Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 14

Getting locked-on

The self-introduction ended when Julius finished his, and after listening to the schedule for tomorrow and onwards, we were done for the day.

Tomorrow morning, we will get a tour inside the academy. After eating lunch, we will immediately have practical training at the indoor practice field.

There was no such thing as ‘Training Clothes.’ We were told it was because our uniform already has high-level defense due to the Enchantment Magic. Even if the uniform were to be damaged beyond repair, we will be provided with another one for free by the academy. By the way, the cafeteria in the academy and tuition fees are also free. This is also the same for the other three major Advanced Academies. Because it is beneficial to the Kingdom for the purpose of raising human resources, an appropriate yearly budget has been allocated. However, there is no obligation to serve the Kingdom after graduation.

Amazing, huh, this kingdom.

And, I had already finished modifying my uniform.

Fufufu, it turned out to be quite close to what I had imagined.

Originally, the uniform was already enchanted with ‘Magic Protection,’ Impact Mitigation,’ and ‘Anti-Fouling’ using the language of this world. Items enchanted with three effects are categorized as high-cla.s.s among general magic tools. Usually, a magic tool only has one or two effects.

For those enchantment’s effects, ‘Magic Protection has an effect where it will ‘soften’ the impact caused by magic.

‘Impact Mitigation’ will ‘soften’ physical shock.

And, ‘Anti-Fouling’ will remove any stain sticking on the uniform. Since we’ll be wearing them as is during practical training.

When I confirmed those effects, I thought ‘Anti-Fouling’ was good as it was, while for ‘Magic Protection’ and ‘Impact Mitigation’, I thought it cannot be just that. For the effects just ‘soften’…

Thus, I ‘rewrote over’ the enchantment effects.

First, I stripped off the enchanted magic effects for the time being. What I meant by this is, the recorded characters, I carefully handled them one character at a time, used a specialized work wand wrapped in mana, and stripped off the characters one by one. I also made this specialized work wand myself. It wasn’t as though this process cannot be done with my fingers, but since it requires a delicate work and concentration, I didn’t do it that way. Doing that while trying to match the characters is absolutely impossible. Or rather, up until now, it seems no one has ever done ‘stripping off’ enchantment effects before.

If I were to say why this kind of thing is possible, it’s because I didn’t like an effect I previously enchanted, and I wondered if it was possible to undo it. So, I had experimented with various things.

When I imagined mana wrapping around the magic tool and characters floating up, first, the inscribed characters came floating up.

When I saw this, I thought that perhaps maybe… So I made a wand enchanted with ‘Magic Effect Nullification,’ and when I tried to trace one of the floating characters, the character disappeared. And when I tried to enchant the item one more time, I was able to enchant it again.

The face grandma made when I showed this to her was amusing.

The number of characters that could be granted on the blazer, s.h.i.+rt and slack was a total of 20 characters.

What is this made out of? It’s made from a considerably special fabric. Is the thread different? Since it was said that one could harvest various special materials from demonized animals, so perhaps maybe it’s the thread from a demonized spider… Uwa~ I should stop thinking about it.

Previously, when I made the Protection Suit, because it was made with a normal clothes and had 8 characters, I could only enchant three effects; ‘Stab-Proof’, ‘Anti-Magic’, ‘Anti-Shock.’ Even so, it was good enough for practical use. However, maybe because the effects were abbreviated when being inscribed, the effects were not able to fully manifest perfectly.

[T/N: 《防刃》 → Stab-Proof (2), 《対魔法》 → Anti-Magic (3), 《対衝撃》 → Anti-Shock (3) = 8 characters]

So the enchantments, this time, are: ‘Absolute Magic Defense,’ to replace ‘Anti-Magic.’

‘Anti-Shock’ and ‘Stab-Proof’ is replaced by ‘Complete Physical Impact Absorption.’

Together with this, the originally enchanted ‘Anti-Fouling.’

Plus the newly added ‘Auto-Heal.’

With this, the total is 20 characters.

