Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 77

Chapter 77
Chapter 77 noteless


So I guess I’m doing these monthly…

I was traveling again and figured it was gonna be fine if I have my laptop but I seriously miscalculated how much privacy I was gonna get.

One more thing; there is an LN ill.u.s.tration folder you can find through the ToC. I think I missed a few and I figure f.u.c.k this. Probably/aybe I’ll add them retroactively but just come to terms that I really can’t be asked to find an ill.u.s.tration that might fit the chapter I’m posting at the time.

Kaelpie out.

Good music: G.o.dsmack – Faceless (Heavy Metal)

Every Fight. Every t.i.tle.

Like the Earlsyhde army, each of the other armies invaded the demon territory.

The allied forces, although not as organized as the Earlshyde army, Els and Ys were still able to prepare ten thousand troops.

And the Ultimate Magicians dispatched members to each of the allied forces.

Those of them who have seen the Ultimate Magicians in action like the soldiers of Kurt have absolute trust in them.

Even those that haven’t witnessed them with their own eyes, heard stories from Karnans shepherd. A shepherd which is touted as the strongest person in the country. Because of that blind praise, they set high expectations on them.

However, their strength was an unknown for Els and Ys so they wondered how much they can trust them.

“Excuse me, do you have a minute?”(Els soldier)

“Yes? What it is?”(Ys soldier)

Around the time the world union forces of Kurt invaded the demon territory, an Els soldier dispatched here called out to a Ys soldier nearby.

“You, are you a Ys soldier? Have you ever seen the Ultimate Magicians fight?”(Els soldier)

“No… Unfortunately… What about him over there?”(Ys soldier)

“I don’t think anyone except a diplomat saw them, all the officers… All I know it was amazingly amazing, that’s how amazing they are.”(Els soldier)

“Is that so… Well since the Pope vouches for them, they must be strong but…”(Ys soldier)

“Just how strong are they… That’s the problem.”(Els soldier)

“You don’t need to worry so much.”(Kurt soldier)

Kurt soldiers were close to the place Els and Ys soldiers were talking.

“Well, have you seen those children fight?”(Ys soldier)

“Yes. With my own eyes.”(Kurt soldier)

“Then just how strong are they?”(Ys soldier)

“How strong… Weeell…”(Kurt soldier)

“Is it that tricky of a question?”(Els soldier)

Kurt soldiers started looking uncomfortable which made Els and Ys soldiers concerned.

“No, it’s not that at all just… How should I put it, I understand how Els diplomat feels.”(Kurt soldier)

“Understand how our diplomat feels?”(Els soldier)

“Yes. Incredible… If I say only that…”(Kurt soldier)

It is also the impression of an active soldier.

Els and Ys soldiers tilt their head in confusion wonder what’s all this about.

“I can’t find words to properly describe killing a devil that is above disaster cla.s.s in an instant. Simply… Incredible.” (Kurt soldier)

“Wh, Killing a devil in an instant!?”(Els soldier)

“And, and… Above disaster cla.s.s…”(Ys soldier)

“They weren’t even an opponent to them.”(Kurt soldier)

“Are you serious…”(Els soldier)

“Is that true?”(Ys soldier)

Els and Ys soldiers couldn’t believe the words coming out of Kurt soldiers mouth.

“H-however, wasn’t his highness the crown prince was also dispatched? As expected, it’s just for show.”(Els soldier)

“What are you talking about?”(Kurt soldier)

“Huh?”(Els soldier)

“His Highness Augusto is the second seat of the ultimate magicians, second only to s.h.i.+n Walford.”(Kurt soldier)

“W-What did you say!?”(Els soldier)

“Wh-, his Highness is!?”(Ys soldier)

The two of them can’t hide their surprise to the nonchalant words of Kurt’s soldier.

To be fair, that would be the natural reaction.

To hear that a crown prince is the number 2 in the worlds strongest corps.

“Well, when the battle starts you’ll see it for yourselves. At that time I think you should judge for yourselves.”(Kurt soldier)

Saying that, the Kurt soldiers left.

“…After all that, they didn’t say anything concrete.”(Els soldier)

“That’s right…”(Ys soldier)

They didn’t hear what they wanted to hear, instead they were told some unbelievable story and thus, they continued their march frustrated.

However, their frustratedly relaxed march would come to and end by the hordes of demons appearing upon entering the demon territory.

Similar to Darm and Earlshyde, Kurt and their allies were quickly thrown into battle.

And what will show up when a lot of soldiers and demons gather? Even on this battlefield…

“It- I-i-i-it’s a tiger! A tiger appeared!”(Lookout)

“Aaah! It’s a disaster cla.s.s! It’s the first time I see one!”(Els soldier)

“Ah, a disaster cla.s.s… How ominous…”(Ys soldier)

The duo that was talking so lively just a second ago, unconsciously froze up when a disaster cla.s.s appeared.

Magical power uncomparable to small and medium sized demons.

Even now, in Els and Ys disaster cla.s.s demons are rarely seen because their borders don’t touch the demon territory.

And this happened just after stepping into the demon territory.

“Even for an animal a tiger is dangerous, but when it transforms into a demon it…”

“This… can we even subjugate it?”(Els soldier)

The two of them can’t stop trembling in front of the first disaster cla.s.s they ever saw.

Can that even be defeated in the first place?

The desperation of witnessing power of the demonized tiger made doubt cross their minds.


“Oh. There’s also a tiger. Once in a while another one of them shows up.”(August)

“You Highness, that’s indiscreet. From the viewpoint of a common soldier, even a tiger is strong enough to make you feel despair.”(Thor)

“Thor, your words are rather brusque.”(Julius)

Three people appeared out of place in the air dominated by fear and tension.

The crown prince of Earlshyde Augusto and his escort… Thor and Julius walked alongside him.

“If you continue like this you’ll probably get a t.i.tle like s.h.i.+n. Something like “Tiger Hunting Prince”.”(Thor)

“Have you noticed his highness is only hunting tigers recently?”(Julius)

“Because he’s the tiger hunting prince, isn’t he?”(Thor)

You can hardly call that a conversation between a crown prince of a kingdom and his escort.

The giant boy was teasing the prince.

And the small boy burst out laughing.

“W-what are you doing at a time like this!?”(Els soldier)

“T-that’s right! That’s a disaster cla.s.s!”(Ys soldier)

“Hm? Why are you so high strung? Isn’t it just a tiger?”(August)

“Khh! Just a tiger!?”(Els soldier)

The stark contrast between the grim atmosphere of the soldiers and the nonchalant att.i.tude of August is gigantic to say the least.

