Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 13

Meeting the Cla.s.smates

I shouldn’t have told a joke during the speech.

How should I know that! Since I could only rely on the memories of my previous world, and in those memories, it was the basic thing to add humor to speeches in order to calm the venue down.

I am at my wits’ end about this world’s common sense, which I’ve learned for the first time, and about the grand public spectacle I made.

“Well~ In my case, I found it quite interesting? A normal speech at this kind of place is boring and will put me to sleep.”

Suddenly, I heard a voice. Since she was sitting in a nearby seat, she’s also part of S-Cla.s.s, I guess.

“I’m Alice. Alice Corner. Nice to meet you, s.h.i.+n Walford-kun.”

“Ah, nice to meet you.”

“I thought the speech you gave a little while ago was interesting. The speeches during Beginner and Intermediate school were very painful at that time, but that couldn’t be helped. I think many students would think so as well, don’t you think? Earlier, the majority of the student body were laughing, I wonder, wouldn’t there be a lot of people who’ll try to imitate you?”

“…Is that so?”

“Yes, it is. By the way. Walford-kun.”

“Just call me s.h.i.+n.”

“Then, s.h.i.+n-kun. s.h.i.+n-kun… is the grandson of Merlin-sama and Melinda-sama?”

To be accurate, it’s actually quite different, though. I wonder if everyone didn’t know grandpa and grandma are no longer married?

“Well, yes I am.”

“I wonder, did they come today?”

“They are probably sitting together with the other guardians…”

Was that it? Was this the kind of situation where she wants to ask me for an introduction?

“Is that so? Well, since we’re going to be cla.s.smates in the future, it would be better for me to greet them, right~”

This is the first time I’ve heard of the need to greet a cla.s.smate’s guardians.

“Ah! Not fair! I [Watas.h.i.+] also want to go!”

“I [Watas.h.i.+] also want to go.”

“I [Boku], too, want to go.”

“I [Watas.h.i.+] also want to go~”

“I [Jibun] also want to greet them.”

“I [Sessha] want to go, too degozaru.”

Who was that!? There was a Samurai!?

“Ho~? So there was a rule in the academy that says we have to greet our cla.s.smates’ parents?”

“Prin-Prince Augusto…”

“In that case, naturally, I’ll have to ask all of you to meet with Father.”

“N-no need! That would be too much!”

“Then, stop saying stupid stuff and be quiet. Look, isn’t the instructor looking this way?”

Eh! Uwa~ He’s really glaring. It seems like today, I did nothing but get scolded.

“After this, we will be going to the cla.s.sroom, so go plan your minglings there.”

“Ye-yes. I’m very sorry…”

“My bad, Gus, you saved me.”

“What, it was a matter of course.”

As I thought, this guy really is Uncle Dis’ son. He’s also super cool when it comes to things like these.

“You owe me one.”

He declared while smirking.

I take back my previous statement! As I thought, he has a bad personality!

After that, the entrance ceremony proceeded without a hitch, and finally, it was Uncle Dis’ speech. A part of his speech was to encourage the freshmen, but at the end of it, he looked at me and smirked. Somehow I’m getting a bad feeling about this, you know?

“This year, since a non-standard — the grandson of the hero — has also been admitted, We think the instructors’ camp will have a hard time, but We hope the instructors will work hard. And as for his fellow cla.s.smates, it would be good if you can learn various things from him. Everyone’s stereotypes will probably be blown away by him. And also, We pray everyone will grow significantly.”

Oi! What are you throwing in at the end of your speech? I thought one weren’t supposed to tell a joke during a speech!?

“Hmm, as expected of Father. He’s immediately incorporating it.”

You too, what are you doing being impressed! If the head of the Kingdom does something like that, everyone will want to imitate it! It’ll alter the common sense of this world!

I was played with by the King in the end, and the very tiring entrance ceremony was over.

After this, everyone will go to their own respective cla.s.srooms, do a simple homeroom, such as self-introduction, and then dismiss for the day.

When we were about to go to the cla.s.sroom under the instructor’s guidance, at that time, I somehow felt a gaze, making me uneasy. What is it? I thought, and when I looked around my surroundings… That guy… if I wasn’t mistaken, it was Cart-kun. The previously-mentioned ‘Violent n.o.ble’-kun was glaring at me. With a look full of grudge and resentment.