[T/N: 《絶対魔法防御》 → Absolute Magic Defense (6), 《物理衝撃完全吸収》 → Complete Physical Impact Absorption (8), 《防汚》 → Anti-Fouling (2), 《自動治癒》 → Auto-Heal (4) = 20 characters]

Enchanting ‘Absolute Magic Defense’ was particularly hard.

My image couldn’t catch up with the inscribed characters.

Because the words ‘Absolute Magic Defense’ means to defend against all magic, the effect should be able to defend against all. But for ‘Fire’ and ‘Water,’ the defense methods are different. I couldn’t imagine how to ‘defend’ all, and so I failed to inscribe the words many times.

I was quite troubled on what to do.

When grandma looked at me being troubled, she was watched me with a very worried look.

And then, from a certain change of idea, I finally succeeded in inscribing them.

That image was ‘Magic Dispersion.’

I enchanted the image where it extends a mana barrier to wrap around the uniform, and when an invoked magic touches that barrier, that magic’s mana will be dispersed.

Up until that point, I was imagining a ‘Hard Wall,’ but it didn’t go that well. And so, instead of ‘Stopping,’ I thought of what will happen if the mana, which is the building block of magic itself, is dispersed. So when I tried experimenting on that theory, it was properly invoked.

The moment I succeeded, I shouted with a loud voice.

And grandma came flying over.

‘Complete Physical Impact Absorption’ also has the same principle. Rather than imagining ‘Hardness,’ when I imagined the ‘Dissipation of Kinetic Energy,’ the enchantment was inscribed successfully. The moment a moving object hits this uniform, its movement will be stopped as if completely ignoring the laws of physics; that kind of movement honestly gave off an unpleasant feeling. But as an armor, it is the best, though.

‘Anti-Fouling’ has the image where it memorizes the original condition of the clothes, and removes all other foreign objects sticking on the clothes.

For ‘Auto-Heal,’ the image is where it recognizes wounds and fractures, and activates when it detects those injuries. It then gathers cells from other parts of the body and temporarily changes them into stem cells. Those stem cells then restore the parts in need of mending and returns them back to their original condition.

That is why, when ‘Auto-Heal’ activates, the body becomes slightly thinner.

By the way, the effect would only manifest for causes that can be treated surgically.

Although it looks like the defensive equipment is invincible at a glance, but there are two major flaws.

First, only the areas covered by the ‘uniform’ are protected. The face, hands, and feet are defenseless.

Second, the enchantments won’t activate from the start if one doesn’t supply it with mana.

The first flaw can be compensated up to a certain extent by automatic healing enchanted on the uniform.

For the second flaw, in the first place, the enchantments will activate when one were to use magic.

I think it won’t be a problem since there aren’t a lot of situations where one receives attacks. Most of it will only be during battles.

Since the enchantments require a reasonable amount of mana to activate, there’s no need to keep activating them all the time. It is also important to be cautious because one can receive damage from surprise attacks.

And so, all those enchantment magic has been implemented in this uniform.

With a sour face, grandma warned me to absolutely never reveal this to anyone.

The time when everyone was leaving the cla.s.sroom, since homeroom has ended and we were dismissed for today.

“s.h.i.+n, do you have a minute?”

I was stopped by Maria.

“Hmm? What is it?

“There’s something I want to discuss with you, is that okay?”

“Yeah, it’s okay but…”

Is it that again? They want me to let them meet grandpa and grandma?

“I want to discuss something regarding Sicily.”

All right, I’ll hear it.

“Did something troublesome happen?”

“Yes, it’s a really troublesome thing.”

Maria had a really troubled expression.

Whereas Sicily had a really apologetic expression on her face.

Since both of them had such expressions, does this mean it’s really troublesome?

“Actually… there’s a guy who’s stalking Sicily.”


Whaaaat~! Where and which guy is it!?

“It was after meeting s.h.i.+n for the first time, I think. He was making advances towards Sicily ever since, and even though Sicily refused him many times, he still came back to the point of using his family’s influence as a threat.”

He’s the worst, that guy. When things don’t go the way he wanted, he uses the family influences, so any time now…

“Since Sicily didn’t do like he wanted, it seems he got really mad… So he might do something reckless sooner or later.”

… As I thought, huh.

“Also… that stalker guy I mentioned… is here in this academy.”

