Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 78

The Final Phase… Or at least it was supposed to be

“Is it true that they found devils?”(s.h.i.+n)

Gus was presented with shocking news in one of the daily reports that devils were found.

We were aiming for the imperial capital, which we believed to be the devils base, but Kurt reconnaissance forces discovered a city where the devils gathered.

“What are the odds of it being a trap?”(s.h.i.+n)

[I went to check it out, but it wasn’t a large city and the devils were distracted by destroying houses. It’s probably not an ambush.](August)

Saying you went to check it out. That’s quite dangerous.

“You weren’t discovered?”(s.h.i.+n)

[Thanks to the magic control training. Not only has the amount I can control increased but I can also suppress my magic power. I also used the magic power inhibition magic on top of that.](August)

“That’s good but… So? Was Stromm with them?”(s.h.i.+n)

[I couldn’t search the whole city… I managed to confirm around 50 different magical powers in the city…](August)

“Because they moved around you couldn’t tell the exact number…”(s.h.i.+n)


“There no helping it. Even if I know there’s no possibility of an ambush I’m still uneasy about this…”(s.h.i.+n)

Still, why would they gather in a provincial town rather than in the former imperial capital?

To destroy the buildings to pa.s.s the time on top of that… Are they frustrated their two attacks failed?

Is it a crude surprise attack?

It’s strange if you just sit there being frustrated after failed raids and not planning the next one.

“Something is strange…”(s.h.i.+n)

[Oh, I think so too. For the time being, Kurt forces are keeping an eye on the situation from a distance. They’re invisible from the city.](August)

“I see. You should wait until we join up for this one.”(s.h.i.+n)

[They were already given a strict order. They can’t handle the devils alone so they should leave them to us.](August)

It’s impossible for us to face dozens of devils until all of us are gathered together.

[There’s gonna be a report from that camp. Hurry up and gather there.](August)


The end game is approaching.

We missed two chances already. Failure is not an option this time. We have to make sure none of them escape by completely surrounding them!

And like Gus said, the soldier that exchanged information between all allied forces reported it to the leaders of Els, Ys and the Dahm commander, Ralph Portman.

There are already three of us there.

“What!? The devils base have been discovered!?”(Ralph)

“Yes. Kurts reconnaissance unit confirmed it. Because it was confirmed by multiple people, it’s not a mistake.”(Soldier)

“I-Isn’t his Highness Augusto with the Kurt forces? He didn’t subjugate them?”(Ralph)

“He is, but because there’s so many of them, there’s a possibility some could slip through, and so he’s waiting until the Ultimate Magicians gather.”(Soldier)

“Really… He hasn’t subjugated them yet…”(Ralph)

Portman lets out a sigh of relief that the devils weren’t subjugated yet.

But why is he relieved they haven’t been suppressed?

“All right! Our destination changed as well. Where is that city?”(Ralph)

“It’s there.”(Why would you do this to yourself?)

The soldiers spreads a map of the former empire and points to the city.

They have been advancing through the demon territory for several days now.

Because they all marched to the same destination, the forces are positioned not that far apart from each other.

They could join with them in 2-3 days.

“The problem is the army most far off is Earlshydes. Because they don’t have any Ultimate Magicians with them, depending on the situation, the battle might start before we arrive there.”(Ralph)

Certainly the Earlshyde army is far away.

However they’re not responsible for the suppression of Devils.

Even though they can take down a disaster cla.s.s they wont partic.i.p.ate.

“Not only does the Earlshyde army want to avoid a confrontation with the devils, but so do all the allied forces. We’re going to do it alone. Because we’re going to arrive before the battle starts.”(Ralph)

“…Didn’t they say you cannot subjugate a devil by yourself?”

For some reason that was a bit of a p.r.i.c.kly subject.

One would think the sheer number of demons subjugated by each allied force in the past few days would be enough of an achievement.

Besides, this is not the end goal of the strategy itself.

When the devils are gone the land will be distributed to each country.

In that case, a lot of people will live here so it’s necessary to greatly thin out the demons.

After subjugating the devils, the demons will need to be mopped up.

Even if you don’t partic.i.p.ate in the devil subjugation no one would complain.

“It was said by the Swedes correspondence that they can’t imagine the countries troops can deal with them. But… They’ve suppressed devils in the past. Don’t you think this strategy was drawn up and approved based on that?”(Els commander)

After he said that, commander Portman left the tent with a “Fuh! They’re arrogant.” and a glare of hatred.

