Love Late

Chapter Sixteen Gradually, I made some new friends again in S. City.  Everybody shared the same rotten taste.  We were men of debauchery and quickly became close without a worry about lacking something to kill the time. But I was still fond of the past.  From time to time, I’d think of Lin Jing. I thought about him so much that one morning when I was sleeping on the sofa, I saw Lin Jing’s evil grin in my dream. What kinda dream is this?!  Why is he grinning like that?  So ugly. I was about to turn over and drive away that face when the entire face suddenly magnified before my eyes and shouted, “Surprise!” Abruptly, I woke up with a start.  s.h.i.t, this face is actually real. I immediately squeezed his cheeks hard and pulled them.  “How come you’re here?” “Hehehehehe…”  This guy was laughing like a maniac. “We’re here to shoot an ad.  Don’t you remember?  It was originally set for next week.  Now that work has been shifted ahead of time, we’ve come earlier to see you. Aren’t you happy?” I woke up only after I had thought about it. Lu Feng and the Zhuo family had been as incompatible as fire and water.  In recent years, they finally shook hands in cooperation.  Eternal friends didn’t exist in the business world, much less eternal enemies.  Besides, Zhuo Wen Yang was Cheng Yi Chen’s son. The joint venture between the two families in S. City’s real estate investment was already steadily steering onto the right track.  The shareholders were all young, handsomemen who had the cla.s.s and the look.  This time they were going to use their own people to shoot a photo ad.  It was both convincing and lethal. I looked at my watch.  “You’ll be starting work, right?  Then hurry up and get the job done.  I’ll sleep some more, and I’ll take you out tonight when you’re done.” Lin Jing grabbed my collar and dragged me off the sofa, shrieking, “This is my first ad shoot ever!  Don’t tell me you have no intention of coming to support me?!”“Oh dear, I’m old.  I don’t have as much vigor as you young people.  I’ll pick you up when your shooting’s over.  Be good.” “You’ll be such a party-p.o.o.per if you don’t come.  Where’s your conscience, huh? Where is it?” Lin Jing asked as he felt all over my chest.  I waved him off.  “Get off, get off.  It’s not like I have any milk for you to drink!” “Waaaah…” “Oh, give me a break.” “I can’t believe I still considered you an important friend, wanting to share everything with you, wishing that you’d be present at every important event of my life…” I knew he was talking s.h.i.t, but my heart melted from listening to him.  This guy, if he so wished, could be very likable. “Okay, alright.  I’ll take you there.  But I won’t watch the shooting.  That way you won’t get nervous.  I’ll wait for you outside.” I took Lin Jing out to eat, fed him until he was full, and taught him the Method of Belly-hiding.  I then took him to the ad company.  Zhuo Wen Yang and Ke Luo were already trying on their outfits.  Lin Jing was late.  As soon as he arrived, he was rushed to change. I stood outside of the workroom and chatted with the staff members, entertaining myself like a fish back in water. After a moment, I heard Lin Jing shout out, “Lee, Lee, come in quick and bathe in the glory that is me.” “…” “It’ll be a pity if you don’t look!  You won’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…” That guy simply started hollering. Helpless, I had no choice but to stick my head in. Ke Luo was just turning his head toward the doorway to look.  It was too late to evade him.  Our eyes locked, and at that moment it was as if I was—bang-bang—shot twice in the chest, the feeling of my heart exploding. It had been a while, yet he hadn’t changed at all with eyes so bright.Looking face to face for those few seconds, Ke Luo smiled his radiant smile, flashing his fine, white teeth.  “Lee.” I also smiled and gave him a simple greeting. I then walked to Lin Jing, seeing him proud like a small peac.o.c.k showing off its feathers, and raised my hands to fix his collar. Ke Luo continued to smile, watching us for a moment, then lowered his head and adjusted his own clothes as well. After Lin Jing was done gloating, he looked Ke Luo up and down and said, “Ah, I still think Ke Luo is better-looking than me.” I pinched his cheeks and doted on him, “No way.” “He’s very handsome, look.” I turned my head to look as Ke Luo, who was holding the hem of his shirt, looked toward me as well. My eyes swept over him.  I turned back around and gossiped with Lin Jing in a low voice, “He’s alright.  He lacks a bit in cla.s.s.  There’s no help for it.” “Eh?  La-lack in cla.s.s?  Didn’t you admire him before?” “Pretty young men have a shelf life.”  I shook my head.  “He’s long since expired.” Lin Jing was shocked.  “d.a.m.n!  It’s only been how long?!  He can’t have expired that fast.  I still want to at least be a handsome guy for ten—twenty more years!” “It’s different with you.  Even in your thirties and forties, you won’t look old.  Some people look old when they’re young, looking like they’re thirty at twenty.  Not youthful for long.” “But men don’t have to be youthful.  Mature men are handsome too.” “When it comes to mature men, it would have to be Zhou Wen Yang.  