Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 76

Chapter 76
Magi’s Grandson Chapter 76+notes

This is a pretty loud chapter so I recommend reading with earplugs .

The day before invading the demon territory .

The Earlshyde army is camped near the border of the former empire, now the border of the demon territory .

Earlshyde, which is larger in size than the neighbouring countries, was able to send out tens of thousands of troops without receiving aid from Els and Ys .

For the Earlshyde army, a certain measure was taken that wasn’t taken in other armies .

This was the mobilization of the students from the Advanced Magic Academy and the Knights academy .

The World Union concluded that while there was no problem with the war potential, the students have undergone exceptional demon suppression training in case of emergencies, and have already  managed to suppress a number of demons from before the summer vacation .

As it would serve as a good opportunity for the students to gain some real experience outside of training, and although it’s only several hundred people, the students are accompanying the army on the march .

However, while they’ve subjugated many monsters already, that was only training . This time it’s a genuine military operation .

Moreover it’s a global operation deployed simultaneously by several countries .

“You’ve gone silent Kris . Don’t tell me you’re getting nervous with demons as your opponent?”(Miranda)

“Miranda… No since we’ve hunted demons before in training it’s not so bad, but this is a global military operation… I’m nervous because I’m partic.i.p.ating in it . ”(Kris)

The students seemed nervous, even the top student of the knight academy, Kris .

Until now, there was never a case where Knight Academy students were sent off to the battlefield .

And now they were launched into a worldwide strategy .

No matter how many times you subjugated a demon, it’s natural to feel nervous .

“You seem to be awfully calm though?”(Kris)

“Weeell… Maybe it’s because I heard of Maria’s hards.h.i.+ps . I cannot seem to think of my situation as extreme . ”(Miranda)

Because of such circ.u.mstances, as opposed to Kris who is nervous to partic.i.p.ate in the operation rather than the demon subjugations, Miranda who was a Knight’s Academy first year, could not be seen being so carefree .

When Kris asked about that, an unfamiliar name was mentioned .


“Don’t you remember? When you guys were training, Walford’s girlfriend… I guess she’s his fiance now? He did have a crush on her . Other than her, there was another girl . ”(Miranda)

Reminded of Sicily, a girl he had a crush on that was already taken by s.h.i.+n, Kris became slightly dejected .

“After that joint drill, we got along strangely well and began to meet each other quite often . ”(Miranda) (Kaelpie: Consorting with the enemy!? YOU HUSSY!)

“Is that so?”(Kris)

“Though Sicily was her childhood friend, she was busy preparing for her wedding to Walford, so whenever we had spare time, we would go together . ”(Miranda)

“W- Wedding…”(Kris)

How enviable it is to have Sicily as a wife…! He grinded his teeth with a fitting expression .

“Sigh… are you still dragging that along? Give up already . Wasn’t the engagement officially endorsed by his majesty? Besides Walford is said to be the Messenger of G.o.d, not just to Earlshyde, but to the entire world you know? Even if you bend over backwards you can’t win . ”(Miranda)


Miranda spoke in a manner that left no room for arguments only causing Kris to become more and more depressed .

Someone called out to the two .

“Leave it at that Miranda . Or else Kris might just break down . ”(Chris)

“Huhu, you’ve become quite reliable Miranda . I’m glad . ”(Sieg)

“Mister S-Siegfried! Christina!”(Miranda)

Siegfried and Christina wouldn’t usually go to the battlefield as part of the Knight’s Order or the Imperial Magic Division, but rather they work as bodyguards to the royal family, rarely stepping out of the Royal Palace . But the results they produced while looking after the students led them to be brought along .

“In any case, you became friends with Maria?”(Sieg)


“You don’t have to be so stiff . And? What were you two talking about?”(Sieg)

Siegfried is very popular with girls .

He’s a magician but his popularity is not solely amongst magicians . There are also fans among the knights, and Miranda is one of them .

It would be unreasonable for her to not be nervous while talking to someone she looks up to .

“Err, Uhm… Sicily… now that she’s engaged to Mr . Walford and they’re openly flirting around every day… Rather than irritation she’s growing more dismal…”(Miranda)


“Will we ever meet the special someone? Or…”(Miranda)

“… . . ”(Sieg)

“…How should we find a good man? Or…”(Miranda)

“Enough! Enough already Miranda!”(Sieg)

Siegfried who slumped down just from hearing that and cut her off deciding to end the conversation .



“…Let’s do our best together . ”(Chris)

“Ms . Christina… Yes…”(Miranda) (Kaelpie: Ladies and gentlemen; dialogue)

The two women encouraged each other to do their best to find a good man .

Meanwhile, Christina noticed a certain thing .

“Oh? That sword…”(Chris)

“Oh, yes . It’s a swap sword purchased from the Walford Company . ”(Miranda) (TN: I forgot how I named it before but swap sword sounds better so I’m using that now)

“Yes . Since it’s something you’re provided with after entering the military I wonder how you got it . Did you purchase it yourself?”(Chris)

“Yes . It was recommended by Maria . This as well . ”(Miranda)

Saying that she looked down at her feet .

“Mhm . You bought jet boots as well . ”(Chris)

“Maria also bought them so I bought them as well . I was able to gather the money by taking a part-time job as a monster hunter . ”(Miranda)

“Is that so? That’s wonderful Miranda . You don’t despair at the difference in ability between you and s.h.i.+n, and you have the determination to shrink that distance . I wish the others would follow your example . ”(Chris)

While Sicily went to s.h.i.+n’s house to prepare for the wedding, Maria who was left behind was deepening her friends.h.i.+p with Miranda .

Before meeting a good man she seemed to have made a good girl friend .

“Well… Compared to Maria’s responsibility I’m totally free . ”(Miranda)

Her friend is the pivot of the strategy as a part of the Ultimate Magicians .

With that in mind, considering the senior knights position as the leaders, her own position is relatively miserable .

Cowardliness won over nervousness .

“…Do you want to be strong?”(Chris)

“Yes . At the very least I want to be able to proudly say I’m friends with Maria . ”(Miranda)

Within Miranda’s eyes lay a strong will of wanting to be strong in order to help her friend out .

“Well said . Miranda let me tell you something . ”(Chris)


“You’re coming to the front lines with me . I will train you personally . ”(Chris)



“Y-Yes! Thank you very much! I will do my best!”(Miranda)

“Haha, someday, I hope you’ll be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Maria”(Chris)


Thus, from the students, only Miranda was allowed to directly enter the battlefield .

After Christina explained it to her superior, she took Miranda to eat with her .

Siegfried and the other students just stood there watching in surprise .