“Your highness. I’m sorry but can I please ask this of you?”(Kurt soldier)

“Understood. You guys, withdraw. Though, I don’t think you’ll get caught up in it.”(August)

The prince who was asked by Kurt soldiers to subjugate the tiger demon, reacted as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

Els and Ys soldiers can’t believe their eyes.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! What kind of soldier sends the crown prince of another country to death so casually!?”(Els soldier)

“That’s right! Do you understand his majesty is the crown prince of Earlshyde!? His majesty is the next king you know!?”(Ys soldier)

“Huh? But his highness has no problems with it?”(Kurt soldier)

The Kurt soldier replies to Els and Ys soldiers as if they were talking nonsense.

Even here, the att.i.tude difference was incredible.

While the soldiers are bickering, August controls magic and prepares an enormous amount of magic power.

“Oi, get down.”(August)


The two that were kicking up a fuss just a second ago looked back to where August’s voice came from…

A lightning bolt so huge it obscure their entire field of vision fell down.


“Eyes! My eyes!”

If s.h.i.+n saw the soldiers covering their eyes while shouting those lines, he’d be overjoyed.

Their eyes are burning because they just saw a ma.s.sive lightning strike.

“You Highness! If you’re going to use lightning magic please says so! Several people are writhing in pain now!”(Thor)

“Hm? Didn’t I give a warning?”(Augusto)

“You did not!”(Thor)

Several people that saw the lightning bolt upclose are now covering their eyes.

It was likely they would be attacked by demons while in that state but that didn’t happen.


“Uuuu… Finally my vision is coming back… What! What is this!?”(Els soldier)

“Wh-wh-what is going on! What is this!?”(Ys soldier)

Those whose vision returned at last finally saw it.

A large number of demons were charred along with the demonized tiger in a single stroke.

“Mhm. The material… Completely useless.”(Thor)

“It’s good that s.h.i.+n isn’t here. He would definitely make fun of me.”(August)

“Because it’s scorched black.”(Thor)

Augusto is talking about the fact you can’t get any materials from disaster cla.s.s demons burnt to a crisp.

Fascinated by the power displayed, Kurt soldiers were stunned for a second before raising loud cheers.

Augusto, on the other hand… Els and Ys soldiers who saw the magic of the Ultimate Magicians for the first time were stunned, unable to believe their eyes.

“Don’t stand there shocked, snap out of it! There are still demons left over!”(Kurt Soldier)

Soldier who were scolded by the perpetrator August finally revitalized.

Then, a voice arose amidst the soldiers.

“Thunder G.o.d…”(Soldier)

A voice from somewhere bathes Augusto in cold sweat.

This is a bad sign.

He searched for the source of this remark and tried to silence it before it spreads further…

“Amazing! A single blow from the Thunder G.o.d!”(Soldier 2)

“Thunder G.o.d!”(Soldier 3)

“Thunder G.o.d!”(Soldier 3)

“No! Stop! Won’t you stop that!?”(August)

With that voice that spread out of nowhere, August was crowned the “Thunder G.o.d” in the blink of an eye.

“With this, I’m looking forward to tonight’s report.”(Thor)

“That’s right.”(Julius)

“Don’t mention it! Not a word about it got it!?”(August)

While watching August in a rare moment of fl.u.s.ter, Thor and Julius thought: “Doesn’t that sound familiar?”

We now turn to the location where Alice, Rin and Yuri were dispatched.

Alice was sent to a country that experienced many demon attacks and traumas aren’t uncommon, so the idea was for her break the gloomy atmosphere with her sunny disposition.

“I wanted to try it out because of s.h.i.+n’s latest magic.”(Alice)

“You leveled an entire area.”(Yuri)

“That was terrible…”(Rin)

Alice adds gestures to her explanation of s.h.i.+ns magic, which Rin calmly complements.

And Yuri, remembering that time let out a bored sigh.

While listening in on the conversation between Alice and Rin, Yuri acted with s.e.x appeal you wouldn’t expect of a 15 year old.

The trauma of Swedes soldiers seemed to be relieved considerably.

However, this place is the demon territory.

Had it not been for a demon attack, they might’ve been chatting forever.

Since it was within the strategy to suppress as many demons as possible in the demon territory, as soon as they attacked they were thoroughly subjugated.

No disaster cla.s.s demon appeared in front of the allied forces of Swede.

“Muuu~! There’s nothing to do!”(Alice)

“I wanna use magic, even if it’s only on medium or small ones.”(Rin)

“Let’s see… I’ll ask them.”(Yuri)

Alice and Rin want a turn.

Yuri asked the soldiers nearby if they could partic.i.p.ate in the subjugation.

“They agreed… There’s still a long way to go, so would you please?”(Yuri)

“Yippee! Let’s go! Rin!”(Alice)

“Way ahead of you.”(Rin)

“Aaah! That’s cheap! Wait!”(Alice)

“This isn’t a game, be careful… Oh dear~, they’re already gone.”(Yuri)

A disaster grade hasn’t shown up but Alice and Rin are permitted to partic.i.p.ate in the subjugation of demons so they rush out ignoring Yuri’s warning.

They didn’t get a turn yesterday nor today so their frustration built up.




They activate the jet boots and fly directly into the group of demons.

Before that they used two peoples worth of explosion magic to blow aways the demons and make footholds.

The two that descended back to back amidst that showed… Unparalleled magic.


Alice releases a ma.s.s of flame bullets into the demons in front of her.


A composite magic of water mixed with a small amount of soil to create a water cutter which is calmly swung to the other side.

The monsters that got hit by the flame bullets explodes one after another and the monsters that got hit by the water cutter that can easily cut through rocks were bisected.

“Ahn~. That’s terrible.”(Yuri)

Yuri took a magical tool out of her Different Dimension Storage and readies it while watching the situation.

“Everyone, I’ll join in as well.”(Yuri)

At first glance it just looks like a cane but it was enchanted under Melinda’s supervision.

Only s.h.i.+n can use kanji he uses for his enchantments.

Since it’s s.h.i.+n’s knowledge from his previous life, Yuri can’t understand or be taught how kaji represents multiple characters.

So she learned her technique from Melinda, the foremost expert on magic tool enchanting in the world.

Yuri herself made this tool by applying her teachings.

“Here I goy. Hii~yah!”(Yuri)

Countless wind blades emerged from the enchanted wand.

The released wind blades overwhelm the demons.