Among young people, he’s most reliable when handling matters.  He’s also pretty.” The corner of Lin Jing’s mouth twitched.  “Don’t tell me you’ve taken a liking to him.  Let me tell you: don’t mess with him if you don’t want trouble.  He’s straight and his temper is bad.  In fact, I think Ke Luo is way better than him.  He’s handsome and caring…” I lewdly smiled.  “Straight men are more enticing.  I like them very much.  Besides, I think Ke Luo is plain.  He’s not clever, he drags when he handles matters, and what’s more, he has no skills to be said.  When it comes down to it, he’s just a box of pizza.” Lin Jing straightened his face at once and lowered his voice, slightly aiming to refute me, “Don’t you talk nonsense!  Ke Luo isn’t that type of man.  He’s very cautious.  Not the slightest bit easy to pick up!” “What a good friend, but I’m not referring to that,” I said, laughing, “What I mean is he’s nice and neat on the outside, looking delicious and sweet-smelling.  But when you really eat him, you’ll know he’s just something that fills your stomach.  The more you eat, the less interested you are.” Lin Jing wasn’t all too happy and wanted to say more, but the photographer rushed him, so our quiet gossip ended there. Ke Luo didn’t seem to have heard us.  He just had his head lowered as he dealt with that rebellious b.u.t.ton.  I could see his long, motionless eyelashes. When he lifted his head and saw me with his usual raven-black, young beast-like eyes, he still politely smiled. I walked to the side to sit down and watch them start working. I’m so immature.  As if doing this would make me look victorious.  Even though he didn’t love me, he at least had the courtesy to respect me as an elder.  I, on the other hand, who insulted him and bad-mouthed him because I couldn’t get him, was shameless. I just had no idea why I felt a bit sad while being shameless. When the three men stood together, whatever sadness I had flew off.  I almost spurted out blood.  Before my nasal blood vessels ruptured, I hastily pinched my nose. They were clearly fully dressed, b.u.t.toned up to their chins, not even the skin on their necks was exposed.  Unfortunately, I had no idea why my head was filled with GV[[1]]t.i.tles like “The Enticement of Three Male Beauties” and “Two Gays and One Straight Man.” What is this?!  Three beautiful men there—each with their own distinct style—messing with the perverted minds of us lonely old men. Seeing Ke Luo with his neatly-b.u.t.toned shirt and the way he pressed his lips, I felt my blood pressure gradually rise up.  I just about fainted. Sure enough, I was hungry and thirsty for far too long.  The more covered up they were, the more attractive they seemed. In my mind, I cursed myself as a vulgar, perverted, obscene middle-aged man, yet my line of sight seemed to be strongly stuck there.  I couldn’t pull away. The shooting came to an end.  It was the half-time break, and the staff members brought refreshments for everyone.  Ke Luo unb.u.t.toned his collar a little.  Probably sensing my staring eyes, he wavered a little and looked down at himself. I looked at the slightly prominent bone of his eyebrow from the side.  He was very handsome, but was still a kid who lacked self-confidence. He suddenly turned toward me, pulling the hem of his shirt.  “Is anything wrong with it?”“Oh, not at all.  It’s very good.”  I immediately put up an act of casually sweeping my eyes over him, then shifted my gaze to Zhuo Wen Yang.“Lee?” Why do I feel a bit dizzy?  The room is so d.a.m.n stuffy and hot. “Y-you’re bleeding.” I touched two wet trails under my nose. I actually spurted blood from my nose in front of so many watching eyes.  I had no time to tend to everyone’s dumbstruck gaze.  Zhuo Wen Yang’s face slightly reddened with a frown and he hurriedly took out his handkerchief to block it. I was helped by Ke Luo into my seat.  Lifting my head up with my nose to the sky, I didn’t forget to explain, “It’s because the weather is too hot!  The weather!” Ke Luo said, “I know,” as he let my head rest on the back of the chair.  He then asked, “Would you like some water?” I felt his ice-cold fingers and, for a moment, I didn’t dare to look at his lowered, inquiring face.  I could only give a vague reply and close my eyes. I stared at the ceiling for a while and gradually the blood stopped flowing.  I dropped my neck which was sore from facing upward.  Everyone watched me with an expression of wanting to laugh.  Furthermore, Lin Jing was disappointed as he had the three bold words “GOOD FOR NOTHING” written on his face.  I felt a myriad of remorse inside, yet all I could do was act as if nothing had happened.  I started to eat and drink with grace. The refreshments tasted pretty good.  Only Ke Luo didn’t eat.  He sat on one side and continued to fiddle with his clothes, as if he was at war with those b.u.t.tons today. The rather young and talented cameraman slightly stood up, then took two refreshments and a cup of water and walked over.  My ears p.r.i.c.ked up at once.  With the intuition from being the same kind, just by simply watching him look at Ke Luo with those eyes, I sensed that we had similar interests.  “You worked hard.  It seems like we’ll shoot until late into the night.  Want to go get something to eat tonight?” Ke Luo nodded and smiled as he said, “Yeah, everyone’s worked hard.  It’ll be my treat.” “I meant just the two of us.” This time even Ke Luo understood.  After a brief silence, my alert ears heard Ke Luo’s quiet but firm voice, “I’m sorry, but I already have someone I like.” d.a.m.n it, he just kills with one move.  How many had died needlessly by those words? The cameraman sure enough walked off, not the least bit reluctant.  I looked over Ke Luo from one side, secretly finding fault. He was pretty, but didn’t care to dress up.  The conditions were good, yet, in the arena of love, his methods were actually incredibly poor.  He didn’t know how to give a sweet speech and honeyed words.  He was inconsiderate. As soon as someone who’s interested walked up to him, he would say, “I have someone I like.  I won’t have a change of heart.”  He fully inherited his old man’s stubbornness. In fact, so long as he was willing to say something a bit more pleasant to hear, with his charm, no matter how many boats he steps on[[2]], there will always be someone who’s willing to take the bait.  But he didn’t even know how to deceive people at all. Only an idiot or a Romeo would continue to run after him.  Serves him right that he’s going to be alone all his life.I looked at him with his head slightly tilted.  Lin Jing was still making a ruckus with the staff members.  Zhuo Wen Yang stood nearby with an indifferent look. In fact, the trio among the dazzling lights didn’t seem to have a perfect childhood and teenage years.  However Lin Jing had been surrounded by numerous admirers since he was small, Zhuo Wen Yang probably didn’t fall short of receiving affections either, and Ke Luo, the youngest, lacked everything. Comparing myself to him, there wasn’t an excessive sense of inferiority.  Young people had their own advantage, and I had my experience.  He wasn’t perfect, and he also had so many faults. When Ke Luo lifted his head and met my eyes, he slightly hesitated a moment, then smiled at me. Uh-huh, he has oh-so many faults.  It’s just that I seemed to like all those faults of his.__________________________________[1] GV is an acronym for gay video.[2] This refers to the Chinese saying ‘To have one’s feet in two boats.’ It can refer to a person who is already going out with someone but is seeing someone else at the same time. It’s similar to the English saying, ‘To have a foot in both camps.’  Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen Gradually, I made some new friends again in S. City.  Everybody shared the same rotten taste.  We were men of debauchery and quickly became close without a worry about lacking something to kill the time. But I was still fond of the past.  From time to time, I’d think of Lin Jing. I thought about him so much that one morning when I was sleeping on the sofa, I saw Lin Jing’s evil grin in my dream. What kinda dream is this?!  Why is he grinning like that?  So ugly. I was about to turn over and drive away that face when the entire face suddenly magnified before my eyes and shouted, “Surprise!” Abruptly, I woke up with a start.  s.h.i.t, this face is actually real. I immediately squeezed his cheeks hard and pulled them.  “How come you’re here?” “Hehehehehe…”  This guy was laughing like a maniac. “We’re here to shoot an ad.  Don’t you remember?  It was originally set for next week.  Now that work has been shifted ahead of time, we’ve come earlier to see you. Aren’t you happy?” I woke up only after I had thought about it. Lu Feng and the Zhuo family had been as incompatible as fire and water.  In recent years, they finally shook hands in cooperation.  Eternal friends didn’t exist in the business world, much less eternal enemies.  Besides, Zhuo Wen Yang was Cheng Yi Chen’s son. The joint venture between the two families in S. City’s real estate investment was already steadily steering onto the right track.  The shareholders were all young, handsomemen who had the cla.s.s and the look.  This time they were going to use their own people to shoot a photo ad.  It was both convincing and lethal. I looked at my watch.  “You’ll be starting work, right?  Then hurry up and get the job done.  I’ll sleep some more, and I’ll take you out tonight when you’re done.” Lin Jing grabbed my collar and dragged me off the sofa, shrieking, “This is my first ad shoot ever!  Don’t tell me you have no intention of coming to support me?!”“Oh dear, I’m old.  I don’t have as much vigor as you young people.  I’ll pick you up when your shooting’s over.  Be good.” “You’ll be such a party-p.o.o.per if you don’t come.  Where’s your conscience, huh? Where is it?” Lin Jing asked as he felt all over my chest.  I waved him off.  “Get off, get off.  It’s not like I have any milk for you to drink!” “Waaaah…” “Oh, give me a break.” “I can’t believe I still considered you an important friend, wanting to share everything with you, wishing that you’d be present at every important event of my life…” I knew he was talking s.h.i.t, but my heart melted from listening to him.  