did thou not bathing with thy friend? I have learned that female human  friends that are really close together are mostly bathing together, no?" Laurence averted his eyes from his book to talk with Gewalin.

Gewalin smiled "Mine own friend is just like this. Would we use this opportunity for me to answer thy questions about humans?"

Laurence closed his book and immediately ask a question he thought "How did humans like thee came here? And of what objective?"

When she has to answer the questions, she found that it"s necessary to use the right words without reveal important secrets of humans. Janeyuu told her that whoever revealed the truth of this world will be forced to log out from the system even before one have opportunity to say anything. Other than that is that person will be prohibited from logging into the game for an entire real time one month, which is half a year in the game. And if there"s another round, that one will be permanently cut out of the system.

Laurence saw the other party being silenced and showed a serious and worrying face "If thou changed thy mind then I won"t mind, I shall even tell thee the secret of magic too"

Even though he said he will tell her the secret of magic without any demand, but this kind of speech made Gewalin realized that the other party want to use her sense of guilt of breaking the agreement to force her to tell the truth. This speaking tactic only works to a person that holding up to honest and honor, it can"t be work to a lowly selfish person that could change their words. That"s mean Laurence value Gewalin in a very high level, at least he saw her to be a person with high honor enough to keep her words.

Gewalin shook her head "It was not like that sir Laurence, But us humans was controlled by a great authority. If I did not find the right and appropriate words, I am afraid that I won"t be able to finish a single sentence"

Laurence has a doubt in "The great authority" the the other party claimed, but asking this matter at this time might not be very appropriate.

"We have came to this land by that great authority. By the detail I did not know how that authority works, I am afraid that only small amount of humans known about this. For the objective, it would be differ from each person, as they have their own different intentions to come here"

Laurence leaned to his chair and crossing his palms, speaking with interest.

"That would mean your race has no primary objective altogether as one?"

Gewalin shook her head "True. Like me who hope only to adventure throughout this land, finding various types of food to eat"

Laurence made a strange face "That thou mean, thou risk thy life breaching through our special force to only look for new types of food?"

Gewalin widely smiled "That was an important part of objective, but the other part that was as important is to adventure and gather experiences from the stories we have found along the journey"

Laurence sat silently with his jaw dropped, blankly staring the other party with many thoughts in his mind.

"And what about thy friend Janeyuu? What is her objective?"

Gewalin thought about her friend’s shy face earlier and smiley spoke "Her objective is to duel each race"s strongest warrior. The queen of leens of thine, The ogre lord, The king of dwarf and the demon king"

"This is madness!" Laurence even more dumbfounded than before and made Gewalin laugh out loud.

He cough to erase his embarra.s.sment and continue speaking "I am afraid that thy friend might be disappointed as the dalus kingdom or the dwarf like you said has already fell for more than thousands years, there is only the machines that never known to tire or sleep left"

He paused for a moment to think and spoke an important matter.

"Lady Gewalin, did thou knew that how important information thou shared is to us? We misunderstood for a long time that humans like thou came to this land to conquer and destroy everything. If this information of the diversities in objectives is true, us two races leens and human could be able to form an alliance together"

But Gewalin only dryly laughed "Thou had overestimated us by far. Did thou know that us humans making wars and fight ourselves even before we could communicate to each other? Conquering and destroying everything like thou said might not far from reality much"

"Thou art from the same race but thou art battling each other?"

"Thou race did not?"

Laurence shook his head "Why must we hurt those who has body and soul like the same? Thy race is such a strange thing"

Gewalin is surprised "Yes, us humans are such a strange race"

Laurence face had dimmed "How do we make a good relationship like this"

Gewalin thought that this leens in front of her is a person who"s so open-minded and seeking for peace. She was wondering that other leenses are mostly like this or not.

"It is not that bad. Some of us are thirst for war and victory, but some of us also seeking for peace and happiness. There are also those who seek only their benefits and those who give without wanting anything in return. If thou could negotiate to the human representative appropriately, I think that forming an alliance is possible"

Laurence looked at Gewalin"s face with astonishment "Thy human race has such a variety of interesting sides … I will find a way to sort this matter, could thou help us out?"