“What? I… Did I say something bad?”(Ys commander)

“No, I made a mistake. What with his att.i.tude. I don’t like it.”(Els commander)

“Is that really the att.i.tude a countries commander should have? Speaking of Portman, wasn’t he supposed to be an honest person with a fair character?It’s embarra.s.sing even though we’re part of the same religion.”(Ys commander)

The Els and Ys commander are showing their concerns.

It would seem like it.

Because an allied force commander suddenly blew up at them.

It was all so sudden and he couldn’t react, because even in his wildest dreams, he didn’t think he’d flare up like that.

“There is no excuse for that! I apologize for the rude behaviour of our commander!”(Dahm deputy)

The deputies of the Dahm army hurriedly lowered their heads.

“Why does your commander act like that?”(Els commander)

“Usually he’d never say something like that!”(Dahm deputy)

“I heard that too. So what happened to him just now?”(Ys commander)

When pressed for an answer by the Ys commander, the Dahm deputy had to think of an answer.

And finally he thought of something and opened his mouth…

“Perhaps… The subjugation of a devil is still a major accomplishment. He might be frustrated that the Ultimate Magicians are monopolizing it…”(Dahm deputy)

…That was it.

They wondered why he was relieved when he heard the devils weren’t subjugated yet.

But, it’s harder to think of a reason as to why he would be so violent towards them.

His subordinates also wondered if they should say something about it.

“During a world crisis… What do you think?”(Ys commander)

“Really… It’s deplorable.”(Els commander)

Els and Ys seem to be agree.

With such ambitions of their commander, the Dahm forces changed their route to the imperial capital and headed towards the town where the devils gathered and the Kurt forces camped.

They arrived at a hilly area, located close by but it’s invisible from the city.

“It’s been a while s.h.i.+n.”(August)

“We hear each other every day so it doesn’t feel like it.”(s.h.i.+n)

In a couple of days I joined up with Gus.

Tony’s group already arrived. After that, only Alice and her group is left.

“Freed yesterday, s.h.i.+n today. Corner will probably show up tomorrow. Considering the travel fatigue we’ll rest for a day and attack after that.”(August)

“Now that you mention it, should we send them a surrender ultimatum?”(s.h.i.+n)

“…Because a devil having free will never happened before, I didn’t think of that. Is it required?”(August)

I wonder.

Should we ask people from other countries?

“There is no need! They are enemies of mankind! They are a threat! They must not be allowed to run free!”(Ys commander)

Ys is adamantly opposed.

“Is it required? In the first place, haven’t they murdered indiscriminately during the surprise attack on Swedes? Even if they weren’t devils, they’ve still committed crimes before.”(Els commander)

The Els commander also disregarded the necessity of a surrender ultimatum.

People from neighbouring countries also agreed.

They are the enemies of humanity. Criminals who already committed indiscriminate murder.

Well, I thought so too but there might be someone who’d kick up a fuss because we didn’t send out a surrender ultimatum.

Although they’re now devils, they used to be humans and for that reason you should’ve given them a surrender ultimatum.

Well, before the allied forces of Swedes arrived, a rough strategy was decided upon.

Surround the city with the 12 of us.

Synchronize the attack with wireless communication devices and sweep the city with attack magic all at once.

After the sweep, we close off the exit routes and drive the devils into the center of the city where we’ll create a killzone.

…Although it’s a rough strategy for only 12 people but we should probably be fine.

As for the Alliance forces, they will surround the city and prevent the escape of any devil that might slip through.

And even though they’ll most likely lose their lives, the eyes of allied forces soldier were burning with determination.

And the Earlshyde army…

“Originally, all countries were supposed to gather here. But waiting for all armies might be what the devils want.”(August)

To let the other armies save face.

I thought Gus would say something like that

“Besides, It’s also important to thin out the number of demons. They’re going to be circling around.”(August)

The Earlshyde army wouldn’t make it in time for the maneuver, so they’ll continue to subjugate demons.

Once the operation is over, the rest will join up with Swedes.

Everybody was ordered to rest after a series of battles.

While the allied forces armies joined up and mingled, a certain man appeared before us.

“Hey. It’s been a while s.h.i.+n.”(Galland)

“Oh, Galland. Long time no see.”(s.h.i.+n)

“You’re quite a guy after all. Forget being well known, you’re being touted as the saviour of this world.”(Galland)

“N-no. Everyone is just over exaggerating.”(s.h.i.+n)

“If you’re that modest won’t it be mistaken for sarcasm?  Be careful.”(Galland)

“Huh… Sorry about that.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Indeed, that magic swordsman is great and you are too. The youngsters these days sure are amazing.”(Galland)

Magical swordsman?