“What did you say!?”

If he’s here in the academy, this isn’t the time to be relaxed since anything can happen at any time!

Sicily had a really painful and apologetic expression on her face.

“Sorry s.h.i.+n-kun… telling you something like this…”

“What are you talking about? Rather, I’m really glad that you let me know!”

“…That’s why, I’m so sorry…”

What does that mean? Putting that aside, this situation requires immediate attention.

While I was thinking about what to do, a voice called out to us.

“Oi! Sicily, you b.i.t.c.h! What’s the meaning of this? You’re already my fiancée, and yet you’re talking to another man!”

What did he say?! Who the h.e.l.l is he!

Sicily’s face distorted into a painful expression when she heard that voice. Who was it that made Sicily have this kind of expression! When I looked at the person who made that voice…

It’s him again. It’s Cart.

“It’s him. He’s been stalking Sicily all the time, and has been saying she’s his fiancée to people around him as he pleases.”

Maria said to me.

Sicily who looked at the guy, panicked and hid behind my back. Maybe because he didn’t like what he saw, he walked towards us with his face red from anger.

“Sicily! You b.i.t.c.h, come over here!”

Cart stretched out his hand and tried to grab Sicily’s arm.

But there’s no way I would let such a thing happen.

I grabbed the arm reaching out for Sicily, and twisted it behind his back. Somehow, it feels like deja vu.

“GUWA~! Le~, let go, you insolent person!”

“Ha~ You’re still talking like that?”

Because he was being loud, I released him. When I did, he still yelled while glaring at me. He’s still annoying even after being released.

“That Sicily is my fiancée! The likes of you are not allowed to talk to her!”

“You said those kinds of things, but is it true?”

“Well… that…”

Aa, since Cart’s voice was so loud, she became timid, huh.

“Sicily, it’s okay. No matter what happens, I’ll protect you. That’s why you just try to say whatever is on your mind.”


I said that in order to rea.s.sure Sicily. Then, Sicily had a look that seemed to be determined about something, turned towards Cart and spoke.

“I… I decline your proposal of marriage! Also, it’s troublesome when you selfishly label me as your fiancée!”

Sicily’s voice echoed throughout the hallway, which turned quiet in order to watch the developing events. Alright! Well said, Sicily.

“Yo-you b.i.t.c.h! Are you telling me you’re defying ME!”

“I’m de-defying you! I have no intention of doing anything you told me to!”

She’s probably scared; her legs are trembling. Even so, she said the things she wanted to say. You’re great, Sicily.

“Yo-you b.i.t.c.h… A woman dares to defy me? All you women should only please the man beside her. Furthermore, even though I let you be by my side, don’t screw with me!”

“Which one of us is s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around?”

Those earlier words are not allowed. Women are not tools of men. I was angry from the bottom of my heart at this guy who said those words nonchalantly.

“Y-you b.a.s.t.a.r.d… You’re stubbornly defying me, ahh!”

“Ah~ I’ll defy you all I want. Do~n’t get conceited thinking you can always have everything your way.”

“Ugh, y-, y-y-y-y-y you b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

Oh, his red face got redder. Did he burst his blood vessels?

“That’s enough, to be full of yourself… Fine, I’ll show you what happens to anyone who dares to defy me.”

“What’s that? A threat? Fine, come attack me anytime. Since I’ll beat you down thoroughly.”

“Is it okay for you to say something like that? Sicily. If I remember correctly, your father is an administrator at the Finance Bureau, right?”

“That’s right… But… No way!”

“That’s right. My father is the Vice Minister of the Finance Bureau. If I were to say a word to Father… well, I wonder what will happen?”

Cart said that with a disgusting smile on his face.

Thi-this guy! He’s really the worst!

“That’s enough.”

“Prin-Prince Augusto…”

Just when I’m about to lose my temper, Gus came and interfered.

“Cart von Ritzburg, do you not remember what I told you during the entrance examination?”

“Th-that is…”

“Furthermore, to ask your own father to put pressure on your opponent’s father, it’s an outrageous act unbecoming of a n.o.ble of this Kingdom.”