“Hey? Some of them slipped through.”(Yuri)

Apparently the power is incredible but it can’t be precisely controlled so some demons slipped through.

“Oooh~. I still have room to improve. Now then, this is next.”(Yuri)

Saying that she pulls out another cane.


With a voice that was quite mismatched, magic was released from the wand and the earth beneath her feet, formed into a bullet and flew with tremendous momentum into the leftover demons.

The demons are turned into swiss cheese in an instant.

Allied soldiers that were petrified by Yuri’s display finally snapped out of it.

“Don’t let them leave you behind! We can do it too!”(Commander)


“However! Don’t get caught up in the crossfire!”(Commander)


“Hmmm~? Wasn’t that a little mean~?”(Yuri)

Yuri expresses some dissatisfaction to the “don’t get caught in the crossfire” remark.

Eventually, Alice and Rin came back to Yuri from the middle of the demon pack half satisfied because a disaster cla.s.s hasn’t shown up.

“Welcome back.”(Yuri)

“I’m baaack!”(Alice)

“I’m back.”(Rin)

“Did you have enough fun?”(Yuri)

“Yup! We killed enough demons!”(Alice)

“We left some work for the soldiers too.”(Rin)

You would think they just wanted to let loose, but unexpectedly they took the soldiers into consideration.

The demons that remained as consideration were wiped out and the soldiers returned.

“Oh dear, you saved me.”(Commander)

“Nonono, think nothing of it~”(Yuri)

On the behalf of allied forces, the commander of swedes came up to Yuri.

“Even so. Did your magic power increase from when I last saw it?”(Commander)

“We trained as much as we could since then!”(Alice)

“We vomited blood.”(Rin)

“She’s lying~”(Yuri)

You could hear the pride in Alice’s words, but Rin talked about vomiting during magic training. The commander slightly backed up before he was calmed by Yuri’s words.

Alice seemed amused by the way commanders face changed colours before the commander asked what he was concerned about.

“There’s no doubt your magic is first cla.s.s, but you also used a magic tool this time. Was it made by the Magic King?”(Commander) (TN: I’m so slow I can’t blame you if you don’t remember s.h.i.+n had the t.i.tle of Magic King)

“No~? I’m the one that made it~”(Yuri)

“Huh? You made that young lady?”(Commander)

“Indeed~. I learned it all from master Melinda~”(Yuri)

“Hee! From the Guru!”(Commander)

“Master Melinda taught me personally because Walford’s magic tools are original and I can’t copy them because I don’t know what they mean.”(Yuri)

“I see. That means you are the official [Successor] of the Guru.”(Commander)

“Hah!? Something like that~”(Yuri)

Yuri didn’t seem that bothered the Swedes commander gave her a t.i.tle like “Successor of the Guru”.

Alice was watching the situation and expressed her dissatisfaction.

“It’s unfair if only Yuri gets one! Give me a t.i.tle too!”(Alice)


For a commander he gave of quite a gentle impression. That said, even if he was pressed at the drop of a hat he would strive to please.

He came up with various ideas while thinking of the previous battle…

“…Magical Girl of Annihilation… maybe?”(Commander)

The Swedes commander somehow squeezes that one out.

Alice and Yuri started trembling when they heard that.

Yuri to stop herself from laughing.

As for Alice…

“I-I-I want that t.i.tle so much!!”(Alice)

“I can be the Reckless Magical Girl.”(Rin)

The allied forces of Swedes seem to be doing just fine.

The trio of Tony, Mark and Olivia are dispatched to the forces allied with Karnan, which are organized slightly different from the others.

Because they’re joined by the shepherds.

Including young Tony, the troop is quite colorful but not as colorful as the shepherds.

Their only equipment is a shepherd’s cane and robes that makes them look slender, not unlike magicians however everything they do is far beyond the knights and soldier.

And then there’s one wearing a robe and a halberd radiating a sense of incongruity.

Never mind the Els and Ys soldiers, it seems like not ever their own countrymen know how to approach them.

“Wheeew. He took them all.”(Mark)

“Wheeew. He took them all.”(Mark)

“It had impact, don’t you think it was impressive?”(Olivia)

“I didn’t pay much attention to be honest.”(Tony)

Tony seems to be disappointed the shepherds are hogging all the limelight, but an ordinary town girl like Olivia was relieved.

“By the way Tony, which is your main focus? Magic or swordsmans.h.i.+p?”(Mark)

“Weeel, it would be swordsmans.h.i.+p. What about you Mark?”(Tony)

“I’m a magic main.”(Mark)

“Is that so?”(Tony)

“I’d like to use it together with a sword but I didn’t want to get in Tony’s way when he was practicing earlier.”(Mark)

“Huh, you have to protect Olivia?”(Tony)

“Well… I might’ve had to some time ago but now…”(Mark)

“What? Aren’t I just an ordinary town girl? Please protect me.”(Olivia)

“A woman that can annihilate a demon while casually chatting is most definitely not normal!”(Mark)

Mark spoke up to Olivia’s common remark.

Tony watched that interaction enviously.

“This is nice. You two are always together.”(Tony)

“T-That’s not true!”(Mark)

“What do you mean by that!?”(Olivia)

“Fufu, that’s right. When you get married it’s gonna be a house where magic flies.”(Tony)

“I see… I’d like you to stop saying what you imagined as reality…”(Olivia)


It’s hard to imagine, s.h.i.+n and Sicily having a fight, and in the case of August and Elizabeth, Elizabeth doesn’t know magic.

Only these two could have such a fun future.

“By the way, what kind of person is Tony’s girlfriend?”(Mark)

“Oh I’ve never heard of her.”(Olivia)

Having a boyfriend in the Ultimate Magicians would be quite the circ.u.mstances and while Thor and Julius are in an arranged marriage, the current relations.h.i.+ps started with love.

Incidentally, while Thor and Julius had their marriage arranged by their parents they seem to like each other well enough.

It’s hard to imagine how Julius’ family will look like but…

Meanwhile, August told Tony he needs to limit the number of his girlfriends and focus on one while they were learning gate.

Tony left a lot of girls crying.

Naturally, he was someone like that, but he said something unexpected.

“Yup. I haven’t said anything. I mean we only started dating recently.”(Tony)

“Huh? It’s not a girl following you around for a while?”(Olivia)

“After his highness told me to manage my relations.h.i.+ps it got me thinking. So I boldly asked out a girl that turned me down before.”(Tony)

“Turned you down before!?”(Olivia)

Olivia jumped up to that unexpected confession.“I confessed to her in second grade of middle school and got shot down. Because of that I started womanizing to console myself, but I started hating myself more and more…”(Tony)

It seems that Tony wasn’t able to forget his first crush.