Gewalin winked to Laurence "Depending on what benefit thou would be able to give me. Only if the benefit is acceptable, anything could be able to talk out"

Laurence winked as in imitating Gewalin "If that is then thou might be one of the human who seeks only their benefits too"

An old looks of an elf winking is making her felt strange and smiled.

"It was depending on the topic and importance the the matters. I am not that person without moral to that extent"

She"s getting better at using this accent the longer she used it. But before Laurence could reply, a voice had interrupted them. (TL: you are used to it… but I did not used to it like thou, do I?)

"I"ve finished my bath! You should hurry and clean yourself, you"re dirtier than a stray dog!"

Gewalin turned her face to Janeyuu that came into this room without her noticing. Janeyuu is in a white clothes like those wearing by leens. The shoulders are padded with a beautiful white shoulder pads that was trimmed by silver thread. On her chest decorated a big blue jewel gleaming in medium glittering light. On her body is wrapped by a big long clothe similar to obi belt in kimono that j.a.panese girls used but also decorated by gold and silver tinsels making a beautiful shape. Her bottom part is a long skirt dragging to the floor and decorated with shining silver strips too. Her hair was clipped by an orange delicate flower hair clip.

Gewalin that always see Janeyuu in a strong amor was astonished by her appearance that was now totally different.

"My, my. You looks so much feminine now. Fine feathers make fine birds; the tailor truly makes the man. You"re very beautiful!"

Janeyuu that was wanted to shout now strongly glanced sideway with her face being red "Idiot! Just look at those chicks, they got my clothes that I placed to somewhere I don"t know! That"s why I have to wear this silky clothes, I didn"t like it!"

Two leens girls are giggled to each other.

Gewalin stood up and walked to the elevator, then she told two leens with a smile "I want a clothes that was compact and easy to move. If thou did not mind, I also want a big that could equip over mine own leather shoulder bag too. Oh, right. Mine own mechanical arm can"t be unequipped, don"t forget about this point"

Both leens girls accepted her proposal. One of them got down the elevator with Gewalin, another is finding a clothes that was match to her request.

When she"s descending, she heard Janeyuu voice "Why don"t you request one for me too!"

"You wearing that clothes is good enough!" Gewalin shouted back.

When she"s finally alone, she undressed her clothes and stepped into the pool with delight. She clean out her dead skins that she always thought every times she clean herself that why did this gave has too make it too realistic, what are they putting sculf in this game for? It"s still good that they did not included digestive system in this game too, or the game experiences would be very awkward.

When she got out of the water and found the clothes that the other party prepared for her, she was dumbfounded for a while when she had to put on a flaming shiny red skinny clothes on. The collar part is circling around her neck and reached her chest to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s then encircles to the back. Her back part is opened and revealed all her back. Her waist is al opened and revealed everything. Miniskirt with the same color is only over her hips a little.

If there"s no pitch black lace panty that was came along, everything might revealed to public. Long pitch black leather boots is a little longer than her knee matching the clothes, at least the boots is not high heels, or else she won"t be able to walk. On her right calf strapped by a little bag. Inside the bag, it was capable of containing her leather shoulder bag. (TL: I literally have no idea what is this outfit looks like even reading in the original… maybe it"s like what Inori (GC) wore?)

Gewalin felt weird to see her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bouncing every times she move when she didn"t wore her undergarment, strangely embarra.s.sed. When she had arrived to the upper floor, Janeyuu widen her eyes looking at her.

"What do thou think of the clothes I had prepared? I designed it mine own self. The clothes was made of the fire bull"s leather that was exclusive to scorching volcanic land, it could withstand heat and weapons greatly. The bag was specially made to store many items; this was a kind of magic we imitate from humans, leenses like us who are specialized in magic are impressed by how to adapt the transfer magic to daily items like this"

Gewalin then learned that it was Laurence who prepared this lewd clothes for her.