Cart was admonished by Gus; he bowed his head and couldn’t say anything at all.

“I will let the Director of the Finance Bureau know about this through my Father. So there would be no strange actions taken, just in case.”

“Ah! Th-that is!”

“This is a decided matter. Objections are not allowed. If you understand, you can go already.”

“… Yes… I understand…”

After he glared at me with eyes that were full of intense hatred even more than during the entrance ceremony, he left.

“Thanks, Gus, you saved me. Just a little more and I would have lost my temper.”

“Sorry, Your Highness. Thank you very much.”

“What, although I was watching what you were going to do, but since it seemed the conversation was going in a strange direction, I decided to take the liberty of intervening. But I also felt like I wanted to see what would have happened if you were to snap.”

“You! Give back my thanks!”

So you were watching this whole time! If that was the case, you should have intervened immediately!

“Don’t get so angry. Because you were here, I was sure there would be no danger to Mes.h.i.+na and Claude.”

“Well, of course, there would be no danger… but there’s also a chance things could go wrong, you know.”

“Hehe, is that so? ‘Don’t worry. No matter what happens, I’ll protect you.’ Didn’t you say that? You looked really cool, right Claude?”

“Eh! Umm, that is… he looked really… cool…”

“Is what she said, isn’t that great? s.h.i.+n.”

This guy… really…!

Sicily became red-faced and fidgeted bashfully. She was looking at me with an upward glance… Ah, really! She’s so cute, G.o.ddammit!

“Hey, do you think it’s all right now with this?”

Maria came and asked anxiously. Well, under those circ.u.mstances, anyone couldn’t feel relief at all.

Although I don’t know why he’s so convinced that he is special compared to others, and also, he doesn’t seem to the type of guy who would simply accept how things didn’t end up the way he wanted. I should probably still pay attention to him.

“Well, I still think it’s necessary to take caution until I see him stopping those glances. Don’t relax your guard just yet.”

“As I thought… that’s how it is…”

Sicily has fallen silent. That won’t do, I have to cheer her up. I could have her meet grandma for the first time, ah! That’s it!

“Although this is sudden, it came to me. After this, does everyone want to come over my house?”

“EHhhh?! s.h.i.+n’s house?!”

“That’s what I said…”

“Let’s go! I’ll let Father and Mother know right away! So let’s do that!”

“I-I will go too! I’ll also let my parents know, thank you very much!

The two of them bolted and answered immediately.

Did they really want to meet grandpa and grandma this much?

“Hmm, I guess I’ll go as well. Father is probably making his way to s.h.i.+n’s house now, anyway.”

He’s probably there. No doubt.

“I will also be going with His Highness as his escort.”

“I [Sessha] will also be going [de-gozaru].”

Ah, so they were there, Thor and Julius. Well, I guess it’s only natural since they’re Gus’ escort. Although today was the first time I’ve seen it.

“Then, I will go and speak to my parents!”

“Please wait for me!”

Sicily became energetic now. They dashed away immediately.

“So what now? Did you manage to come up with something??”

“Ah, this uniform has been imparted with enchantment magic.”

“It is as you said.”

“I was thinking of rewriting the enchantment magic.”

Gus and everyone else froze. Ah, they’ve recovered now.

“… Wait a minute. Just now, did I hear you say something disturbing?”

“Huh? Which part?”

“Well… I heard you say something like ‘rewriting’ the enchantment magic…”

“That’s right, this uniform is made out of pretty good fabric. You can enchant it with as many as twenty characters.”

“You… didn’t you come here to learn about common sense?”

“That’s right?”

“Ha~ That’s enough. If I get surprised every single time, my body won’t be able to keep up.”

What the h.e.l.l, you went ahead and ended the topic all by yourself. It bothers me.

Thor and Julius also had a strange expression on their faces, just what is it?

After having a short exchange, Maria and Sicily returned. They dashed back.

“Ha, a ha a… ng… ha… So-sorry to keep you waiting…”

“Wafuuu ha fuuu… Sorry kept… you waiting…”

They were completely out of breath. Did they come das.h.i.+ng at full power?