Did I, perhaps do something? Ah! Maybe because I gave such a playful speech, that he’s thinking of the tradition or about the ceremony’s dignity? Since it seems he’s somewhat obstinate about being a n.o.ble. But because Uncle Dis also did the same thing, there shouldn’t be a problem, right? …Right?

Although his gaze was bothering me a little, it was already time to go to the cla.s.sroom. Since he seems to be in a different cla.s.s, he couldn’t even confront me, and I was also heading to my cla.s.sroom.

This academy has 4 different S, A, B, and C. Only S-Cla.s.s has a small number of students consisting of 10 people, and as for the other, they have 30 students each, so 10 + (30 x 3) = 100 students in each academic year.

The students are divided into these depending on the results of their entrance examination, and S-Cla.s.s consists of the top ten students, the Special Advanced Cla.s.s so to speak. The lowest is the C-Cla.s.s, but everyone here was able to pa.s.s the super difficult entrance exam.

Since there are annual cla.s.s rearrangement whenever students advance in academic years, even if a student was in C-Cla.s.s at the time of their enrolment, it would be possible for them to be in S-Cla.s.s by the time of their graduation. The opposite also applies. I need to work hard so I won’t drag grandpa and grandma’s reputation in the mud.

Only for today, please forget the many times I got scolded already. I beg of you.

The cla.s.sroom somehow had the Oval Office?-like feeling. The desk also had an official desk-like feeling to it, with a high-cla.s.s look, and it was large, too. The chair also was covered with leather, and I wasn’t the only one who thought: ‘Is this place the president’s room or something?’.

“Uwa~ This desk is amazing. It’s just like the desk Father has in his office.”

“It’s true. This is amazing.”

“I’ve never seen such a fine desk like this. The chair is also amazing. Uwaa, it feels like I’m getting tired from the nervousness of just being here.”

“What, everyone is so pathetic.”

Only Gus was acting as normal.

“After all, these are only common pieces of furniture, you’ll get used to them eventually. Don’t get too distracted by these things that you’ll forget your responsibilities, okay?”

“Gus… As I thought, you’re amazing.”

“Heh, it’s because they are inferior to the ones I have in my house.”

“Well, that should be a given!”

You’re talking about the Royal Palace, you know?!

“You guys! Stop being impressed by the furniture and quickly take your seats. Since everyone’s seating arrangement is posted on the blackboard, go sit according to it.”

Was what the male instructor who led us here said, urging everyone to be seated. Well, my seat is… Ah! It’s right in front of the instructor’s desk; it was the so-called special seat*.

[T/N: Front row seat.]

Even though I said that, since there were only ten seats, so it was the same no matter where I sat.

The arrangement of the seats were three desk, four desk, and three desk at the back. It was set up using the three-four-three system*.

[T/N: It’s referring to soccer formation.]

Thanks to the desks being positioned alternately, the blackboard could be seen from any seat.

When I reached my desk and sat down, the male instructor also sat down on his desk.

“Well, once again, congratulations on your admission. I am the one in charge of this cla.s.s, Alfred Marcus. I will also be the one who will oversee your practical training, so I look forward to it. After this, we’ll do self-introduction of each other, I’ll brief you on the schedule from tomorrow onwards, and then we’ll end it for today. So, I’ll start with myself. As I’ve said earlier, my name is Alfred Marcus. I’m also a graduate from this Advanced Magic Academy, and it’s been five years since I became an instructor. Before I became an instructor, I was part of the Royal Court Magician Division. After working there for about five years, since there was an opening in the academy’s teaching staff, I became an instructor. That’s why my current age is 28 years old. The person I respect is Magi Merlin-dono. Because of that, I am delighted to be the instructor-in-charge of this cla.s.s. That is all.”

He said something like that in the end. Since he said those things, then everyone else would have to say something similar.

“Well, next is you all. Now then, let us go in the order of the entrance exam rankings. Starting from s.h.i.+n Walford.”