This guy, if he so wished, could be very likable. “Okay, alright.  I’ll take you there.  But I won’t watch the shooting.  That way you won’t get nervous.  I’ll wait for you outside.” I took Lin Jing out to eat, fed him until he was full, and taught him the Method of Belly-hiding.  I then took him to the ad company.  Zhuo Wen Yang and Ke Luo were already trying on their outfits.  Lin Jing was late.  As soon as he arrived, he was rushed to change. I stood outside of the workroom and chatted with the staff members, entertaining myself like a fish back in water. After a moment, I heard Lin Jing shout out, “Lee, Lee, come in quick and bathe in the glory that is me.” “…” “It’ll be a pity if you don’t look!  You won’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…” That guy simply started hollering. Helpless, I had no choice but to stick my head in. Ke Luo was just turning his head toward the doorway to look.  It was too late to evade him.  Our eyes locked, and at that moment it was as if I was—bang-bang—shot twice in the chest, the feeling of my heart exploding. It had been a while, yet he hadn’t changed at all with eyes so bright.Looking face to face for those few seconds, Ke Luo smiled his radiant smile, flashing his fine, white teeth.  “Lee.” I also smiled and gave him a simple greeting. I then walked to Lin Jing, seeing him proud like a small peac.o.c.k showing off its feathers, and raised my hands to fix his collar. Ke Luo continued to smile, watching us for a moment, then lowered his head and adjusted his own clothes as well. After Lin Jing was done gloating, he looked Ke Luo up and down and said, “Ah, I still think Ke Luo is better-looking than me.” I pinched his cheeks and doted on him, “No way.” “He’s very handsome, look.” I turned my head to look as Ke Luo, who was holding the hem of his shirt, looked toward me as well. My eyes swept over him.  I turned back around and gossiped with Lin Jing in a low voice, “He’s alright.  He lacks a bit in cla.s.s.  There’s no help for it.” “Eh?  La-lack in cla.s.s?  Didn’t you admire him before?” “Pretty young men have a shelf life.”  I shook my head.  “He’s long since expired.” Lin Jing was shocked.  “d.a.m.n!  It’s only been how long?!  He can’t have expired that fast.  I still want to at least be a handsome guy for ten—twenty more years!” “It’s different with you.  Even in your thirties and forties, you won’t look old.  Some people look old when they’re young, looking like they’re thirty at twenty.  Not youthful for long.” “But men don’t have to be youthful.  Mature men are handsome too.” “When it comes to mature men, it would have to be Zhou Wen Yang.  Among young people, he’s most reliable when handling matters.  He’s also pretty.” The corner of Lin Jing’s mouth twitched.  “Don’t tell me you’ve taken a liking to him.  Let me tell you: don’t mess with him if you don’t want trouble.  He’s straight and his temper is bad.  In fact, I think Ke Luo is way better than him.  He’s handsome and caring…” I lewdly smiled.  “Straight men are more enticing.  I like them very much.  Besides, I think Ke Luo is plain.  He’s not clever, he drags when he handles matters, and what’s more, he has no skills to be said.  When it comes down to it, he’s just a box of pizza.” Lin Jing straightened his face at once and lowered his voice, slightly aiming to refute me, “Don’t you talk nonsense!  Ke Luo isn’t that type of man.  He’s very cautious.  Not the slightest bit easy to pick up!” “What a good friend, but I’m not referring to that,” I said, laughing, “What I mean is he’s nice and neat on the outside, looking delicious and sweet-smelling.  But when you really eat him, you’ll know he’s just something that fills your stomach.  The more you eat, the less interested you are.” Lin Jing wasn’t all too happy and wanted to say more, but the photographer rushed him, so our quiet gossip ended there. Ke Luo didn’t seem to have heard us.  He just had his head lowered as he dealt with that rebellious b.u.t.ton.  I could see his long, motionless eyelashes. When he lifted his head and saw me with his usual raven-black, young beast-like eyes, he still politely smiled. I walked to the side to sit down and watch them start working. I’m so immature.  As if doing this would make me look victorious.  Even though he didn’t love me, he at least had the courtesy to respect me as an elder.  I, on the other hand, who insulted him and bad-mouthed him because I couldn’t get him, was shameless. I just had no idea why I felt a bit sad while being shameless. When the three men stood together, whatever sadness I had flew off.  I almost spurted out blood.  Before my nasal blood vessels ruptured, I hastily pinched my nose. They were clearly fully dressed, b.u.t.toned up to their chins, not even the skin on their necks was exposed.  Unfortunately, I had no idea why my head was filled with GV[[1]]t.i.tles like “The Enticement of Three Male Beauties” and “Two Gays and One Straight Man.” What is this?!  Three beautiful men there—each with their own distinct style—messing with the perverted minds of us lonely old men. Seeing Ke Luo with his neatly-b.u.t.toned shirt and the way he pressed his lips, I felt my blood pressure gradually rise up.  