"I am in doubt that how the clothes that is too revealed like this would protect body from any weapons?"

"The clothes leens normally wear are all have an ability to create a lightweight yet durable magic armor around the user. Thou may not be able to see but thy body had been surrounded by magic armor, this magic armor will protect thee from weapons; other than that, it also resistance to heat — that was the special attribute from the ingredient" explained Laurence.

Gewalin sat beside Janeyuu, she"s trying to close her legs as much as possible as her skirt is too short to conceal anything that should be concealed. Laurence did not have any dirty thought other than the admiration to his creation.

"Thou have an ability to tailoring, sir Laurence?" Asked Gewalin.

"I am only design it, the tailoring is the work of mine own best tailor. Do thou think female humans would like mine own works? I am intent to make them as a gift to make a good relationship between two races" Laurence asked Gewalin for her opinion.

"We like it, we rea~lly like it!" It was Janeyuu who answered in Gewalin"s place while she"s caressing her friends revealed skins nonstop.

Gewalin"s trying to push away spider fingers out of her body while answering "There will be who like it and there will be who also dislike it. In my opinion, thou should thoroughly think who would thou give this kind of gift"

Laurence smiled as a thank.

"I am appreciate thy opinion, as our cultures are greatly different so I am not certain much"

Gewalin grew tired of these hands trying to caress her, she decided to tightly hug the owner of these hands to make them stop.

"I am certain that thy race"s style of clothes is appeal enough as humans like us are always finding something new. Thou could actually give an ordinary leens clothing style as a gift, only make it a good quality or specially luxurious. I am confident that the receiver would be very appreciate"

"Is that true?"


Laurence sighed in refreshment "Speaking with thee is truly widen mine own vision. I have prepared welcoming foods on the upper floor, shall be get going?" After that, Laurence led everyone with delighted mood.

Janeyuu clinged to Gewalin"s arm all the way to the circular table. On that medium size round table are placed by a silver tray tightly covered by a round lid.

"Thou both may not know that leens did not consuming foods like thine and thou arrived without prior schedule so we cannot prepare thy food ahead — the only thing we could find are fruits that we are not certain they would match your appet.i.te or not"

The same two leens girls opened the lid and revealed small fruits similar to grapes but has many colors like that of kid"s candies. Gewalin looked at the pile of small fruit with cautious, every times she tried eating foods she didn"t know is always ended up not being in her favor — being chased by Red Sandworm King or being a walking rainbow for a month.

Janeyuu picked a fruit into her mouth and chew with caution, before her face changed to showing a very fascinated expression like that of who whom never eaten a very excellent food before in their life.

"Yuu, look at this hand" Gewalin facing her left palm up at the chest level not far from Janeyuu"s body.

Janeyuu looked at that hand with wonder.

Cleck! Gulp!

The first sound is her teeth hitting each other as Gewalin flicked her hand and hit Janeyuu"s chin, making her swallowed the fruit that she was keeping in her mouth even before she could actually chew and taste it.

"Do you think I"d fall into the same trap of yours?" Gewalin picked the fruit and chew while Janeyuu is coughing hard.

Sweet nectar rushed out of the first bite; its taste is too sweet even the fruit or sweets she had eaten so far couldn"t match, the taste and smell stay even she had swallowed it — the taste was too great the she had to lightly let out her breath, its sweet smell is also carried out too.

Janeyuu saw the other party was enjoying this small fruit so much so she chew one of it and not keeping in her mouth like before. Immediately after she taste it, her reaction is even greater than Gewalin; her eyes are even rolled back while she"s enjoying this taste.

Gewalin put another fruit in her mouth and slowly chewing it, trying to enjoy the taste to the fullest "Sir Laurence, what is this fruit called? Thou could easily commercing with us human by only this fruit. Thou could buy their hearts who seek the greatness of taste by these small fruit"

"In truth, I too did not know what are these fruits called, but it was a favorite food of indomitable monsters in the forest. Steel Bark had to die three times to be able to get two cl.u.s.ters of it"

When she heard that, she asked one question she"s wondering "When leenses like thou died, will they reincarnated back at the resp.a.w.n point like humans?"