When you think about it, s.h.i.+n and Sicily. Augusto and Elizabeth. And Mark and Olivia are quite lucky.

“Thus, I became a member of the Ultimate Magicians, got decorated with the special medal, and finally said told that girl I love only her.”(Tony)

“You’ve had it rough…”(Mark)

“And!? And!? What kind of girl is she!?”(Olivia)

One girl… Mark sympathises with Tony who must’ve been to quite a lot until he finally received a medal which made it all worth it.

Olivia seems more concerned about the partner than that.

“She’s currently attending the Academy of Law. When we were in middle school she was the cla.s.s president.”(Tony)

The other two cannot hide their surprise at that partner.

Speaking of the Academy of Law, it’s a school where the honor students from middle schools gather.

Moreover, if you were a cla.s.s representative in middle school you must’ve been a considerably honor student.

“…Does this mean you have nothing in common?”(Mark)

“It’s like a complete opposite of Tony…”(Olivia)

“You guys are saying some really heartless things so casually…”(Tony)

They were surprised when hearing about Tony’s girlfriend, but they both started grinning feeling a sense of superiority having heard that information first (looking forward to tonight’s meeting)

Something like this should’ve been left unsaid to people like those two.

“Demons appeared!!”(Lookout)

Whether the timing was good or bad, demons appeared.

“Ha, phew. I’m going outside. See what’s going on.”(Tony)

“Okie dokie!”(Olivia)


Galland of the shepherd, saw the trio as they exited the carriage.

“Oh. You’re here.”(Galland)

“Good work Galland. How big is it?”(Tony)

“Huh? It seems to still be growing. Even if I know the current number it won’t be much use will it?”(Galland)

“That’s true.”(Tony)

Even now, demons are gathering and increasing their numbers.

However, this army exceeds 10,000.

They will not fall so easily.

“Even so, with all these demons besieging the allied forces, is there even wild animals left in the demon territory?”(Tony)

“Maybe all the wild animals were demonized… No it can’t be.”(Galland)

Galland dismisses that possibility immediately.

However, considering the large number of demons gathering, it would be natural to come to that conclusion.

“Then you understand this large group… It’s unreasonable on the ecosystem!”(Galland)

As a person who works with living things, Galland cannot hide his disdain at this ecosystem where animals are turned into demons.

The trio unintentionally drew back seeing that anger.

“Men! Can you leave something that treats life in this way be!? The demonized animals are gone but we shall give them their last rites and restore the balance to the ecosystem!”(Galland)


In the Karnan Allied Forces army, the first to act was not a knight, soldier or a magician, but a shepherd.

Although they are certainly individually strong, shepherds ignored the routine preemptive strike of magicians and just rushed in.

Magicians might be perplexed but there aren’t that many shepherds present.

Shooting magic into places without shepherds signaled the knights and soldiers where to charge.

“Is it really ok to just sit back until a disaster cla.s.s shows up?”(Mark)

“I think it’s better we let them partic.i.p.ate as well.”(Tony)

“But if you do something that’s not in the strategy, everyone will get confused…”(Olivia)

Olivia’s concern is justified.

In a large scale military action it’s difficult to deal with irregularities.

Should one do anything other that what was planned beforehand? Will it even help?

Her worries soon became needless.

“W-What’s that!? There, a disaster cla.s.s demon appeared!”(Lookout)

Her worries soon became needless.

“W-What’s that!? There, a disaster cla.s.s demon appeared!”(Lookout)

A soldier on lookout raised his voice, but which disaster cla.s.s is it?

Tony takes a look.

“That? Am I seeing things?”(Tony)

“You’re not because I’m seeing it as well.”(Olivia)

“Can that become a disaster grade?”(Mark)

Three people saw a demon.

It was a supersized deer demon.

A deer is an animal that often demonizes into medium demons.

Demonization rarely doesn’t increase the size but arriving at a disaster grade is unheard of.

When wild animals demonize, they grow in size because their body composition changes and they gradually become much larger.

However it was believed there was a limit.

A deer was supposed to only grow up to large.

And what about this deer?

“…It’s larger than the academy building.”(Mark)

“Oi oi oi! How it get like that!?”(Galland)

While Mark seemed to somewhat lack tension, Galland who saw the disaster cla.s.s for the first time raised his voice.

Even the soldiers who saw a disaster before were speechless.

Incidentally, even if humans demonize, their size doesn’t change.

It cannot be said for certain because of how few examples of devils there are, but it’s thought that demonized humans remain the same size because they can wield the magic power.

The buck raised his horns the side of his body and roared.


The soldiers shrunk back from that sound.

In contrast to that, there was a person that jumped straight at the giant deer.

“Mark! Miss Olivia! Please help me! I will cut off his feet!”(Tony)


Mark and Olivia answer to Tony’s call.

“Wh-! Tony you’re unreasonable!”(Galland)

Because of the fact a demon beyond imagination showed up it would be impossible even for the Ultimate Magicians so Galland tried to stop Tony.

However, Tony already got between legs of the deer demon.


Galland thought Tony would be crushed so he unintentionally raised his voice but the deer’s face suddenly got blasted.

“Wow, that’s hard.”(Mark)

“Should I have put in more magic power?”(Olivia)

Because it’s the first time they encountered a demon of this scale, Mark and Olivia had to adjust to the change.

“This is good!”(Tony)

And Tony thrust at the deers feet while activating jet boots.

He jumped to around the knees.


Galland raised his voice again upon seeing a spectacle like that for the first time.


The knee is easily cut with the vibrating sword.

And magic is released into the wound.

Tony chose explosion magic.

Even if the surface is hard, the inside is not.

The vibration sword is not long enough to cut it all in one go but the explosion magic follow up succeeded in cutting of one leg.


Galland raises his voice to the severing of a demons leg that was thick as a tree.

Upon losing his leg, the deer demon slightly lost it’s balance but it managed to stabilize itself.

“Oh? It’s persistent.”(Tony)

While saying that, Tony cut of one of the hind legs in the same manner.

At the same time, Olivia’s magic hit it’s mark and the deer demon fell.

The demon fell down with such force of his ma.s.sive size, one would think it’s an earthquake.

“Yes. Come on.”(Tony)

Given the deer demon is now stuck on the ground, it made dealing with it much easier and Tony took it’s neck with the same vibration sword+explosion magic combo he used to take it down in the blink of an eye.