I just about fainted. Sure enough, I was hungry and thirsty for far too long.  The more covered up they were, the more attractive they seemed. In my mind, I cursed myself as a vulgar, perverted, obscene middle-aged man, yet my line of sight seemed to be strongly stuck there.  I couldn’t pull away. The shooting came to an end.  It was the half-time break, and the staff members brought refreshments for everyone.  Ke Luo unb.u.t.toned his collar a little.  Probably sensing my staring eyes, he wavered a little and looked down at himself. I looked at the slightly prominent bone of his eyebrow from the side.  He was very handsome, but was still a kid who lacked self-confidence. He suddenly turned toward me, pulling the hem of his shirt.  “Is anything wrong with it?”“Oh, not at all.  It’s very good.”  I immediately put up an act of casually sweeping my eyes over him, then shifted my gaze to Zhuo Wen Yang.“Lee?” Why do I feel a bit dizzy?  The room is so d.a.m.n stuffy and hot. “Y-you’re bleeding.” I touched two wet trails under my nose. I actually spurted blood from my nose in front of so many watching eyes.  I had no time to tend to everyone’s dumbstruck gaze.  Zhuo Wen Yang’s face slightly reddened with a frown and he hurriedly took out his handkerchief to block it. I was helped by Ke Luo into my seat.  Lifting my head up with my nose to the sky, I didn’t forget to explain, “It’s because the weather is too hot!  The weather!” Ke Luo said, “I know,” as he let my head rest on the back of the chair.  He then asked, “Would you like some water?” I felt his ice-cold fingers and, for a moment, I didn’t dare to look at his lowered, inquiring face.  I could only give a vague reply and close my eyes. I stared at the ceiling for a while and gradually the blood stopped flowing.  I dropped my neck which was sore from facing upward.  Everyone watched me with an expression of wanting to laugh.  Furthermore, Lin Jing was disappointed as he had the three bold words “GOOD FOR NOTHING” written on his face.  I felt a myriad of remorse inside, yet all I could do was act as if nothing had happened.  I started to eat and drink with grace. The refreshments tasted pretty good.  Only Ke Luo didn’t eat.  He sat on one side and continued to fiddle with his clothes, as if he was at war with those b.u.t.tons today. The rather young and talented cameraman slightly stood up, then took two refreshments and a cup of water and walked over.  My ears p.r.i.c.ked up at once.  With the intuition from being the same kind, just by simply watching him look at Ke Luo with those eyes, I sensed that we had similar interests.  “You worked hard.  It seems like we’ll shoot until late into the night.  Want to go get something to eat tonight?” Ke Luo nodded and smiled as he said, “Yeah, everyone’s worked hard.  It’ll be my treat.” “I meant just the two of us.” This time even Ke Luo understood.  After a brief silence, my alert ears heard Ke Luo’s quiet but firm voice, “I’m sorry, but I already have someone I like.” d.a.m.n it, he just kills with one move.  How many had died needlessly by those words? The cameraman sure enough walked off, not the least bit reluctant.  I looked over Ke Luo from one side, secretly finding fault. He was pretty, but didn’t care to dress up.  The conditions were good, yet, in the arena of love, his methods were actually incredibly poor.  He didn’t know how to give a sweet speech and honeyed words.  He was inconsiderate. As soon as someone who’s interested walked up to him, he would say, “I have someone I like.  I won’t have a change of heart.”  He fully inherited his old man’s stubbornness. In fact, so long as he was willing to say something a bit more pleasant to hear, with his charm, no matter how many boats he steps on[[2]], there will always be someone who’s willing to take the bait.  But he didn’t even know how to deceive people at all. Only an idiot or a Romeo would continue to run after him.  Serves him right that he’s going to be alone all his life.I looked at him with his head slightly tilted.  Lin Jing was still making a ruckus with the staff members.  Zhuo Wen Yang stood nearby with an indifferent look. In fact, the trio among the dazzling lights didn’t seem to have a perfect childhood and teenage years.  However Lin Jing had been surrounded by numerous admirers since he was small, Zhuo Wen Yang probably didn’t fall short of receiving affections either, and Ke Luo, the youngest, lacked everything. Comparing myself to him, there wasn’t an excessive sense of inferiority.  Young people had their own advantage, and I had my experience.  He wasn’t perfect, and he also had so many faults. When Ke Luo lifted his head and met my eyes, he slightly hesitated a moment, then smiled at me. Uh-huh, he has oh-so many faults.  It’s just that I seemed to like all those faults of his.__________________________________[1] GV is an acronym for gay video.[2] This refers to the Chinese saying ‘To have one’s feet in two boats.’ It can refer to a person who is already going out with someone but is seeing someone else at the same time. It’s similar to the English saying, ‘To have a foot in both camps.’  Chapter Sixteen