“The two of you, what are you doing surrounding yourself with women…… Rather, what happened to leaders.h.i.+p?”(Sieg)

Siegfried sighs as he thinks of the distancing Spring of their youth, given their abrasiveness, and decides to take on the role of leaders.h.i.+p upon himself .

And the next day .

Finally, the demonic territory recapture strategy starts .

“Listen up! Unlike the other countries, we cannot receive the support of Walford’s Ultimate Magicians! Therefore, if a disaster cla.s.s or even a devil appears by some misfortune, we must deal with it ourselves!”(Dominic)

Dominic, who was present at the departure ceremony at Darm, had s.h.i.+n send him to Earlshyde using Gate .

But understandably, the soldiers looked uneasy when they heard Dominic say they would have to kill a disaster cla.s.s by themselves .

“But don’t be afraid! Especially the magic division! You followed the principles of the Magi and gained more power than ever! I guarantee it .  You are strong!”(Rupert)

The magic division raises a shout to Rupert’s encouraging speech .

At first glance, there were many people that looked anxious but their determination could be seen in their eyes .

“Knights as soldiers as well! Your new equipment you shed blood for… No, that which has literally been stained by blood in order to use . I will also tell you this . You are strong!”(Dominic)

Knights and soldiers who have a fierce rivalry with the magic division also gave a courageous shout to Dominic’s speech .

While being conscious of each other the morale rose to its peak .

“So let’s go . Forward!”(Dominic)


And so, the Earlshyde army advanced into the demon territory .

Once again, no demons appeared immediately, but after a while…

“They’re coming!”

“Everyone! Combat stations! Rupert, make the call . ”(Dominic)

“Sure thing! Magic Division! Prepare attack magic!”(Rupert)

Earlshyde Magic Division started gathering magic power on Rupert’s signal .

It was a completely different sight from other countries .

No one chanted .


At the same time, the Magic Division fired their magic without a chant .

The magic that was released differed from conventional magic in a way that it was carefully manipulated so that it doesn’t offset each other as much as possible, and in a completely different dimension .


Students of the Advanced Magic Academy watched the great magic fired chantless with amazement in their eyes .

“Hey . Like what you see? Isn’t the magic of s.h.i.+n and his peers on a completely different level?”(Siegfried)

To Siegfrieds words, the students of the Advanced Magic Academy kept quiet .

Two thirds of the students partic.i.p.ating are s.h.i.+n’s seniors and the remaining third are from the same grade .

They are the pivot of the strategy in charge of getting rid of disaster and devils .

While their battlefield experience is being under guidance .

Regretfully, the abilities of the juniors were too distant so they had harboured complicated feelings of ‘he’s the grandson of a hero so it can’t be helped’ .

Siegfried who read their expressions as giving up, asked them .

“Have you read the article published by the Inst.i.tute of Magic and Science?”(Sieg)(TN: I’m sorry I really don’t remember the actual name . I really need to create a glossary after this . )

To Siegfrieds words, the students look down .

Increasing the amount of magic power you control will increase the power of magic and you will be able to use chantless magic .

It was an officially published article but of course they haven’t read it .

“Why didn’t you read it? Are you only counting what you learn from your teachers as training? s.h.i.+n never missed a day of training from a young age . And he never stopped self improvement . The result was the origin of a magician outside of reason . He wasn’t born with special power . Everything was the result of hard work . ”(Sieg)

To be fair, s.h.i.+n was born with “knowledge” which were the memories of his past life, but as Siegfried said, he wasn’t born with any special “power” .

When they heard that, life came back to the eyes of the students .

It’s frustrating . But if you can do it if you work hard then they too could .

Such determination dwelled in their eyes .

“If you understand, go help them . ”(Sieg)


Advanced Magic Academy students stepped onto the battlefield .

“By the way, you lot from the Knight Academy . ”(Sieg)

Continuing on, Siegfried turned to the Knight Academy students…

“…I don’t understand much about knights . ”(Sieg)

Since Christina isn’t here, she can’t pa.s.s on to them a knight knowledge .

Siegfried continues to the student who seems to have jolted .

“I don’t understand it but you’re the same . You only follow the instructions of your teacher . ”(Sieg)

Expectedly, all the Knight Academy students looked down .

“I can’t give specific instructions because Chris isn’t here but…”(Sieg)

Siegfried looks over to everyone as he says that .

“Remember the reason why Chris picked Miranda . ”(Sieg)

The students start raising their heads .

“Miranda wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with Maria so she bought a sword by herself, bought jet boots, actually partic.i.p.ated in demon hunts on her own accord . Why can’t you all do that?”(Sieg)(Kaelpie: Because the author said so . Seriously, at least HALF of these nitwits would want to be stronger by all means instead of just coasting . )

Think for yourself instead of following the teacher .

They believe that if they just do as the instructor says, they’ll become stronger .

“That’s common for students . Both the Magic Division and the Knight Order actively acquire new technologies and techniques to become stronger . ”(Sieg)

After saying that, Sieg turned back to the battlefield-

There was a sight where the knights wearing heavy armor used jet boots and were flying around up, down, left and right . A spectacle unimaginable until now .

“Haha . Now this is a spectacle . Is it fine? You guys . If you stay like this, won’t you be left behind by the Order and Miranda?”(Sieg)

The Knight Academy students that heard those words had faces as if they’ve decided on something . (Kaelpie: Well who wouldn’t be motivated by f.u.c.king s.h.i.+a LeBeouf over here?)

“We trained to slay demons after all! What good will it do if we’re being a hindrance! We’re also going!”(Mr . Shounen Powerup)

[OOOOOOOO!!](Shounen suckers)

When a third grader, a leader like figure, raised his voice, the rest of the students charged after him onto the battlefield .

“Hah, good grief . I guess I should follow them soon . ”(Sieg)

“Hah, good grief . I guess I should follow them soon . ”(Sieg)

After scolding the students into stepping onto the battlefield, Siegfried went to join them when…

“A disaster cla.s.s appeared!”

Although he was prepared, he received a report he didn’t want to hear .

“Tch! What timing!”(Sieg)

He stopped going after the students and headed towards the disaster cla.s.s .

Now then, what do we have here…

“…What is that? A… Rhino?”(Sieg) (Kaelpie: Biomes be f.u.c.ked apparently . )

There were several animals that were thought to be unable to transform into demons .

Humans also belonged to that category as well as rhinos, one of which is right in front of their eyes, elephants and also sea creatures such as whales etc .

Humans can control magic power on their own accord but some animals have displayed similar characteristics .

The reason being they’re huge .