“Yes. Well, since there are both people whom I’ve met and people I’m meeting for the first time, once again, I’m s.h.i.+n Walford. Even though I’ve mentioned this during the representative speech, since I’ve been living in the woods until recently, I don’t know a lot about the world. That is why, even if I somehow do some strange things, please don’t abandon me. I was taught by Grandpa and so I can use magic in general. Since Grandma also taught me Enchantment Magic, I can also create magic tools. The people I respect are Grandpa and Grandma. Please take care of me.”

“Personal lesson from both Merlin-sama and Melinda-sama….”

“How enviable…”

Somehow, everyone had expressions of envy mixed with yearning. Was everyone fans of grandpa and grandma?

“Next, Prince Augusto, please go ahead.”

“Yes. Everyone, I think all of you already know me, but there might be someone uninformed of the world like s.h.i.+n. So once again, I am Augusto von Earls.h.i.+de, the First Prince of this Kingdom. However, as you all know, social ranking does not apply here in this academy, and this also applies to the Royal Family. That’s why everyone, please feel free to talk to me without any reservation, just like s.h.i.+n. Although not as much as s.h.i.+n, I can brag that I can use magic to some extent. If I were to be compared to s.h.i.+n, it truly is just to ‘some extent.’ The people whom I respect are Father and, of course, Magi Merlin-dono. From now on, please take care of me.”

Don’t mention me in your introduction every now and then! Oi!

“He also has a close relations.h.i.+p with His Highness.”

“How enviable degozaru.”

There’s a Samurai here after all! Who is it!?

“Well then, next, Maria von Mes.h.i.+na.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you all, I am Maria von Mes.h.i.+na. I am the second daughter of Count Mes.h.i.+na. Since Girls’ Academy doesn’t suit me and I can use magic fairly well, I came to the Magic Academy. Just like what His Highness said a while ago, it’d make me really happy if everyone feels free to come and talk to me. The person whom I respect most is, as expected, Guru Melinda-sama. My aim is to be a strong and beautiful woman just like Melinda-sama! Please take care of me!”

The Girls’ Academy where n.o.bles’ and wealthy rich girls attend doesn’t suit her, huh. Certainly, she doesn’t feel ladylike.

“Next, Sicily von Claude.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you, everyone. My name is Sicily von Claude. I am the third daughter of Viscount Claude and was dragged by Maria to take the examination for the Magic Academy. To meet such wonderful people, I’m very grateful to Maria for inviting me. I’m good with Healing Magic, but my attack-related magic is a bit lacking. I think I’ll be able to support everyone. The person I respect most is Melinda-sama. I’d like to meet her someday, if possible. Please take care of me.”

It’s okay, Sicily. Grandma wants to meet Sicily, too. For evaluation purposes.

“Next, Alice Corner.”

“Ye~s. Everyone, nice to meet you all. I’m Alice Corner. Although there have been people with amazing family before me, I’m afraid the flow will stop with me. My family is an ordinary commoner family, and my father does accounting for the Hauge Company. Unfortunately, since I’m not good with accounting, I’ll work hard at magic! I’m really lucky to be able to be in the same cla.s.s as s.h.i.+n-kun! The person whom I respect the most is Melinda-sama. Please take care of me!”

Alice is a blonde girl with blue eyes and short hairstyle. How to describe; she’s thin, and an overall a tiny girl. Even though she’s the same age, but she’s more of a sister-like existence. By the way, Hauge Company is the company that Uncle Tom manages.

“Next, Thor von Flegel.”

“Yes, I am called Thor von Flegel. The heir to the House of Baron Flegel. I was selected at a young age to be His Highness, Prince Augusto’s escort and school friend, and ever since then, I’ve been progressing together with His Highness. On this occasion, for the purpose of Prince Augusto’s advancement through the Advanced Magic School, and also for my own plan on becoming an escort part of the Magic Division, I would like to devote to my studies in this Advanced Magic Academy. Of course, I also respect Magi Merlin-sama. Please take care of me from now on.”

Thor is Gus’ study partner and escort, huh. He has silver hair and wears a pair of round Again, another small boy. Not a ‘young man,’ but a ‘boy,’ is what I want to say. He seems to be popular with elder sisters.

“Next, Rin Hughes.”