“Now, could you please?”(Tony)

“…Hua!? O-Oh! Everyone, clean up the rest!”(Galland)


For the time being, Tony’s job is done.

Galland yelled out to wipe out the remaining demons.

“No, that’s incredible. Because you’re called Magicians I thought you could only use magic, but you can use swords too?”(Galland)

“Yes, well.”(Tony)

After giving the order Galland spoke to Tony.

“Haa~, If you can use swords and magic, wouldn’t it be more fitting to call you a magic swordsman?”(Galland)

“Don’t just give me t.i.tle at your own convenience…”(Tony)

“Is that so? Well everyone will probably use without a care anyways. And so I will to!”(Galland)

“Yeah. See you later.”(Tony)

Tony left Galland with a strange t.i.tle and returned to Mark and Olivia.

He had a slightly difficult look on his face.

“You look tired. What’s wrong? Don’t you like the t.i.tle of magic swordsman?”(Mark)

“No, well… Though it’s embarra.s.sing, I don’t hate it.”(Tony)

“Well then, do you think it’s a misnomer?”(Olivia)

“Huh? No, it fits me perfectly.”(Tony)

“Well what is it then?”(Mark)

Suddenly it seems like there should be no dissatisfaction with the t.i.tle given and he himself feels like it suits him perfectly.

So the two wondered why does he have such a difficult face.

Tony starts speaking his thoughts to Mark’s question.

“No… Why did that deer grow as big as it did?”(Tony)

“Err… They can grow to be large. What is wrong with it?”(Olivia)

“As soon as we enter the demon territory a demon that was thought only to be able to grow up to large showed up as a disaster cla.s.s. Was it timed?”(Tony)

“Chance… You can’t mean…”(Olivia)

“Do you really think so?”(Mark)

Mark cannot find words to reply to Tony..

“Something is bothering me.”(Tony)

Mark and Olivia are watching the scene of soldiers cleaning up the demons with unease after hearing Tony’s words.