Therefore it was thought that large animals couldn’t become demons…

“Oi, oi… Just what is this!?”(Sieg)

What it was was a rhinoceros demon with a ma.s.sive body, comparable to a two story building .

“Hey! What is that!? I’ve never heard of a rhinoceros turning into a demon!!”

“This is bad! Get away from it!”

“Ah! Don’t run away right in front of it!”

Perhaps frustrated by the restless soldiers rus.h.i.+ng to get away in front of it, the rhino charged with its huge body .

“Get out of his way! Jump aside!”(Sieg) (Kaelpie: They can’t . They went to the prometheus school of running away from things . )

Siegfried cried out and the soldiers who were in the rhinos path powered up their jet boots and jumped out of the way .

Just what would’ve happened if they didn’t have jet boots .


“Aah! Tch! This guy!”(Sieg)

Several people who were in the vicinity of the rhinoceros when he began the charge were delayed and got caught in his charge .

It’s weight must be proportionate to it’s ma.s.sive body and survival was out of the question .

Those who were far away, also got out of the way, leaving the other demons unattended .

Again, all of them retreated using jet boots .

The soldiers scattered in all directions like baby spiders but the demons remained where they were . There…

“Uaa! The demons are overrunning us…”

The rhinoceros charged again, trampling the neglected demons .

“This is… Something terrible showed up . ”(Chris)

“Chris . Miranda, are you alright as well?”(Sieg)


The voices belonged to Chris and Miranda who appeared next to Siegfried .

Both of them seemed to have escaped .

“What should we do about it?”(Chris)

“Even if you ask me . Well, I do have one idea . ”(Sieg)

“What did you come up with?”(Chris)

“Well, just look . ”(Sieg)

Siegfried looked back to the battlefield without answering Christina’s question .

And looked for a moment when the rhinoceros finally stopped his charge to unleash his magic .

Siegfried’s all out magic was more powerful than the first shot of the magic division but…

“Tch! What hard skin . No damage at all… Tch!”(Sieg) (Kaelpie: Careful there buddy, your tongue might bruise . )

The rhino demon rushes again towards Sieg that released the magic .

He activated the jet boots and jumped out of Bob’s path . (Kaelpie: His name is Bob now . Play nice Bobby . )

“Oh, they’re being overrun . ”(Sieg)

When Siegfried looked back before releasing the magic shot, it was not to check if any soldiers were in the line of fire .

It was to confirm whether there were demons or not .

Because of his big body, once Bob starts rus.h.i.+ng he can’t change direction or stop easily .

Because he trampled over other demons without a care, Siegfried decided to use that to mop up the remaining demons .

The strategy seems to have worked out excellently .

“Were they reduced drastically?”(Sieg)

“Siegfried is amazing! The demons have diminished considerably!”(Miranda)

“Sieg, you…”(Chris)

“What is it?”(Chris)

“…Aren’t you starting to think like s.h.i.+n?”(Chris)

“Hey! Seriously?!”(Sieg)

While Miranda was simply admiring the Siegfried who had returned, Christina quitely pointed out that it was a strategy s.h.i.+n would think of .

When he heard it, Siegfried couldn’t hide his shock .

In any case, Siegfried’s strategy seems to be effective .

The soldiers who were watching incited Bob in the same way to trample the demons .

Other soldiers rounded up the demons as much as possible to where Bob would rush through .

The other demons seem to be manageable now .

“The problem is the big fella himself…”(Sieg)

“Sieg’s full power magic was easily brushed off . ”(Chris)

“d.a.m.n! Well, it’s an animal that has thick skin from the start! By turning into a demon, it got a tremendous defensive boost!”(Sieg)

“But… What should we do then?”(Miranda)

Miranda, who was listening to Sieg’s and Chris’ discussion asked how to break through .

“Well, the skin may be thick, but the joints aren’t . ”(Chris)

“Then… Is it our turn…”(Miranda)

“Attack the joints with a sword . That’s the only choice we have left…”(Chris)

“Y- you people…”(Miranda)

It’s protected by hard skin, but if it’s joints were hard it couldn’t charge .

Both the legs and the neck will probably be soft .

Then there’s no way to take it down but to strike its neck with a sword .

“Well then, I’ll stop it . Go for its neck in the opening . ”(Sieg)

“Stop it… Can you do it?”(Chris)

“Yeah . I’m gonna do what s.h.i.+n did . ”(Sieg)

“A method s.h.i.+n used… Then it should be all right . ”(Chris)

“A method s.h.i.+n used… Then it should be all right . ”(Chris)

“Huh? So easily?”(Miranda)

Siegfried came up with a way of stopping it by watching s.h.i.+n hunt and Chris decided there was no problem with that .

Even though Miranda saw s.h.i.+n’s power, she was surprised the approval was given so quickly .

“Idiot! Come here!”(Sieg)

Siegfried released magic again and guided Bob to a certain distance .

When he saw Bob begin to charge once more he launched another magic .

A large earth wall appeared in front of Bob .

“Ther- There’s no way a wall will stop it!”(Miranda)

Miranda raises a sorrowful voice to the fact the stopping method is an earth wall .

“I see . So it’s like that . ”(Chris)

“Huh? What do you mean?”(Miranda)

“You’ll understand when you see it . More importantly… Everyone! Bob will stop soon! Prepare for attack!”(Chris)

A command come from Christina, who believes Bob will be stopped by that .

She didn’t doubt the words of Christina she admired as a female knight, but she couldn’t believe it .

And then .


Bob’s charge destroys the earth wall with ease .


It was useless after all . Miranda thought so but her eyes opened wide because of what happened after that .

In the first place, what was the earth wall made of?

An earth wall isn’t just created out of nothing . .

“A… Hole…”(Miranda) (Kaelpie: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

He collected soil on from the ground to make the wall . Of course, there was no soil remaining from where he gathered it from, leaving a large hole in the ground .

A pitfall concealed behind the earth wall .

Bob lost his footing and grandly fell into the pit .

“Alright! Now! Go!”(Sieg)

“I’m going! Follow me!”(Chris)

“OOOOOOOO!!”(A battalion specifically a.s.sembled to shout: OOOOOOO)

Siegfried issued a command to Christina, as a cloud of dust swirled up from when Bob fell into the pit, who then gave a command to the knights in response .

It’s breathtaking .

Knights activate their jet boots and attack the fallen Bob one after another .

Miranda’s figure could also be seen among those knights .

“TAKE THIS!”(Miranda)

She strikes with the full power of her body but, being slightly thinner than the others, it can’t penetrate the skin as easily .

