Chapter 1.1

Chapter 1 (Part 1)- Hunt of the Ice and Snow Worshiper

Under the blazing sun, a tall and high spirited male was slowly moving with a child. The male wore a fiery red magic robe. Near the area of his upper abdomen is a flame embroidered in gold. This represents his status as a magister. Golden hair draped behind him and a distinctively angular bronze face that seemed as if it were peeled with a knife and chiseled with a hatchet. However, his brown eyes revealed a faint sorrow.
“Nian Bing, are you tired yet?” The man lowered his head as he asked the child in front of him.

The boy was only as tall as the man’s waist, together they had six points of resemblance. It was just that the boy’s facial lines were soft, yet they shared the same golden hair. Even though the boy’s age was still young, he still had a handsome appearance, even more eye-catching than the tall man. He possessed a pair of water blue eyes. His body appeared to be frail and weak. This is due to his tired, pale complexion.

He firmly shook his head, “Father, I’m not tired. Are we going to see Mom yet? I… I really miss Mom.”

The tall man raised his head and look at the blazing sun, it appeared as if the glaring sunshine didn’t have the slightest effect on him. “That’s right, We’re going to see your mother. It’s been ten years, and now you’re already ten as well. These ten past years, the world was big, but we’ve yet to find a place we can call home. Regardless, this time we must go see your mother. Even if the cost is my life.”

Nian Bing’s age was still young after all, and didn’t fully understand his own father, “Why didn’t they let us see Mom?”

The tall man let out a cold groan,  his eyes seemed to want to spout fire, “They, groan, They… Nian Bing, you are still young. Wait until you grow up, then you’ll understand. For your mother, father could pay everything. But I would hate to part with you, you are still so young. We’ve finally arrived at the village. Stay over there and wait for father, okay?”

“No, father, I want to go with you to find mother together. Mother doesn’t want me anymore. Could it be that you don’t want me either?” Nian Bing’s eye was a bit red. He tightly grasped his father’s hand.

The tall man took a scroll out of his bosom and put it in Nian Bing’s hand. “Do you remember how to use the evacuation magic scroll? It possible for you to go with me but we’ve reached a desperate moment. You must remember how to use this scroll. It will help bring you to a safe place. The day before yesterday, father drew a magic array at that place.”


Nian Bing with magic scroll in hand, cutely nodded and said, “Father, I understand now.”

The tall man sighed saying, “It is a shame the time we have is so brief, your talent is even greater than mine. If time had permitted I would have taught you much. Perhaps you could become the most powerful fire mage in the continent. However, time does not allow me to wait any longer. If we don’t hurry to the Ice G.o.d’s Castle, then we will never see your mother again.”

Nian Bing seemed to understand yet didn’t but still nodded saying, “Father, from now on I must become a powerful fire mage like you.”

Within the tall man’s eyes displayed a trace of haziness, “I remember years ago, when I was together with your mother, we had once discussed this. What kind of magic should our child practice? She wanted the child to be an ice mage, I wanted fire. Since fire and ice cannot merge with one another, our child could only choose one. At the time, your mother said, if the child were a boy, he’d then study under me to become a fire mage. Were the child a girl, she’d study under her mother to become an ice mage. Now I remember it, as if she were right there in front of me, her words still ringing in my ears, but she’s already gone. “

Saying it here, his voice unexpected sounded a bit proud, “I, a fire magister, swear to the heavens that I will stop the Ice G.o.ddess’s sacrificial inheritance ceremony, and take back my wife.”

Three days later.

It was a tall, hundred meter mountain peak. Although this precipitous mountain peak wasn’t that tall, it still gave one a feeling of great height. The azurish gray form of the mountain seemed to give off a sense of somberness and desolation. Although some vegetation grew, it was extremely spa.r.s.e. Perhaps this was due to the precipitous topography of the mountain or perhaps it was due to the people walking up the foothills year round. If not for that, normal people would find great difficulty to climb such a precipitous mountain peak by foot. A large river surged from south to north. This is the Yang Guang Continent’s famous Mother River, people call it the Azure River. The river traverses two-thirds of the Yang Guang Continent, close to two thousands kilometers. It’s source is located at the northmost province. Sixty percent of this province’s land is covered by a glacier. Every spring and summer, the glacier thaws and releases water into Azure River, reaching the distant ocean. The river is very wide, even the most narrow point is a hundred meters wide. The most wide point of the very is about a kilometer wide. The river was also known for it’s clear and rapid flowing river water. It had nurtured several countries, repeatedly provided for ten provinces worth of people. Although there were times a flood would break out, each country has administered appropriate countermeasures. The people living by the river bank could live a tranquil comfortable life relying on the river to survive.