The next day, Shu Nian and his husband wanted to hold a welcoming dinner for the three. I had to act like a gentleman, so I couldn’t even back out from the invite to the dinner party. Once their outdoor shooting was done, I personally took them back and dropped the three young’uns off at Xie Yan’s s.p.a.cious apartment to play. 

“Lee, let’s play ball~ We happen to have six people. We can have a match between teams of three!”

Lin Jing got a basketball from Shu Nian. From the looks of it, it was probably something from Xie Yan’s younger days. Kudos to him for preserving it so well. 

“Spare these old bones of mine.” 

“Even Shu Nian has agreed to play. Stop playing frail.” 

My brother was actually urging me too, “Let’s go. We don’t usually get the chance to exercise. There’s a basketball court downstairs.” 

d.a.m.n it, Shu Nian is captured already. Lin Jing really is likable. Who am I to blame that he has a face that people can’t help but smile at? 

My fists were unable to withstand the pull of four hands, so I had no choice but to join. The basketball match had three players on each team. Shu Nian and Xie Yan were sure to be a team; otherwise Shu Nian would only be an extra player. They and Ke Luo formed a team. As for me, I embraced with my left and held with my right two beauties. 

What gave me the chills was that Zhuo Wen Yang was quiet with a deadpan face even when he played basketball. His skills weren’t that much better than Shu Nian’s. Luckily, Lin Jing was a fierce combatant, so much that he could match Xie Yan. And just like before in LA, I was Ke Luo’s check.

I was already familiar with all of his steal techniques and dribbling strategies. Therefore, even though I couldn’t rival him in stamina, I wouldn’t lose to him. 

With two teams of amateurs playing basketball, the scores were fairly even. When time was almost up, the scores on both sides were at a dead tie. At last, I stole the ball from them, but Ke Luo was relentless with his defense. Know thyself, know thy enemy. Naturally, I wouldn’t let him succeed so easily. I quickly pa.s.sed it to Lin Jing who was hollering, yet that guy was unable to get away from Xie Yan who had him checked really well. He yelped and threw it back to me like a hot potato. 

As I scrambled with Ke Luo to s.n.a.t.c.h the ball, we were a bit too close. I would have succeeded, but for a split second I almost brushed against his nose. I actually zoned out—frozen on the spot—for that emanating charm and hormones. 

Ke Luo took the ball in a flash, and then, with a proper posture, he made a three-point shot. 

Xie Yan and Zhou Wen Yang looked at me with darkened faces. Even Ke Luo, who had come back to himself after scoring, was somewhat at a loss. Only Lin Jing burst out in laughter. 

That laughter from Lin Jing put me on the spot. I immediately straightened my face and said, “What’re you laughing at? You couldn’t have made a better steal. That’s what you call intimidation, intimidation! You haven’t experienced it before. Try going up against Ke Luo and you’ll know. I guarantee you’ll be shocked just the same!” 

Yet Lin Jing, the d.a.m.n guy, up until dinnertime, kept raising his hands upon seeing Ke Luo, as if he was too dazzling for his eyes, and shouted, “Uwah, it’s intimidation!” 

I can’t stand this anymore! 

I truly didn’t have the face to live through it. It was as if I was sitting on pins and needles. Tonight of all nights, not a single phone call came to my rescue. 

With no way out, I was forced to find a chance to send a text to my buddies under the table. As soon as they called, I immediately answered, putting on an act with a “h.e.l.lo?” and then acting surprised, “Oh, really? I’ll be right there!” 

Shu Nian asked with concern, “What happened?” 

“My friend is hurt! He needs me to go check on him.” 