“Ugh! It’s hard!”(Miranda) (Kaelpie: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

“Move, young lady! Ooooraaaa!”(Oooraaa)

While Miranda was having difficulties piercing the skin, the knights next to her raised their swords but…

“s.h.i.+t! It’s really hard!”

“If this keeps up it’ll get out soon! Quick!”(Chris)

The fallen Bob was raging while surrounded by a large number of knights .

As Christina said, it’s likely to get out however, they can barely hit it with it raging like that .

Their foothold shook . Could they really not do anything? Miranda thought of an idea .

“Everyone get away!”(Miranda)

“Hah? What…”

The knights who reacted to Miranda’s shout saw…

The figure of Miranda who activated jet boots, soared into the sky and plummeted with her sword pointing downwards .

“UOOOOOO! You’re sure reckless!”


Miranda thought that she couldn’t transmit enough power through her hands so she stood on the swords hilt and fell onto Bobs neck from above .

And the sword dug into Bobs neck which only had small scratches until that point .

“OO! You did it! Young lady!”

“But I haven’t reached it yet… Tch! The sword!”(Miranda)

It digged in yes, but the sword wouldn’t come out .

She tried desperately to pull it out but then remembered something .

“Oh, I can just remove it”(Miranda)

While the swords blade was stuck in Bob’s neck she removed it which was a feature of the swap sword .

Then, seeing the stuck sword blade, she hit it again . .

Miranda put her foot onto the stuck sword blade…(Kaelpie: Some kinky s.h.i.+t going on here . )

“Miranda, what are…”(Chris)


She activated jet boots at full power .

Then the sword cut deeper with the momentum of the jet boots .


Bob was suffering because of the sword stuck deep in his neck .

However you can’t cause a fatal injury with a sword smaller than the body .

Nevertheless, an opening was visible .

“It’s effective! We’ll follow suit!”

The knights that saw that, took flight and struck with swords as they descended .

“Woah! Careful! You grazed me!”

“Sorry! The fine tuning is a bit…”

There was an accident where a knight descended closely where another knight fell but the swords are getting sucked into the neck of the demon that was once overwhelmingly strong .

While the knights pierced with swords and left the blades, Miranda, who stabbed first, descend from the sky once again .


Burying the sword in the neck, remove the handle and let it dig in using jet boots .

There was already a number of swords stuck in Bob and he had trouble breathing until he gave one final convulsion and turned silent .


“How is it?”

A voice could be heard from the knights above, informing those below them .

“The disaster cla.s.s is down! Subjugation complete!”

A knight inspected the demon and confirmed it was slain .

“The disaster cla.s.s is down! Subjugation complete!”

A knight inspected the demon and confirmed it was slain .


The excited soldiers raised a loud victory shout to the subjugation of the disaster cla.s.s .

“Halt your celebration! There are still remaining demons!”(Dominic)


Dominic rebuked the soldiers who were in high spirits, but the morale boosted troops rushed to sweep away the remaining demons .

“You don’t have to go . You can rest a little . ”(Dominic)

“C-Commander Dominic!? B-But…”(Miranda)

Dominic stopped the wobbling Miranda that went after the remaining demons .

Miranda is surprised the top person in the Earlshyde army started talking to her .

But everyone else went to suppress the demons and only she was told to stay and rest, so she headed off despite her staggering self .

“Please rest well . Aren’t you still a student?  And you subjugated the disaster cla.s.s, shouldn’t you take it easy?”(Dominic)

It was the second time she had seen a disaster cla.s.s .

However, unlike the joint training where s.h.i.+n overwhelmed them by himself, she had to partic.i.p.ate in the subjugation this time .

The mental fatigue is stronger than the physical one .

“In any case, well done . Wonderful . ”(Dominic)

“O-oh, thank you!”(Miranda)

Miranda is excited to receive encouragement from Dominic .

“Falling from the sky… Quick thinking to come up with that . ”(Dominic)

“Oh, that, Maria…”(Miranda)


“Commander . She’s a friend from the Ultimate Magicians, Maria von Messina . ”(Miranda)

“What!? Was that so!”(Dominic)

Miranda tensed up to Dominic’s sudden outburst at the mention of a familiar name Christina worked hard . (Nyx: for the money)

“That… After purchasing jet boots, I worked with Maria hunting demons part time as exercise . Because my own allowance wasn’t enough I borrowed some money from Maria…”(Miranda)

As a student, she’s doesn’t have a salary so her only income is an allowance from her parents .

However she doesn’t receive enough to buy magical tools such as jet boots and swords .

So during summer break, she hunted a large number of demons working part time and even borrowed some money from Maria who is rather well off in order to pay for the new equipment .

“But that’s dangerous . Students working part time to hunt demons . ”(Dominic)

“Because Maria was there . That girl… Recently, she said she was bored of hunting all the disaster…”(Miranda)

“…she hunted enough, to grow tired of hunting disaster…”(Dominic)

Dominic’s worries are justified, but she’s accompanied by someone powerful enough to take down a disaster cla.s.s by herself .  His worries were for naught .

“At that time Maria did something she called a [jump stab] . Apparently she saw Walford do it… It only suddenly occurred to me to use the jet boots to deliver a finis.h.i.+ng blow . ”(Miranda)

“Walford thought of that at first… Did he? I’m convinced by that alone . ”(Dominic)

“Don’t worry Commander . Me too . ”(Christina)

“I get it too . My pitfall was also originally his idea . Just what is going on in that head of his?”(Sieg)

Miranda remembered that Maria was only imitating what s.h.i.+n did .

As Siegfried said as he came up to Miranda, he imitated the pitfall from when he went hunting with s.h.i.+n .

How many layers are there to s.h.i.+n? (Nyx: he’s an og…I mean an onion)

Miranda once again realised the greatness of s.h.i.+n .

“Anyways, that strategy was effective . You did really well . Leave the rest to the knights and take a break . ”(Dominic)

“T-thank you very much . ”(Miranda)

Saying that, Dominic went back to take command .

The moment the top military commander left, all the tension left Miranda and her legs gave out .

“Whoa, are you alright?”

Siegfried caught Miranda and stopped her fall .

“Ye-Yes.h.!.+ I’ll be fhine!”(Miranda)

“You’re stumbling… I’ll take you to headquarters . ”(Siegfried)


Sieg suddenly held Miranda so she magnificently panicked and bit her tongue .

From that, he judged that she couldn’t speak clearly from fatigue and picked her up .

A princess carry on a battlefield .

“Mr . Siegfried! um, um!”(Miranda)

“I must thank a hard worker . ”(Siegfried)


She’s struggling with embarra.s.sment of being princess carried in front of everyone, but Siegfried wouldn’t let her down .