“Who is? The magical swordsman.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Ha? Tony is also one. A swordsman who can use magic. He made quite an impression on the Karnan allied forces.”(Galland)


Tony you hid this from me? I have to have a talk with him later.

“Even so, don’t get nervous. It’s quite natural.”(Galland)

“Oh. A devil is not that big of a deal. I’m only worried I’ll let some escape.”(s.h.i.+n)

“To say a devil is not that big of a deal…”(Galland)

Actually that’s right.

We’ve beaten them twice now and they escaped, so this time it’s only a matter of not letting them escape.

“I have faith in you. Well then, do your best? Hero.”(Galland)

“Yeah. leave it to me.”(s.h.i.+n)

When I said that, Mr. Galland went back to the Karnan troops.

After joining we’re acting collectively. At the same time, the place we’re sleeping in changed from just a tent to a big tent.

There I took out a bed from the Different Dimension Storage and set it up.

“A bed for camping… It doesn’t really suit the circ.u.mstances.”(August)

“I’ve got enough for everyone but if you don’t need one that’s fine Gus.”(s.h.i.+n)

“A bed is best to get rid of fatigue after all.”(August)

You sure change your mind quickly.

Well, enough rest is absolutely necessary before the final battle with the devils.

I would’ve given Gus the bed anyway, I’m not that malicious.

“In any case, he said he brought beds… He also developed magic tools for soundproofing so he could to that while camping.”(August)

“We haven’t been doing that!”(s.h.i.+n)

“Is that so?”(August)

“Is that true?”(Tony)

“What about Mark and Olivia!? They’re a couple too!”(s.h.i.+n)

“That would be an insane thing to do.”(August)

“I think so too!”(Mark)

This interaction continued for a while.

If i had to say it, being together with Sicily would obviously be wonderful. Nonetheless, having friends that are guys that you could talk to without holding back is also nice.

I also went to the female members tent to give them beds..

After all they were quite tired, so they were jubilant..

“s.h.i.+n, this bedding…”(Sicily)

“Oh, it’s from back home.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Wow! I’m glad!”(Sicily)

Sicily laughed delightfully.

She did personally experience how grandma’s bed felt after all.

“Is that true? That you didn’t use wool.”(Maria)

“Yes, it is.”(s.h.i.+n)


Maria doesn’t seem to trust me.

Sleeping on it just once is mesmerizing.

After meals and a bath we were all so tired, we went to sleep immediately without much idle chit chat.

When I woke up the next morning, Gus begged me to give him this bedding.

“I have no memory of what happened after I went to bed. I felt a sensation of being enveloped and before I knew it it was morning. I wasn’t tired at all. This is phenomenal.”(August)

Woah. That’s high praise.

By the way, it wasn’t only Gus but everyone else had the same reaction.

What to do? If it’s so popular, should I add it as a product in my company?

Oh, but it might violate the rights of existing stores.

Then, should I sell the idea of one to a store that deals in beddings?

…Well, I’ll have to look into it after this matter is settled.

While I was thinking about that, some of the Swedes forces joined us in the early afternoon.

“Ah~… I’m tired…”(Yuri)


“I wanna take a bath.”(Rin)

They look very dizzy.

I heard that they were running at a considerable pace since morning to get here as soon as possible. It seems like they were part of the force that subdued demons on the way.

The exhausted Alice got herself a meal followed by a bath before popping into one of the beds.

They woke up at night and asked for the bedding.

In any case, the Ultimate Magicians have arrived.

The reconnaissance unit reported no devil movements, and to let Alice rest, the final a.s.sault is going to be tomorrow..

The fate of the world is hanging on us.

From here on out there will not be any goofing around.

“I slept through the day and can’t anymore. Let’s talk everybody.”(Alice)

No goofing around!

Tomorrow, after taking a rest day, we will begin our battle against the devils..

The allied forces themselves won’t fight the devils, but if s.h.i.+n let’s one through, we must stop it even if it costs us our lives.

Even if there were to be no response, the atmosphere of a decisive battle is rising.

Meanwhile, several people gathered in front of the Dahm tent.

“Director Portman, there is no time anymore. The Ultimate Magicians are starting their attack the day after tomorrow.”(Dahm Soldier)

“Their t.i.tles aside, their abilities are the real deal. If this continues as is and they get all the achievements of subjugating the devils, any request to withdraw their t.i.tles would be laughed off!”(Dahm Soldier)

“I know! Don’t get impatient!”(Ralph)

All the opponents of the Messenger of G.o.d and the Saint have gathered in Ralphs tent.