“Even if you guys didn’t run at full power…”

“What are you talking about! There’s no way we can afford to keep Magi-sama and Guru-sama waiting!”

“That’s right!”

But the other party has already been waiting considerably.

“There’s really no need to worry about it that much, though… Well then, shall we go?”



And so, Sicily, Maria, Gus, Thor, Julius, and I; six people, began to walk together.

“Sorry guys. But ever since the entrance ceremony, my family have wanted to meet you.”

“No, there’s nothing for you to worry about. Or rather, when I told my family I’ll be going to s.h.i.+n’s house, they were envious. They told me to tell them all about it when I get home.”

“The same thing happened in my house.”

“I-is that so.”

The people in this country respect grandma and grandpa way too much!

Grandpa and grandma had been waiting for the next move in the Academy’s guest room and were watching out cautiously for commotions. Naturally, Uncle Dis was together with them.

“You’re pretty late. I was worried that something might have happened.”

“That’s true. Tell me, what in the world have you been doing?”

“s.h.i.+n-kun, I was waiting for you, but I was not worried. I think you haven’t done anything wrong.”

Compared to grandpa and grandma who was seriously worried about me, Uncle Dis is cruel!

“Sorry for making you worry, something happened that caused some delays.”

When I turned my head, I saw two people behind me looking nervous and tense.

I guess it’s only natural. Since there are two heroes and a King present, I guess there’s no helping it for them to be nervous.

“These two girls are my new cla.s.smates, they are Sicily and Maria.”

“Ni-ni-ni-nice to meet you! I’m in the same cla.s.s as s.h.i.+n-kun, my name is Maria von Mes.h.i.+na!!”

“Umm! That! Ni-nice to meet you! I’m Sicily von Claude!”

They were thoroughly nervous.

“This beautiful looking girl [bishoujo] with navy blue hair. Is she the girl s.h.i.+n-kun was talking about?”

“The one s.h.i.+n-kun was talking about?”

You don’t have to say anything unnecessary!

“Ho~ so it’s you…”

The look on grandma’s face changed. However, it looks like she’s looking at Sicily as if she was evaluating her. The conversation has completely stalled!

“Grandma, you can do that kind of thing later, for now, let’s go back home. We can’t talk properly here.”

“Hohho~, since you led them here, then you’re also bringing the young ladies when we go, right?”

“Nn, these two girls… or rather, it’s about Sicily.”

“Is that so, then, let’s go home, and we’ll listen carefully to what you have to say.”

And so, Sicily, Maria got on our horse-drawn carriage, while Gus, Thor, and Julius got on Uncle Dis horse-carriage, and we returned home.

Inside the horse-drawn carriage, as expected, the two were still very tense. Especially Sicily, since grandma’s stares were getting stronger.

Grandma, you’re scary, that’s why please stop it.

After five minutes of tension, we finally arrived home. These were the longest five minutes I have ever felt in my life….

“And so? You said there’s a story about this young lady. What is it? Don’t tell me, you already promised…”

“That! It’s not what you think!”

“Then, what is it?”

“Hmn, as you know, enchantment magic is granted to this uniform, right?”

“Ah~ …that was outrageous, wasn’t it…”

“Huh, right, it’s not about that… Is it okay for me to grant those enchantments on this child’s uniform?”

“… I’d like to first hear the details.”

I told them about what happened today in the academy. And, because the situation was not completely solved, I wanted to strengthen her defense.

“I see, so that was the reason why you were so slow to come out.”


“Ha. What is it, Merlin-dono?”

“In this country of yours, those kinds of n.o.bles still exist?”

“No… I had no awareness of… The n.o.bles in this country should have been reformed. Although there might still be obstinate n.o.bles with a strong sense of elitism who have yet to yield. However, when talking about the Vice Chief Officer of the Finance Bureau, Ritzburg, he’s famous for being a strict person with strong morals, and he loathes things such as injustices and putting pressure on others. I cannot believe his son would say such a thing.”

“Hmm, that means there’s a possibility that it is the child’s recklessness…”

His father sounds like an amazing person. With that kind of father, it doesn’t look like he’ll be willing to put pressure on Sicily’s father even if Cart asked. Then, why did he say something like that? Did he not know what his own father was like?

