Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 79

Kaelpie here…

So I said it"ll come soon and it didn"t. What a f.u.c.king surprise. No matter what I say I"ll do the universe seems to bend over backwards just to prove me f.u.c.king wrong.

This time the chapter was stuck in editorial limbo until I went f.u.c.k it and released yet another unedited chapter.

Things have been really hectic these days. The town is holding the annual festival and this is pretty much the peak"s peak of the tourist season here. On top of that I have my uncle, cousin and brother visiting and they"re we"re all staying in a really really small house.

Other than that I"m not getting the laptop I wanted due to s.h.i.+pping f.u.c.kery so now I have to look elswere and my dad seems to think every single one of my decision on the matter is incorrect.

So I"m quite stressed right now and that"s why I"m going on hiatus right now. I still won"t let just anyone take over Magi though.

And Because of the site moving thing I can"t post the noteless version on Yado Inn at the moment. You"ll just have to deal with it like I do.

And the music reccomendation is: Judas Priest – Painkiller (Heavy Metal)

s.h.i.+n finally pitches a tent. Unfortunately literally.

Author note about working on vol 2 Light Novel

After meeting the first pack of demons, no more demons appeared and we were able to reach the vicinity of the former empire"s border as planned.

We"ll be camping here today.

Although when a group this big stops it attracts demons but it seems that they won"t come near because of the magic tools installed on the perimeters of the camp

By the way, although it"s called a magic tool to repel demons, it"s actually a magic tool that interrupts magic power.

It"s string shaped, and it surrounds the camp so the demons aren"t able to sense the magic power enclosed in the circle.

While it doesn"t leak magic power outside it"s still completely visible, so even with the magic power blocked off demons still appear here and there.

Although it"s installed, that doesn"t mean it"s invoked and mages will have to take turns during the night keeping it active. Because it"s "mostly" and not "completely" there is still purpose to the night watch.

Come to think of it, this is my first time camping. (Kaelpie: How? You lived in the middle of a forest.)

Just as I was getting a little excited I got called out.

"Excuse me. We"ve prepared the camp for the Messenger, Saint and Valkyrie."(Bear Grills)

Maria has been addressed as "Valkyrie" since the previous battle.

Maria wasn"t used to having a t.i.tle, so everytime they used it she got embarra.s.sed.

Well, she"ll get used to it. Maria followed the soldier and arrived at the tent while agonizing alone.

A tent for two and a tent for one have been stretched out for us to sleep.

"Well then, this is the Messenger"s and the Saint"s tent, and this is the Valkyrie"s tent."(Bear Grills)



Wait a minute! Women and men can stay in the same tent during wartime!?

Certainly Sicily is my fiance, so under those circ.u.mstances it should be possible to stay in the same tent!

"Then, that… Because there are many single soldiers… If possible could you activate a sound isolation magic tool or barrier…"(Pedobear Grylls)

"We"d never do something like that in these circ.u.mstances! I mean stay in a tent together!"(s.h.i.+n)

"Huh? Is that so?"(Dissapointed Pedobear Grylls)

"That"s right!"(s.h.i.+n)

What are you thinking!?

"You said it earlier. You said that there are many single soldiers here. Under such circ.u.mstances, even though we"re fiancees, staying in the same tent would get us a lot of antipathy, right?"(s.h.i.+n)

"That"s true."(Dissapointed Pedobear Grylls)

He confirmed it!

"Then their frustration might become excessive. Because of that I will stay in this tent for one person and Sicily and Maria will take the tent for two people. Will that be fine?"(s.h.i.+n)

"I"m ok with it."(Sicily)

"Even though I"m ok with it, you are too? Are you really?"(Maria)

"If I stayed in the same tent as s.h.i.+n I wouldn"t have the courage to come out in the morning while everyone is watching…"(Sicily)

Absolutely, to be seen with prying eyes. I wouldn"t have the courage either.

"Certainly. Yes… That would be good. When I think about hearing voices all night…"(Dissapointed Pedobear Grylls)

"I said we would do no such thing!"(s.h.i.+n)


Sicily hid behind me.

"Well then, my concern is gone, so let"s have dinner. I"ll prepare dinner in that tent. Since it"s a marching meal don"t expect too much.

"We entrusted all the camping preparations to you. We can"t complain."(s.h.i.+n)

We"re also exempt from the night watch, so if you complain about that you"d be reprimanded.