To be of use in the military, the tents had to be made to accomodate a large number of people, but right now there were around 50 people which is close to the maximum capacity.

They saw s.h.i.+ns power and half gave up on getting him to give up his t.i.tle, but an opportunity appeared suddenly and unexpectedly.

There are devils right in front of them now.

Therefore he became aware of it.

There is no better opportunity to prove the world doesn’t need to be saved by relying on them and that a t.i.tle such as the Messenger of G.o.d is unnecessary, than to subjugate all the devils before s.h.i.+n and the others do.

Ralph calmed the soldiers, who were growing impatient.

“Listen. Even if we tried to approach that city right now, we’d be found out by someone. But if we go tomorrow night… Everyone will go to bed ahead of time as preparation for the next day’s great operation to be as ready as possible. In other words there’s less people standing guard. Wait until then.”(Ralph)

Because there’s still plenty of time, there might be more eyes now even if it is night.

Therefore, Ralph told everyone to wait until tomorrow evening.

Their eyes were a bit strange.

The realization of their wishes is right in front of them.

G.o.d created this opportunity for us.

G.o.d helped us more than he helped the so called Messenger of G.o.d.

After all, he shouldn’t be called Messenger of G.o.d.

We will show that.

G.o.d says we should subjugate the devils.

They interpreted this situation as such.

And because of that interpretation, they were convinced they were the chosen ones, recognized by G.o.d.


It was exactly that which reflected in their eyes.

However, there was something that didn’t occur to them in their fanaticism clouded minds.

How to defeat the devil.

“Portman, then… How do you plan on subjugating them?”(Dahm Soldier)

Not everyone there fell victim to fanatical thinking.

There were also a few soldiers that made calm judgements.

“So far, the likelihood of it becoming just a mob is very high. If we go under the cover of darkness, we can subjugate them all without a fuss!”(Ralph)

“However… They say they’re stronger than disaster…”(Dahm Soldier)

“Hmph! They’re just saying that! They’re only saying that to boost their own achievements and make sure people fall in line.”(Ralph)

Is that really the case? The soldiers who said that tilted their heads. Indeed, Dahm and Karnan didn’t witness the devils directly.

They didn’t actually see how strong the devils were with their own eyes.

“Look at the evidence. In Kurt Kingdom there were no injuries.”(Ralph)

“However, in the Swedes Kingdom…”(Dahm Noldier)

“Okay, they might not have been able to respond to a surprise attack on time. Even then, they were easily repelled. It’s really not a big deal. Devils and the like.”(Ralph)

Before the Three Power Talks, s.h.i.+n was concerned people will start thinking “The devils aren’t that big of a deal”.

“But…”(Dahm soldier)

“You’re being annoying! For the last time, stop saying negative things! Are you just going to disobey the teachings of the doctrine!?”(Ralph)

Teachings of the religion of the G.o.d of creation.

When did this come into the story? The first meeting was a meeting of people who weren’t happy about s.h.i.+n being called the Messenger of G.o.d or the Saint, so wasn’t this meeting supposed to be about making him forfeit that t.i.tle?

We wanted to achieve a greater feat than s.h.i.+n. From that, an idea that they were chosen by G.o.d sprouted and headed in a dangerous direction.

This is bad.

The strategy decided at the World Union Conference was that s.h.i.+n would deal with the devils and the armies would deal with the demons.

If they take action here spurred by fanatical thinking it’s no longer about taking the t.i.tle away from s.h.i.+n. It’ll turn into a very bad situation for Dahm.

He tried to get Ralph to give up because there’s no way to kill the devils, but he failed. His eyes were s.h.i.+ning with fanaticism the brightest.

He must stop him at any cost.

Several people were there were determined not to let them go to the devil infested city.

The day after Alice and the Swede forces joined us was completely free.

Because of the final battle ahead of us tomorrow, all action that would cause fatigue were avoided. Even training was called off.

Currently I’m working with non-combatants who manage the reconnaissance teams and management teams who provide food and lodging.

The strategy for tomorrow is to catch the devils by surprise by disappearing in the darkness before daybreak.

Everyone except the night watchmen went to bed early and so I did because I had to wake up in the middle of the night.

A little after that I was woken up by an angry roar. It was still the middle of the night.

“Devils! The devils have begun to move!”(Lookout)

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