“Sieg, are you trying to skip on work?”(Chris)

“Shut up! Same goes for you, dumping all the student on me!  Why don’t you do some work for once!”(Sieg)

“Mu… It can’t be helped . ”(Chris)

“Why, Christina!”(Miranda)

Miranda, who thought Christina would stop Siegfried, let out a voice of despair .

“Are you ok Miranda? You’re more exhausted than you think . You subjugated the disaster cla.s.s and are feeling uplifted so you want to join the battlefield, but please rest for today . Sieg, I’ll leave it to you . ”(Chris)

“I understood even if you didn’t say that . ”(Sieg)

“Huh? It-It’s not like that!”

She was misunderstood that she wants to go to the battlefield so Christina kindly cautioned her .

Moreover, the way Christina said it makes it sound like Sieg would bring her away as is .

Eventually, she was carried over to the headquarters .

Because she was princess carried by the person she admired she had no reason not to be happy but she wished he considered the place .

On the way, she was praised by various people who told her she did well, but she wished if only they wouldn’t approach her today . .

“Well then Miranda, are you resting properly?”(Sieg)

“Fuh, Fuaa…”(Miranda)

By the time they reached the emergency hospital in the headquarters, her head was completely boiling and she couldn’t answer Sieg .

However, as time pa.s.sed, she gradually calmed down and a certain question came to her mind .

When she was repaying her debt to Maria, she went demon hunting regularly afterwards but a disaster cla.s.s had never appeared .

As soon as they entered the demon territory, an animal that was previously thought to be unable to turn into a demon appeared as a disaster cla.s.s .

Was it a coincidence?

Since she was told to rest beforehand, she was unable move her body .

Even while moving her body, the sudden anxiety welling up still couldn’t be dispelled, the sense of unease which attacked Miranda only grew .