…That"s different from what we have agreed on! I can complain about that can"t I!?

"Then when the meal is over, there will be a bath prepared in that tent. That one is for men and the other one for women. Well, since the male and female soldiers are standing by the entrance there won"t be a mistake."(Revitalized Pedobear Grylls)

What? Is that an accident flag? (Kaelpie: You wish.)

Well after actually having finished eating and heading out to the bath, there were two soldiers standing there keeping watch so I probably won"t enter the women"s bath by mistake.

There is also people frequently going in and out of the entrance and exit

At any rate, camping with a bath.

According to what I"ve heard, the magic tool used to heat up the bath water was developed and popularized by grandma, and bathing seems to have spread widely due to the emergence of this magic tool. (Kaelpie: .-.)

Incredible, grandma. (ORIGINAL TEXT: Spicy, grandma)

I give my newfound respects to grandma for propagating magic tools beneficial for everyone, I"m proud that she"s my grandmother.

When I entered the bath tent, a big pool was set up.

Now I get it, you inflate this like a plastic pool. Is this made out of some kind of demon leather? You can carry this around and use a magic tool to provide the hot water.

You can take a bath even while camping.

…Although there is this, it"s strange that there are no floating rings.

The magic tool for hot water is shaped like a faucet and there are several installed.

It seems that in order to take a bath you have to let magic power flow through the sink for a few minutes before it adds hot water.

It seems to be converting the moisture in the air into water and will endlessly circulate it through the tent.

I wash my hair and body with soap that naturally dissolves and before I entered the bathtub, I brought magical power to the magic tool for hot water and hot water flowed into the tub as I entered. (Kaelpie: When I said "I hope I get to translate a bath scene" this is not what I had in mind.)


I thought the same after arriving at Sicily"s parent"s territory. Fatigue will acc.u.mulate after travelling a long distance via carriage.

I think that a bath has an important role in keeping the advancing speed and recovering a soldiers stamina.

"Thank you for your hard work messenger. How"s the water?"(Quite possibly a very naked man)

"Quit it… Calling me Messenger is kinda… The water is the perfect temperature though."(s.h.i.+n)

"Hehe. That reminds me, it was your grandmother that developed this magic tool. It was a stupid question."(Very likely a very naked man)

The soldier that"s been guiding us a little while ago is now taking a bath with me.

Apparently he seems intent on calling me messenger.

It"s really troublesome.

"Even so, Valkyrie"s magic before was amazing. Can all the members of Ultimate Magicians use such magic?"(A very wet, naked guide)

"That"s right. Well, Maria was excellent to begin with… Being the third seat behind me and His Highness Augusto. Now, I wonder if everyone else can do that too?"(s.h.i.+n)

"T-To that extent…"(Still a very naked wet guide)

"Some of them are good at healing magic like Sicily, others are good at close combat, and some of them give pride to their body reinforcement magic, too."(s.h.i.+n)

In precision magic practice, Sicily"s attack magic has also improved considerably.

It wouldn"t be an exaggeration to say that everyone can use the same attack magic.

Then those who were listening in began to speak between each other.

"Everyone is at that level…"(Another very naked man)

"Huh? The saint can also use attack magic like that?"(Yet another very naked man)

"Even though they can use so much magic, to be in close proximity to someone like that…"(So many naked men)

"…This strategy, why does it need us?"(GET ME THE f.u.c.k OUT OF HERE)

Oops, everyone began to question the significance of their existence.

I should follow up.

"Of course your power is necessary. How many months would it take if we alone carried out this strategy… No, I don"t know how long it would take. You can"t let the people worry for such a long period of time now can you? Everyone"s power is absolutely necessary for a quick resolution."(s.h.i.+n)

Will something like this do?

The reaction of everyone around me…

"Really… To not agitate the people… Is it?"(Make it stop)

"That"s right! We are here to help the people!"(A naked man more excited than I"m comfortable with)

"This is bad… It"s going to overflow.!"(MAKE IT STOP)

"Let"s do it… Let"s do it! Everybody!"(A very naked man I would steer clear from in a wide arch)

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhh!"(Sausage party)

Oh! I was surprised!

Don"t suddenly shout like that!

"What! What happened!"(Finally a not naked man)

Look! The watchmen soldier heard it and came flying in with numbers!