“Grandma, is it okay?”

“If that’s the case… Young lady over there, you said your name was Sicily?”


“The enchantment magic s.h.i.+n is talking about, in reality, is a preposterous subst.i.tution. And here he is saying he wants to grant it to your uniform. That means, this child is serious in regards to protecting you with it. Do you really believe you are qualified to be protected by him?”

“Qualified… you say…”

Qualification to receive my protection. I’m not that kind of insolent human being, you know?

“Grandma, as for qualification… I don’t need something exaggerated like that. It’s because it’s something I want to do, so you don’t have to do anything grandiose.”

“You, be quiet and just listen. And you, do you even understand what in the world will happen if s.h.i.+n granted that to your uniform?”

“What will happen, you say.”

“That uniform is powerful enough to be considered as a protective armor of a national treasure grade.”

” ” ” ” ” “National treasure grade!?” ” ” ” ” ”

Eh? Is that so?

“Master Melinda! What do you mean!?”

“Neither here nor there, this child once again did something outrageous. If I explain it like that, you’ll understand, right? It’s something that cannot be done according to our common sense.”

“I see what you mean… just hearing about it is scary.”

There’s nothing to be afraid of, you know? Or rather, wouldn’t it protect them?

“It’s unbecoming that I can’t even fathom what kind of ridiculously high value this uniform has become as a protective armor. Nevertheless, this child wants to impart the very same enchantment magic on your uniform. Do you have the resolution and qualification to accept it?”

“That is… qualification…”

After being asked this question, tears began to form in Sicily’s eyes.


“I… I do not… have the qualification….”

And so she said with her tears spilling out of her eyes.

“Hmph, what do you mean by you don’t have the qualification?”

“I was taking advantage of s.h.i.+n-kun’s kindness. I thought if I spoke to s.h.i.+n-kun about my circ.u.mstances…. he would take pity on me, and help me… And so, I told him about my situation.”

“Well, this child is strong, after all. It’s not like I don’t understand the feeling of wanting to rely on him.”

“But! But… Although it had nothing to do with s.h.i.+n-kun… as I thought, he did help me… It made me happy when he said he would protect me… And while depending on the thought that he would protect me… I selfishly did everything I wanted at my own convenience…”

Sicily’s flow of tears was unstoppable. I see, when she first told me about her situation, she had an apologetic expression. However, she wasn’t apologetic for “letting me hear such a strange story,” but it was because “I want you to sympathize with me and help me after you hear the story,” that’s exactly what I had speculated.

But to be honest, even if she didn’t say anything, I knew the truth. I wonder if I should lie?

“Melinda-sama! We apologize for attempting to take advantage of your grandson. After this, we’ll try to solve it ourselves. We’re sorry for the inconvenience!”

To the crying Sicily, I was thinking of confessing the fact that I knew she was trying to use me.

What am I thinking! If I confess, it’ll be revealing that I’m also pursuing Sicily…

“Wait a minute!!”

Grandma said to take control.

Surprised by the voice, Sicily suddenly stood stock-still.

Sicily’s tears still had yet to stop. She looks like she’s falling into self-hatred…

“Sicily, I’m glad you spoke honestly. It’s a good thing you quickly understood that you were trying to take advantage of s.h.i.+n. But if you didn’t speak straightforwardly, it would have defeated the whole purpose of him granting magic on your uniform.”

“U~u… hick…. ugh…”

With those words, her response was nothing but sobs and not words. Did she really have to cry that much?

“However, you spoke honestly. That protective armor enhanced with magic could be considered as a national treasure. But nevertheless, you abandoned the chance to have it for yourself. It’s not something anyone can do.”

“Be-because… hick… I tricked s.h.i.+n-kun… tricked him… but he still wants to gi-give me something like that, hick, there’s nooo way I can accept ittt.”

Although it’s hard to understand what she is saying because she was sobbing convulsively, I guess she couldn’t forgive herself for trying to use me.

“What’s so wrong about a woman tricking a man. In addition, you’re a cute looking girl. Look at s.h.i.+n, it’s not like he noticed. And so, with a cute girl relying on him, don’t you think he’ll be more fired up?”