"We are not that much different from thou. When we died, our bodies will be dissolved into astral body then rea.s.semble at the magic crystal and it needs some times to be able to recreate the new body; only that our crystal is smaller than what you used much"

"Thou had seen our sp.a.w.n crystal?" Gewalin narrowed her eyes and slightly frown while asking.

Laurence smiled in mysterious "Humans like thou have many styles of clothing, infiltrating and finding information there won"t be difficult — many informations of humans we know are came from this method — Then, I shall reveal one of our leens secret to thee"

He opened the food covering lid by himself. The things prepared on the tray are many various small items such as multicolor ores, some berries, rocks,, engraved rocks, claws, horns, feathers, flowers or even weapons like knives and arrows.

"Leens like us has magical energies circulating in our bodies, I absorb these energies from nature. These things thou see here are all have stored magical energies inside. I have ordered my best personal chef to select the ingredients that could show its magical energies clearly even humans like thine could see" After that, Laurence placed his hands on the tray both sides.

Right after he touched the tray, the ingredients are all released their multicolor magic energies out — There are also chunks of fine magical particles to the chunks of gas and wavering strips — The magical energies are merged together and became waves of rainbow energies calmly floating around Laurence, then it was absorbed into his body gradually.

His "having meal" is silently continuing for a while until it was stopped as all the energies are depleted. Gewalin who was watching this process had been astonished.

"Aum!" Janeyuu feed a berry into Gewalin"s jaw-dropping mouth and pushed her jaw back into its place.

Gewalin slowly chewing it, its taste was greatly dropped as it was overwhelmed by her astonishment. Janeyuu doesn"t looks so interest in this process. While Gewalin is still shock, she"s eaten almost a half of Gewalin"s fruits already.

"This is the reason to make us have superior magical abilities than thou humans. We always absorb the magical energies into ourselves, hence our bodies could adapt and use any types of magical energies and could use them more effectively than any other races. But this advantagement is also our disadvantagement, Leenses are depending too much on magical energies and became an important daily basis — that is why we could not advance through the anti-magic barrier that humans made on the entire border" Explained Laurence.

"But thou did say thou sent spies … infiltrators to seek the informations in the land of human did thou not? If the anti-magic barrier is too effective like that, how could thou sent them across the border?" Gewalin was wondering. (TL: She said the word "spies" in english)

Laurence hesitated for a while before he decided to tell her an important secret "That is because a part of us leenses have inherit the bloodlines from the ancients times since we still not too relying to magic to the extent that we can"t live without it like normal leens. Thou did met them too, they are Shadow Moon Warriors. I guess that thy mechanical arm is made since in the ancient times that leens and dalus are battling each other, that is why it could detect the ancient blood leenses"

Gewalin looked at her mechanical arm on her right arm. When thinking back then, her mechanical arm  made a warning notification noises only when she meet those black-robed warriors.

"Why did thou told us this important secret?" Gewalin seriously ask as an important secret like this is a crucial thing if it was revealed. With her cautious nature, she couldn"t resist to ask; she even thought to the possibility of the other party planning to dispose her.

Laurence"s eyes shined "Did thou know?  Thy eyes now are very sharp unlike those of young girls entirely"

Gewalin then realized that she just had let her emotions be seen through her eyes.

"And then thou just disperse the sharp eyes like those of hawks to the one so innocent and curious to new things like before. If thou could always maintaining this state, I would not noticing anything. But when thou could change thy expressions and emotions at will like this then I could conclude that thou art not as simple as it"s look, and that made me understand why did I converse with thee like thou art the wisdom sage instead of handling thee like those of an innocent girl as I always do. It was actually because of I could sensed thy dept of wisdom hiding inside the crust of thee — only that I could not describe it in words — But now everything is crystal clear"

Gewalin deeply smiled to the other party. This means that she"s not skillful enough to hide her expressions that should be hidden. But when she experienced it, she"s confident that she could do it better next time.