"It"s nothing. It was just a declaration of determination."(An excited naked man)

"W-what… If that"s the case that"s good."(He of the clothed ones)

Although it went up more than expected, isn"t it good that the morale is raised?

I got out of the bath when my body warmed up enough.

After that, it seems that war cries rose from the men"s bath in regular intervals. (Original text: After that, it seems that c.o.c.ks were rising from the man bath at regular intervals.)


Sicily and Maria split up from s.h.i.+n and entered the women"s bath. (Kaelpie: Now we"re talking.)

"Well, it"s not a full fledged bath."(Maria)

"That"s true. I didn"t expect I"d get to take a bath in the camp."(Sicily)

The women of Ultimate Magicians were thinking of going home by Gate but they seem to be satisfied when they saw a full bath.

"That reminds me, the territory of the saint is Earlshyde"s Viscount house Von Claude"s. It has a famous hot spring."(Quite possibly a very naked woman)

"Huh? Oh, that"s right."(Sicily)

"Compared to your parent"s territory, we"re sorry for this plain bath."(Very likely a very naked woman)

"Not at all! It"s plenty usable! I never thought I would be taking a bath while camping."(Sicily)

That is an honest impression.

If there was no bath, they would take the time to go back home with Gate to take a bath, even if Sicily was reluctant to leave s.h.i.+n"s side.

It"s because she"s worried about her smell.

However, there"s no doubt that there"s a bath right here.

Such imaginary fears were immediately dispersed.

"It"s thanks to the Guru"s magical tool that we can take a bath like this. There"s no one that experienced in the current army, but it seems it wasn"t possible to take a bath during a march in the past."(A very wet naked woman)

"It"s a magic tool for hot water supply. When that magic tool came out it caused my grandfather to start shaking in fear. He thought it might replace the hot spring."(Sicily)

"That is… That"s a big deal…"(A very wet and naked woman)

"However on the contrary it seems that the value of the hot springs has risen as the wot water supply bath magic tool started spreading into general use. The hot springs are a bit different from ordinary baths."(Sicily)

The hot springs are heated underground by geothermal heat. The hot springs that spring up from underground veins contain various elements and bring various effects.

As the bathing spread, people noticed the charm of hot springs and their value went up.

"If you think that way, grandmother raised it"s value."(Sicily)

"Grandmother? …Oh that"s right, the saint is engaged to the messenger who is the Guru"s grandchild."(Still a very wet naked woman)


Probably because they"ve been engaged for a while now, Sicily confirmed it without getting fl.u.s.tered.

"By the way, I read "A new Hero"s story". Is it true what"s written in there?  The messenger helped the saint and that"s where their love started."(A very curious naked woman)

"Meeting… T-That"s right…"(Sicily)

As expected, she doesn"t seem to have gotten used to all of it. When asked about how their love began, she became embarra.s.sed again.

And since love talks began, the female soldiers that were hanging around started gathering.

"Ms. Saint. When did the messenger started fancying you?"(Another very wet and naked woman)

"W-When… He started liking me before I realized…"(Sicily)

Sicily"s answer caused an uproar amongst the female soldiers.

"Pssh…! What kind of person is the messenger?"(One more very wet naked and curious woman)

"Err… He"s strong, cool, he loves his family and friends… He"s gentle…"(Sicily)

The female soldiers got excited again.

"Does the Valkyrie have the same impression of him?"(Once again a naked woman)

"Valkyrie you say… Well I guess that"s not quite wrong."(Maria)

"So the valkyrie also wants to be with the messenger…"(A very wet, naked female s.h.i.+pper)

"That"s definitely not true."(Maria)

Maria cut their speculations down with an immediate answer leaving everyone with a surprised expression.

"Certainly if it was only that, I think there are even people in the same team that like s.h.i.+n but…"(Maria) (Kaelpie: Not sure if this means the gays or Ultimate Magicians…)

There is a catch? The female soldiers held their breath as they waited for Maria to continue.

"At any rate, he"s naive and unattentive… What s.h.i.+n often thinks of as normal, deviates from our common sense. He"s a walking disaster and if I was going out with him I wouldn"t last."(Maria)

(Kaelpie: Now I have Sum 41 stuck in my head. A walking disaster~ The son of all b.a.s.t.a.r.ds~)

"Mmm. Even if you say something like that…"(A wet naked persistent woman)

"Since you love with s.h.i.+n so much, you may tolerate it but as for me…"(Maria)

Female soldiers couldn"t hide the disappointment in how different the real s.h.i.+n is compared to the rumored s.h.i.+n.