Chapter 77 noteless NOVEMBER 11, 2018 KAELPIE So I guess I m doing these monthly I was traveling again and figured it was gonna be fine if I have my laptop but I seriously miscalculated how much privacy I was gonna get. One more thing there is an LN ill.u.s.tration folder you can find through the ToC. I think I missed a few and I figure f.u.c.k this. Probably aybe I ll add them retroactively but just come to terms that I really can t be asked to find an ill.u.s.tration that might fit the chapter I m posting at the time. Kaelpie out. Good music G.o.dsmack Faceless Heavy Metal Every Fight. Every t.i.tle. Like the Earlsyhde army, each of the other armies invaded the demon territory. The allied forces, although not as organized as the Earlshyde army, Els and Ys were still able to prepare ten thousand troops. And the Ultimate Magicians dispatched members to each of the allied forces. Those of them who have seen the Ultimate Magicians in action like the soldiers of Kurt have absolute trust in them. Even those that haven t witnessed them with their own eyes, heard stories from Karnans shepherd. A shepherd which is touted as the strongest person in the country. Because of that blind praise, they set high expectations on them. However, their strength was an unknown for Els and Ys so they wondered how much they can trust them. Excuse me, do you have a minute Els soldier Yes What it is Ys soldier Around the time the world union forces of Kurt invaded the demon territory, an Els soldier dispatched here called out to a Ys soldier nearby. You, are you a Ys soldier Have you ever seen the Ultimate Magicians fight Els soldier No Unfortunately What about him over there Ys soldier I don t think anyone except a diplomat saw them, all the officers All I know it was amazingly amazing, that s how amazing they are. Els soldier Is that so Well since the Pope vouches for them, they must be strong but Ys soldier Just how strong are they That s the problem. Els soldier You don t need to worry so much. Kurt soldier Kurt soldiers were close to the place Els and Ys soldiers were talking. Well, have you seen those children fight Ys soldier Yes. With my own eyes. Kurt soldier Then just how strong are they Ys soldier How strong Weeell Kurt soldier Is it that tricky of a question Els soldier Kurt soldiers started looking uncomfortable which made Els and Ys soldiers concerned. No, it s not that at all just How should I put it, I understand how Els diplomat feels. Kurt soldier Understand how our diplomat feels Els soldier Yes. Incredible If I say only that Kurt soldier It is also the impression of an active soldier. Els and Ys soldiers tilt their head in confusion wonder what s all this about. I can t find words to properly describe killing a devil that is above disaster cla.s.s in an instant. Simply Incredible. Kurt soldier Wh, Killing a devil in an instant Els soldier And, and Above disaster cla.s.s Ys soldier They weren t even an opponent to them. Kurt soldier Are you serious Els soldier Is that true Ys soldier Els and Ys soldiers couldn t believe the words coming out of Kurt soldiers mouth. H however, wasn t his highness the crown prince was also dispatched As expected, it s just for show. Els soldier What are you talking about Kurt soldier Huh Els soldier His Highness Augusto is the second seat of the ultimate magicians, second only to s.h.i.+n Walford. Kurt soldier W What did you say Els soldier Wh , his Highness is Ys soldier The two of them can t hide their surprise to the nonchalant words of Kurt s soldier. To be fair, that would be the natural reaction. To hear that a crown prince is the number 2 in the worlds strongest corps. Well, when the battle starts you ll see it for yourselves. At that time I think you should judge for yourselves. Kurt soldier Saying that, the Kurt soldiers left. After all that, they didn t say anything concrete. Els soldier That s right Ys soldier They didn t hear what they wanted to hear, instead they were told some unbelievable story and thus, they continued their march frustrated. However, their frustratedly relaxed march would come to and end by the hordes of demons appearing upon entering the demon territory. Similar to Darm and Earlshyde, Kurt and their allies were quickly thrown into battle. And what will show up when a lot of soldiers and demons gather Even on this battlefield It I i i it s a tiger A tiger appeared Lookout Aaah It s a disaster cla.s.s It s the first time I see one Els soldier Ah, a disaster cla.s.s How ominous Ys soldier The duo that was talking so lively just a second ago, unconsciously froze up when a disaster cla.s.s appeared. Magical power uncomparable to small and medium sized demons. Even now, in Els and Ys disaster cla.s.s demons are rarely seen because their borders don t touch the demon territory. And this happened just after stepping into the demon territory. Even for an animal a tiger is dangerous, but when it transforms into a demon it This can we even subjugate it Els soldier The two of them can t stop trembling in front of the first disaster cla.s.s they ever saw. Can that even be defeated in the first place The desperation of witnessing power of the demonized tiger made doubt cross their minds. Then Oh. There s also a tiger. Once in a while another one of them shows up. August You Highness, that s indiscreet. From the viewpoint of a common soldier, even a tiger is strong enough to make you feel despair. Thor Thor, your words are rather brusque. Julius Three people appeared out of place in the air dominated by fear and tension. The crown prince of Earlshyde Augusto and his escort Thor and Julius walked alongside him. If you continue like this you ll probably get a t.i.tle like s.h.i.+n. Something like Tiger Hunting Prince . Thor Have you noticed his highness is only hunting tigers recently Julius Because he s the tiger hunting prince, isn t he Thor You can hardly call that a conversation between a crown prince of a kingdom and his escort. The giant boy was teasing the prince. And the small boy burst out laughing. W what are you doing at a time like this Els soldier T that s right That s a disaster cla.s.s Ys soldier Hm Why are you so high strung Isn t it just a tiger August Khh Just a tiger Els soldier The stark contrast between the grim atmosphere of the soldiers and the nonchalant att.i.tude of August is gigantic to say the least. Your highness. I m sorry but can I please ask this of you Kurt soldier Understood. You guys, withdraw. Though, I don t think you ll get caught up in it. August The prince who was asked by Kurt soldiers to subjugate the tiger demon, reacted as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world. Els and Ys soldiers can t believe their eyes. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d What kind of soldier sends the crown prince of another country to death so casually Els soldier That s right Do you understand his majesty is the crown prince of Earlshyde His majesty is the next king you know Ys soldier Huh But his highness has no problems with it Kurt soldier The Kurt soldier replies to Els and Ys soldiers as if they were talking nonsense. Even here, the att.i.tude difference was incredible. While the soldiers are bickering, August controls magic and prepares an enormous amount of magic power. Oi, get down. August Huh The two that were kicking up a fuss just a second ago looked back to where August s voice came from A lightning bolt so huge it obscure their entire field of vision fell down. GYAAAAAAAAH Eyes My eyes If s.h.i.+n saw the soldiers covering their eyes while shouting those lines, he d be overjoyed. Their eyes are burning because they just saw a ma.s.sive lightning strike. You Highness If you re going to use lightning magic please says so Several people are writhing in pain now Thor Hm Didn t I give a warning Augusto You did not Thor Several people that saw the lightning bolt upclose are now covering their eyes. It was likely they would be attacked by demons while in that state but that didn t happen. Because Uuuu Finally my vision is coming back What What is this Els soldier Wh wh what is going on What is this Ys soldier Those whose vision returned at last finally saw it. A large number of demons were charred along with the demonized tiger in a single stroke. Mhm. The material Completely useless. Thor It s good that s.h.i.+n isn t here. He would definitely make fun of me. August Because it s scorched black. Thor Augusto is talking about the fact you can t get any materials from disaster cla.s.s demons burnt to a crisp. Fascinated by the power displayed, Kurt soldiers were stunned for a second before raising loud cheers. Augusto, on the other hand Els and Ys soldiers who saw the magic of the Ultimate Magicians for the first time were stunned, unable to believe their eyes. Don t stand there shocked, snap out of it There are still demons left over Kurt Soldier Soldier who were scolded by the perpetrator August finally revitalized. Then, a voice arose amidst the soldiers. Thunder G.o.d Soldier A voice from somewhere bathes Augusto in cold sweat. This is a bad sign. He searched for the source of this remark and tried to silence it before it spreads further Amazing A single blow from the Thunder G.o.d Soldier 2 Thunder G.o.d Soldier 3 Thunder G.o.d Soldier 3 No Stop Won t you stop that August With that voice that spread out of nowhere, August was crowned the Thunder G.o.d in the blink of an eye. With this, I m looking forward to tonight s report. Thor That s right. Julius Don t mention it Not a word about it got it August While watching August in a rare moment of fl.u.s.ter, Thor and Julius thought Doesn t that sound familiar We now turn to the location where Alice, Rin and Yuri were dispatched. Alice was sent to a country that experienced many demon attacks and traumas aren t uncommon, so the idea was for her break the gloomy atmosphere with her sunny disposition. I wanted to try it out because of s.h.i.