Magi s Grandson Chapter 76 notes This is a pretty loud chapter so I recommend reading with earplugs . The day before invading the demon territory . The Earlshyde army is camped near the border of the former empire, now the border of the demon territory . Earlshyde, which is larger in size than the neighbouring countries, was able to send out tens of thousands of troops without receiving aid from Els and Ys . For the Earlshyde army, a certain measure was taken that wasn t taken in other armies . This was the mobilization of the students from the Advanced Magic Academy and the Knights academy . The World Union concluded that while there was no problem with the war potential, the students have undergone exceptional demon suppression training in case of emergencies, and have already managed to suppress a number of demons from before the summer vacation . As it would serve as a good opportunity for the students to gain some real experience outside of training, and although it s only several hundred people, the students are accompanying the army on the march . However, while they ve subjugated many monsters already, that was only training . This time it s a genuine military operation . Moreover it s a global operation deployed simultaneously by several countries . You ve gone silent Kris . Don t tell me you re getting nervous with demons as your opponent Miranda Miranda No since we ve hunted demons before in training it s not so bad, but this is a global military operation I m nervous because I m partic.i.p.ating in it . Kris The students seemed nervous, even the top student of the knight academy, Kris . Until now, there was never a case where Knight Academy students were sent off to the battlefield . And now they were launched into a worldwide strategy . No matter how many times you subjugated a demon, it s natural to feel nervous . You seem to be awfully calm though Kris Weeell Maybe it s because I heard of Maria s hards.h.i.+ps . I cannot seem to think of my situation as extreme . Miranda Because of such circ.u.mstances, as opposed to Kris who is nervous to partic.i.p.ate in the operation rather than the demon subjugations, Miranda who was a Knight s Academy first year, could not be seen being so carefree . When Kris asked about that, an unfamiliar name was mentioned . Maria Kris Don t you remember When you guys were training, Walford s girlfriend I guess she s his fiance now He did have a crush on her . Other than her, there was another girl . Miranda Reminded of Sicily, a girl he had a crush on that was already taken by s.h.i.+n, Kris became slightly dejected . After that joint drill, we got along strangely well and began to meet each other quite often . Miranda Kaelpie Consorting with the enemy YOU HUSSY Is that so Kris Though Sicily was her childhood friend, she was busy preparing for her wedding to Walford, so whenever we had spare time, we would go together . Miranda W Wedding Kris How enviable it is to have Sicily as a wife He grinded his teeth with a fitting expression . Sigh are you still dragging that along Give up already . Wasn t the engagement officially endorsed by his majesty Besides Walford is said to be the Messenger of G.o.d, not just to Earlshyde, but to the entire world you know Even if you bend over backwards you can t win . Miranda Kris Miranda spoke in a manner that left no room for arguments only causing Kris to become more and more depressed . Someone called out to the two . Leave it at that Miranda . Or else Kris might just break down . Chris Huhu, you ve become quite reliable Miranda . I m glad . Sieg Mister S Siegfried Christina Miranda Siegfried and Christina wouldn t usually go to the battlefield as part of the Knight s Order or the Imperial Magic Division, but rather they work as bodyguards to the royal family, rarely stepping out of the Royal Palace . But the results they produced while looking after the students led them to be brought along . In any case, you became friends with Maria Sieg Y Yes Miranda You don t have to be so stiff . And What were you two talking about Sieg Siegfried is very popular with girls . He s a magician but his popularity is not solely amongst magicians . There are also fans among the knights, and Miranda is one of them . It would be unreasonable for her to not be nervous while talking to someone she looks up to . Err, Uhm Sicily now that she s engaged to Mr . Walford and they re openly flirting around every day Rather than irritation she s growing more dismal Miranda Err Sieg Will we ever meet the special someone Or Miranda . . Sieg How should we find a good man Or Miranda Enough Enough already Miranda Sieg Siegfried who slumped down just from hearing that and cut her off deciding to end the conversation . Miranda Chris Yes Miranda Let s do our best together . Chris Ms . Christina Yes Miranda Kaelpie Ladies and gentlemen dialogue The two women encouraged each other to do their best to find a good man . Meanwhile, Christina noticed a certain thing . Oh That sword Chris Oh, yes . It s a swap sword purchased from the Walford Company . Miranda TN I forgot how I named it before but swap sword sounds better so I m using that now Yes . Since it s something you re provided with after entering the military I wonder how you got it . Did you purchase it yourself Chris Yes . It was recommended by Maria . This as well . Miranda Saying that she looked down at her feet . Mhm . You bought jet boots as well . Chris Maria also bought them so I bought them as well . I was able to gather the money by taking a part time job as a monster hunter . Miranda Is that so That s wonderful Miranda . You don t despair at the difference in ability between you and s.h.i.+n, and you have the determination to shrink that distance . I wish the others would follow your example . Chris While Sicily went to s.h.i.+n s house to prepare for the wedding, Maria who was left behind was deepening her friends.h.i.+p with Miranda . Before meeting a good man she seemed to have made a good girl friend . Well Compared to Maria s responsibility I m totally free . Miranda Her friend is the pivot of the strategy as a part of the Ultimate Magicians . With that in mind, considering the senior knights position as the leaders, her own position is relatively miserable . Cowardliness won over nervousness . Do you want to be strong Chris Yes . At the very least I want to be able to proudly say I m friends with Maria . Miranda Within Miranda s eyes lay a strong will of wanting to be strong in order to help her friend out . Well said . Miranda let me tell you something . Chris Y Yes Miranda You re coming to the front lines with me . I will train you personally . Chris Huh Miranda Understood Chris Y Yes Thank you very much I will do my best Miranda Haha, someday, I hope you ll be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Maria Chris Yes Miranda Thus, from the students, only Miranda was allowed to directly enter the battlefield . After Christina explained it to her superior, she took Miranda to eat with her . Siegfried and the other students just stood there watching in surprise . The two of you, what are you doing surrounding yourself with women Rather, what happened to leaders.h.i.+p Sieg Siegfried sighs as he thinks of the distancing Spring of their youth, given their abrasiveness, and decides to take on the role of leaders.h.i.+p upon himself . And the next day . Finally, the demonic territory recapture strategy starts . Listen up Unlike the other countries, we cannot receive the support of Walford s Ultimate Magicians Therefore, if a disaster cla.s.s or even a devil appears by some misfortune, we must deal with it ourselves Dominic Dominic, who was present at the departure ceremony at Darm, had s.h.i.+n send him to Earlshyde using Gate . But understandably, the soldiers looked uneasy when they heard Dominic say they would have to kill a disaster cla.s.s by themselves . But don t be afraid Especially the magic division You followed the principles of the Magi and gained more power than ever I guarantee it . You are strong Rupert The magic division raises a shout to Rupert s encouraging speech . At first glance, there were many people that looked anxious but their determination could be seen in their eyes . Knights as soldiers as well Your new equipment you shed blood for No, that which has literally been stained by blood in order to use . I will also tell you this . You are strong Dominic Knights and soldiers who have a fierce rivalry with the magic division also gave a courageous shout to Dominic s speech . While being conscious of each other the morale rose to its peak . So let s go . Forward Dominic OOOOOOOOOO And so, the Earlshyde army advanced into the demon territory . Once again, no demons appeared immediately, but after a while They re coming Everyone Combat stations Rupert, make the call . Dominic Sure thing Magic Division Prepare attack magic Rupert Earlshyde Magic Division started gathering magic power on Rupert s signal . It was a completely different sight from other countries . No one chanted . FIRE Rupert At the same time, the Magic Division fired their magic without a chant . The magic that was released differed from conventional magic in a way that it was carefully manipulated so that it doesn t offset each other as much as possible, and in a completely different dimension . A Amazing Students of the Advanced Magic Academy watched the great magic fired chantless with amazement in their eyes . Hey . Like what you see Isn t the magic of s.h.i.+n and his peers on a completely different level Siegfried To Siegfrieds words, the students of the Advanced Magic Academy kept quiet . Two thirds of the students partic.i.p.ating are s.h.i.