"B-but I thought that the valkyries magic is really far removed our common sense as well…"(A very naked woman)

"If you"re surprised by my magic you must not have seen s.h.i.+n"s magic have you? That… I wonder how many times it"s greater? Sicily, how far does s.h.i.+n go when he"s serious?"(Maria)

" Hmm? I never saw him get serious… Even when he performed a magical experiment in the wilderness, he said he suppressed it considerably…"(Sicily)

"Ah… He leveled so much land while holding back?"(Maria)

"If he"s serious… Could he destroy an entire town?"(A scared naked woman)

Female soldiers began to exaggerate her words.

And even Sicily also said that so clearly.

(I love him no matter what!)(Sicily)

She tsukkomi-d in her head.

And as for Maria.

(Not just a town… A country)(Maria)

Because it would be disastrous to say out loud, Maria also tsukkomi-d in her head. (TN: While I swear off using all j.a.panese phrases as much as I possibly can, sometimes it"s just unavoidable cuz a word doesn"t have a translation.)


I leave the bath tent and return to my own.

Because I still felt hot, I went to enjoy the cool air outside and Sicily also returned

"Welcome back. How was the bath?"(s.h.i.+n)

"It felt good. I never thought I"d be able to to take a bath while camping."(Sicily)

"Yeah. If it"s like this, further marches will be a piece of cake."(s.h.i.+n)

Magic tools for hot water supply and avoiding demons.

While I was outside of my tent to cool off, I did have another purpose.

"My tent is a small one for one person, can I go to your tent over there?"(s.h.i.+n)


She answers affirmatively and I enter the tent Sicily and Maria are supposed to stay in.

It"s just large enough for two people to sleep in.

"Well then, let"s start this magic tool and…"(s.h.i.+n)

I started a magic tool for "Soundproofing".

I activate the magic tool that prevents "sound vibrations" only to the extent of enclosing this tent. That means the magic tool won"t let sound leak beyond that range.

By the way it"s not always invoked. (Kaelpie: I just imagined s.h.i.+n and Sicily getting it on while Maria has to keep the magic tool active next to them.)

Because the people in the surroundings can"t know what I"m about to do.

And I took out a certain thing. (Kaelpie: Personally I think you should first do it vanilla before trying to spice things up with tools.)

Chirin, chirin.

I took out a bell.

The bell that sounded belonged to the "wireless communication device".

[Muh? Who is it? s.h.i.+n?]

"Oh. Are you tired right now?"(s.h.i.+n)

[Wait a sec… Okay, it"s fine now.](August)

[This side is all good!](Alice)

[I was able to set it up fine here as well.](Tony)

When I sounded the bell on the communication device set to an open channel, August, Alice and Tony answered.

Perhaps, everyone is here.

"We fought a pack of monsters before reaching the border. How about everyone else?"(s.h.i.+n)

[For us there was no demon raid before we got here. Perhaps the advanced corps handled it.](August)

[As for us, I only got to go out a little! They were all medium sized with very few large ones appearing so I didn"t get to go out much!](Alice)

[Ours also had very few. Since the soldiers subdued them I didn"t even have to come out.](Tony)

Although we planned to draw a wired communication line to each camp, because the lines had to be buried, they couldn"t keep up with the speed of the march.

So I was holding a briefing session to hear the latest news from each camp.

By the way, the wireless communication device is still secret so I can"t report to headquarters what I hear here.

Around this time, a messenger soldier should be running on a horse to the wired communication device, exchanging information and coming back.

At any rate Gus" place is completely calm. Alice and Tony said that they had to go out even if a little.

They came out for us in numbers.

Why is that? What"s the difference?

"There was quite a few of them that came out. Why is there such a difference?"(s.h.i.+n) (Kaelpie: They all want a piece of your a.s.s s.h.i.+n. You WILL have a harem by the end of this story whether you like it or not.)

[…Isn"t that because s.h.i.+n is there?](August)

"Hey! Stop it with your joke theory!"(s.h.i.+n)

[It"s not such a flawed theory, s.h.i.+n"s fundamental magic power is many times greater than any of ours no? Maybe they"re attracted to it?"](August)

When I said that me attracting trouble was a joke theory they confessed something that sent chills down my spine.