After a moment of silence, Lin Jing said, “You sure sound cheerful when your friend is hurt…” 

I gave a cough. “Alright. In fact, a friend asked me to go have fun at a nightclub. You all know, that kind of need is like eating and sleeping. It’s an essential of life. You’ll have to excuse me for leaving first.” 

Lin Jing happily exclaimed, “That’s right! All too true. I’ve restrained myself for so long, I’ve almost reverted back to being a virgin. I want to go too!” 

The couple and Zhuo Wen Yang naturally wouldn’t want to go. Ke Luo was somewhat embarra.s.sed as well. As a result, I had no choice but to let Lin Jing tag along. 

After cruising through several places, it all seemed very boring to me. Faceless drinkers with bland words weren’t stirring up my blood. Clearly my frail nose spurted blood yesterday, and now when I wanted to have some fun, the sensual system in my body seemed to have shut down. 

At each club, I would drink a gla.s.s, and then drag Lin Jing along to pay the bill. Lin Jing asked, “You can’t be taking the census of the gay bars in S city, right?” 

Gradually my patience with drinking and flirting faded. I wanted just straight-out s.e.x so much that I didn’t want the usual one-on-one. 

When we entered the final bar, the muscular men on stage had reached the climax of the strip tease performance. Their briefs were stuffed full of paper bills, and a buzz of excitement ran through the crowd offstage. The lighting was dimmed with secrecy. It couldn’t be any clearer what those people were doing in the dark. 

Lin Jing looked around, ordered a drink, and said, “I don’t think I’d want to make out with drunkards and drug users.” 

But that was what I wanted tonight. 

Someone brushed past me, glanced at me, and signaled me. When I drew out my wallet, Lin Jing looked at me with widened eyes. “Hey, no way!” 

Smiling, I paid the money and took a small bag of pills. “There’s no harm taking some every once in a while.” 

It wasn’t something that I’d get addicted to. As long as I kept a good control of myself and not overdo it, it’s unlikely there would be any harm from it. And I was the type who knew when to stop. 

You only have one life to live, so you have to keep pursuing pleasure. To be so stiff and proper just wasn’t me. 

What"s more, if I don’t take them, how am I supposed to get high tonight? 

The atmosphere on the dance floor was fervent. I was attracted by the increasing excitement of the decadent air. I moved closer to merge with the crowd. 

There’s a risk to s.e.x parties, but they gave extreme satisfaction. And I wouldn’t forget to use a condom. 

Lin Jing grabbed my arm. “Hey, you’re not actually thinking about being that loose?” 

Why is this guy suddenly so upright? It’s not as if we both haven’t played this before. I laughed and patted his face. “I’m going. Go back to the hotel early. Little kids shouldn’t play with adults.” 

I took the drug with my drink and, as expected, I quickly felt high: vivid colors before me, my body feverish. I knew the drug had started to take effect as my mood brightened. 

Lin Jing was still pulling me. I turned to look at him. Suddenly I thought he looked cute. Leaning toward him, I embraced and kissed him. 

After a moment of kissing, Lin Jing cheerfully said, “Are you throwing yourself into my arms?” Then he said, “Not good, a rabbit doesn’t eat the gra.s.s by its own burrow. I’ll be beaten up. Hold on…” 

My screaming blood was stirring restlessly through my entire body. Annoyed from his long-winded chattering, I released him and turned to kiss someone else close by. 

As I was in blind pa.s.sion with a stranger, I faintly heard Lin Jing holler, “Lee’s gone crazy! Hurry and come help me drag him back! We’re now at…” 

In the end, I had no idea who was pushing who against the sofa, caressing and kissing, yet I was held from behind by someone and pulled off. 

It’s quite common to be interrupted when in high spirits. At times like this, there aren’t any fixed s.e.x partners. You can switch when you run across someone better, and there are plenty who want to join in midway. 

I turned around, wrapped my arms around that person and pulled him over, kissing him heavily. 

The man struggled for a while as I restrained him tighter. I probed into his mouth with my tongue, and I groped under his clothes. 

It was an indescribably wonderful feeling. Skin, waistline, the touch of the lips. Everything about this person was exactly what I craved, even his scent. 

My entire being was stimulated. I plundered and teased him with kisses. I forced myself between his legs, rubbing and pushing against him as one hand reached down to unzip his pants. 

The man’s strength was extraordinary. He could actually struggle free under this kind of circ.u.mstance. Normally I should have switched to someone else and continue my pleasure. There were s.e.x partners all over the place anyway. Yet, this man made it impossible for me to give up. I wrapped around his waist, wanting to forcefully push myself onto him. 

Amidst the chaos, one more hand came out to handle me, determined to tear me away from that man’s body. Is this asking for a threesome? That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. 