+n s latest magic. Alice You leveled an entire area. Yuri That was terrible Rin Alice adds gestures to her explanation of s.h.i.+ns magic, which Rin calmly complements. And Yuri, remembering that time let out a bored sigh. While listening in on the conversation between Alice and Rin, Yuri acted with s.e.x appeal you wouldn t expect of a 15 year old. The trauma of Swedes soldiers seemed to be relieved considerably. However, this place is the demon territory. Had it not been for a demon attack, they might ve been chatting forever. Since it was within the strategy to suppress as many demons as possible in the demon territory, as soon as they attacked they were thoroughly subjugated. No disaster cla.s.s demon appeared in front of the allied forces of Swede. Muuu There s nothing to do Alice I wanna use magic, even if it s only on medium or small ones. Rin Let s see I ll ask them. Yuri Alice and Rin want a turn. Yuri asked the soldiers nearby if they could partic.i.p.ate in the subjugation. They agreed There s still a long way to go, so would you please Yuri Yippee Let s go Rin Alice Way ahead of you. Rin Aaah That s cheap Wait Alice This isn t a game, be careful Oh dear , they re already gone. Yuri A disaster grade hasn t shown up but Alice and Rin are permitted to partic.i.p.ate in the subjugation of demons so they rush out ignoring Yuri s warning. They didn t get a turn yesterday nor today so their frustration built up. Uryaaa Alice Ha. Rin They activate the jet boots and fly directly into the group of demons. Before that they used two peoples worth of explosion magic to blow aways the demons and make footholds. The two that descended back to back amidst that showed Unparalleled magic. Haiyaaaaa Alice Alice releases a ma.s.s of flame bullets into the demons in front of her. Haa. Rin A composite magic of water mixed with a small amount of soil to create a water cutter which is calmly swung to the other side. The monsters that got hit by the flame bullets explodes one after another and the monsters that got hit by the water cutter that can easily cut through rocks were bisected. Ahn . That s terrible. Yuri Yuri took a magical tool out of her Different Dimension Storage and readies it while watching the situation. Everyone, I ll join in as well. Yuri At first glance it just looks like a cane but it was enchanted under Melinda s supervision. Only s.h.i.+n can use kanji he uses for his enchantments. Since it s s.h.i.+n s knowledge from his previous life, Yuri can t understand or be taught how kaji represents multiple characters. So she learned her technique from Melinda, the foremost expert on magic tool enchanting in the world. Yuri herself made this tool by applying her teachings. Here I goy. Hii yah Yuri Countless wind blades emerged from the enchanted wand. The released wind blades overwhelm the demons. Hey Some of them slipped through. Yuri Apparently the power is incredible but it can t be precisely controlled so some demons slipped through. Oooh . I still have room to improve. Now then, this is next. Yuri Saying that she pulls out another cane. Chuu Yuri With a voice that was quite mismatched, magic was released from the wand and the earth beneath her feet, formed into a bullet and flew with tremendous momentum into the leftover demons. The demons are turned into swiss cheese in an instant. Allied soldiers that were petrified by Yuri s display finally snapped out of it. Don t let them leave you behind We can do it too Commander OOOO However Don t get caught up in the crossfire Commander OOOOOOOOOO Hmmm Wasn t that a little mean Yuri Yuri expresses some dissatisfaction to the don t get caught in the crossfire remark. Eventually, Alice and Rin came back to Yuri from the middle of the demon pack half satisfied because a disaster cla.s.s hasn t shown up. Welcome back. Yuri I m baaack Alice I m back. Rin Did you have enough fun Yuri Yup We killed enough demons Alice We left some work for the soldiers too. Rin You would think they just wanted to let loose, but unexpectedly they took the soldiers into consideration. The demons that remained as consideration were wiped out and the soldiers returned. Oh dear, you saved me. Commander Nonono, think nothing of it Yuri On the behalf of allied forces, the commander of swedes came up to Yuri. Even so. Did your magic power increase from when I last saw it Commander We trained as much as we could since then Alice We vomited blood. Rin She s lying Yuri You could hear the pride in Alice s words, but Rin talked about vomiting during magic training. The commander slightly backed up before he was calmed by Yuri s words. Alice seemed amused by the way commanders face changed colours before the commander asked what he was concerned about. There s no doubt your magic is first cla.s.s, but you also used a magic tool this time. Was it made by the Magic King Commander TN I m so slow I can t blame you if you don t remember s.h.i.+n had the t.i.tle of Magic King No I m the one that made it Yuri Huh You made that young lady Commander Indeed . I learned it all from master Melinda Yuri Hee From the Guru Commander Master Melinda taught me personally because Walford s magic tools are original and I can t copy them because I don t know what they mean. Yuri I see. That means you are the official Successor of the Guru. Commander Hah Something like that Yuri Yuri didn t seem that bothered the Swedes commander gave her a t.i.tle like Successor of the Guru . Alice was watching the situation and expressed her dissatisfaction. It s unfair if only Yuri gets one Give me a t.i.tle too Alice Anything Rin For a commander he gave of quite a gentle impression. That said, even if he was pressed at the drop of a hat he would strive to please. He came up with various ideas while thinking of the previous battle Magical Girl of Annihilation maybe Commander The Swedes commander somehow squeezes that one out. Alice and Yuri started trembling when they heard that. Yuri to stop herself from laughing. As for Alice I I I want that t.i.tle so much Alice I can be the Reckless Magical Girl. Rin The allied forces of Swedes seem to be doing just fine. The trio of Tony, Mark and Olivia are dispatched to the forces allied with Karnan, which are organized slightly different from the others. Because they re joined by the shepherds. Including young Tony, the troop is quite colorful but not as colorful as the shepherds. Their only equipment is a shepherd s cane and robes that makes them look slender, not unlike magicians however everything they do is far beyond the knights and soldier. And then there s one wearing a robe and a halberd radiating a sense of incongruity. Never mind the Els and Ys soldiers, it seems like not ever their own countrymen know how to approach them. Wheeew. He took them all. Mark It had impact, don t you think it was impressive Olivia I didn t pay much attention to be honest. Tony Tony seems to be disappointed the shepherds are hogging all the limelight, but an ordinary town girl like Olivia was relieved. By the way Tony, which is your main focus Magic or swordsmans.h.i.+p Mark Weeel, it would be swordsmans.h.i.+p. What about you Mark Tony I m a magic main. Mark Is that so Tony I d like to use it together with a sword but I didn t want to get in Tony s way when he was practicing earlier. Mark Huh, you have to protect Olivia Tony Well I might ve had to some time ago but now Mark What Aren t I just an ordinary town girl Please protect me. Olivia A woman that can annihilate a demon while casually chatting is most definitely not normal Mark Mark spoke up to Olivia s common remark. Tony watched that interaction enviously. This is nice. You two are always together. Tony T That s not true Mark What do you mean by that Olivia Fufu, that s right. When you get married it s gonna be a house where magic flies. Tony I see I d like you to stop saying what you imagined as reality Olivia Fufu. Tony It s hard to imagine, s.h.i.+n and Sicily having a fight, and in the case of August and Elizabeth, Elizabeth doesn t know magic. Only these two could have such a fun future. By the way, what kind of person is Tony s girlfriend Mark Oh I ve never heard of her. Olivia Having a boyfriend in the Ultimate Magicians would be quite the circ.u.mstances and while Thor and Julius are in an arranged marriage, the current relations.h.i.