There is something that"s called fundamental magic power.

There is no organ that stores magic energy in a human body but because we live in a world full of magical power the human body itself is magical. To an extent that it influences a humans daily activities.

The magical body that courses through a human at all times is called fundamental magic power.

So even if someone from this world can"t use magic they can still do so much as start a magic tool.

And if one can use magic, then as the amount of magical power one can control increases so does the amount of fundamental magic power.

And the demon is attracted to magical power.

When we were training I purposely gathered magic power and drawn in demons.

Since I practice magic control a little everyday the fundamental magic amount goes up accordingly.

You don"t mean…

"Until now, the monsters that were coming out…"(s.h.i.+n)

[Firstly, it"s almost certainly s.h.i.+n"s fault.](August)

"…Are you serious?"(s.h.i.+n)

[Unfortunately, I am very serious.](August)

[s.h.i.+n is here so we can all rest easy! But your march will be full of demon subjugation!](Alice)

[That"s true. I guess this will be normal. It feels peaceful but…]

"This is serious… A lot of demons appeared and Maria got called "Valkyrie"."(s.h.i.+n)

"Hey! You didn"t need to report that did you!?"(Maria)

[Ehh? Shouldn"t you be happy about that?](Alice)

"Why would I be happy about that!?"(Maria)

[At any rate, now both of you have t.i.tle to go with s.h.i.+n"s. I"m so envious.](Alice)

"It"s not as good as you think… It"s embarra.s.sing…"(Maria)

Eventually, on that day it was only a report of monster appearances that later became a chat.

After I finished reporting, I went to my tent after saying goodnight to the two of them.


The tent that the commander is staying in occasionally holds conferences so it"s built quite largely.

In that tent Ralph everyone that was opposed to the Messenger of G.o.d and the Saint gathered with a solemn expression.

"Ralph… Can we even beat that? Besides it seems that it wasn"t even s.h.i.+n Walford that released that magic."(Background character #532)

"That power was from a team member. How much magic could the representative release…"(Ralph)

As expected, after witnessing Maria"s magic they"re beginning to question if it"s even possible for them to win?

When it comes down to it, although grossly reluctant, would he be forced to accept their t.i.tles as well?

Yes, he was beginning to give up.

Most of the opponents that were trying to get Messenger s.h.i.+ns declaration withdrawn have begun to give up, but Ralph couldn"t.

He is serious.

He is too serious, and unlike everybody else, isn"t capable of flexible thought.

He who is a Messenger of G.o.d must be a man who sincerely wors.h.i.+ps G.o.d.

He even thinks that he must be a priest.

It"s impossible for him to accept s.h.i.+n because of that.

"However, there is still a chance… If we subjugate a devil before them…"(Ralph) (Kaelpie: Isn"t he precious?)

Ralph started muttering to himself and the gathered people began giving him looks of pity.


And the next day.

We finally step into the demon territory.

As a side note, because I didn"t share a tent with Sicily the night before, the male soldiers started looking at me with respect.

To be patient with such a lovely fiance accompanying me, I was acclaimed as having an iron will.

…I didn"t think I"d be getting respect like that… It"s enough just not earning the male soldiers antipathy.

Now then, finally time to step into the demon territory… As soon as we stepped in, ma.s.sive quant.i.ties of demons should appeared… Or at least they were supposed to.

Of course.

If we"re being honest, there is no reason why a bunch demons would be defending the border, but there is a barrier at the borders of the demon territory and the demons can"t cross it.

I try to cast enemy search magic but there are no signs of demons so far.

It"s been 30 minutes since we started advancing through the demon territory.

"Oops. They"re here."(s.h.i.+n)

Finally there was a reaction for demons.

The reactions became quite numerous and they"re heading straight here.

Perhaps it"s… I wonder if they"ve perceived my magical power…

The demons are gathering from here, there and everywhere, soon becoming a ma.s.sive pack that"s gradually increasing in number.

"After all, their numbers are many. It"s not an exaggeration to say the demon territory is overflowing with demons. (Kaelpie: Now I"m just a layman but I think the clue is in the name.)

There might be no end to this pack.

Rather, how much would gather after this…

"Everyone, battle stations! The opponents are demons! Unnecessary strategies aren"t necessary! Cut them down and slay them."(A very loud man yelling)

[OOOOOOOOOO!](The boys)

Like that, the demon territory recapture strategy started in earnest.