"Thou still did not answer why did thou reveal this secret to me"

Laurence seriously answered "That is because I am offering thou a proposal. Mine own spies had told me a lot of things about humans, there is a saying that I specially like it; that is "do not expect anything from the others if you didn"t give anything first", is this reason enough?"

Gewalin hardly think while Janeyuu is feeding her the last fruit, which most of them are already in the feeder"s stomach.

"If thou allow me an my friend Janeyuu to crossing border and using services in the land of leens freedomly, I will tell thee a crucial important information of human to you as an exchange, is that good?"

Laurence tilted his head in hesitation "That was such an important bargain, did thou so sure about thy secret would be valuable enough to get these special rights?"

"How about the secret of anti-magic barrier that was currently thy problem?" Gewalin arrogantly smiled as she was certain that the other party won"t decline this offer.

Laurence"s reaction is as expected, his face greatly showed his shocking expression to the words.

"Art thou kidding?"

"That will not be a kidding for sure" Gewalin shook her head, but the other party"s still not trust her.

"Did thou not weighting thy own race?"

Gewalin leaned forward and monotonously spoke "Sir Laurence, thou still did not know us humans that much. Even in the same race, we still killing each other without mercy. Thou could not measure how much our instinct of fighting is. Telling thee this secret will not make us at that disadvantageous. I only grabbed the opportunities to find profits in the right times"

Laurence silently sat, staring at those mature eyes that the other party was showing without hiding "I will need to call a meeting to other departments before I could give thee an answer"

Gewalin widely smiled to the other party"s decision "It was not actually matter if thou did proceed this for us or not, I shall still tell thee that the secret of the anti-magic barrier is hidden in the ground under the entire wall that thou did just destroyed" This secret was learned from the soldier she"ve met when they had been attacked by the black-robed warriors the first time.

Laurence then realized that he was backfired by his strategy to using fame and honor in keeping words of the other party that he just used in the beginning of this conversation. But the other party had took a revenge by telling him the secret first. That"d made him trying his hardest to be able to do was demanded or he would be branding as a liar and has no obligation.

The other important thing is the possibility in the other party"s word that the secret of anti-magic barrier is under the ground. Leens like him has supportive magic to let him fly above the wall easily. They"re  laughing at the humans that made a useless wall at first until their mana was suddenly shattered right at the moment they"re crossing the wall and found out they are doomed. With fame and honor of the majestic warriors like them, they aren"t using a lowly method like digging into the ground. It was clear that human could understand them in such a short time after the war broke out.

When thinking till this stage, Laurence saw that they"re underestimating humans too much.

"I shall try my best to get what thou want … A duel with Sharp Star in ten days, did thou think thou could win?" Laurence changed the subject.

Gewalin shook her head "Not in the slightest. Speaking of truth, mine own abilities cannot best a great warrior like that. That victory at the first time is just came from the carelessness of mine own opponent. Dueling this time with a person who is well prepared and always keeping keen eyes to his surrounding in the place supported by magical energies, The door to victory was shut tight"

"But thou still accept his request"

"Certainly. I shall fight with my best, but the result will not be much pretty. I only hope to find knowledges and experiences as much as possible before the duel has begun"

Laurence thinking something in his head, before he suddenly stood "I have something urgent to take care of. Did thou need something special more?"

Gewalin looked at Janeyuu who"s full and slept because this conversation is too hard to understand and too boring for her "Could I have someone to teach me leens language? And if there is a place where I could easily cook then it would be perfect" She requested a leens language teacher to cover herself when she was accidentally read a text that she shouldn"t be able to read, which would lead to chaos.

"Thou must be kidding. Our texts are head to learn, it was impossible to learn within such a short times … But I will find a teacher for thee. then please excuse me. If thou need something, thou could order mine own servants for that" After that, he hastily left, leaving Gewalin who picked the book he left earlier and read it in her curiosity as the book cover said "The legends of ancient G.o.ds"

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