“It’s my bad! Hey Sicily, please don’t think that you were using me, or fooling me, okay? It was my intention, my wish, to help Sicily. That’s why don’t deny my intention.”


“It’s fine even if you use me. Or rather, I would really regret it if you didn’t tell me the circ.u.mstances and then something happens to Sicily.”

“It was wrong of me to test you. I had to verify whether or not you are qualified to receive a protective armor enhanced with magic. It was my fault.”

Grandma suddenly became very gentle. She hugged Sicily close and started stroking her head.


I guess she felt relieved after grandma hugged her, and she finally let it all out.

“Well then, s.h.i.+n, you can go ahead and enhance Sicily’s uniform.”

“It’s it okay?”

“Ah, but Sicily, it’ll be useless if you reveal it to others. You cannot receive it unless you make a promise. That’s why I want you to decide whether or not you’re prepared to do so.”

“Wuu, yes, I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

“Alright. You’re a good child.”

That’s good, it seems like Sicily has somehow settled down. Now I can enchant Sicily’s uniform.

However, If I don’t get her to change her clothes, the enchantment will be impossible because I won’t be able to enchant her blazer, s.h.i.+rt, and skirt.

However, it was difficult to ask a girl to take off her clothes. While I was thinking of what to do, grandma gave me a lifeboat.

“Come Sicily, you have to take off your clothes in order to grant enchantment magic on your uniform. Let’s go to the room and I’ll lend you some clothes.”

“Nn… hick… ye-yes.”

And so, she went away and took Sicily to the room.

While I was watching her go…

“Hey, s.h.i.+n.”

“What is it, grandpa?”

“I completely didn’t notice that that child was trying to take advantage of you, s.h.i.+n.”

“What about it, grandpa… I didn’t notice, too…”

“Melinda did really well in noticing…”

“…Maybe it’s because they’re both women?”

“But if that child’s uniform was enhanced just like that, her heart might get crushed from her sense of guilt later on.”

“… That’s why, was it really that important?”

“It looks like you still haven’t realized it…”

That’s why I said it’s too exaggerated.

“But that aside…”

“What is it?”

“That grandma, didn’t it look like she took over the authority here? I felt like I was air.”

…Do your best! Grandpa!

“Here, since you’ll be changing again soon, this will do.”

Melinda said so, and from amongst her clothes, she pa.s.sed Sicily a white one piece dress for her to change to.

“Now, quickly get changed, and we’ll return to where everyone is. Since we’re taking up unnecessary time. We should hurry.”

“Umm, I’m truly very sorry…”

Sicily felt apologetic with the knowledge that she was taking up unneeded time to change her clothes.

“Even so, you did well in being honest. If it was me when I was young, I would have absolutely stayed silent in order to obtain a national treasure grade protective armor.”

“…In the beginning, I was reluctant to rely on s.h.i.+n-kun’s kindness. But because I felt really helpless at that time… when s.h.i.+n-kun helped me, I was really happy… It would have been very painful if I had stayed silent…”

“With that kind of state of mind, you still found it painful to receive his help?”


“Really now, aren’t you a good girl. About earlier, I’m really sorry, Sicily.”

“No, because it’s about your family, it’s only natural for you to worry. I’m also very sorry.”

“By the way, Sicily?”

“What is it?”

“You, how do you feel about s.h.i.+n?”


“Since you’re a good girl, I’d like to ask you to take care of s.h.i.+n.”

“T-t-t-to take care!?”

“What do you think? You’re not opposed to the idea, are you?”

“Th-that is something… even I… don’t know well myself.”


“I do not dislike him, absolutely not. But, if you were to ask me what I think about s.h.i.+n-kun… I think he’s kind… he’s strong, and he’s cool… But if you ask me if I like him… I don’t know the answer to that.”

“…But I think you like him more than enough…”


“No, it’s nothing. You’ve finished changing. Now then, let’s go back to where everyone is.”


Sicily went back to where everyone else was while Melinda decided something in her mind.

‘I somehow want this girl.’

Thus, Sicily had been locked-on by Melinda.

© 2024