"Magic division! Attack magic, shoot!"(That yelling man)

The commanders of Dahm, Els and Ys allied forces issued an order and the magic divisions started chanting attack magic and it was released at once.

Their power is minimal but when a lot of spells are released at once they become powerful by default.

And when the magic division finished casting their magic, the knights and soldiers thrusted into the pack of demons.

As expected of a countries army. People who hunt demons up to medium size aren"t uncommon.

A large demon can be dealt with by multiple people and hunted down without a problem.

"It"s amazing. We may not even get a turn?"(s.h.i.+n)

"Saying that is a flag…"(Maria)

"Ah. They came out."(s.h.i.+n)


"Well, it"s not my fault right!?"(s.h.i.+n)

As soon as I said it.

A ma.s.sive ominous magical power on a different level from the large and medium sized demons.

"Disaster cla.s.s approaches! Everyone, retreat immediately! Don"t get in the way of the messenger!"(Yelling man)

[OOOOOOOO!!](The boys)

A supersized wolf appeared.

Normally a wolf is cla.s.sified as medium size but as it turns into a demon the amount of magical power he takes in gradually increases and he becomes larger and larger as in the process.

As a result they may become a disaster grade.

Since it takes years for wolves to reach disaster grad as opposed to lions and tigers that become a disaster grade at the time of demonization, disaster cla.s.s wolves are quite the cunning lot.

Someone troublesome showed up…

"Sicily, Maria. It"s your first time facing a disaster cla.s.s wolf isn"t it?"(s.h.i.+n)


"I haven"t even seen one yet…"(Maria)

"Anyways, that fellow is agile. Therefore stopping him saves us a lot of trouble."(s.h.i.+n)

"Wow, I understand!"(Sicily)

"…As usual, you"ve done it before?"(Maria)

Well that"s why.

I can beat it but it"s messy.

So, I"ll have those two help me out.

I explain the plan to them, take out the vibration sword and thrust it from the front.

"What!? Messenger, that"s unreasonable!"(I really wish these walking cliches would think before they speak)

A surprised voice comes from a soldier looking at the situation, however it"s not unreasonable!

The wolf will try to escape from my frontal attack by sidestepping…

[Graaaah!? Gaaaaa!](Cold one)

Sicily"s and Maria"s magic sprang up from both sides of the wolf with perfect timing, cutting off his escape and making him sidestep right into Sicily"s Ice Spear.

I don"t miss this chance and start up the Jet Boots to close in on the wolf.


The wolf bit the lower section of the vibrating sword I was wielding.

This must be a accident right!?

Because the sword can"t cut normally except for the vibrating part, it stopped.

"Aaaaa! s.h.i.+n!"(Sicily)

Sicily gave a panicked voice, but the wolf is biting the vibrating sword so he can"t move either.

We fall into a stalemate for a moment… Sorry mr. wolf.

Not only a sword but I can also use magic.

I slightly open his mouth with the currently bitten vibrating sword and shoot a flame spear magic in the slight gap between his teeth that opened.

[GRAAAAA!](Hot one) (Kaelpie: Party foul! You don"t heat them up. Come on s.h.i.+n, why can"t you be like Sicily?)

The superhot flame that entered the wolf from his mouth spread inside the wolf and he died in the blink of an eye.

…What"s that?

If it"s a disaster cla.s.s wolf, I felt a magic signature and I immediately let go of the sword and took some distance…

"s.h.i.+n, you… You do amazing things…"(Sicily)

"Hm? Oh, because we were in a standstill I decided to hit it with magic…"(s.h.i.+n)

"Inserting magic directly through the mouth…"(Maria)

Well at any rate, disaster cla.s.s subjugation complete.

"I-Incredible! He killed a disaster cla.s.s wold in the blink of an eye!"(One of the boys)

"Don"t lag behind the messenger! Show him your power!"(Still yelling man)

[OOOOOOOOOOOO!!](The boys)

The morale of the soldiers skyrocketed after the death of the disaster cla.s.s.

If that"s the case then the devil subjugation will advance smoothly.

Though, I feel kinda dizzy…

Is everyone else okay?

Translator: Kaelpie

TLC: Pinky

Editor: none

P.S. Notes: Unnecessary strategies aren"t necessary! Kaelpie: And people die when they are killed.

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