“Yes. I’m Rin Hughes. Father is a Royal Court Magician, Mother is a housewife. I came here because I love magic. I respect Merlin-sama. Please take care of me.”

So short! I wonder if she’s not much of a talkative girl? Rin has a black hair with a bob cut style and wears a thin-framed She’s a medium-built girl. It was the first time a girl said she respects grandpa. She also said she loves magic, so I guess she likes magic more instead of girls’ stuff.

“Next. Yuri Carlton.”

“Ye~s! Everyone, nice to me you all~, I’m Yuri Carlton. My family manages a hotel. That’s why everyone~ if you want to secretly stay over, come tell me anytime, okay? I’ll give you service, okay? I’m good at enchantment magic, so that’s why I really respect the strong and beautiful Melinda-sama from the bottom of my heart. Everyone~, take care of me, okay?”

What is it, I wonder. An erotic girl. Large bust, small waist, and large hips*. The way she talks also has a bit of sweet feeling. And, it’s Carlton-san who is managing a hotel. Don’t give off the smell of a rich person!

[T/N: Bon kyu bon or hourgla.s.s figure.]

“Next is, Tony Freed.”

“Yes. Everyone, nice to meet you, I’m Tony Freed. My family, each and every single one of them is of a Knight lineage. Father, Mother, and my Elder Brother too, everyone went to the Knight Military Training Academy, but the school with a male-to-female ratio of 9:1 is torture for me, you know. At any rate, I don’t want to go to that kind of academy. But, I was told that if I want to enroll in the Magic Academy, I won’t be allowed unless I get into S-Cla.s.s. I desperately worked my a.s.s off. By the way, if I were to drop from S Cla.s.s, I will be forcefully transferred to the Knight Military Training, so I will also work hard here as well. As expected, as a man, I respect Merlin-sama who got together with Melinda-sama. Everyone, please take care of me from now on. Also, Carlton-san, take care of me when I use your hotel.”

He’s a tall, slender good-looking guy [ikemen] with brown hair. I thought of him as a playboy [chara-otoko] at first but unexpectedly, it seems he was really troubled with the circ.u.mstances of his family. I could cry. But, as expected, he still was a playboy.

“Now then, last one, Julius von Rittenheim.”

“Certainly. I [Sessha] am called Julius von Rittenheim. The eldest son of the House of Marquis Rittenheim degozaru. Similar to Thor, I also serve Prince Augusto as his escort and his study partner. But since His Highness decided to continue his studies at the Magic Academy, I also took the examination together degozaru. Really, I am weak at magic and therefore, really struggled. Even so, I somehow managed to pa.s.s the exam and has the good fortune to be able to sit next to everyone degozaru. The people whom I respect are, of course, Magi Merlin-dono, and the Previous Knights General, Michel-dono degozaru.”

[T/N: Replace all the “I” with “Sessha.”]

He appeared! This guy is the Samurai! On top of that, the way he looks, his name, and the way he talks don’t match at all! Really, on the contrary to his n.o.ble-like name, he has a big body with st.u.r.dy muscles bulging from his uniform. He has short blonde spiky-like hair, and blue eyes. Even though he has the look of an American Football player at a glance, the way he talks is like a Samurai. No, he gives nothing but uncomfortable feelings!

Even so, he doesn’t look like a Magician. Rather, it’s more fitting to say he’s a student from the Knight Military Training Academy. He himself also said he wasn’t good with magic; this is… no way…

“Ah~… I know what everyone wants to say. It’s not like the academy allowed his admittance out of consideration for His Highness. It’s purely because of Rittenheim’s own ability.”

So that’s how it is. I’ve actually suspected one of my cla.s.smates.

I… am the worst…

“However, Rittenheim is weak at emission-type magic, so he used Body Strengthening magic.”

Body Strengthening magic?

“He jumped and reached the target in one leap with his strengthened leg power… and then destroyed the target with his strengthen fist.”

Abnormal! He’s an abnormal Magician! It’s okay to say that! The way he uses magic is weird!

“Well~ I [Sessha] will be really embarra.s.sed if you praise me too much degozaru.”

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘We’re not complimenting you!’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

Immediately after entering the academy, everyone’s mind and heart became one.

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