+n s seniors and the remaining third are from the same grade . They are the pivot of the strategy in charge of getting rid of disaster and devils . While their battlefield experience is being under guidance . Regretfully, the abilities of the juniors were too distant so they had harboured complicated feelings of he s the grandson of a hero so it can t be helped . Siegfried who read their expressions as giving up, asked them . Have you read the article published by the Inst.i.tute of Magic and Science Sieg TN I m sorry I really don t remember the actual name . I really need to create a glossary after this . To Siegfrieds words, the students look down . Increasing the amount of magic power you control will increase the power of magic and you will be able to use chantless magic . It was an officially published article but of course they haven t read it . Why didn t you read it Are you only counting what you learn from your teachers as training s.h.i.+n never missed a day of training from a young age . And he never stopped self improvement . The result was the origin of a magician outside of reason . He wasn t born with special power . Everything was the result of hard work . Sieg To be fair, s.h.i.+n was born with knowledge which were the memories of his past life, but as Siegfried said, he wasn t born with any special power . When they heard that, life came back to the eyes of the students . It s frustrating . But if you can do it if you work hard then they too could . Such determination dwelled in their eyes . If you understand, go help them . Sieg Yes Sheeple Advanced Magic Academy students stepped onto the battlefield . By the way, you lot from the Knight Academy . Sieg Continuing on, Siegfried turned to the Knight Academy students I don t understand much about knights . Sieg Since Christina isn t here, she can t pa.s.s on to them a knight knowledge . Siegfried continues to the student who seems to have jolted . I don t understand it but you re the same . You only follow the instructions of your teacher . Sieg Expectedly, all the Knight Academy students looked down . I can t give specific instructions because Chris isn t here but Sieg Siegfried looks over to everyone as he says that . Remember the reason why Chris picked Miranda . Sieg The students start raising their heads . Miranda wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with Maria so she bought a sword by herself, bought jet boots, actually partic.i.p.ated in demon hunts on her own accord . Why can t you all do that Sieg Kaelpie Because the author said so . Seriously, at least HALF of these nitwits would want to be stronger by all means instead of just coasting . Think for yourself instead of following the teacher . They believe that if they just do as the instructor says, they ll become stronger . That s common for students . Both the Magic Division and the Knight Order actively acquire new technologies and techniques to become stronger . Sieg After saying that, Sieg turned back to the battlefield There was a sight where the knights wearing heavy armor used jet boots and were flying around up, down, left and right . A spectacle unimaginable until now . Haha . Now this is a spectacle . Is it fine You guys . If you stay like this, won t you be left behind by the Order and Miranda Sieg The Knight Academy students that heard those words had faces as if they ve decided on something . Kaelpie Well who wouldn t be motivated by f.u.c.king s.h.i.+a LeBeouf over here We trained to slay demons after all What good will it do if we re being a hindrance We re also going Mr . Shounen Powerup OOOOOOOO Shounen suckers When a third grader, a leader like figure, raised his voice, the rest of the students charged after him onto the battlefield . Hah, good grief . I guess I should follow them soon . Sieg After scolding the students into stepping onto the battlefield, Siegfried went to join them when A disaster cla.s.s appeared Although he was prepared, he received a report he didn t want to hear . Tch What timing Sieg He stopped going after the students and headed towards the disaster cla.s.s . Now then, what do we have here What is that A Rhino Sieg Kaelpie Biomes be f.u.c.ked apparently . There were several animals that were thought to be unable to transform into demons . Humans also belonged to that category as well as rhinos, one of which is right in front of their eyes, elephants and also sea creatures such as whales etc . Humans can control magic power on their own accord but some animals have displayed similar characteristics . The reason being they re huge . Therefore it was thought that large animals couldn t become demons Oi, oi Just what is this Sieg What it was was a rhinoceros demon with a ma.s.sive body, comparable to a two story building . Hey What is that I ve never heard of a rhinoceros turning into a demon This is bad Get away from it Ah Don t run away right in front of it Perhaps frustrated by the restless soldiers rus.h.i.+ng to get away in front of it, the rhino charged with its huge body . Get out of his way Jump aside Sieg Kaelpie They can t . They went to the prometheus school of running away from things . Siegfried cried out and the soldiers who were in the rhinos path powered up their jet boots and jumped out of the way . Just what would ve happened if they didn t have jet boots . Still Aah Tch This guy Sieg Several people who were in the vicinity of the rhinoceros when he began the charge were delayed and got caught in his charge . It s weight must be proportionate to it s ma.s.sive body and survival was out of the question . Those who were far away, also got out of the way, leaving the other demons unattended . Again, all of them retreated using jet boots . The soldiers scattered in all directions like baby spiders but the demons remained where they were . There Uaa The demons are overrunning us The rhinoceros charged again, trampling the neglected demons . This is Something terrible showed up . Chris Chris . Miranda, are you alright as well Sieg Y yes Miranda The voices belonged to Chris and Miranda who appeared next to Siegfried . Both of them seemed to have escaped . What should we do about it Chris Even if you ask me . Well, I do have one idea . Sieg What did you come up with Chris Well, just look . Sieg Siegfried looked back to the battlefield without answering Christina s question . And looked for a moment when the rhinoceros finally stopped his charge to unleash his magic . Siegfried s all out magic was more powerful than the first shot of the magic division but Tch What hard skin . No damage at all Tch Sieg Kaelpie Careful there buddy, your tongue might bruise . The rhino demon rushes again towards Sieg that released the magic . He activated the jet boots and jumped out of Bob s path . Kaelpie His name is Bob now . Play nice Bobby . Oh, they re being overrun . Sieg When Siegfried looked back before releasing the magic shot, it was not to check if any soldiers were in the line of fire . It was to confirm whether there were demons or not . Because of his big body, once Bob starts rus.h.i.+ng he can t change direction or stop easily . Because he trampled over other demons without a care, Siegfried decided to use that to mop up the remaining demons . The strategy seems to have worked out excellently . Were they reduced drastically Sieg Siegfried is amazing The demons have diminished considerably Miranda Sieg, you Chris What is it Chris Aren t you starting to think like s.h.i.+n Chris Hey Seriously Sieg While Miranda was simply admiring the Siegfried who had returned, Christina quitely pointed out that it was a strategy s.h.i.+n would think of . When he heard it, Siegfried couldn t hide his shock . In any case, Siegfried s strategy seems to be effective . The soldiers who were watching incited Bob in the same way to trample the demons . Other soldiers rounded up the demons as much as possible to where Bob would rush through . The other demons seem to be manageable now . The problem is the big fella himself Sieg Sieg s full power magic was easily brushed off . Chris d.a.m.n Well, it s an animal that has thick skin from the start By turning into a demon, it got a tremendous defensive boost Sieg But What should we do then Miranda Miranda, who was listening to Sieg s and Chris discussion asked how to break through . Well, the skin may be thick, but the joints aren t . Chris Then Is it our turn Miranda Attack the joints with a sword . That s the only choice we have left Chris Y you people Miranda It s protected by hard skin, but if it s joints were hard it couldn t charge . Both the legs and the neck will probably be soft . Then there s no way to take it down but to strike its neck with a sword . Well then, I ll stop it . Go for its neck in the opening . Sieg Stop it Can you do it Chris Yeah . I m gonna do what s.h.i.+n did . Sieg A method s.h.i.+n used Then it should be all right . Chris Huh So easily Miranda Siegfried came up with a way of stopping it by watching s.h.i.+n hunt and Chris decided there was no problem with that . Even though Miranda saw s.h.i.