A precipitous mountain peak, with the summit only having an area of ten square meters. Suddenly, a fiery red rays of light appeared on the floor. There was a speck of light rapidly moving. In the blink of an eye, the outline of the speck became visible. It was a red hexagram. The summits temperature rapidly rose. Due to the increasingly scorching heat, the top of the red hexagram began rippling like water.

As the ripples slowly trembled, the red light abruptly suddenly grew in extensively. The surrounding magic elements seemed to cheerfully call out. Within the intense fluctuations within the elements, a gray figure quietly emerged.

The staggering figure dropped out of the fiery red magic wave. It almost fell down on the floor. It turns out to be a child. He is the child that three days ago, followed his father to search for his mother, Rong Nian Bing.

Upon his small handsome face, there was an expression of fear. His short golden hair was in disarray. With weak his weak footing, he sat his b.u.t.t on the ground. He gasped for breath in big mouthfuls. “Father, Mother, why? Why has it come to this?” Tears unceasingly flowed down his face. No matter what, the pain of losing one’s kin is difficult to bear. Let alone the fact that he is a child of barely tens years of age.

After crying for a while, the mentally fatigued Nian Bing curled up upon the hilltop’s boulder and fell asleep. With such a young age, his future prospects are vast and indistinct. He simply didn’t know what he should do with himself. Two radiant lights glowed within his heart, a dim red light and dim blue light. The surrounding fire element and ice element all began to gather toward his young body. This bizarre course of events continued for the period of a meal’s worth of time, before fading away.

Not knowing how long had pa.s.sed, Nian Bing was waken up from his dreams by violent shaking and an aching body. Three slender figures were standing in front of him. From his stomach came an acute pain, he couldn’t help but cough. A bit of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. From within the pit of the stomach area of the gray clothes, resided a footprint of yellow sand.

These three people all wore blue magic robes and had long blue hair that seemed to combine to make up the whole of their appearance. It seems as if their body was successfully condensed from ice. They gave people the feeling a having unpleasant ice-cold words. These three have an appearance that seems to be about forty years old. The person in the middle had blue crystal carvings of three snowflakes the size of a fingernail on his magic robe to the left of the pit of his stomach. The two beside him followed him. Obviously his status was a bit higher than the other two, since they only had one snowflake.

“To use the fire based instant movement magic spell scroll, what a waste for a child to use. The odor left behind is too distinct.” Said faintly by the mage in the middle.

Seeing these three people, Nian Bing’s charming small face immediately became distorted. “Ah , it’s you! You villians. You killed my mother! You killed my father!” Not knowing how he gathered enough the strength, Nian Bing had just enough to jump off the ground and rush through them. He had already forgotten about his own abilities as an elementary mage. He had only an urge within, instinct.

“Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Are you looking for death?”  The mage on the left waved his right hand. A water bullet with a diameter of three inches shot out and directly hit the child’s upper abdomen. Water bullet was a most common magic spell, it’s attack power was not at all strong. Nian Bing let out a suppressed grunted, staggered backwards and tripped on a small table. His hand reached out to his surroundings, in order to stabilize his body, but received a b.l.o.o.d.y mouth hitting the side of a rock.

The mage in the middle glared at his companion for a bit, “That’s enough, he is but a child.  I don’t want this child to experience too much suffering.”

“Yes, I respect the Ice and Snow Worshiper Elder.” He immediately gave a response to the mage, hurrying to retreat off to the side.

The Ice and Snow Worshiper looked at Nian Bing and calmly said, “Child, I originally didn’t wish to harm you. But no longer.  You are their child. For the Ice G.o.d paG.o.da’s honor, you can no longer be allowed to exist. Hand over the Ice and Snow G.o.ddess’s stone and I’ll give you a quick death.” Because of his status, he naturally wouldn’t use his hand to search but instead issue an order with an intangibly imposing manner.

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