My ears were still buzzing as I was carried out of the bar. Whatever I heard seemed to be separated by a wall. The light outside the bar was bright. I suddenly realized that Lin Jing was one of the two people, and the other was… 

The lucid thought flashed through my mind. 

But I was rational and clear-headed only for that one split second. As soon as I sat in the car and sensed that the man who I had been attracted to was beside me, I threw myself at him. 

When I forcefully m.u.f.fled his mouth, kissing him, I heard in my buzzing ears someone say, “Wow, you have got to be kidding me, to be in heat like this. Just be a gentleman and bear with it.” 

During the entire drive, I was in the back seat twisting and turning. I’d kissed, bitten, groped, and pulled his clothes into disarray, and still the man wouldn’t let me have my way yet. 

After getting out of the car, topsy-turvy, my head was filled with nothing but s.e.x. I seized the chance to pounce on the man with the alluring scent and tried to arouse him. 

The other man kept pulling me off him to stop my attempt and yelled, “Hey, Lee, control yourself. There’s a camera in the elevator…” 

I finally entered the room. As soon as the door closed, there was only the two of us. All of a sudden, I unleashed the beast inside me and pushed the man against the wall. 

The kissing and caressing became more wantonly. His shirt was torn off by me and his pants were finally stripped off. 

I was already unbearably excited before anything substantial was done. My weak nasal cavity couldn’t hold it much longer. I pushed harder against him, fervently kissing him as I took off my clothes. Entangled, I stroked him and tried to force myself between his legs. 

I could feel his beating heart quicken through our closely-pressed chests. When he struggled, the short gasps and groans made it even more so as if I was. .h.i.t with another shot of stimulant. I embraced him tightly, intensely kissing him while eagerly yanking down his briefs. 

At last, the arrow was nocked on the bowstring. I was already excited to the point that my throat was parched. I kissed all over his neck, nibbling and biting. Our c.o.c.ks rubbed against each other as our bodies were about to burst into flames. 

In the frenzy, he began reciprocating. We intertwined with lingering kisses as we caressed each other. My hand roamed all over his body from his chest down to his thigh. I nearly lost myself in the sensation. 

My hands moved behind him and slid down to his b.u.t.tocks, probing between his legs. I became increasingly impatient as I was just one short of a final push. 

At this time, I managed to remember safety. In-between kisses I breathlessly said, “Condom…” 

We parted slightly. He went to pull out my case of Durex from the clothes on the floor and, as I wanted, tore one open. 

But he put it on himself. 

A glimmer of rationality flashed through my mind once more, but it quickly submerged into thick kisses. We pa.s.sionately rubbed against each other, kissing to the point that my lips painfully swell. 

With my guard down completely, I felt my rear being filled and hot as it was slowly being penetrated by something hard. 

For a split second, there was some pain and reluctance, but when my desire rose, I could care less for who was on top and who was at the bottom. What I wanted was to have some good s.e.x. 

Our overlapping bodies moved rhythmically a number of times against the door. Any hesitation I had was pushed down by pleasure as I gasped with bliss. His arms looped under my knees and lifted me up. Next thing I could remember was the feverish ramming and writhing. I was forcefully penetrated as I fiercely catered to him at the same time, causing lewd sounds to emit from the door.

But this was still far from enough. After that, we walked as we crazily made love, knocking over a ton of things. 

I was vaguely aware that I was lying on the table as I let him do it standing. The next time I was clear-headed was when I was on the sofa, straddling on his waist, writhing and panting. I think we also did it once on some random gla.s.s door, dripping with sweat. 

When we finally got to the bed, I was still aroused: the impact of both the drug and the intense s.e.x. I couldn’t catch my breath. Bright colors flickered before my eyes. My heart pounded to the utmost limit, as if it would stop beating the next second. A suffocating, lethal climax. 


“…” I felt dizzy, yet I was still relishing the jerking pleasure right to the heart brought by the rhythmic movement. 

“Lee, are you okay?” As I was kissed, I vaguely heard him ask me in a low, ragged voice. 

I’m probably going to die. 
But that was fine. It’s good dying on the bed like this. There’s no flavor in living my days away from him anyway. I was well-off and laid-back in front of others, but at night, when the lights turned off, my heart felt empty. 

Now it’s so wonderful like this, dying from bliss! It’s really my style. It was worth living until now for this. 

As I wanted, I continued to enjoy a bit more of the world-shattering, great s.e.x. And after that, while I was straining to kiss, I slipped into unconsciousness.
__________________________________Comment:  Oh gosh, Lee is so cute. >//u//< a-and="" who="" is="" this="" mystery="" guy???=""><>
Cold Sands release is tomorrow. See you all then!

© 2024