+ps started with love. Incidentally, while Thor and Julius had their marriage arranged by their parents they seem to like each other well enough. It s hard to imagine how Julius family will look like but Meanwhile, August told Tony he needs to limit the number of his girlfriends and focus on one while they were learning gate. Tony left a lot of girls crying. Naturally, he was someone like that, but he said something unexpected. Yup. I haven t said anything. I mean we only started dating recently. Tony Huh It s not a girl following you around for a while Olivia After his highness told me to manage my relations.h.i.+ps it got me thinking. So I boldly asked out a girl that turned me down before. Tony Turned you down before Olivia Olivia jumped up to that unexpected confession. I confessed to her in second grade of middle school and got shot down. Because of that I started womanizing to console myself, but I started hating myself more and more Tony It seems that Tony wasn t able to forget his first crush. When you think about it, s.h.i.+n and Sicily. Augusto and Elizabeth. And Mark and Olivia are quite lucky. Thus, I became a member of the Ultimate Magicians, got decorated with the special medal, and finally said told that girl I love only her. Tony You ve had it rough Mark And And What kind of girl is she Olivia One girl Mark sympathises with Tony who must ve been to quite a lot until he finally received a medal which made it all worth it. Olivia seems more concerned about the partner than that. She s currently attending the Academy of Law. When we were in middle school she was the cla.s.s president. Tony The other two cannot hide their surprise at that partner. Speaking of the Academy of Law, it s a school where the honor students from middle schools gather. Moreover, if you were a cla.s.s representative in middle school you must ve been a considerably honor student. Does this mean you have nothing in common Mark It s like a complete opposite of Tony Olivia You guys are saying some really heartless things so casually Tony They were surprised when hearing about Tony s girlfriend, but they both started grinning feeling a sense of superiority having heard that information first looking forward to tonight s meeting Something like this should ve been left unsaid to people like those two. Demons appeared Lookout Whether the timing was good or bad, demons appeared. Ha, phew. I m going outside. See what s going on. Tony Okie dokie Olivia Alright Mark Galland of the shepherd, saw the trio as they exited the carriage. Oh. You re here. Galland Good work Galland. How big is it Tony Huh It seems to still be growing. Even if I know the current number it won t be much use will it Galland That s true. Tony Even now, demons are gathering and increasing their numbers. However, this army exceeds 10,000. They will not fall so easily. Even so, with all these demons besieging the allied forces, is there even wild animals left in the demon territory Tony Maybe all the wild animals were demonized No it can t be. Galland Galland dismisses that possibility immediately. However, considering the large number of demons gathering, it would be natural to come to that conclusion. Then you understand this large group It s unreasonable on the ecosystem Galland As a person who works with living things, Galland cannot hide his disdain at this ecosystem where animals are turned into demons. The trio unintentionally drew back seeing that anger. Men Can you leave something that treats life in this way be The demonized animals are gone but we shall give them their last rites and restore the balance to the ecosystem Galland OOOOOOO In the Karnan Allied Forces army, the first to act was not a knight, soldier or a magician, but a shepherd. Although they are certainly individually strong, shepherds ignored the routine preemptive strike of magicians and just rushed in. Magicians might be perplexed but there aren t that many shepherds present. Shooting magic into places without shepherds signaled the knights and soldiers where to charge. Is it really ok to just sit back until a disaster cla.s.s shows up Mark I think it s better we let them partic.i.p.ate as well. Tony But if you do something that s not in the strategy, everyone will get confused Olivia Olivia s concern is justified. In a large scale military action it s difficult to deal with irregularities. Should one do anything other that what was planned beforehand Will it even help Her worries soon became needless. W What s that There, a disaster cla.s.s demon appeared Lookout A soldier on lookout raised his voice, but which disaster cla.s.s is it Tony takes a look. That Am I seeing things Tony You re not because I m seeing it as well. Olivia Can that become a disaster grade Mark Three people saw a demon. It was a supersized deer demon. A deer is an animal that often demonizes into medium demons. Demonization rarely doesn t increase the size but arriving at a disaster grade is unheard of. When wild animals demonize, they grow in size because their body composition changes and they gradually become much larger. However it was believed there was a limit. A deer was supposed to only grow up to large. And what about this deer It s larger than the academy building. Mark Oi oi oi How it get like that Galland While Mark seemed to somewhat lack tension, Galland who saw the disaster cla.s.s for the first time raised his voice. Even the soldiers who saw a disaster before were speechless. Incidentally, even if humans demonize, their size doesn t change. It cannot be said for certain because of how few examples of devils there are, but it s thought that demonized humans remain the same size because they can wield the magic power. The buck raised his horns the side of his body and roared. b.u.mooooo The soldiers shrunk back from that sound. In contrast to that, there was a person that jumped straight at the giant deer. Mark Miss Olivia Please help me I will cut off his feet Tony Roger Mark and Olivia answer to Tony s call. Wh Tony you re unreasonable Galland Because of the fact a demon beyond imagination showed up it would be impossible even for the Ultimate Magicians so Galland tried to stop Tony. However, Tony already got between legs of the deer demon. Haaa Tony Galland thought Tony would be crushed so he unintentionally raised his voice but the deer s face suddenly got blasted. Wow, that s hard. Mark Should I have put in more magic power Olivia Because it s the first time they encountered a demon of this scale, Mark and Olivia had to adjust to the change. This is good Tony And Tony thrust at the deers feet while activating jet boots. He jumped to around the knees. What Galland Galland raised his voice again upon seeing a spectacle like that for the first time. Shaaa Tony The knee is easily cut with the vibrating sword. And magic is released into the wound. Tony chose explosion magic. Even if the surface is hard, the inside is not. The vibration sword is not long enough to cut it all in one go but the explosion magic follow up succeeded in cutting of one leg. Haaa Galland Galland raises his voice to the severing of a demons leg that was thick as a tree. Upon losing his leg, the deer demon slightly lost it s balance but it managed to stabilize itself. Oh It s persistent. Tony While saying that, Tony cut of one of the hind legs in the same manner. At the same time, Olivia s magic hit it s mark and the deer demon fell. The demon fell down with such force of his ma.s.sive size, one would think it s an earthquake. Yes. Come on. Tony Given the deer demon is now stuck on the ground, it made dealing with it much easier and Tony took it s neck with the same vibration sword explosion magic combo he used to take it down in the blink of an eye. Now, could you please Tony Hua O Oh Everyone, clean up the rest Galland OO For the time being, Tony s job is done. Galland yelled out to wipe out the remaining demons. No, that s incredible. Because you re called Magicians I thought you could only use magic, but you can use swords too Galland Yes, well. Tony After giving the order Galland spoke to Tony. Haa , If you can use swords and magic, wouldn t it be more fitting to call you a magic swordsman Galland Don t just give me t.i.tle at your own convenience Tony Is that so Well everyone will probably use without a care anyways. And so I will to Galland Yeah. See you later. Tony Tony left Galland with a strange t.i.tle and returned to Mark and Olivia. He had a slightly difficult look on his face. You look tired. What s wrong Don t you like the t.i.tle of magic swordsman Mark No, well Though it s embarra.s.sing, I don t hate it. Tony Well then, do you think it s a misnomer Olivia Huh No, it fits me perfectly. Tony Well what is it then Mark Suddenly it seems like there should be no dissatisfaction with the t.i.tle given and he himself feels like it suits him perfectly. So the two wondered why does he have such a difficult face. Tony starts speaking his thoughts to Mark s question. No Why did that deer grow as big as it did Tony Err They can grow to be large. What is wrong with it Olivia As soon as we enter the demon territory a demon that was thought only to be able to grow up to large showed up as a disaster cla.s.s. Was it timed Tony Chance You can t mean Olivia Do you really think so Mark Mark cannot find words to reply to Tony.. Something is bothering me. Tony Mark and Olivia are watching the scene of soldiers cleaning up the demons with unease after hearing Tony s words.

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