+n s power, she was surprised the approval was given so quickly . Idiot Come here Sieg Siegfried released magic again and guided Bob to a certain distance . When he saw Bob begin to charge once more he launched another magic . A large earth wall appeared in front of Bob . Ther There s no way a wall will stop it Miranda Miranda raises a sorrowful voice to the fact the stopping method is an earth wall . I see . So it s like that . Chris Huh What do you mean Miranda You ll understand when you see it . More importantly Everyone Bob will stop soon Prepare for attack Chris A command come from Christina, who believes Bob will be stopped by that . She didn t doubt the words of Christina she admired as a female knight, but she couldn t believe it . And then . b.u.mOOOOOO Bob Bob s charge destroys the earth wall with ease . Aghhh It was useless after all . Miranda thought so but her eyes opened wide because of what happened after that . In the first place, what was the earth wall made of An earth wall isn t just created out of nothing . . A Hole Miranda Kaelpie He collected soil on from the ground to make the wall . Of course, there was no soil remaining from where he gathered it from, leaving a large hole in the ground . A pitfall concealed behind the earth wall . Bob lost his footing and grandly fell into the pit . Alright Now Go Sieg I m going Follow me Chris OOOOOOOO A battalion specifically a.s.sembled to shout OOOOOOO Siegfried issued a command to Christina, as a cloud of dust swirled up from when Bob fell into the pit, who then gave a command to the knights in response . It s breathtaking . Knights activate their jet boots and attack the fallen Bob one after another . Miranda s figure could also be seen among those knights . TAKE THIS Miranda She strikes with the full power of her body but, being slightly thinner than the others, it can t penetrate the skin as easily . Ugh It s hard Miranda Kaelpie Move, young lady Ooooraaaa Oooraaa While Miranda was having difficulties piercing the skin, the knights next to her raised their swords but s.h.i.+t It s really hard If this keeps up it ll get out soon Quick Chris The fallen Bob was raging while surrounded by a large number of knights . As Christina said, it s likely to get out however, they can barely hit it with it raging like that . Their foothold shook . Could they really not do anything Miranda thought of an idea . Everyone get away Miranda Hah What The knights who reacted to Miranda s shout saw The figure of Miranda who activated jet boots, soared into the sky and plummeted with her sword pointing downwards . UOOOOOO You re sure reckless GOOOO Miranda Miranda thought that she couldn t transmit enough power through her hands so she stood on the swords hilt and fell onto Bobs neck from above . And the sword dug into Bobs neck which only had small scratches until that point . OO You did it Young lady But I haven t reached it yet Tch The sword Miranda It digged in yes, but the sword wouldn t come out . She tried desperately to pull it out but then remembered something . Oh, I can just remove it Miranda While the swords blade was stuck in Bob s neck she removed it which was a feature of the swap sword . Then, seeing the stuck sword blade, she hit it again . . Miranda put her foot onto the stuck sword blade Kaelpie Some kinky s.h.i.+t going on here . Miranda, what are Chris Hiyaaa Miranda She activated jet boots at full power . Then the sword cut deeper with the momentum of the jet boots . b.u.mOOOOOOOO Bob Bob was suffering because of the sword stuck deep in his neck . However you can t cause a fatal injury with a sword smaller than the body . Nevertheless, an opening was visible . It s effective We ll follow suit The knights that saw that, took flight and struck with swords as they descended . Woah Careful You grazed me Sorry The fine tuning is a bit There was an accident where a knight descended closely where another knight fell but the swords are getting sucked into the neck of the demon that was once overwhelmingly strong . While the knights pierced with swords and left the blades, Miranda, who stabbed first, descend from the sky once again . GOOO Burying the sword in the neck, remove the handle and let it dig in using jet boots . There was already a number of swords stuck in Bob and he had trouble breathing until he gave one final convulsion and turned silent . Oh How is it A voice could be heard from the knights above, informing those below them . The disaster cla.s.s is down Subjugation complete A knight inspected the demon and confirmed it was slain . OOOOOOOO The excited soldiers raised a loud victory shout to the subjugation of the disaster cla.s.s . Halt your celebration There are still remaining demons Dominic OOOOOOOO Dominic rebuked the soldiers who were in high spirits, but the morale boosted troops rushed to sweep away the remaining demons . You don t have to go . You can rest a little . Dominic C Commander Dominic B But Miranda Dominic stopped the wobbling Miranda that went after the remaining demons . Miranda is surprised the top person in the Earlshyde army started talking to her . But everyone else went to suppress the demons and only she was told to stay and rest, so she headed off despite her staggering self . Please rest well . Aren t you still a student And you subjugated the disaster cla.s.s, shouldn t you take it easy Dominic It was the second time she had seen a disaster cla.s.s . However, unlike the joint training where s.h.i.+n overwhelmed them by himself, she had to partic.i.p.ate in the subjugation this time . The mental fatigue is stronger than the physical one . In any case, well done . Wonderful . Dominic O oh, thank you Miranda Miranda is excited to receive encouragement from Dominic . Falling from the sky Quick thinking to come up with that . Dominic Oh, that, Maria Miranda Maria Dominic Commander . She s a friend from the Ultimate Magicians, Maria von Messina . Miranda What Was that so Dominic Miranda tensed up to Dominic s sudden outburst at the mention of a familiar name Christina worked hard . Nyx for the money That After purchasing jet boots, I worked with Maria hunting demons part time as exercise . Because my own allowance wasn t enough I borrowed some money from Maria Miranda As a student, she s doesn t have a salary so her only income is an allowance from her parents . However she doesn t receive enough to buy magical tools such as jet boots and swords . So during summer break, she hunted a large number of demons working part time and even borrowed some money from Maria who is rather well off in order to pay for the new equipment . But that s dangerous . Students working part time to hunt demons . Dominic Because Maria was there . That girl Recently, she said she was bored of hunting all the disaster Miranda she hunted enough, to grow tired of hunting disaster Dominic Dominic s worries are justified, but she s accompanied by someone powerful enough to take down a disaster cla.s.s by herself . His worries were for naught . At that time Maria did something she called a jump stab . Apparently she saw Walford do it It only suddenly occurred to me to use the jet boots to deliver a finis.h.i.+ng blow . Miranda Walford thought of that at first Did he I m convinced by that alone . Dominic Don t worry Commander . Me too . Christina I get it too . My pitfall was also originally his idea . Just what is going on in that head of his Sieg Miranda remembered that Maria was only imitating what s.h.i.+n did . As Siegfried said as he came up to Miranda, he imitated the pitfall from when he went hunting with s.h.i.+n . How many layers are there to s.h.i.+n Nyx he s an og I mean an onion Miranda once again realised the greatness of s.h.i.+n . Anyways, that strategy was effective . You did really well . Leave the rest to the knights and take a break . Dominic T thank you very much . Miranda Saying that, Dominic went back to take command . The moment the top military commander left, all the tension left Miranda and her legs gave out . Whoa, are you alright Siegfried caught Miranda and stopped her fall . Ye Yesh I ll be fhine Miranda You re stumbling I ll take you to headquarters . Siegfried H Hue Miranda Sieg suddenly held Miranda so she magnificently panicked and bit her tongue . From that, he judged that she couldn t speak clearly from fatigue and picked her up . A princess carry on a battlefield . Mr . Siegfried um, um Miranda I must thank a hard worker . Siegfried Kyaaa Miranda She s struggling with embarra.s.sment of being princess carried in front of everyone, but Siegfried wouldn t let her down . Sieg, are you trying to skip on work Chris Shut up Same goes for you, dumping all the student on me Why don t you do some work for once Sieg Mu It can t be helped . Chris Why, Christina Miranda Miranda, who thought Christina would stop Siegfried, let out a voice of despair . Are you ok Miranda You re more exhausted than you think . You subjugated the disaster cla.s.s and are feeling uplifted so you want to join the battlefield, but please rest for today . Sieg, I ll leave it to you . Chris I understood even if you didn t say that . Sieg Huh It It s not like that She was misunderstood that she wants to go to the battlefield so Christina kindly cautioned her . Moreover, the way Christina said it makes it sound like Sieg would bring her away as is . Eventually, she was carried over to the headquarters . Because she was princess carried by the person she admired she had no reason not to be happy but she wished he considered the place . On the way, she was praised by various people who told her she did well, but she wished if only they wouldn t approach her today . . Well then Miranda, are you resting properly Sieg Fuh, Fuaa Miranda By the time they reached the emergency hospital in the headquarters, her head was completely boiling and she couldn t answer Sieg . However, as time pa.s.sed, she gradually calmed down and a certain question came to her mind . When she was repaying her debt to Maria, she went demon hunting regularly afterwards but a disaster cla.s.s had never appeared . As soon as they entered the demon territory, an animal that was previously thought to be unable to turn into a demon appeared as a disaster cla.s.s . Was it a coincidence Since she was told to rest beforehand, she was unable move her body . Even while moving her body, the sudden anxiety welling up still couldn t be dispelled, the sense of unease which attacked Miranda only grew .

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